Friday, September 30, 2011
Editorial: Rendell's big talk offers little to small businesses
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Democrat, did little to bolster the state's sagging economy while he served eight years, so why should anyone take him seriously now that he's out?
Editorial: Rendell's big talk offers little to small businesses -
Editorial: Rendell's big talk offers little to small businesses -
Thursday, September 29, 2011
2010 Census Shows White Population Growth Fueled by Hispanics
Lots of interesting statistics released today by the U.S. Census Bureau:
* Hispanics Accounted for Three-Fourths of White Population Growth
* White Multiple-Race Reporting Increased by 37 Percent
* Multiple-Race White Population Increased by at Least 8 Percent in Every State
* White Population Growth was Fastest in the West and South
* The fastest growth of the white alone-or-in-combination population between 2000 and 2010 was in states in the West and South.
* Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Declined in 15 States
* Percentage of Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Increased in Cities
2010 Census Shows White Population Growth Fueled by Hispanics
The white population in the United States continued to be the largest race group in the nation, representing 75 percent of the total population, but grew at a slower rate than the total population.Other highlights:
* Hispanics Accounted for Three-Fourths of White Population Growth
* White Multiple-Race Reporting Increased by 37 Percent
* Multiple-Race White Population Increased by at Least 8 Percent in Every State
* White Population Growth was Fastest in the West and South
* The fastest growth of the white alone-or-in-combination population between 2000 and 2010 was in states in the West and South.
* Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Declined in 15 States
* Percentage of Non-Hispanic White Alone Population Increased in Cities
2010 Census Shows White Population Growth Fueled by Hispanics
The Geography of Pain: The Obama Recession
National Journal reports the states hardest hit by the economic crisis are also the ones that President Obama may need the most to win reelection.
The Geography of Pain - Ronald Brownstein and Scott Bland -
The Geography of Pain - Ronald Brownstein and Scott Bland -
FactCheck: Obama wrong on teachers' tax rate
This guy just makes stuff up all the time.
FactCheck: Obama wrong on teachers' tax rate –
FactCheck: Obama wrong on teachers' tax rate –
Obama: A disaster for civil liberties
Jonathan Turley: Obama may prove the most disastrous president in our history in terms of civil liberties.
Obama: A disaster for civil liberties
Obama: A disaster for civil liberties
Top Berks County official nearly drowns
Talk about a real-life survival story. Berks County Commissioners' Chairman Mark C. Scott nearly drowned during heavy rains on his rural fish farm in Douglass Township. The Republican, who is seeking re-election this November, suffered serious injuries and will spend months recovering, but he made it out alive.
Fish farm flooding nearly deadly for commissioner
Fish farm flooding nearly deadly for commissioner
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
What Are Democrats Thinking?
Christopher Chantrill asks: Are the Democrats waking up to the possibility that President Obama might be leading them off a cliff?
What Are Democrats Thinking?
What Are Democrats Thinking?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
PA Dems $1 billion jobs plan paid for by higher taxes
After sitting on their hands for eight years under Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell and watching 200,000 jobs disappear, Pennsylvania Senate Dems say they have a plan to create 80,000 "shovel-ready" new jobs.
The catch? Higher taxes.
Sounds like a mini-version of Obama's plan.
State Senate Democrats introduce $1 billion jobs plan
The catch? Higher taxes.
Sounds like a mini-version of Obama's plan.
State Senate Democrats introduce $1 billion jobs plan
Columnist: Obama's foreign-policy failures
Obama missteps have even liberal journalists questioning his competence, says columnist Tony Blankley.
BLANKLEY: President's foreign-policy failures increase - Washington Times
BLANKLEY: President's foreign-policy failures increase - Washington Times
Obama Youth Still Looking for Work
How's that hope and change working out for Obama supporters?
Half Of Philadelphia Area 20-Somethings Are Unemployed « CBS Philly
Half Of Philadelphia Area 20-Somethings Are Unemployed « CBS Philly
Liberal Newsweek Editor Admits: Obama 'Wasn't Ready' to Be President
The Kool Aid is wearing off on Tina Brown.
Liberal Newsweek Editor Admits: Obama 'Wasn't Ready' to Be President |
Liberal Newsweek Editor Admits: Obama 'Wasn't Ready' to Be President |
Poverty Rises Sharply in Most Parts of Pennsylvania
The Obama Recession continues ...
Local Census Data: Poverty Rises Sharply in Most Parts of Pennsylvania
Local Census Data: Poverty Rises Sharply in Most Parts of Pennsylvania
Poll: Herman Cain Leads GOP Field
If the Tea Party is "racist" as liberals will have you believe, how come Herman Cain has emerged as the favorite GOP candidate among Tea Party members? Last time I checked, Mr. Cain was black. File this under liberal hypocrisy.
