It's a good thing I don't watch looney liberal David Letterman or I might have lost my lunch when Michelle Obama joked she might succeed her husband in the White House. That's not funny.
Michelle Obama Jokes About Running for President | The Weekly Standard
Thursday, April 30, 2015
State Department allowing Clinton Foundation to approve emails for release
The cover-up continues with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Obama Regime.
State Department allowing Clinton Foundation to approve emails for release |
State Department allowing Clinton Foundation to approve emails for release |
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
7th Pa. Newspaper Calls on Embattled PA AG Kathleen Kane to Resign
Kathleen Kane's hometown newspaper is the latest - and by my count the seventh Pennsylvania newspaper - demanding Pennsylvania's embattled attorney general resign.
From the editorial page of the Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice:
Kane ineptly has maneuvered herself into a dismal place where her only remaining defense is incompetence. And that place has a single viable exit — resignation.The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, the Harrisburg Patriot News, the Express-Times of Easton and the Scranton Times-Tribune have all called on Kane to resign, citing a grand jury recommendation she be charged with perjury and a variety of scandals that have beset her tenure since the Democrat took office in January 2013.
That list includes the state's leading conservative newspaper (the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) and the state's biggest and most liberal newspaper, The Philadelphia Inquirer. The influential Harrisburg Patriot News and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, two very liberal newspapers that endorsed Kane in 2012, also want her to step down immediately.
Read the full Citizens' Voice editorial at the link below:
Kane should resign as AG - Opinion - Citizens' Voice
Thousands of Lois Lerner's Emails Recovered
Now we can turn our attention to those missing Hillary Clinton emails.
Thousands of Lois Lerner's Emails Recovered | Truth Revolt
Thousands of Lois Lerner's Emails Recovered | Truth Revolt
Distracted driving arrests rise throughout Pennsylvania
Disturbing news from reporter Melissa Daniels:
Police are catching more drivers red-handed three years after the state banned texting while driving.
Distracted driving arrests rise throughout PennsylvaniaThe Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts reported 1,410 drivers cited for texting while driving in 2014, up from 1,340 in 2013 and 1,190 in 2012, when the law went into effect.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Newspaper: PA AG Kathleen Kane Must Resign
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review: It's difficult to see how Kathleen Kane can credibly remain as Pennsylvania's chief law-enforcement officer.
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Editorial: The Kane dilemma
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Editorial: The Kane dilemma
1,275,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 1,275,000 Page Views from 532,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Why conservatives have more empathy than liberals
I've always said the world would be better off with more conservatives. A new study backs me up.
Why conservatives have more empathy than liberals |
Why conservatives have more empathy than liberals |
Grand jury: PA AG Kathleen Kane orchestrated leak and cover-up
At least 5 Pennsylvania newspapers, including two of the state's largest liberal newspapers in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, have already called on embattled Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign. The unsealing of a scathing grand jury report will only add fuel to the fire.
Grand jury: Kane orchestrated leak and cover-up
Grand jury: Kane orchestrated leak and cover-up
Study: Majority of Americans prefer gun rights over expanded gun control
Sorry left-wing gun-control advocates like Hillary Clinton. The majority of Americans believe strongly in the Second Amendment.
From a story in the Times-Leader newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., about gun ownership trends in the Keystone State:
From a story in the Times-Leader newspaper in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., about gun ownership trends in the Keystone State:
State data showing rapidly increased gun sales indicate that Pennsylvanians, who have long had a tradition of sports firearms, are increasingly acquiring handguns, the type of weapon traditionally associated with self-protection. Handgun sales increased by 171 percent between 2001 and 2013, according to data from state police.Study: Majority of Americans prefer gun rights over expanded gun control - Times Leader -
Total gun sales and transfers peaked in 2012 at 1,214,929, or about 10 per 100 people. In 2013, the number of sales and transfers in the state dropped to 808,507.
