The newspaper says "A seemingly harmless bill in the California State Assembly -- mandating that "climate change" be among the science topics taught to all California public school students -- has ominous implications nationwide."
California has always been the start of most looney tune concepts, but how La La Land goes, so goes the rest of the country.
The newspaper points out that if California, which is the nation's largest purchaser of textbooks, forces publishers to include global warming as part of the science curriculum, children all over the U.S. will be force-fed the various myths and distortions of the Al Gore crowd.
"The climate change textbook curriculum could give the politically correct progressives that infest California state government the opportunity to indoctrinate America's public school students," the editorial states.
The global warming propaganda has already seeped into public schools across the country. I recently received a call from the mother of a student in the Owen J. Roberts School District in Chester County, Pa. Her 14-year-old son was forced to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" as part of his 9th Grade science class.
Since the Gore "mock-umentary" was too long to show in one class period, the students had to watch it over two days. The students were also forced to fill out a worksheet about all the "facts" they learned from Al Gore's film.
When the mom found out from her son about being forced to watch the film, she took him out of the class for the second half of the film. I applaud the mom for having the courage to stand up for her student.
Despite all the hoopla by the liberal media, Gore's film was discredited in a British court last year when a judge ruled that parts of the film exaggerated the global warming impact on the planet. The judge found nine factual errors (we call them lies in this country) spoken by Al Gore in the film. An expert witness testified during the trial that he uncovered 20 "inconvenient truths" in Gore's film.
Check out this post in the Daily Mail, "Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias." British schools must issue a warning before they show "An Inconvenient Truth" to students. No such warnings are required in the United States.
The liberal infiltration of public education has been well documented. It had been confined to political science and social studies class. Now the far left idealogues are taking over science classes.
"Given the political climate of the Left Coast, the biggest threat of such a curriculum is that liberals will turn young minds into mush," the editorial states. I couldn't agree more.
If you're a concerned parent, you have to fight for your child. Be prepared to confront your local school board if the members go off the deep end and force children to jump on the global warming bandwagon. (See the links on the left side of this blog to various sites that expose the climate change myths.)
Read the full editorial at The Tribune-Review Web site, http://www.pittsburghlive.com/
1 comment:
As long as they teach it from a scientific perspective, what's the problem? I would rather have kids learn this in a science class that that "intelligent design" trash. Besides, if global warming is a fraud, won't the students figure that out using science?
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