I've also run a list of Southeastern Pennsylvania legislators who have not signed on as co-sponsors of HB 1275 despite promises to their constituents that they would make property tax reform a priority in Harrisburg.
It's easy to get lost on a list of several dozen lawmakers who are hiding under their desks when it comes to property tax relief. So this week, I will focus on individual lawmakers have have turned their backs on constituents.
A good example is Rep. David R. Kessler, D-130th Dist., who won the seat held for 20 years by Republican Dennis Leh by promising residents of Eastern Berks County that he would go to Harrisburg to fight for tax relief.
Kessler abandoned his promise the moment he got to the state Capitol. He sold out to corrupt leadership and has been one of the biggest disappointments so far in the freshman class of 2006.
If you're a member of the Daniel Boone Taxpayers Association or the Oley Concerned Citizens, or live in the following Berks County communities -- Amity, Colebrookdale, Douglass, Earl, Exeter (Districts 01, 03, 06 and 07), Oley, Pike, Rockland, Ruscombmanor and Union, Birdsboro, Boyertown, Fleetwood -- the No. 1 priority in 2008 should be to replace David Kessler with someone who will stand with taxpayers, not stab them in the back.
Tony, you're right on the money. Rep. Kessler promised property tax ELIMINATION and as soon as he was elected he abandoned the folks who believed his lies. Below is a quote taken direcrly from Rep. Kessler's campaign website:
"As a first step, we need to eliminate school property tax for homesteads, or sometimes called primary residences. Owners of businesses in the state, who reside here, will benefit as well. With the monies saved by the elimination of such taxes, Pennsylvanians will have more disposable income, a good portion of which will be spent on products and services offered by businesses."
That statement is about as definitive as any can be, yet Rep. Kessler has chosen to ignore this campaign promise so he can snuggle up to the Democratic leadership.
He has betrayed his constituents and needs to be replaced in 2008.
Kessler must go. He claims on his website and in person that he is for property tax elimination. That is a bunch of BULL. He supports HB1500 (Act 1 all over) - A tax shift that will not help eliminate property tax. Please everyone let him know he can not dodge this issue. Tell him to do his job and be a voice of the people. Tell him you will not vote for him if he does not get on board with House Bill 1275, the School Property Tax Elimination Act of 2007. By the way I tried submitting a comment on his website on 12/10 and it does not seem to be working. I sent a mail to the webmaster to see if it can be fixed. I also found this email address from google that may work: dave@kesslerforpa.com.
Kessler must go. He claims on his website and in person that he is for property tax elimination. That is a bunch of BULL. He supports HB1500 (Act 1 all over) - A tax shift that will not help eliminate property tax. Please everyone let him know he can not dodge this issue. Tell him to do his job and be a voice of the people. Tell him you will not vote for him if he does not get on board with House Bill 1275, the School Property Tax Elimination Act of 2007. By the way I tried submitting a comment on his website on 12/10 and it does not seem to be working. I sent a mail to the webmaster to see if it can be fixed. I also found this email address from google that may work: dave@kesslerforpa.com. I wish this blog appeared in the Reading Eagle and the Pottstown Mercury. I am afraid people are being snowed by this guy.
A lot of people didn't think Billy Reed was up to the job of a state legislator and voted for the city slicker, David Kessler. I'm betting those folks wish they could change their vote now that Kessler turned out to be a phony. At least Reed would have stuck his guns on property tax relief.
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