Statewide, concealed-carry permits increased by 166 percent in the same time period while sportsman’s firearms permits, which allow individuals 18 and older to carry a handgun for the purpose of hunting, fur taking, fishing or training hunting dogs in conjunction with the proper license but do not allow concealed carry, decreased by nearly 53 percent.
George W. Slams Obama's Foreign Policy
Bush sat back for seven years and held his tongue as Obama lamed him for
everything under the sun, but it appears W will not remain silent
George W. Slams Obama's Foreign Policy | Truth Revolt
everything under the sun, but it appears W will not remain silent
George W. Slams Obama's Foreign Policy | Truth Revolt
NBC News: Brian Williams 'Embellished' 11 Times
Thank God it wasn't 12 times. That would really harm Brian Williams' credibility as a newsman.
NBC News: Brian Williams 'Embellished' 11 Times | Truth Revolt
NBC News: Brian Williams 'Embellished' 11 Times | Truth Revolt
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Report: All Pennsylvanians to pay more under Wolf's tax plan
Pennsylvania's Independent Fiscal Office has issued a report on Gov. Tom Wolf's proposed tax hikes and it turns out Wolf was lying when he promised to raise taxes only for high-income residents. Everyone in Pennsylvania will pay more if Wolf gets his way.
All Pennsylvanians to pay more, GOP gleans from report on Wolf's tax plan
All Pennsylvanians to pay more, GOP gleans from report on Wolf's tax plan
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Low-rated MSNBC's Future In Doubt After Failed Comcast Merger
Where will America's biggest tax-cheats find work if MSNBC goes off the air? Will the dozens of viewers notice when the network goes dark?
MSNBC's Future In Doubt After Failed Comcast Merger
MSNBC's Future In Doubt After Failed Comcast Merger
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The 10 Republicans who voted for Loretta Lynch
The US Senate voted 56–43 today to confirm Obama's radical nominee for attorney general, approving Loretta Lynch with help of the following 10 RINOs: Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
Every Democrat voted lockstep for Lynch's confirmation, which was expected, but she never would have been confirmed had the Republican majority not caved. I guess the 10 RINOs who supported Lynch forgot about last November's voter repudiation of Barack Obama and his failed policies,
Americans gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress to stop the Obama agenda, not to help him continue his assault on the Constitution.
Every Democrat voted lockstep for Lynch's confirmation, which was expected, but she never would have been confirmed had the Republican majority not caved. I guess the 10 RINOs who supported Lynch forgot about last November's voter repudiation of Barack Obama and his failed policies,
Americans gave Republicans control of both houses of Congress to stop the Obama agenda, not to help him continue his assault on the Constitution.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Another scandal involving PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane?
Another scandal involving Democratic Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane? Honestly, I've lost count. And this one may also involve Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf.
PCC unions question change on carpenters, Teamsters
PCC unions question change on carpenters, Teamsters
How the Broadcast Networks Have Deleted Hillary's Email Scandal
You would expect nothing less from the corrupt liberal media.
STUDY: How the Broadcast Networks Have Deleted Hillary's E-Mail Scandal
STUDY: How the Broadcast Networks Have Deleted Hillary's E-Mail Scandal
Another MSNBC Host Owes $60,000 In Unpaid Taxes
What is it about liberals and paying taxes? You would think they would be first in line to give the government more money since they worship at the altar of government. But no, liberals don't think they should pay their share of taxes.
MSNBC’s Touré Allegedly Owes Nearly $60,000 In Unpaid Taxes
MSNBC’s Touré Allegedly Owes Nearly $60,000 In Unpaid Taxes
ABC reporter violates Obama edict: Utters 'Islamic Violent Extremism' during broadcast
Terry Moran won't be getting any White House invitations. He dared to utter the words 'Islamic Violent Extremism' despite Obama's explicit orders never to use those words.
ABC's Moran: 'Virus of Islamic Violent Extremism' Infecting Europe
ABC's Moran: 'Virus of Islamic Violent Extremism' Infecting Europe
Sen. Toomey to vote against Loretta Lynch confirmation
Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, a first-term Republican, has announced he will vote against the nomination of Loretta Lynch, President Obama's controversial pick for attorney general to replace the even more controversial Eric Holder.