Herman Cain Leads Republican Field In Zogby Poll - HUMAN EVENTS
Herman Cain Leads Republican Field In Zogby Poll - HUMAN EVENTS
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Tea Parties
6 Pennsylvania Community Colleges Named National Leader Colleges
Montgomery County Community College, with branches in Blue Bell and Pottstown, was among six Pennsylvania community colleges designated as a "Leader College" today.
Six Pennsylvania Community Colleges Named National Leader Colleges
Six Pennsylvania Community Colleges Named National Leader Colleges
Newspapers Still Top Choice for Local News
Despite the explosive growth of the Internet and the popularity of portable electronic devices, newspapers remain the most trusted source and most popular source for local news, according to a new Pew survey.
How People Learn About Their Local Community | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
How People Learn About Their Local Community | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
Columnist: Under Obama's unblinking eyes
Liberal columnist Nat Hentoff recounts the many ways the Obama Administration is invading the privacy of U.S. citizens in his latest column.
Under Obama's unblinking eyes -
Under Obama's unblinking eyes -
Monday, September 26, 2011
Columnist: Conservatives Must Not Let Media Pick The Candidate

From his column in Investor's Business Daily:
Leaving aside the televised, overly scripted, predictable and marginally useful "debates" now taking place between the Republican candidates for president, there are much more important discussions going on between conservatives and independents who are unified in their belief that for the good of the nation, Barack Obama must be defeated.Read the full column at the link below:
Those discussions — taking place across kitchen tables, in lunchrooms, or in neighborhood bars after a week of hard work — are trying to determine which path to follow in the approaching political fork in the road.
One of those paths will most likely lead to the defeat of Mr. Obama. The other could very well ensure his re-election.
It is critical for Republicans, conservatives, and independents to remember that from the 2008 GOP field, John McCain had the stamp of approval from the mainstream media.
In fact, the liberal media worked overtime to resurrect his then all but comatose campaign. Why?
That same liberal media told us that independents and a good number of Democrats just loved McCain.
Conservatives Mustn't Let Media Pick The Candidate -
Election 2012
Your Daily Dose of Liberal Media Bias
From Investor's Business Daily:
The Democrats are setting up the Republicans to be the party responsible for a federal shutdown, should one occur. Of course the media will go along for the ride, just as in 1995 and 1996.Believing The Big Lie -
Newspaper: Who Says Herman Cain Is Unelectable?
I would accuse some liberal pundits of being racist, but then I'd sound too much like Barack Obama and his supporters.
Editorial: Who Says Herman Cain Is Unelectable? -
Editorial: Who Says Herman Cain Is Unelectable? -
Obamanomics: Home-buying season worst in 50 years
Obamanomics at work: The U.S. housing market is in its worst shape in more than 50 years thanks to three years of disastrous polices under Barack Obama.
Home-buying season the worst in at least 50 years |
Home-buying season the worst in at least 50 years |
Unions Now Want to Save America's Postal Service
They killed the goose that laid the golden eggs and now union workers are launching a desperate campaign to save the Postal Service that has been so good to them in the past.
Save America's Postal Service
Save America's Postal Service
Which Celebrities Are Gaga for Obama?
Further proof that it takes no brains to act in a movie or perform on stage.
Which Celebrities Are Gaga for Obama? -- PICTURES - Chris Heller -
Which Celebrities Are Gaga for Obama? -- PICTURES - Chris Heller -
Sen. Pat Toomey Interview
Republican Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania has had more of an impact in the US Senate in 9 months months than Democrat Bob Casey Jr. has had in five years.
Pat Toomey, the Super Committee Watchdog for Pro-Growth Conservatives - HUMAN EVENTS
Pat Toomey, the Super Committee Watchdog for Pro-Growth Conservatives - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama 'Jew' Gaffe Caught on Video
A Jew or a janitor? Obama doesn't seem to know the difference in this speech.
New home sales fall, again
The news just keeps getting worse for the U.S. economy as the Obama recession continues.
Big housing blow: New home sales fall, again –
Big housing blow: New home sales fall, again –
Sunday, September 25, 2011
How state lawmakers pump up pensions

He had a straight-forward answer: "Because that's where the money is."
Fast-forward to 2011 and you could ask your favorite public servant, "Why do you run for office?"
The answer? "Because that's where the money is."
USA Today has published a scathing look at how politicians milk the system to collect millions in pensions.
In many cases, the politicians have qualified for benefits at the state level while moving on to higher office at the federal level, where they will once again reap the financial rewards of "public service."
