
Friday, June 20, 2008

David Brooks on 'The Two Obamas'

David Brooks, writing in The New York Times, says Barack Obama "is the most split-personality politician in the country today."

From Brooks' column:
This guy is the whole Chicago package: an idealistic, lakefront liberal fronting a sharp-elbowed machine operator... He speaks so calmly and polysyllabically that people fail to appreciate the Machiavellian ambition inside.

But he's been giving us an education, for anybody who cares to pay attention. Just try to imagine Mister Rogers playing the agent Ari in "Entourage" and it all falls into place.
Brooks also refers to Barack Obama as "Fast Eddie" in several places throughout the column. Those of us in Pennsylvania know that "Fast Eddie" is the popular nickname for Gov. Ed Rendell.

So what happens if Obama picks Rendell as his vice presidential running mate? Which one is the real "Fast Eddie"?

Read Brooks' full column by following the link below.

RNC: The Two Obamas

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