The Senate is expected to vote on Lynch on Thursday.
During testimony before the Senate and in public comments, Lynch has displayed an unwillingness to show independence on most of Obama's controversial issues such as immigration, domestic spying, gun control and the need to investigate a variety of scandals that have plagued the Obama administration.
Just like Holder, Lynch will be an enabler of Obama's unconstitutional actions.
Pennsylvania's other US senator, Bob Casey Jr., a Democrat who rubber-stamps the Obama agenda, is expected to toe the party line and vote to confirm Lynch.
Toomey sent a fund-raising appeal out today that included the following message about Lynch:
The Senate is expected to vote on Lynch on Thursday.
During testimony before the Senate and in public comments, Lynch has displayed an unwillingness to show independence on most of Obama's controversial issues such as immigration, domestic spying, gun control and the need to investigate a variety of scandals that have plagued the Obama administration.
Just like Holder, Lynch will be an enabler of Obama's unconstitutional actions.
Pennsylvania's other US senator, Bob Casey Jr., a Democrat who rubber-stamps the Obama agenda, is expected to toe the party line and vote to confirm Lynch.
Toomey sent a fund-raising appeal out today that included the following message about Lynch:
"Tomorrow, I will vote to oppose Loretta Lynch's confirmation as Attorney General of the United States. Due to concerns about whether she would uphold the rule of law and defend the Constitution in the face of President Obama's executive actions, she will not be receiving my support.
The United States Senate must not confirm Loretta Lynch as our next Attorney General."
1,265,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 1,265,000 Page Views from 530,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out my blog ... and come back again.
Embattled PA AG Kane to hire former Rendell press secretary
I'm sure hiring another PR flak will make all of Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane's troubles go away.
Embattled AG Kane to hire former Rendell press secretary
Embattled AG Kane to hire former Rendell press secretary
Experts say Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane dug her own hole
Democratic Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane apparently never heard of the first law of holes: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
I especially like this comment in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter Brad Bumsted's latest article on Kane's swirling legal and ethical problems:
"As is often the case with elected officials that find themselves in legal trouble, Kane appears to have taken a bad situation and made it worse," said Christopher Borick, a political science professor at Muhlenberg College in Allentown.
Experts say Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane dug her own hole
I especially like this comment in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter Brad Bumsted's latest article on Kane's swirling legal and ethical problems:
"As is often the case with elected officials that find themselves in legal trouble, Kane appears to have taken a bad situation and made it worse," said Christopher Borick, a political science professor at Muhlenberg College in Allentown.
Experts say Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane dug her own hole
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Benefit concert in Reading, Pa., will raise money for 9/11 shrine
A Reading, Pa., church group is sponsoring a benefit concert to help rebuild the only house of worship destroyed by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center.
A massive fundraising campaign is underway among Greek Orthodox churches and other organizations to raise the $38 million needed for the St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero.
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lower Manhattan was demolished when taller buildings around it collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. After more than a decade of wrangling with government agencies, church officials finally
received approval to rebuild what will now be known as the St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero, scheduled to open in 2016.
The women’s auxiliary of a Berks County church is doing its part to help raise money by sponsoring a concert featuring two well-known classical artists — pianist Maria Asteriadou and violinist Kurt Nikkanen. The husband-and-wife performers are internationally known musicians who are donating their time and talent to raise money for the project.
The concert is scheduled for Sunday, April 26, at 3 p.m. at the Miller Center for the Arts on the campus of Reading Area Community College, 4 N. Second St., Reading.
The benefit concert is sponsored by the St. Xenia Philoptochos Society, a women’s organization at Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Reading.