From USA Today:
More than 4,100 legislators in 33 states are positioned to benefit from special retirement laws that they and their predecessors have enacted to boost their pensions by up to $100,000 a year, a USA TODAY investigation found. Even as legislators cut basic state services and slash benefits for police, teachers and other workers, they have preserved pension laws that grant themselves perks unavailable to voters they serve or workers they direct.Pennsylvania politicians are among the worst offenders, according to the investigation.
From USA Today:
Since 1996, 67 retired Pennsylvania legislators have collected $7 million in pension checks that they could not have received if they' had the same retirement age as most state workers, USA TODAY found. Another 40 who took early retirement also benefited from the younger retirement age.Read the full story at the link below:
Those benefiting include seven former state legislators now in Congress, earning $174,000: Democrats Chaka Fattah and Allyson Schwartz and Republicans Charlie Dent, Jim Gerlach, Tim Murphy, Todd Platts and Joseph Pitts.
How state lawmakers pump up pensions in ways you can't –
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Americans Believe Government Wastes More Money Than Ever
What person in their right mind would want to send more money to Washington so Obama and his bureaucrats can piss it away?
Americans Believe Government Wastes More Money Than Ever - -
Americans Believe Government Wastes More Money Than Ever - -
Opinion: Pennsylvania voter ID legislation deserves support
Democrats oppose a law that would require voters to show ID before entering the voting booth. Why would anyone be opposed to such common-sense legislation? What are they trying to hide?
Voter ID legislation deserves our support (9/24/11)
Voter ID legislation deserves our support (9/24/11)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Bill O'Reilly: Who's Your Daddy?
For millions of folks, the federal government is now their sugar daddy, says Bill O'Reilly.
Is this the hope and change Obama promised? A generation of Americans dependent on the federal government for table scraps?
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Column - Who's Your Daddy?
Is this the hope and change Obama promised? A generation of Americans dependent on the federal government for table scraps?
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Column - Who's Your Daddy?
Rep. Schroder on casino gambling reform
This week on Lincoln Radio Journal:
Lowman Henry has a Newsmaker interview with State Rep. Curt Schroder of Chester County on reforming the state's casino gaming system; Joe Geiger of the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations has Bets McManus of Leadership Cumberland in the Nonprofit Spotlight; And, Scott Paterno has an Uncomfortable Truthcommentary on the role of money and consultants in political campaigns.You can listen to the broadcast at
What's Wrong With Kim Delaney?
Check out this rambling, nearly incoherent, speech by actress Kim Delaney at an event in Philadelphia.
This week on American Radio Journal
This week on American Radio Journal:
Lowman Henry talks with Andrew Moylan of the National Taxpayers Union about how NTU found common ground with the Left on proposed federal budget cuts; Andy Roth of the Club for Growth has th eReal Story on skirmishes in congress as the federal budget deadline looms; Adam Tragone of Human Events has an Off The Cuff talk with Kate O'Hare, blogger for the Los Angeles Times about the recent California state Republican Party convention; And, Col. Frank Ryan, USMC (Ret.) takes on Warren Buffet and taxes on his American Radio Journal commentary.You can listen to the broadcast at
So You Think Your Boss Is a Psychopath?
A recent study says 1 in 25 executive leaders meet the criteria for a psychopathic personality. Seems a bit low to me.
So You Think Your Boss Is a Psychopath?
So You Think Your Boss Is a Psychopath?
MSNBC: 'Breaking the Mold' So Al Sharpton Can Host and Run Activist Group
Does anyone at MSNBC really believe Al Sharpton is the answer to their ratings decline? Infomercials will get higher ratings.
MSNBC: 'Breaking the Mold' So Al Sharpton Can Host and Run Activist Group |
MSNBC: 'Breaking the Mold' So Al Sharpton Can Host and Run Activist Group |
My site counter has recorded 315,000 unique visitors to this blog. Thanks for checking it out ... and come back again.
The Boobs at 'Nightline' Investigate Breast Enlargement Epidemic in Venezuela
Damn, I missed this latest example of hard-hitting journalism over at ABC.
The Boobs at Nightline Investigate Breast Enlargement Epidemic in Venezuela |
The Boobs at Nightline Investigate Breast Enlargement Epidemic in Venezuela |
Krauthammer: Return of the Real Obama
Charles Krauthammer on Obama's recent erratic behavior:
He's returned to the authenticity of his radical April 2009 "New Foundation" address (at Georgetown University) that openly proclaimed his intent to fundamentally transform America.Return of the Real Obama - HUMAN EVENTS
Good. There's something to be said for authenticity. A choice not an echo, said Barry Goldwater. The country will soon choose, although not soon enough.
Report: Gov't paid $600M in benefits to dead people
Let's send more money to Washington because the federal government does such a good job of spending out tax dollars.
