
Thursday, September 29, 2011

2010 Census Shows White Population Growth Fueled by Hispanics

Lots of interesting statistics released today by the U.S. Census Bureau:
The white population in the United States continued to be the largest race group in the nation, representing 75 percent of the total population, but grew at a slower rate than the total population.
Other highlights:

* Hispanics Accounted for Three-Fourths of White Population Growth

* White Multiple-Race Reporting Increased by 37 Percent

* Multiple-Race White Population Increased by at Least 8 Percent in Every State

* White Population Growth was Fastest in the West and South

* The fastest growth of the white alone-or-in-combination population between 2000 and 2010 was in states in the West and South.

* Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Declined in 15 States

* Percentage of Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Increased in Cities

2010 Census Shows White Population Growth Fueled by Hispanics

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