"Once rebuilt, it will function again as a Greek Orthodox church, but on a larger scale it will also serve as a national shrine, a welcoming haven for millions of people of all faiths who will visit the sacred site and pause for a moment of prayer or silent reflection," said Despina Denne, president of the St. Xenia Philoptochos Society and co-chairwoman of the benefit concert along with Ann Kraras and Sharon Whitman.
Greek-born pianist Asteriadou is an acclaimed soloist and chamber musician who has recorded extensively and has performed recitals all over the world. A graduate of the Julliard School and the Manhattan School of Music, Asteriadou is an associate professor of music at Kutztown University, where she also serves as director of the Chamber Music Outreach Program.
Violinist Nikkanen is a native of Hartford, Conn., and has been playing since the age of 3 and made his Carnegie Hall debut at age 12. A graduate of the Julliard School, Nikkanen is concertmaster with the New York City Ballet Orchestra and operates a private teaching studio in New York City. He has performed all over the world and recorded the work of many major composers, including Steven R. Gerber, who wrote a violin concerto specifically for Nikkanen.
Tickets for the benefit concert are $25 per person and $15 for students under 18. To order tickets, call 610-607-6270 or order online the Miller Center website at
A “Meet the Artists” reception will be held following the performance featuring hors d’oeuvres donated by local restaurants.
Free parking for the event is available at the garage at Front and Washington streets in Reading.
A massive fundraising campaign is underway among Greek Orthodox churches and other organizations to raise the $38 million needed for the St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero.
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Lower Manhattan was demolished when taller buildings around it collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001. After more than a decade of wrangling with government agencies, church officials finally
received approval to rebuild what will now be known as the St. Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero, scheduled to open in 2016.
The women’s auxiliary of a Berks County church is doing its part to help raise money by sponsoring a concert featuring two well-known classical artists — pianist Maria Asteriadou and violinist Kurt Nikkanen. The husband-and-wife performers are internationally known musicians who are donating their time and talent to raise money for the project.
The concert is scheduled for Sunday, April 26, at 3 p.m. at the Miller Center for the Arts on the campus of Reading Area Community College, 4 N. Second St., Reading.
The benefit concert is sponsored by the St. Xenia Philoptochos Society, a women’s organization at Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church in Reading.
"Once rebuilt, it will function again as a Greek Orthodox church, but on a larger scale it will also serve as a national shrine, a welcoming haven for millions of people of all faiths who will visit the sacred site and pause for a moment of prayer or silent reflection," said Despina Denne, president of the St. Xenia Philoptochos Society and co-chairwoman of the benefit concert along with Ann Kraras and Sharon Whitman.
Greek-born pianist Asteriadou is an acclaimed soloist and chamber musician who has recorded extensively and has performed recitals all over the world. A graduate of the Julliard School and the Manhattan School of Music, Asteriadou is an associate professor of music at Kutztown University, where she also serves as director of the Chamber Music Outreach Program.
Violinist Nikkanen is a native of Hartford, Conn., and has been playing since the age of 3 and made his Carnegie Hall debut at age 12. A graduate of the Julliard School, Nikkanen is concertmaster with the New York City Ballet Orchestra and operates a private teaching studio in New York City. He has performed all over the world and recorded the work of many major composers, including Steven R. Gerber, who wrote a violin concerto specifically for Nikkanen.
Tickets for the benefit concert are $25 per person and $15 for students under 18. To order tickets, call 610-607-6270 or order online the Miller Center website at
A “Meet the Artists” reception will be held following the performance featuring hors d’oeuvres donated by local restaurants.
Free parking for the event is available at the garage at Front and Washington streets in Reading.
Gov. Wolf Unionization Scheme is About Money
Labor unions put Democrat Tom Wolf into the governor's seat and now he's paying them back at the expense of Pennsylvania taxpayers.
This Unionization Scheme is About Money
This Unionization Scheme is About Money
Monday, April 20, 2015
Congratulations to Adam Zyglis, of The Buffalo News, for winning the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning.
Why isn't MSM worried about Hillary's age?
