Saturday, March 31, 2012
Bill to cut 50 seats in Pa. House nears first vote
Bill to cut 50 seats in Pa. House nears 1st vote
Keith Olbermann Gets Canned Again
Olbermann Gets Canned - Promises to Sue Al Gore - HUMAN EVENTS
Paul Ryan endorses Mitt Romney for President
Paul Ryan endorses Mitt Romney for President - HUMAN EVENTS
Friday, March 30, 2012
'Annie' Coming To Mount Penn this weekend
Rep. Cox to Unveil Property Tax Independence Act
Here's some information released today by Rep. Jim Cox, R-Berks, the prime sponsor of the bill:
WHAT: A news conference to unveil the Property Tax Independence Act (House Bill 1776/Senate Bill 1400), a proposal to completely replace school property taxes in Pennsylvania with alternative state revenue sources.
WHO: State Representative Jim Cox (R-129), state Senator Dave Argall (R-29), state Representative Rick Saccone (R-39), state Representative Tom Caltagirone (D-127), Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition President David Baldinger, property owner Patrick Briegel, and additional members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
WHEN: Monday, April 2, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Capitol Media Center, Main Capitol, Harrisburg
LIVE WEBSTREAMING: The news conference will be streamed live at
Journalist Fired By Houston Chronicle For Moonlighting As Stripper

If taking your clothes off for money is not illegal, what business does your employer have telling you what you can do or not do on your own time?
Journalist Sarah Tressler Fired by Houston Chronicle for Stripping
Greek Easter Bread & Pastry Sale this Sat.
The church is located at 1001 E. Wyomissing Blvd. in Reading, Pa., right across the street from Berks Catholic High School.
In addition to a variety of Greek pastry, the church is also selling Honey Ball (Loukoumades) and various Easter plants.
A truck from The Salvation Army will also be parked in the church lot to accept clothing donations.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Poll: Tom Smith Leads In Pennsylvania U.S Senate Republican Primary
Tom Smith Leading In Pennsylvania U.S Senate Republican Primary According To CUPVF Poll
A dress made out of chocolate?

Some people have too much time on their hands. Who has time to come up with this stuff? A model displays a dress made of chocolate at a fashion show in Zurich, Switzerland, on the occasion of the "Salon du Chocolat," which boasts it is the world's biggest event dedicated to chocolate.
Editorial: Another property tax reform proposal in Pa.
Another property tax reform proposal
'Annie' coming To Mount Penn this weekend

The show, featuring students from Antietam Middle School/High School, will be presented Friday, March 30, and Saturday, March 31, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, April 1, at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 per person. On Sunday only, children 12 and under will be admitted for $5.
For ticket information, send an email to
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Articulate voice for growth and capitalism: Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey
Articulate voice for growth and capitalism: Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey - HUMAN EVENTS
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Bruce Springsteen's Brilliant Disguise
Bruce Springsteen’s Brilliant Disguise
PA lawmaker challenges state trooper subsidy for municipalities
Democratic lawmaker challenges state trooper subsidy - News - Citizens Voice
Monday, March 26, 2012
Aussie voters deliver stunning rebuke to socialists
6, 2012
Aussie voters deliver stunning rebuke to socialists
Tribe gets rare permit from Obama to kill bald eagles
Wyoming tribe gets rare permit to kill bald eagles - KTIV News 4 Sioux City IA: News, Weather and Sports
Top Obama donors among frequent White House guests
Top Obama donors among frequent White House guests
Today is last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania Primary
In addition to nominating candidates for president, voters will also pick candiates for U.S. Senate, state attorney general, auditor general, and treasurer, as well as U.S. House of Representatives, state House and Senate, and delegates to the Republican and Democratic national conventions.
"There are many resources available to help citizens register and vote in these important contests," Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele said. "Voters can visit to check their registration status, download a voter registration form and find information on their polling place."
Applications from Pennsylvanians registering for the first time, changing their address or changing their party affiliation must be postmarked or delivered to the applicant's county board of elections by the close of business on Monday, March 26.
For more information on voter registration, call the Department of State's toll-free hotline at 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772) or visit
March 26 is Deadline to Register to Vote in Pennsylvania Primary
Gas prices rise to $3.93 a gallon
The national average for a gallon of regular unleaded is $3.93, that's an 11-cent jump from last week.
Heckavu job Barack.
Gas prices rise to $3.93 a gallon
Pennsylvania Leadership Conference highlights on PCN
The Pennsylvania Cable Network will air taped coverage of the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference beginning at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, March 26, and Tuesday, March 27, according to a press release issued by PCN.
The two-day issues forum featuring a variety of conservative speakers and discussions from the two-day event held over the weekend in Camp Hill.
From a PCN release:
Monday's taped coverage will feature speakers from the first day of the conference on Friday, March 23. Included in the list of speakers : Frederick Anton, Chairman of PA Leadership Council; Sen. Pat Toomey, R-PA; Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform; Gov. Nikki Haley, R-SC; and Lt. Gov Jim Cawley. The economic health of PA as well as the challenges & benefits of Marcellus Shale were among the topics discussed.
The taped coverage which will air on Tuesday, March 27, will feature the second day of the forum. Included will be speeches by Republican presidential candidates, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.
A debate between the Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate is also part of the coverage which will air Tuesday evening.
PCN programming is distributed on more than 150 cable systems in Pennsylvania serving more than 10 million Pennsylvanians in 3.3 million homes.
A complete listing of PCN affiliates and network channel designations is available by visiting
'Annie' Coming To Mount Penn

