
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Tucker Carlson’s Warning to Australians | Melbourne, Australia Full Speech

Fighting the left's obsession with power

Fighting the left's obsession with power: Leftists is more adroit at manipulation; they’ve been doing it a lot longer.  After all, their political philosophy is one of destruction and control.  Just look at socialism or communism, whose principle characteristic is control.  That said, one can’t distinguish the good guys today by simple political affiliation.  There are far too many Rs who also seek power above all.

Any person who places power (control) above principle is going to fall into the same pit of evil.

The only protection against falling into this trap of worldly power is a higher principle, an ethos, something greater than us.

Trump’s Bold Border Vision Secures American Sovereignty and Our Economy

Trump’s Bold Border Vision Secures American Sovereignty and Our Economy: Border security stands at the forefront of America’s hot-button political issues. It represents not just a physical barrier, but a symbol of sovereignty, economic stability, and national security. Donald Trump, with the wind at his back following Joe Biden’s ruinous debate performance, staunchly advocates for securing the southern border of the United States. The former president presents a compelling case that resonates with both the working class and the business community alike.

During his administration, Trump oversaw the construction of over 400 miles of what is arguably the world’s most robust and advanced border wall. This initiative was not merely a physical structure but a strategic investment in national security and economic fortification. The implementation of such a monumental project yielded significant results, with illegal crossings plummeting by over 87% in areas where the wall was completed.

What is wrong with Biden – Jill Biden, that is?

What is wrong with Biden – Jill Biden, that is?: For generations, women whose husbands were sick have plied them with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief, kept them away from people and people away from them, and even tried folk remedies, for instance smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of their feet (before putting socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.

In other words, they did everything possible to protect their husbands from harm or hurt to help heal them.

No doubt, that was Jill Biden's intention when she married the senator from Delaware in 1977, and raised not only the daughter they had together, but his young sons, Beau and Hunter, after the senator's first wife and baby daughter were killed in a horrific car accident in 1972.

As the years elapsed, Senator Biden became Vice President Biden – for eight years – and the power couple Jill and Joe gained worldwide fame and huge wealth.

Host’s Head Explodes When Javier Milei Says What No Other Politician Will Admit

Joe Biden Makes A Wish


The never-ending witch hunt against Trump

The never-ending witch hunt against Trump: As the legal saga surrounding former President Donald Trump trudges on, the Supreme Court’s recent decision affirming some level of presidential immunity for official acts is a refreshing moment of sanity in an otherwise farcical series of political attacks. Despite clear efforts by the left to weaponize the legal system, this ruling stands as a potential shield for Trump, highlighting the desperate lengths to which his opponents will go to keep him from the political arena.

In what can only be described as a much-needed dose of reality, the Supreme Court recognized the difference between official acts deserving of some immunity and private conduct, which remains subject to legal scrutiny. This nuanced decision throws a wrench into the plans of those who hoped to see Trump bogged down in endless legal battles, particularly for actions that any reasonable person would consider part of his duties as president.

The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel Agencies

The Communist Plan That Has Subverted Our Intel Agencies: On June 21, the FBI declassified a 1999 video of Saudi intelligence agent Omar al-Bayoumi casing the Capitol and other Washington D.C. sites for the 9/11 attack.  How, then, did the CIA-FBI 9/11 report conclude in 2005 that Saudi Arabia was not involved in the attack?  And why did the FBI maintain — for 20 years, before its recent retraction — that al-Bayoumi wasn’t a Saudi agent?

Such willful deception, practiced increasingly by American intelligence, is the subject of former CIA agent J. Michael Waller’s new book Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains.  The dramatic writing and detailing, backed by the author’s experience in espionage — in Central America and the U.S.S.R., and against jihadist conspiracies — make it a page-turner.  In 37 chapters, plus additional sections and a reading list, it presents an alarming history of how a century-old Marxist campaign has succeeded in ideologically subverting America and its intel agencies.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Stunning Video: Media Echoed ALL THE SAME LIES To Boost Biden!