Remember when the liberal media was so worried about John McCain's age in 2008? They even brought up Mitt Romney's age as an issue in 2012. But shouldn't they be worried about Grandma Hillary's age today? Welcome to Liberal Media Bias 101.
PAPER: Why Is the 2016 Democratic Field So Old? |
PAPER: Why Is the 2016 Democratic Field So Old? |
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Why is the 2016 Democratic field so old?
Can the Democrats attract young voters with a candidate pushing 70? What does Hillary Clinton have in common with today's voter?
Why is the 2016 Democratic field so old? |
Why is the 2016 Democratic field so old? |
Penn State, Pitt faculty found to receive better-than-average pay
While two of the state's largest schools are always crying poor and raising tuition at twice the rate of inflation, they pay their faculty very well.
Pitt, Penn State faculty found to receive better-than-average pay
Pitt, Penn State faculty found to receive better-than-average pay
Abandon ship: Another top aide to PA AG Kathleen Kane quits
If you're keeping score, as Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter/columnist Brad Bumsted has been doing, a total of 14 aides have left the employment of controversial Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a Democrat who took office in January 2013.
Pa. attorney general loses agency legal counsel for labor issues
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Obama Has Issued 541,000 Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens
If you thought Social Security was going broke, just wait until Obama hands out more of your money to his illegals.
Feds Have Issued 541,000 SSNs to Illegal Aliens
Feds Have Issued 541,000 SSNs to Illegal Aliens
Bill O'Reilly: Next president is going to inherit an incredible mess from Obama
Bill O'Reilly: Next president is going to inherit an incredible mess, both at home and abroad, from Obama.
O'Reilly column: Clinton's Conundra
O'Reilly column: Clinton's Conundra
Hillary's 'Everyday Americans' Recruited And Chosen By Operatives

The entire Hillary Clinton presidential bid is based on lies ... with the advice and consent of the corrupt liberal media, of course.
Hillary's 'Everyday Americans' Recruited And Chosen | Truth Revolt
Hillary Clinton faces risk of being seen as 3rd Obama term
One thing is certain if Hillary Clinton is elected president in 2016: She will inherit a mess from the current administration.
Clinton faces promise, risk of being seen as 3rd Obama term - FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV
Clinton faces promise, risk of being seen as 3rd Obama term - FOX 29 News Philadelphia | WTXF-TV
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Hillary Clinton Social Media Campaign Toppled by Young Black Republican
Hillary Clinton is having a bad week on Twitter. On Sunday, her presidential run announcement was buried by a #WhyImNotVotingForHillary hash tag campaign. Today we learn that more than 2 million of Hillary's Twitter followers are actually fake accounts (probably created by Hillary campaign staffers). Let's face it: A 69-year-old grandmother is not exactly the face of a new generation.
Hillary's Social Media Campaign Toppled by Young Black Republican | Truth Revolt
Hillary's Social Media Campaign Toppled by Young Black Republican | Truth Revolt
Philadelphia Republican Martina White becomes newest PA House member
With the swearing-in of Martina White, Republicans now hold a 120-83 majority in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, the party's biggest advantage in decades. That means House Republicans can block Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf's massive tax and spending proposals.
(Republicans also hold a 30-20 majority in the state Senate, but that lead includes a half-dozen RINOs who can't always be counted on to vote with the GOP.)
Philadelphia Republican becomes newest state House member
(Republicans also hold a 30-20 majority in the state Senate, but that lead includes a half-dozen RINOs who can't always be counted on to vote with the GOP.)
Philadelphia Republican becomes newest state House member
Beware of the 'new' Hillary Clinton
Cal Thomas: Candidates like Hillary Clinton who ‘reinvent’ themselves are hiding from their past
The 'new' Hillary Clinton - Washington Times
The 'new' Hillary Clinton - Washington Times
Monday, April 13, 2015
1,250,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 1,250,000 Page Views from 530,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out my blog ... and come back again for new posts throughout the day.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Judge to review firing of aide by PA AG Kathleen Kane
Very suspicious: Embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General fires an aide who testified before a grand jury that recommended criminal charges be filed against Kane.