The show, featuring students from Antietam Middle School/High School, will be presented Friday, March 30, and Saturday, March 31, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, April 1, at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 per person. On Sunday only, children 12 and under will be admitted for $5.
For ticket information, send an email to
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Being a Lawmaker Can Be Lucrative Family Business, Report Concludes
Being a Lawmaker Can Be Lucrative Family Business, Report Concludes
'The Hunger Games' Earns $155M at Weekend Box Office

The film should easily top $300 million to become one of the biggest box-office hits of all time. Can you say next big franchi$e?
From Ray Subers analysis:
The odds were definitely in The Hunger Games favor this weekend: the big screen adaptation of the immensely popular young adult novel opened to an enormous estimated $155 million, which ranks third all-time behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ($169.2 million) and The Dark Knight ($158.4 million). Remarkably, it debuted above all of the Twilight movies, and it also topped Alice in Wonderland ($116.1 million) for highest debut ever for a non-sequel.
Among all the impressive Hunger Games statistics, two lesser-discussed ones are worth highlighting. First, the movie had an incredible hold on Saturday—it only fell 25 percent to $51 million, which ranks second all-time behind Spider-Man 3 ($51.3 million). This suggests that demand for The Hunger Games exists across a wide array of moviegoers, and isn't just rooted in the type of rabid fans that drove the front-loaded openings for recent Harry Potter and Twilight movies.Read more at
Saturday, March 24, 2012
What's Wrong With This Picture?
Welch's Past Support for Obama Haunts Him at GOP Debate
Obama money
Presently, we are a nation adrift. We are deeply divided on the fundamentals: capitalism, the power of the federal government, the rights of the have-nots. These are the things the upcoming election will address. It really is all about "Obama money," which is really our money. How much should be spent, and where should it go? The battle lines are drawn. At stake: the future of the USA.Obama money - HUMAN EVENTS
Sen. Pat Toomey for vice president?
Sen. Pat Toomey dismisses vice presidential potential talk
Friday, March 23, 2012
Mitt Romney: Why I'd repeal ObamaCare
"... the case against ObamaCare extends far beyond questions about its constitutionality. President Obama's program is an unfolding disaster for the American economy, a budget-busting entitlement, and a dramatic new federal intrusion into our lives."Why I'd repeal ObamaCare –
F. Scott Fitzgerald Warned Us About Obama
— F. Scott Fitzgerald, American author (1896-1940)
'The Hunger Games' midnight opening makes box-office history