Victor Davis Hanson: The Lies We Have Lived Through

The Lies We Have Lived Through: After last Thursday’s debate, Biden himself laid to rest the Democratic lie that he was robust and in control of his faculties. In truth, he demonstrated to the nation that he is a sad, failing octogenarian who could not perform any job in America other than apparently the easy task of President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief in charge of our nuclear codes.

HuffPost Reported to FBI for 'The Most Dangerous Headline in American History' After Supreme Court Ruling

HuffPost Reported to FBI for 'The Most Dangerous Headline in American History' After Supreme Court Ruling: Like addicts who crave stronger drugs, the establishment media satiates its Trump-hating appetites with ever-escalating violent rhetoric.

The Vultures Are Circling The White House


Dem dishonesty is a reminder that Biden was the ‘installed’ party candidate in 2020.

Dem dishonesty is a reminder that Biden was the ‘installed’ party candidate in 2020.: We have known for years that Joseph Robinette Biden has become a modern Walter Mitty, with made-up stories and deep fantasies that raise serious questions about both his character and mental health. What is fascinating is that after “hidin’ Biden” for most of his “presidency,” we have finally reached the point where even the Democrat party’s propaganda arm, the US “mainstream media,” is no longer confident that even its best efforts at gaslighting the American voters can get it past the trainwreck of last Thursday’s debate. These are the same diabolical propagandists who continue to lecture us about “democracy being at stake.”
Rep. Lloyd Doggett is the first Democrat to publicly call for Biden to step down as party's nominee

According to Democrats, Biden has immunity to kill Trump and conservative Supreme Court justices

According to Democrats, Biden has immunity to kill Trump and conservative Supreme Court justices: Yesterday, the Supreme Court came out with a logical opinion that follows centuries of American jurisprudence: A president has complete immunity when he acts within the scope of his express and implied constitutional powers. Within hours, the Democrats were saying that Biden now has absolute immunity to kill his political rivals, from Trump to the conservative justices on the Supreme Court. I want to say that these are not serious people, but they are—they’re dead serious.

How Trump Derangement Syndrome Destroyed the Democrats

How TDS Destroyed the Democrats: These are troubled days for Democrats, with a disastrous debate on Thursday, some adverse court rulings on Friday, and now an immunity ruling that did not go their way at all. So this might be a good time to consider how they got into such a mess. I would say it all began with Hillary Clinton and Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

In 2016, Democrats were extremely confident that Hillary would demolish Trump in the presidential election. When she didn’t, the shock was huge, and many Democrats instantly lost their minds.

Monday, July 01, 2024

MSNBC changes its tune on Joe Biden following ‘trainwreck’ presidential debate

Lowman S. Henry: PA House Democrats are Shapiro's Achilles heel

The sun dawned over Pennsylvania on the first day of July to find state government once again without a budget. It is the pre-eminent state constitutional requirement for the legislature to pass and the governor to sign a new budget by June 30th.

For the second time in his two years in office, Gov. Josh Shapiro has signed no budget by the constitutional deadline. To be fair he cannot sign legislation that has not been passed by the legislature and sent to his desk. But, for a governor who claims to “get s--- done” his hands-off approach to budget negotiations is puzzling.

Perhaps he is gun shy after last year blowing up a budget deal he made with the Republican-controlled state Senate and triggering a months-long stalemate. Shapiro frequently mentions that he is the only governor in the country to govern with a divided legislature. (Republicans control the state Senate, and Democrats have a one-seat majority in the state House.)

That should be seen as an opportunity to exercise executive leadership rather than be used as an excuse for failure. Instead, Shapiro spent considerable time last month RVing across the state to promote his new tourism slogan thus absenting himself from the Capitol.

All of this became significantly more important last week following President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance. The president’s condition was so shocking even far-Left pundits were calling for replacing him on the ticket when Democrats meet for their nominating convention next month.

That of course raises the question of if not Biden, then who? Vice President Kamala Harris has approval ratings even lower than those of the president. Her giggling, unserious demeanor reflects the fact she was placed on the ticket solely as a sacrifice to the identity politics gods at whose feet the Left worships. She cannot win in November either, so the backroom Democratic power brokers who will select a replacement will be looking elsewhere.