Judge to review firing of Kane aide
Judge to review firing of Kane aide
Thursday, April 09, 2015
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
Obama insults Christians on Easter Sunday
Typical Obama. As Muslims are raping, torturing and beheading Christians on a daily basis, Obama chooses Easter Sunday to insult Christians.Anyone who voted for this clown should hang their head in shame.
Obama concerned about 'less-than-loving expressions by Christians' |
Obama concerned about 'less-than-loving expressions by Christians' |
1,245,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 1,245,000 Page Views from 530,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas On Politics. Thanks for checking out my blog ... and come back again.
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Let The New York Times cast the first stone
Maybe The New York Times should ease up on Rolling Stone based on the Times' own checkered past when it comes to made-up stories? Jayson Blair, anyone?And let's not forget the Times' own coverage of another campus rape hoax, the Duke lacrosse team story in 2006.
NYT's Rolling Stone Hoax Coverage Ignores Own Complicity in Previous Rape Hoax Involving Duke
NYT's Rolling Stone Hoax Coverage Ignores Own Complicity in Previous Rape Hoax Involving Duke
Monday, April 06, 2015
Obama's lousy economy lingers longer
There's not enough lipstick in the world to cover up the pig Obama keeps calling an economic recovery. We're into Year 6 of the Obama Recession.
Obama's lousy economy lingers longer |
Obama's lousy economy lingers longer |
Report blasts fake Rolling Stone rape article
So why is Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the writer who fabricated the University of Virginia fraternity rape story, still working for Rolling Stone? She should be on the Wall of Shame with other discredited "journalists" like Jayson Blair, Janet Cooke and Stephen Glass, not drawing a paycheck from Rolling Stone.
Report: Rolling Stone rape article 'journalistic failure'
Report: Rolling Stone rape article 'journalistic failure'
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Third Pa. Newspaper Calls For Kathleen Kane's Resignation
The drumbeat continues for the resignation of controversial Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, a Democrat who has been embroiled in scandals almost from Day 1 of her administration.
From a Sunday editorial in the Easton Express-Times:
The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Harrisburg Patriot-News also called for Kane's resignation in recent editions:
From Kane should step down
From Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Editorial
When three liberal newspapers that endorsed you in 2012 are now calling for your resignation, you know you're in trouble. A pending decision by the Montgomery County DA to prosecute Kane for perjury could be the final nail in her political coffin.
From a Sunday editorial in the Easton Express-Times:
For the sake of the office -- which must remain above suspicion to function with any credibility -- Kane should step down, let someone else take over, and concentrate on defending herself.Read the full editorial here.
The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Harrisburg Patriot-News also called for Kane's resignation in recent editions:
From Kane should step down
From Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Editorial
When three liberal newspapers that endorsed you in 2012 are now calling for your resignation, you know you're in trouble. A pending decision by the Montgomery County DA to prosecute Kane for perjury could be the final nail in her political coffin.
Saturday, April 04, 2015
Growing calls for resignation of Democratic PA AG Kathleen Kane
Two of Pennsylvania's biggest and most influential newspapers are calling for embattled Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane to resign in the wake of numerous scandals that have plagued her tenure since she took office in 2013. It also speaks volume that both The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Harrisburg Patriot-News endorsed Kane for election in 2012 and are among the most liberal newspapers in Pennsylvania, typically giving Democratic politicians the benefit of the doubt. But there's no doubt among the editorial boards of both newspapers that Kane can no longer do her job while facing potential criminal charges and revelations that she has interfered with criminal investigations of Democratic political figures.
From Kane should step down
From Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Editorial
From Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Dennis Roddy
From Kane should step down
From Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Editorial
From Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane should resign: Dennis Roddy
Friday, April 03, 2015
'American Sniper' tops $345M at box-office, DVD release date is May 19

The Clint Eastwood-directed film has also earned $189.5 million overseas, bringing its worldwide box-office earnings to $535 million.