Top movie website IMDb (Internet Movie Database) announced Friday that 'The Hunger Games' has shattered the all-time record for No. 1 non-sequel midnight opening in history.
The film now ranks as the #7 highest-grossing midnight opening of all time, earning $19.7 million, according to IMDb.
The Top 10 Midnight Openings of All Time*
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - $43.5 million
2. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 - $30.3 million
3. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - $30.1 million
4. The Twilight Saga: New Moon - $26.3 million
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - $24 million
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - $22.2 million
7. The Hunger Games - $19.7 million
8. The Dark Knight - $18.5 million
9. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - $16.5 million
9. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - $16 million
* Source: IMDb, the #1 movie website in the world
340,000 Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Report says members of Congress find ways to keep money in the family
Report says members of Congress find ways to keep money in the family - The Hill's On The Money
Obama Gives Another Speech: Gas Prices Rise Again
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
400,000 Pageviews at TONY PHYRILLAS
Highest Gas Price Recorded in March
Highest Gas Price Recorded in March
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Pennsylvania Voter Registration Deadline is March 24
That did not appear to be the case earlier this year with so many states voting ahead of Pennsylvania. But the April 24 Pennsylvania primary just might matter for a change.
In order to have a say, you have to be a registered voter. The deadline to register is fast approaching.
Secretary of the Commonwealth Carol Aichele reminds Pennsylvanians that Monday, March 26, is the last day to register to vote for the primary election.
In addition to the presidential race, voters will also help pick party nominees for U.S. Senate, state attorney general, auditor general and treasurer, as well as U.S. House of Representatives, state House and Senate, and delegates to the Republican and Democratic national conventions.
“There are many resources available to help citizens register and vote in these important contests,” Aichele said in a press release. “Voters can visit to check their registration status, download a voter registration form and find information on their polling place.”
Applications from Pennsylvanians registering for the first time, changing their address or changing their party affiliation must be postmarked or delivered to the applicant’s county board of elections by the close of business on Monday, March 26.
Another change coming this year is the recently signed Voter ID law.
While a photo ID will not be required to vote in the primary, some counties will be doing test runs and will ask voter to produce a photo ID. All voters in the fall general election will be required to show a photo ID.
Information on the voter ID law is available at or by calling 877-VOTESPA.
For more information on voter registration, call the Department of State’s toll-free hot line at 877-VOTESPA, 877-868-3772, or visit
Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day
Congressional Salute to Greek Independence Day
It's official: Obama has increased the national debt more than Bush
It's official: Obama has increased the national debt more than Bush - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama Hoses Working Americans
Monday, March 19, 2012
Newt Gingrich to Address 2012 PA Leadership Conference

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich will bring his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination to the 2012 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference when he serves as the closing speaker on Saturday, March 23 at 1:30 P.M., according to PLC organizer Lowman Henry.
From a press release issued by Henry:
The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere annual gathering of conservative activists and is being held this Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill.
Speaker Gingrich, the latest addition to a growing program of activities planned for the 2012 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. This year’s keynote address will be delivered by Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume. Also scheduled to speak are presidential candidate Rick Santorum, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley speaking on behalf of Mitt Romney, Presidential candidate Herman Cain, film producer Ann McElhinney, U.S. Senator Hon. Pat Toomey, Lt. Governor Hon. Hon. James Cawley, Grover G. Norquist from Americans for Tax Reform and Human Events White House correspondent and political editor John Gizzi. Candidates for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator will debate at the conference luncheon on Saturday, March 24th.
Four interactive panel presentations will constitute the policy core of the conference with topics set to include: Right-Sizing State Government; Marcellus: How Shale We Proceed; Obama's Regulatory Overkill; and Reagan-izing the PA GOP. The Constitution Organization of Liberty (COOL) will present a pre-conference seminar on the Bill of Rights. Also scheduled for Friday morning, March 23rd, is an activist training workshop conducted by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation and the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity. The Franklin Center will also sponsor a Saturday afternoon seminar on utilizing video in messaging.
The Heritage Foundation and the Family Research Council will be sending their “Values Bus,” to promote voter registration efforts.
Obama silent on call to destroy churches
If the pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Europe, the uproar would be cataclysmic. Pundits would lambaste the church, the White House would rush out a statement of deep concern, and rioters in the Middle East would kill each other in their grief. But when the most influential leader in the Muslim world issues a fatwa to destroy Christian churches, the silence is deafening.EDITORIAL: Destroy all churches - Washington Times
How the mighty have fallen in Pennsylvania
From Swift's article:
Fate has turned sharply against a group of state legislative leaders who were all riding high seven years ago when they engineered a pay raise for themselves and their rank-and-file colleagues.Fate turns on legislative powerbrokers - News - Citizens Voice
Five legislative leaders in power in 2005 have since been convicted or pleaded guilty to corruption charges involving misuse of taxpayer dollars.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Radio Alert: Tony Phyrillas on WCHE Saturday
Phyrillas will discuss a variety of state and national political issues including race for the Republican presidential nomination, rising gas prices, President Obama’s declining job approval numbers, Pennsylvania’s budget woes and efforts to eliminate school property taxes.
WCHE can be heard throughout Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties as well as portions of Berks, Bucks and Lancaster counties and parts of New Jersey and Delaware.
The station also simulcasts programs live at
Friday, March 16, 2012
338,888 visitors
Columnist: Obama Flubs U.S. History -- Again
Obama Flubs U.S. History -- Again
Catch Tony Phyrillas on the radio

