Radnor Township Commissioner Lisa Paolino has announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 17th Senatorial District now held by Sen. Connie Williams, who is not seeking re-election.
Paulino has to overcome several major hurdles to win the GOP nomination. In addition to the district being mostly in Montgomery County, she faces a two tough opponents, one of whom is better known to voters and the other of whom has built a large campaign war chest already.
The other announced Republican candidates for the 17th District seat are Montgomery County Sheriff John Durante, who is a proven vote-getter, and Lower Merion Commissioner Lance Rogers, an attorney who bragged in a recent press release that he's already raised $100,000 for the Senate race.
The 17th Senate District includes the Delaware County municipalities of Haverford and Radnor and the Montgomery County municipalities of Bridgeport, Conshohocken, East Norriton, Lower Merion, Narberth, Norristown, Plymouth, Upper Merion and West Conshohocken.
Paulino was the first woman in Radnor history elected to a full four-year term as Commissioner in 1999. She has served as vice president of the Board since 2003.
If elected to the state Senate, Paolino says she wants to send a clear and concise message to Harrisburg: "Lower our taxes, streamline our government, recruit employers for jobs in our area and preserve Open Space."
Given the makeup of the 17th District, Paolino said another key for her will be to help redevelop blighted neighborhoods, provide affordable housing and healthcare, assist area seniors, encourage excellence in education and improve the state's transportation systems.
Paolino says she has "consistently advocated transparent, open and participatory government with solid constituent services."
Paolino, a single mother of two grown children, is a graduate of Villanova University with more than 20 years of professional business experience, most recently as vice president of operations and marketing for Mace Securities.
Read more about Paulino in The Main Line Times.
State Rep. Daylin Leach, D-149th District, is planning to leave his House seat to run for William's Senate seat on the Democratic ticket.
who is this woman? never heard of her. never heard of the guy from richville you talked about either for that matter.
what does this woman really have to offer the swing and female vote? you posted the story on her, but hey you know what? there are loads of single moms in a low income areas who have raised kids on their own, suffered through a LOT with no one to help them. NO ONE. They have had to fight for the most basic things...while being a single mom is nothing to sneeze at, there are single moms and there are single moms. there are single moms who get money from family or former partners/husbands, and then there are the rest....if you have ever known any of the "rest", you would understand...
without the campaign hyperbole, can you as a good info resource do more detailed accountings of who ALL these candidates are...REALLY..
people read you because you provide info without spin - I am not trying to be disrespectful to ANY of these candidates, but honestly? I am not looking forward to this election season. National people are national people and maybe I am jaded or just world weary, but in the end, what will those big politicians ever do for me? I reply more on the state and local elections to hope for changes I can feel if that makes sense? But right now, all I see is stuff that campaigns generate that may or may not have reality behind it.
I find it very interesting that the Radnor Republicans are now endorsing the candidate after all her original announcement disavowed any support. Also there were claims of being a strong independent that didn't need party support. The news release from the Radnor Republicans repeats the claimed accomplishments (what hyperbole). The sound walls were announced withing weeks of the candidate being appointed to the Board. Credit to previous Commish and to Bill Adolph. The critical vote on the trail was before the candidate took office and during the trail referendum the candidate spoke against the trail at the polls. 50 acres of open space? Maybe one should review the purchases and you will be better able to determine the value of subject open space. Being one of three commissioners on the open space committee doesn't necessarily give full credit. This is somewhat reminiscent of Al Gore taking credit for the internet!
On another issue, Radnor has never considered itself to be part of Delco... guess this proves it (at least for the Committee).
Isn't this interesting? yes, the Radnor Republicans were quite slow to see the benefit of a trail, and that was well documented. It was only when it became good politically to accept it that the trail got done. They were true blue NIMBY for years, weren't they?
And honestly, what good will Radnor's endorsement do when Delaware County's website shows another as the endorsed Republican candidate? That they are a confused township? Come on, isn't this coming out of the same township that charged non residents for accidents for a while?
And if this candidate is so divinely Delco, why is her campaign office in Lower Merion? Surely there is office space available in Wayne?
And yes, reveiw the purchases - a lot are very strange small portions of land.
It is no secret that ALL politicians are guilty of spin, but wouldn't it be nice to see behind some of it at times? Kind of like there are two sides to every story and then there is the truth?
Whatever. Daylin Leach is probably laughing himself silly right now. The worst they can intimate about him is he used to have a blog that he didn't even start, right?
Do you work for Daylin Leach? Is that why you keep leaving that kind of comment?
I bet you're that guy from "Save Ardmore Coalition".
Is this the same Lisa Paolino who keeps using the name of the Save Ardmore Coalition in her press releases, even though the group wants nothing to do with her? Why yes it is!
I feel that her attempting to use the name of a civic group like the Save Ardmore Coalition's in this manner is both dishonest and unethical. Is this the kind of behavior that you endorse, Tony? Or do the ends justify the means here?
Wow... let's not pick on Tony. He's not the one performing stupid web tricks. Stupid web tricks come courtesy of a politician, yes? And during election season, who expects anything less? It's kind of like using the photos of firemen at a 9/11 ceremony in campaign literature, huh?
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