Gov't paid $600 million in benefits to dead people -
Gov't paid $600 million in benefits to dead people -
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Newspaper: Route 422 tolling plan doomed, so why keep pushing?
There is no public or political support for tolling Route 422 in Southeastern Pennsylvania, so why do a handful of Big Government Democrats keep beating a dead horse?
422 tolling plan doomed, so why keep pushing? -
422 tolling plan doomed, so why keep pushing? -
Montgomery County,
Newspaper: U.S. Sinking Under Obama's Policies
Investor's Business Daily on Obama's failed presidency:
Editorial: We're Sinking Under Obama's Policies -
Whether it's jobs, economic growth, energy prices, incomes, regulation, weak foreign policy, or the quality of our lives and the nation's social fabric, America's current course looks questionable at best.Read the full editorial at the link below:
No wonder the markets are so volatile. They discount not the present, but the future. And the future for investors is murky at best and downright dark at worst.
Editorial: We're Sinking Under Obama's Policies -
$16 muffins? Your tax dollars at work
No wonder Barack Obama wants to raise taxes. He needs to come up with more money for snacks.
$16 muffins? Federal report details costly conferences
$16 muffins? Federal report details costly conferences
Dow drops 500 points on fears of another recession
If George W. Bush drove the U.S. economy into a ditch, then Barack Obama drove it over a cliff after he got behind the wheel.
Dow drops 500 points on fears of another recession -
Dow drops 500 points on fears of another recession -
Rep. Maloney to Host Sportsmen's Expo on Oct. 6

"Fall is a great time of year for our sportsmen and women," Maloney said in a press release announcing the event. "I'm excited to get to spend time talking to people from the district about fishing, hunting, camping, hiking. All the great opportunities we have here locally and all across Pennsylvania to enjoy the outdoors. We would like people to come to check the vendors and exhibitors to see the 'latest and greatest' for the coming season."
Approximately 35 outdoors-related vendors will be on hand representing many local businesses, as will the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Fish and Boat Commission. There will be live demonstrations, video presentations, door prizes and giveaways.
"Part of our goal with this sportsmen's expo is to reach out to our youth," added Maloney. "I have a great interest in youth hunting and mentoring programs and I hope to convey the importance of outdoor conservation, the family traditions of time spent in the field and Pennsylvania’s rich heritage."
Admission is free. For more information, please contact Maloney's district offices in Boyertown at (610) 369-3010 or Douglassville at 610-385-0704.
Berks County,
Pennsylvania Legislature
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dinniman: Why all the secrecy on Route 422 toll plan?

Pennsylvania State Sen. Andy Dinniman, D-19th Dist., has some concerns about a proposal to toll Route 422 in Montgomery County:
From an op-ed published in The Pottstown Mercury:
Pennsylvanians have a right to an honest, open debate on the issue. Unfortunately, such honesty and openness is questioned when the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission refuses to share information and then gives two conflicting answers as to why. Whether one is for or against the tolling proposal — and I am opposed to it — access to information is crucial to any public-policy debate.Why all the secrecy on Route 422 toll plan? -
Columnist: Obama figures he can just lie
Excellent column in the New Hampshire Union Leader about Barack Obama's inability to tell the truth.
Joseph W. McQuaid: Obama figures he can just lie
Joseph W. McQuaid: Obama figures he can just lie
America's Best Haunted Attractions Are Both In Pennsylvania

Just in time for Halloween, has released its 2011 list of the Top 13 Best Haunted Attractions in the United States.
And topping the list? A pair of haunted attractions in suburban Philadelphia: The Bates Motel and Pennhurst Asylum, both operated by the same company.
Here's what has to say about the best haunts in the U.S.:
1. Bates Motel & Haunted Hayride and Pennhurst Asylum Haunted Attraction in Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania: The Bates Motel Haunted House & Hayride is a unique haunted attraction for several reasons: The Haunted Hayride is located deep in a 200-year-old forest full of overgrown trees creating the ultimate dark trail even during a full moon. This puts customers on edge even before ever entering the first hayride scene. Combined with a digital custom soundtrack, pyrotechnics and continuous scares throughout the ride, this hayride attraction is sure to create the ultimate haunting experience of your life! To read a more detailed article about this attraction, visit their website at Additionally, The Pennhurst Asylum is one of the scariest haunted attraction sites in the world, mostly due to the setting of this haunt. It's located in a 100-year-old, abandoned mental institute. The building itself will instill real fear and true horror in anyone. The Asylum has been investigated by professional ghost hunters and featured on Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters several times. This attraction is truly haunted. To read a more detailed article about this real haunted house visit their website at Bates Motel and Pennhurst Asylum are owned and operated by the same company and are within a short drive of each other. These have to be number one on our list for locations to get scared this Halloween.To review all 13 haunted attractions, visit
Visit Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles on Sept. 24
The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles will participate in Smithsonian magazine's annual Museum Day on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011.