Which brings us back to Josh Shapiro. He is nothing if not ambitious and his desire to run for president has been thinly veiled. The Democrat Party bench is even thinner, so being governor of a critical battleground state makes Shapiro a contender for either the presidential or the vice presidential nomination.

But how do you run for president when you can’t even get a state budget done on time? Last year’s budget fiasco was his own fault for breaking a deal with Senate Republicans to fund a very small Lifeline Scholarship program to give students in the state’s most underperforming schools other education options.

Here is Shapiro’s real problem: state House Democrats. As mentioned, Democrats hold a razor-thin, one-seat majority in the lower chamber. With most of their members representing urban districts, the Democrat caucus has tilted far Left. And they have used that position to pass a steady stream of messaging bills that stand no chance of being considered in the Senate.

Shapiro broke his word on last year’s budget deal because House Majority Leader Matt Bradford refused to bring the budget to the floor for a vote unless the governor agreed to line-item veto funding for the Lifeline Scholarship program. Bradford is controlled by powerful state teacher unions who would rather trap minority students in failing schools than give those kids an opportunity for success.

This year funding for education is again the main sticking point. Democrats, including Shapiro, want to pour billions more into government schools with no accountability for outcomes while refusing to allocate even a modest amount of funding to give students other options.

State coffers are flush with a $14 billion surplus, so Shapiro and House Democrats are pushing for massive increases in state spending — without addressing how those higher levels of spending will be sustained when the surplus is gone. The Senate took a different approach passing a reduction in the state’s personal income tax to give taxpayers suffering the effect of over 20% cumulative inflation the past three years some relief.

Bradford and House Democrats remain the stumbling block. If the Lifeline Scholarship program and/or the proposed reduction in state tax rates were brought to the floor for a vote they would pass with bi-partisan support clearing the way for passage of the budget.

As the leader of his party, it is Shapiro’s job to get a budget deal done. He has not. His failure to curb the extremism of state House Democrats is the main reason why. And that is a speedbump, if not a roadblock, on his quest for national office.

Lowman S. Henry is chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly American Radio Journal and Lincoln Radio Journal. His e-mail address is

On Second Thought ...


Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter

Barack Obama and the Stupidity of the American Voter: Fundamentally transforming a country ain’t easy.

Just ask Barry O., who’s been running the show for twelve consecutive years now, yet has still not fully succeeded in turning America into a third world s-hole.

Obama’s made some strides in taking down the country he and his wife so fervently despise, but there’s still more work to be done.

How does Barry do it, you ask?

That’s simple.  As one of his lackeys, Jonathan Gruber (no relation to Hans), put it while discussing the passage of Obamacare, Barry relies on “the stupidity of the American voter.”

And based on much of the commentary after the recent presidential debate, the mainstream media also count on the ignorance of the average citizen.

The Supreme Court’s decision about presidential immunity is good and good for Trump

The Supreme Court’s decision about presidential immunity is good and good for Trump: I’ve now read the decision in Trump v. United States, admittedly not deeply but superficially enough to grasp the main points. Therefore, I feel safe saying that the decision on presidential immunity is entirely appropriate and consistent with the Constitution, precedence, and logic. I can also say that the dissents are a joy if you like reading things that are unhinged, paranoid, and poorly reasoned, even within the four corners of their ideological and mental universes. consistent with ...

Biden, Age, and Elder Abuse

Biden, Age, and Elder Abuse: Elder abuse plagues 1 of 6 people 60 years of age and older, according to the World Health Organization.

It’s nice to see the WHO looking at real public health issues rather than pushing a “pandemic treaty” that would de facto make them king of the world.

The WHO definition of elder abuse includes “single or repeated acts causing harm or distress to an older person.” This includes “psychological and emotional abuse and serious loss of dignity and respect.”

Anyone watching the Joe Biden presidency, especially recently, culminating in his embarrassing performance in the June 27 debate against Donald Trump cannot conclude that this was anything other than elder abuse.