Phyrillas will discuss a variety of state and national political issues including race for the Republican presidential nomination, rising gas prices, President Obama’s declining job approval numbers, Pennsylvania’s budget woes and efforts to eliminate school property taxes.
WCHE can be heard throughout Chester, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties as well as portions of Berks, Bucks and Lancaster counties and parts of New Jersey and Delaware.
The station also simulcasts programs live at
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
PA Gov. Tom Corbett Signs Voter ID Bill

Pennsylvania now has one of the toughest voter ID laws in the country.
"I am signing this bill because it protects a sacred principle, one shared by every citizen of this nation. That principle is: one person, one vote,'' Corbett said after signing the bill at 6 p.m. Wednesday, shortly after the state House passed it. "It sets a simple and clear standard to protect the integrity of our elections.''
The law goes into effect immediately, but the photo ID will not be required for the primary election next month. Voters will need a photo ID for November's general election.
Let's see how quickly Obama Attorney General Eric Holder pounces on the Keystone State's efforts to prevent voter fraud, which is the mainstay of the Democratic Party.
Pam Biondi: Government Must Be Accountable to the People

Sunshine Week is an excellent way not only to inform the public on the importance of open government, but also to let them know about their rights under Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine law.
The benefits of open government are frequently acknowledged -- transparency promotes accountability, aids the search for truth, and fosters consistency and fairness in governmental decision making. Fortunately, though, Florida’s laws do not require that open government be justified by reference to these desirable consequences. We live in a state that values open government for its own sake, and for that we should all be thankful.
According to the Florida Supreme Court, a public record includes all materials made or received by an agency in connection with official business which are used to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge. Florida leads the nation in providing public access to government meetings and records, and transparency and open government have always been a priority in my office as we assist with public records requests every day.
Making a public records request is easy, and it can be done over the phone, through email, letter, or in-person. If a governmental agency does not comply with the Government-in-the-Sunshine law, the local state attorney has the authority to prosecute.
The people of Florida have elected me to protect their rights, and I will continue to protect those rights. The Attorney General’s Office houses Open Government, and we view transparency and open government as a top priority.
Pam Biondi is the Florida Attorney General
Santorum to address 2012 PA Leadership Conference

This is the largest annual gathering of conservative movers and shakers in the state and Santorum, fresh off primary victories in the South, will get a chance to make his case for the Republican presidential nomination in the state he once represented in the U.S. Senate.
The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will be held over a two-day period, March 23-24 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill.
Santorum is the latest addition to a growing program of activities planned for conference, according to organizer Lowman Henry.
From a press released issued by Henry:
This year's keynote address will be delivered by Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume. Also scheduled to speak are former Presidential candidate Herman Cain, film producer Ann McElhinney, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, Lt. Governor Jim Cawley, Grover Norquist from Americans for Tax Reform and Human Events White House correspondent and political editor John Gizzi. Candidates for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator will debate at the conference luncheon on Saturday, March 24th.
Henry said there is also a good chance Newt Gingrich will attend the event.
Registration and complete information on the 2012 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is available at
Pennsylvania Game Commission Releases 2011-12 Deer Harvest Estimates
Pennsylvania Game Commission Releases 2011-12 Deer Harvest Estimates