A nationwide event, Museum Day is intended to encourage people to visit their local museums. Admission to participating museums is free with an official Museum Day ticket. Tickets are available via Smithsonian magazine’s website at Tickets are good for two visitors to one participating museum.
The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles is open Tuesday through Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is closed on Mondays.
The museum, located at 85 S. Walnut St. in Boyertown, preserves the transportation history of Southeastern Pennsylvania and displays more than 80 locally manufactured cars, trucks, carriages, motorcycles, sleighs, and other types of vehicles. Admission rates are $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and AAA members, $4 for students, and children under 5 years old enter free.
For more information call 610-367-2090 or visit
For a list of other participating museums, visit
A nationwide event, Museum Day is intended to encourage people to visit their local museums. Admission to participating museums is free with an official Museum Day ticket. Tickets are available via Smithsonian magazine’s website at Tickets are good for two visitors to one participating museum.
The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles is open Tuesday through Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is closed on Mondays.
The museum, located at 85 S. Walnut St. in Boyertown, preserves the transportation history of Southeastern Pennsylvania and displays more than 80 locally manufactured cars, trucks, carriages, motorcycles, sleighs, and other types of vehicles. Admission rates are $6 for adults, $5 for seniors and AAA members, $4 for students, and children under 5 years old enter free.
For more information call 610-367-2090 or visit
For a list of other participating museums, visit
Obama's Predictable Scandals
Victor Davis Hanson says the liberal media can no longer shield Obama from scrutiny as news of one scandal after another filters out of the White House.
Obama’s Predictable Scandals - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
Obama’s Predictable Scandals - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
Barack Obama,
Obama On The Hunt

See related editorial, Obama's latest plan: Myopic economics, at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review website.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Pennsylvania tinkers with Electoral College
Pennsylvania lawmakers and Gov. Tom Corbett want to change how Pennsylvania awards its delegates to presidential candidates. Republicans say it's a more fair way to pick a president and would give a greater voice to rural voters. Democrats say the plan is intended to erase their strongholds in major cities.
Check out this interesting analysis at National Journal on how the 2008 presidential race would have been different if all states changed the way they award delegates.
Moving Markets - Reid Wilson -
Check out this interesting analysis at National Journal on how the 2008 presidential race would have been different if all states changed the way they award delegates.
Moving Markets - Reid Wilson -
Josh Shapiro: Such An Easy Question, Why Can't I Get An Answer?
This video of Democrat Josh Shapiro dodging a question about taxes and spending doesn't exactly instill confidence in the Democratic ticket for Montgomery County commissioner. And is his running mate allowed to speak?
Media Helps Obama Cover-Up
The media, which is supposed to be a watchdog for government corruption, instead has turned into a lapdog for Barack Obama, helping his administration cover-up on of the biggest scandals in U.S. history.
Fast and Furious: Time to Come Clean - HUMAN EVENTS
Fast and Furious: Time to Come Clean - HUMAN EVENTS
Columnist: Obama refuses to deal with reality
George F. Will on Obama's unwillingness to admit his polices have been a complete failure:
Liberals rely on 'federal family' despite reality -
For two years, there has been one constant: As events have refuted the Obama administration's certitudes, it has retained its insufferable knowingness. It knew that the stimulus would hold unemployment below 8 percent. Oops. Unemployment has been at least 9 percent in 26 of the 30 months since the stimulus was passed. Michael Boskin of Stanford says that even if one charitably accepts the administration's self-serving estimate of jobs "created or saved" by the stimulus, each job cost $280,000 — five times America's median pay.Read the full column at the link below:
Liberals rely on 'federal family' despite reality -
Columnist: The Public Has Rejected the Democratic Agenda
Obama's failure is complete as the always reliable liberal pundits can no longer defend him, notes columnist Victor Davis Hanson.
Victor Davis Hanson: The Public Has Rejected the Democratic Agenda
Victor Davis Hanson: The Public Has Rejected the Democratic Agenda
Economist: Obama's anti-jobs jobs bill
Having already driven the unemployment rate to historic levels, Barack Obama prepares to put more Americans out of work, argues economist Ralph Reiland in his latest column.
"Having already driven the unemployment rate to historic levels, Barack Obama prepares to put more Americans out of work, argues economist Ralph Reiland in his latest column," Reiland writes.Obama's anti-jobs jobs bill -
NYT Columnist David Brooks: 'I’m an Obama Sap'
The key word here is 'sap' as another New York Times columnist admits a man-crush on Barack Obama regardless of his failed presidency.
