For $20, you can be part of a taxpayer movement designed to save every homeowner in Pennsylvania thousands of dollars in school property taxes. If you're retired or you can take the day off from work, what better way to spend the day than stand with fellow citizens to demand action on property taxes?
Bus transportation has been arranged by the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition to take residents to the Save Our Homes Rally at the State Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg on Monday, June 2. The rally starts at 11 AM.
This could be the last chance this year to get the Legislature to act on property tax reform.
From Pottstown Area:
Bus will be leaving from the Wal-Mart in the Pottstown Center on Shoemaker Road at 8:30 AM. Contact Gene Endress of the PCTA's Owen J. Roberts taxpayer group at gendre1@comcast.net You can also call Gene at 610-323-3914 or 610-698-0553 for reservations.
From Reading Area:
Bus will be leaving from the K-Mart at Rt. 222 and Rt. 724, Shillington, at 8:30 AM. Contact David Baldinger of the PTCC at taxrally@mail.com
From Lancaster County Area:
Bus for the Eastern Lancaster County/Western Chester County area will be leaving from the Christiana Fire House at 8:30 AM with a pickup stop in Lancaster city. Contact John McCartney of the PCTA's CLASTA group at johnjhere30@comcast.net
From York County Area:
Bus will leave from the Southeastern York County area (Delta, Fawn Grove, Peach Bottom) with a pickup stop near York City. Contact Margie Lavin of the PCTA's SETRC group at info@setrc.net or Warren Bulette of the PCTA's YCTC group at bulette@juno.com
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