
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Obama pleads ignorance

Sher Zieve, writing at The New Media, has a hard time buying what Sen. Barack Obama is selling about race and his ties to Pastor Jeremiah Wright:
"It is extremely hard – if not impossible – to believe that any Republican presidential candidates would get away with having been 20-year members of a racist, anti-Semitic, anti-USA and race-baiting church without the mainstream media destroying them. But, Barack Obama is a Democrat and the first black candidate for president of the United States. Therefore, telling the truth about him, if said truth might damage him, is verboten – or must at least be minimized."
Read the full column, "Does the 'Obama Ignorance Excuse' Pass the Smell Test?" at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The ultra left wing mainstream media has sided with Senator Barack Obama and his racist remark making Pastor. If it had been a Republican presidential candidate he would have been obliterated, mutilated, perforated and hung out to dry. Why is Obama made out a genuine friend for not throwing his Pastor under the bus. As far as I am concerned I will never vote for Senator Obama. He is full of contradictions and double standards just like our mainstream media.