David Brooks: 'I’m an Obama Sap'
David Brooks: 'I’m an Obama Sap'
Monday, September 19, 2011
Chicago Tribune: Obama Should Step Aside
Even Obama's hometown newspaper has had enough with his failed presidency and is suggesting he do the nation a huge favor and not seek re-election to a second term.
Chicago Tribune Editor Suggests Obama Step Aside - HUMAN EVENTS
Chicago Tribune Editor Suggests Obama Step Aside - HUMAN EVENTS
Quote of the Day
It appears C.S. Lewis predicted the arrival of Barack Obama:
"We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive."
Guardian Angels form in Pottstown

The streets of Pottstown will soon be patrolled by a local chapter of the Guardian Angels.
Group founder Curtis Sliwa attended a graduation ceremony Sunday in Pottstown for the 18 new recruits.
Guardian Angels founder visits Pottstown as 18 graduate (videos) -
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Columnist: Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way
Columnist John Kass is not surprised by the latest scandal enveloping the Obama White House:
The Solyndra scandal cost at least a half-billion public dollars. It is plaguing President Barack Obama. And it's being billed as a Washington story.
But back in Obama's political hometown, those of us familiar with the Chicago Way can see something else in Solyndra — something that the Washington crowd calls "optics." In fact, it's not just a Washington saga — it has all the elements of a Chicago City Hall story, except with more zeros.
Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way
The Solyndra scandal cost at least a half-billion public dollars. It is plaguing President Barack Obama. And it's being billed as a Washington story.
But back in Obama's political hometown, those of us familiar with the Chicago Way can see something else in Solyndra — something that the Washington crowd calls "optics." In fact, it's not just a Washington saga — it has all the elements of a Chicago City Hall story, except with more zeros.
Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Top 10 Examples of Liberal Incivility
The Far Left is always crying about the lack of civility in our political system, but as you can see from the list below, liberals are usually guilty of creating a hostile civic environment.
Top 10 Examples of Liberal Incivility - HUMAN EVENTS
Top 10 Examples of Liberal Incivility - HUMAN EVENTS
Angry liberals,
Liberal Fascism,
Liberal Hypocrisy
Friday, September 16, 2011
Newspaper: Disband The Black Caucus
Investor's Business Daily:
Disband The Black Caucus -
Racial Politics: Next week, the Congressional Black Caucus will hold its 41st annual conference in Washington. It should be its last. The race-baiting group is alarmingly corrupt and out of control.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Disband The Black Caucus -
Are Fast and Furious Guns Coming to a Town Near You?
Here's the latest from A.W.R. Hawkins on the massive Obama scandal the liberal media continues to ignore.
Columnist: Are Fast and Furious Guns Coming to a Town Near You? - HUMAN EVENTS
Columnist: Are Fast and Furious Guns Coming to a Town Near You? - HUMAN EVENTS
Democrat Congressman: Gov't Has No Contractual Obligation to Pay Social Security Benefits
Let me see if I get this straight. The federal government takes money out of your paycheck each week, promises to keep it safe in a "lock box" until you're ready to retire, but this Democrat says there's no guarantee you'll ever see that money. Sure sounds like a Ponzi Scheme to me. And Democrats keep pretending that Republicans are the ones who want to cut Social Security. The Democrats have already raided the "lock box." There's nothing there.
Democrat Congressman: Gov't Has No Contractual Obligation to Pay Social Security Benefits |
Democrat Congressman: Gov't Has No Contractual Obligation to Pay Social Security Benefits |
Thursday, September 15, 2011
A GOP challenger for Bob Casey Jr.?

Casey has made no impact in Washington over the past five years and his blind obedience to the failed Barack Obama-Harry Reid agenda could be costly with voters who are fed up with incompetence in D.C.
While political newcomers David Christian and Steve Welch want to take on Casey, GOP officials would rather see one of two Southeastern Pennsylvania House members enter the Senate race.
Republican moderates Jim Gerlach and Charlie Dent are proven vote-getters and could pose a serious problem for Casey. Even first-term House member Patrick Meehan, a former U.S. Attorney, could knock off Casey, whose entire political career has been based on his father's name and his unwillingness to take a position on any important issues.
Those kind of feckless politicians are out-of-style in Washington.
Ex-House Candidate to Challenge Bob Casey : Roll Call Politics
Bob Casey,
Jim Gerlach,
Rep. Charlie Dent
26 Organizations Call for Resumption of Yucca Mountain Review
One man - Sen. Harry Reid - is preventing the opening of a safe place to deposit the nation's nuclear waste. Reid's arrogance has cost taxpayers billions of dollars and has raised safety issues because spent fuel rods are being stored in populated areas instead of the underground depository in Nevada. A Republican majority in the Senate would end Reid's tyranny.