"American Sniper" is already No. 28 on the all-time list of box-office hits.
The Bradley Cooper biopic of the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is coming to DVD on Tuesday, May 19, so don't be surprised if it sets a bunch of records for DVD sales and rentals this spring.
American Sniper DVD Release Date May 19, 2015
Pa.'s largest newspaper calls for AG Kathleen Kane to resign
From the editorial pages of The Philadelphia Inquirer, which never met a Democrat, including Kathleen Kane, it didn't endorse for office:
Editorial: Kane should step down
Pennsylvania's self-destructing attorney general, Kathleen Kane, should resign. This week alone, The Inquirer has reported that she disrupted a second political corruption case, while the Supreme Court upheld a probe into her dissemination of grand jury information that could yield criminal charges.
It's now clear that since her early days in office, Kane's attempts to protect legitimate law enforcement targets and smear rivals have been at odds with the public interest.
Obama Recovery? Record 93.1M Americans Not In The Work Force

Another scandal for Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane?
It would appear Pennsylvania's top prosecutor has spent more time pulling the plug on criminal investigations than actually prosecuting anyone during her scandal-ridden tenure.
AG Kane quashed subpoenas in casino investigation, sources say
AG Kane quashed subpoenas in casino investigation, sources say
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Poll: 66% Reject Obama's Call For Mandatory Voting
Americans want voting to be easier, not mandatory, according to a new poll.
Americans: Make it easier to vote, but not mandatory |
Americans: Make it easier to vote, but not mandatory |
Guest Column: Don't be fooled – Gov. Wolf's budget will cost you
These days, April Fools' isn't the only day you have to be on guard for potential pranks. As we move through budget season in the state legislature, don't be tricked by phrases like "holistic budget" or "property tax relief."
In fact, under Gov. Tom Wolf's proposed budget, the last thing middle-class, working families and small businesses will feel is relief. What's really in Gov. Wolf's budget plan for Pennsylvania? Billions in new taxes and borrowing to support historic levels of government spending.
Last month, the governor presented his ideal state spending plan, a $33.8 billion budget that relies on major tax increases and increased borrowing. As proposed, Gov. Wolf's budget would spend state taxpayer dollars at unprecedented levels, and represents a 16 percent increase with $4.7 billion in new spending this year alone.
Just how much does he want to spend? If Gov. Wolf's plan is enacted, the Commonwealth will spend $92.6 million in state dollars every day. That equates to $3.9 million per hour, over $64,307 per minute or $1,071 per second.
To pay for this huge increase in government spending, Gov. Wolf is looking to you, the taxpayer. His plan would raise the Personal Income Tax (PIT) by 21 percent and increase and expand Sales and Use Tax revenues by over 40 percent for more state spending. The result? An outrageous, every-thing-in-the-kitchen-sink budget that is balanced on the backs of hard-working, middle-class families and small businesses which account for more than 95 percent of all employers in Pennsylvania.
In addition to raising existing taxes, Gov. Wolf is also proposing to effectively create 550 new taxes, many of which would negatively impact our most vulnerable citizens. Products and services that were not taxed before, like diapers, baby wipes, child care, personal hygiene products, veterinarian services, non-prescription drugs, caskets and burial vaults, home health care services and assisted living services, will now be taxed at 6.6 percent.
What will Pennsylvanians get in return? Gov. Wolf has promised his plan will provide much-needed property tax relief, but will it? Not likely. The governor's plan would raise $6.8 billion in taxes, but only put $3.7 billion toward property tax relief. As proposed, taxpayers in more than 400 of the state's 500 school districts would pay more in personal income and sales taxes than they would receive in property tax relief.
Additionally, the governor's distribution of wealth plan disproportionally benefits urban districts, which already receive the highest allocation of state education funding.
