Hoeffel, with support of Jim Matthews, continues to stack the county payroll with political cronies.
The latest is Edward F. Cheri, last year's unsuccessful Democratic candidate for sheriff.
The Times-Herald in Norristown reports that the county salary board, under the chairmanship of Joe Hoeffel, voted Wednesday to hire Cheri as a deputy coroner at a yearly salary of $36,338 plus benefits.
Cheri is the second Democrat who lost a countywide election last year joining the county payroll in as many weeks, according to reporter Margaret Gibbons. On top of that, two Hoeffel campaign workers were hired for lucrative county jobs earlier this month.
The salary board vote was 4-1, with Republican Commissioners' Chairman James R. Matthews, Democratic Commissioner Joseph M. Hoeffel III, Democratic Controller Diane Morgan and Democratic Coroner Dr. Walter I. Hofman voting in favor of the hiring.
Republican Commissioner Bruce L. Castor Jr. cast the lone dissenting vote.
Morgan, who last year pledged to be an independent watchdog when she was campaigning for controller, maintained that her vote was not partisan, according to Gibbons.
Instead, Morgan said, Hofman had advised her that Cheri, with his background in law enforcement, was well qualified for the job.
(Since when does a deputy coroner need a background in law enforcement?)
Two weeks ago, the salary board signed off on the hiring of Kelbin Carolina as a senior accountant in the controller’s office at a yearly salary of $43,241 plus benefits, according to Gibbons.
Carolina, a Lower Providence Democratic committeeman, was the party's unsuccessful candidate for treasurer in 2006.
Castor also voted against the Carolina hiring.
It appears Bruce Castor is the only Montgomery County official looking out for the best interest of the taxpayers, whether they be Democrats or Republicans.
Keep up the good work. Let the sun shine in on the "Hoffel-Matthews" Administration.
oh come on, you expected something DIFFERENT from Hoeffel?
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