26 Organizations Call for Resumption of Yucca Mountain Review
26 Organizations Call for Resumption of Yucca Mountain Review
Newspaper: Obama's 'Solargate' Unraveling
Investor's Business Daily on the growing Obama Scandal:
The White House pressured federal officials to OK a loan to an insolvent but politically tied green energy company in advance of a vice-presidential photo-op.Solargate Unraveled -
Barack Obama,
Government waste
Pennsylvania GOP looks to split electoral votes
Barack Obama won Pennsylvania in 2008 because he won the City of Philadelphia, which is not representative of the rest of the state. Pennsylvania Republicans have come up with a reform plan to more accurate reflect the wishes of Pennsylvania voters. Under the plan, Obama would have received about half the electoral votes he won in 2008.
Pennsylvania GOP looks to split electoral votes - Washington Times
Pennsylvania GOP looks to split electoral votes - Washington Times
Your tax dollars at work
No wonder this country is bankrupt. The Democrats' favorite stimulus becomes a firehose of fraud and error, says columnist John Hayward
$19 Billion In Unemployment Benefits Paid In Error - HUMAN EVENTS
$19 Billion In Unemployment Benefits Paid In Error - HUMAN EVENTS
Pennsylvania Unemployment Jumps to 8.2%
The Obama Recession continues as the jobless rate in Pennsylvania jumped from 7.8 percent in July to 8.2 percent in August.
The number of unemployed Pennsylvanians rose by 22,000 in August to an estimated 516,000.
So much for Obama's "Recovery Summer II."
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: August 2011
The number of unemployed Pennsylvanians rose by 22,000 in August to an estimated 516,000.
So much for Obama's "Recovery Summer II."
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: August 2011
Gov. Corbett Signs Execution Warrant
Gov. Tom Corbett has signed his 8th execution warrant since taking office in January, but death penalty advocates know it's a waste of time. No death row inmate has been executed in Pennsylvania since 1999.
Governor Corbett Signs Execution Warrant for Convicted Killer
Governor Corbett Signs Execution Warrant for Convicted Killer
'Waiting for ‘Superman' Screening, Panel Discussion at Albright College on Sept. 25

The film begins at 5:15 p.m. in Klein Lecture Hall, followed by the panel discussion at 7:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
The panel will be Louis Shucker, an attorney in private practice and a school board member, and Thomas Beveridge, a retired elementary principal from Pottsville, Pa., who supports charter schools. Joseph Yarworth, Ph.D., chair and assistant professor of education at Albright, will serve as moderator.
Film and Panel Discussion to Examine America's Public Education System
Your Daily Dose of Liberal Media Bias
Interesting post over at Bernie Goldberg's website about a new trend in liberal media bias: Far left new organizations finding the absolute worst photo they can of Republicans and printing or posting them.
A Picture's Worth of Bias
A Picture's Worth of Bias
Newspaper: Obama Loses Big Again
Investor's Business Daily on the repudiation of Barack Obama's presidency by voters in New York and Nevada in special elections held Tuesday:
Loud And Clear, And Repeated -
Rebellion: The safest of Democratic congressional seats in the citadel of liberalism has gone conservative Republican. But it just continues the remarkable trend that began when voters realized the mistake they made in 2008.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Loud And Clear, And Repeated -
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
GOP Listened to Voters and Won
How did a Catholic Republican pull off an upset in a Democratic Jewish Congressional district?
Patrick Brennan has some thoughts on the GOP's winning strategy in New York's 9th Congressional District and how it can use the same formula against Barack Obama in 2012.
In NY-9, GOP Listened to Voters - Patrick Brennan - National Review Online
Patrick Brennan has some thoughts on the GOP's winning strategy in New York's 9th Congressional District and how it can use the same formula against Barack Obama in 2012.
In NY-9, GOP Listened to Voters - Patrick Brennan - National Review Online
Pennsylvania high court opens its doors for cameras
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which dates back to the 1700s, has entered the 21st century.
Pennsylvania high court opens its doors for cameras
Pennsylvania high court opens its doors for cameras
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Weiner's House seat goes to GOP
Republicans won two Congressional seats in special elections Tuesday that were billed as referendums on Barack Obama's failed presidency. Not a good sign for Democrats as they continue to follow Obama over a cliff.
The big blow to the Democrats was the loss of the New York Congressional seat held by former Rep. Anthony Weiner, which had been in Democratic hands since 1922.
Weiner's House seat goes to GOP
The big blow to the Democrats was the loss of the New York Congressional seat held by former Rep. Anthony Weiner, which had been in Democratic hands since 1922.