Taxpayers can see how their school district fares under the governor's budget at
Think about it: It took this Commonwealth 200 years to reach a budget of $20 billion. Eight years under infamous spender, Gov. Rendell brought us to $28 billion. Our new governor blows those numbers out of the water, looking to spend an $8 billion more in the next two years alone. Just as you struggle to live within your means to balance your household budget, we as state government must also live in reality.
As state representatives who promised to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, we cannot support a budget that raises billions of dollars in new taxes but fails to address the state's well-known, impending pension crisis or rein in government spending. With our economy finally on the rebound, we need a budget that addresses government waste, fraud and abuse, continues to grow our economy and, most importantly, protects taxpayers.
This April Fools' Day, don't let a wolf pull the wool over your eyes with promises of "jobs that pay, schools that teach and government that works." The only guarantee that comes with Gov. Wolf's spending plan is that taxpayers will certainly pay.
Rep. Kerry Benninghoff is the Majority Policy Chairman, and Rep. Bryan Cutler is the Majority Whip of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Both are Republicans.
In fact, under Gov. Tom Wolf's proposed budget, the last thing middle-class, working families and small businesses will feel is relief. What's really in Gov. Wolf's budget plan for Pennsylvania? Billions in new taxes and borrowing to support historic levels of government spending.
Last month, the governor presented his ideal state spending plan, a $33.8 billion budget that relies on major tax increases and increased borrowing. As proposed, Gov. Wolf's budget would spend state taxpayer dollars at unprecedented levels, and represents a 16 percent increase with $4.7 billion in new spending this year alone.
Just how much does he want to spend? If Gov. Wolf's plan is enacted, the Commonwealth will spend $92.6 million in state dollars every day. That equates to $3.9 million per hour, over $64,307 per minute or $1,071 per second.
To pay for this huge increase in government spending, Gov. Wolf is looking to you, the taxpayer. His plan would raise the Personal Income Tax (PIT) by 21 percent and increase and expand Sales and Use Tax revenues by over 40 percent for more state spending. The result? An outrageous, every-thing-in-the-kitchen-sink budget that is balanced on the backs of hard-working, middle-class families and small businesses which account for more than 95 percent of all employers in Pennsylvania.
In addition to raising existing taxes, Gov. Wolf is also proposing to effectively create 550 new taxes, many of which would negatively impact our most vulnerable citizens. Products and services that were not taxed before, like diapers, baby wipes, child care, personal hygiene products, veterinarian services, non-prescription drugs, caskets and burial vaults, home health care services and assisted living services, will now be taxed at 6.6 percent.
What will Pennsylvanians get in return? Gov. Wolf has promised his plan will provide much-needed property tax relief, but will it? Not likely. The governor's plan would raise $6.8 billion in taxes, but only put $3.7 billion toward property tax relief. As proposed, taxpayers in more than 400 of the state's 500 school districts would pay more in personal income and sales taxes than they would receive in property tax relief.
Additionally, the governor's distribution of wealth plan disproportionally benefits urban districts, which already receive the highest allocation of state education funding.
Taxpayers can see how their school district fares under the governor's budget at
Think about it: It took this Commonwealth 200 years to reach a budget of $20 billion. Eight years under infamous spender, Gov. Rendell brought us to $28 billion. Our new governor blows those numbers out of the water, looking to spend an $8 billion more in the next two years alone. Just as you struggle to live within your means to balance your household budget, we as state government must also live in reality.
As state representatives who promised to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, we cannot support a budget that raises billions of dollars in new taxes but fails to address the state's well-known, impending pension crisis or rein in government spending. With our economy finally on the rebound, we need a budget that addresses government waste, fraud and abuse, continues to grow our economy and, most importantly, protects taxpayers.
This April Fools' Day, don't let a wolf pull the wool over your eyes with promises of "jobs that pay, schools that teach and government that works." The only guarantee that comes with Gov. Wolf's spending plan is that taxpayers will certainly pay.
Rep. Kerry Benninghoff is the Majority Policy Chairman, and Rep. Bryan Cutler is the Majority Whip of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Both are Republicans.
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