Weiner's House seat goes to GOP
Newspaper: Public hostile toward Route 422 toll plan
There is not a Republican lawmaker in Berks, Chester or Montgomery counties who will support tolling of Route 422. And since Republicans control both houses of the Pennsylvania Legislature, I can't see this plan moving forward.
At forum, public hostile toward Route 422 toll plan
At forum, public hostile toward Route 422 toll plan
Poverty On the Rise Under Obama
Not exactly the change Americans were looking for. Poverty rates have risen to historic levels under the failed presidency of Barack Obama.
Poverty On the Rise - HUMAN EVENTS
Poverty On the Rise - HUMAN EVENTS
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional
A federal judge in Pennsylvania is the latest to strike down the key provision in the Obamacare bill forcing citizens to purchase health insurance.
From Judge Christopher C. Conner's ruling:
From Judge Christopher C. Conner's ruling:
"The nation undoubtably faces a health care crisis. Scores of individuals are uninsured and the costs to all citizens are measurable and significant. The federal government, however, is one of limited enumerated powers, and Congress's efforts to remedy the ailing health care and health insurance markets must fit squarely within the boundaries of those powers."Pa. federal judge rules against insurance mandate -
Obama Kills Another 500 Jobs In Texas
If you're keeping count, 2.5 million jobs lost since Barack Obama took office.
Obama Kills Another 500 Jobs In Texas - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama Kills Another 500 Jobs In Texas - HUMAN EVENTS
Monday, September 12, 2011
Poll: 38% Favor Obama Jobs Plan
Let's look on the bright side. That 38% is higher than Obama's job approval number ... for now.
Rasmussen Reports: 38% Favor Obama Jobs Plan, 36% Oppose
Rasmussen Reports: 38% Favor Obama Jobs Plan, 36% Oppose
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Obama Jobs Speeches
Every time Barack Obama gives a speech about the need to create more jobs, it seems more Americans lose their jobs.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 09, 2011
FACT CHECK: Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not
Did you notice Obama's nose growing as he spoke to Congress the other night?
FACT CHECK: Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not -
FACT CHECK: Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not -
Obama's uncle quietly released from jail
Another illegal alien turned loose in the United States.
Obama's uncle quietly released from jail - The Boston Globe
Obama's uncle quietly released from jail - The Boston Globe
Event honoring first responders postponed
An event designed to recognize first responders in Berks and Montgomery counties has been rescheduled because so many first responders are busy helping with flood conditions in the region.
HonorFest 2011 was scheduled to take place today at First Energy Stadium in Reading, but with so many police, firefighters and ambulance crews assisting victims of this week's flooding, the organizers decided to move the event to Saturday, Oct. 1.
For more information, visit
HonorFest 2011 was scheduled to take place today at First Energy Stadium in Reading, but with so many police, firefighters and ambulance crews assisting victims of this week's flooding, the organizers decided to move the event to Saturday, Oct. 1.
For more information, visit
Berks County,
Montgomery County
Wall Street: Obama Lays An Egg
Wall Street responds to Obama's job speech with the Dow dropping 300 points today. That's a vote of no confidence if there ever was one.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
GOP Debate makes MSNBC No. 1, lose 4M viewers following
Cellar-dweller MSNBC should take a hint: Get rid of all the liberal talking heads and start covering the news instead of shilling for Obama.
The GOP Debate makes MSNBC number 1, lose nearly 4 million viewers following
The GOP Debate makes MSNBC number 1, lose nearly 4 million viewers following
Gallup: Obama Had Worst Month Ever in August
Just wait until November 2012 when voters get to toss Obama out of office.
Gallup: Obama Had Worst Month Ever in August |
Gallup: Obama Had Worst Month Ever in August |
Big White House economic speeches that failed
If history is any judge, expect Barack Obama to fail miserably tonight in his attempt to salvage his failed presidency.
Big White House economic speeches that failed
Big White House economic speeches that failed
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Supersized buyouts for school chiefs under scrutiny
Why do school board members elected to represent taxpayers hand over hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to overpaid school officials so they would leave? Where is the accountability?
From an article by Christina A. Samuels in Education Week:
From an article by Christina A. Samuels in Education Week:
Arlene Ackerman's $905,000 settlement with the Philadelphia district grabbed headlines, but she isn't the only Pennsylvania superintendent who has been shown the door in recent months with a generous settlement in hand.Education Week: Supersized Buyouts for School Chiefs Scrutinized
According to media reports, William Hall, who led the 3,050-student Gettysburg district, left in February with $542,000. That included two years of salary and forgiving the mortgage on his house, which he had bought from the district's vocational education program. In August, Gerald Zahorchak, Pennsylvania's former secretary of education, was bought out a year into his five-year contract to lead the 17,700-student Allentown district. He will be paid a year's salary of $195,000 and a $55,000 lump sum.
School spending
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