Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Poll: Obama Out of Touch With Most Americans

Here are key findings courtesy of poll director Dr. Terry Madonna:
· Americans are generally satisfied with how well the current healthcare system meets their needs. More than one in three (36%) says the system meets their needs very well, and another two in five (43%) say it meets their needs pretty well, leaving about one in five (20%) Americans who feel the system is not serving their personal needs. These proportions have not changed since the health care reform law was passed.You can review the full poll findings here.
· Americans are still divided about reforming the country’s health care system. About half (46%) of adults believe the system works well and needs only minor changes while about the same proportion (45%) believes the system needs a complete overhaul.
· Nearly nine in ten (85%) respondents report the health care they receive is about the same as it was before the health care reform law passed, and three in four (74%) say the reform law has had no effect on them personally.
· More people believe the health care reform law will make the health care system worse (42%) than better (32%) and fewer than one in three (30%) believes the law will bring down the long-run costs of health care.
· Two in five (44%) respondents believe the health care law should be repealed.
· More registered voters say that President Obama is doing only a fair (29%) or poor (29%) job as president than say he is doing an excellent (9%) or good (32%) job.
· More voters disapprove than approve of how President Obama has handled the economy (43% approve, 50% disapprove) and the situation in Libya (39% approve, 43% disapprove).
· More registered voters believe program cuts (30%) rather than tax increases (11%) should be used to balance the budget, but nearly half (46%) of voters believes that both spending cuts and tax increases should be used to balance the budget.
· Registered voters have more confidence in the president's ability to handle the federal budget (54% express confidence) than in Congress’s ability to do so (41% express confidence).
· A majority (54%) of Americans approve of using nuclear power to produce energy, while one third (33%) oppose the use; however, half (50%) oppose building more nuclear power plants, while two in five (42%) would favor doing so.
U.S. Banks Warn Obama on Soaring Debt
The man who raised the national debt by $3 trillion in less than 3 years is now supposed to deal with the nation's debt crisis? Seriously?
US Economy: US Banks Warn Obama on Soaring Debt - CNBC
US Economy: US Banks Warn Obama on Soaring Debt - CNBC
Obama's handling of economy hits all-time low
A new poll finds 57% of registered voters disapprove of Barack Obama's handling of economy ... and it's getting harder for Obama to keep blaming George W. Bush three years after moving into the White House.
Four in 10 approve of Obama's handling of economy; marks all-time low - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Four in 10 approve of Obama's handling of economy; marks all-time low - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Pennsylvania prisons are a revolving door
The Pew Center on the States says in a recent report that the recidivism rate for prisoners released between 2004 and 2007 was 40 percent in Pennsylvania.
Podcast: Pennsylvania prisons are a revolving door -
Podcast: Pennsylvania prisons are a revolving door -
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Poll: 72% Say Taxpayers Not Getting Their Money’s Worth from Public Schools
So much for throwing more money at the problem, which is what Democrats and their Big Labor allies always suggest as way to fix the broken public education system in the United States.
The vast majority of Americans disagree.
From a new Rasmussen poll:
72% Say Taxpayers Not Getting Their Money’s Worth from Public Schools
The vast majority of Americans disagree.
From a new Rasmussen poll:
Voters overwhelmingly believe that taxpayers are not getting a good return on what they spend on public education, and just one-in-three voters think spending more will make a difference.Read the full poll results below:
72% Say Taxpayers Not Getting Their Money’s Worth from Public Schools
Columnist: Obama the Tax Hypocrite
From a terrific new column by Kevin McCullough on hypocritical rich people like Barack Obama saying Americans should pay more in taxes:
Read the full column, "Obama the Tax Hypocrite," here.
Like the phony group of "millionaires" who held press conferences after the president's "deficit reduction" speech and declared they wished to be paying more in taxes, let me remind the president, just as I did the millionaires: the IRS does accept donations. In fact here's the address: "Internal Revenue Service, Washington D.C., 20001"
PA Senate confirms Behr as Montgomery County Sheriff

The Republican-controlled Senate voted along party lines (30-20) on Tuesday to confirm Behr's nomination to fill the unexpired term of the late Sheriff John P. Durante, 60, of Conshohocken, who died of a heart attack while in office on Feb. 10, 2010, according to Montgomery County Republican Committee Executive Director Brittany Tressler.
Behr will serve as sheriff for the remainder of 2011. She is the first woman to hold the position.
Behr, 54, of Lafayette Hill, is the endorsed GOP candidate in the May 17 primary. Her opponent for the Republican primary nomination is Robert J. Durante, 58, of Norristown, a retired 33-year veteran of the sheriff's department. (Durante is no relation to the late Sheriff Durante).
The winner of the GOP nomination will face Democrat William A. Holt Jr., 65, a retired detective sergeant with the Abington Police Department. He is the only Democrat running for sheriff.
Democratic Party bosses have been whining that Behr now has an unfair advantage because she will hold the office of sheriff for the rest of the year. The very same party bosses had no problems when Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell appointed Democrats to fill vacancies over the past eight years.
The man who invented Barack Obama has died
A sad day for Barack Obama ... Hubert "Hub" Schlafly, the man credited with inventing the teleprompter, has died at age 91. You could argue there would never have been a President Obama without the invention of the teleprompter.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Obama Wants Drivers To Feel More Pain At The Pump
Barack Obama will not be satisfied until American consumers are paying $6-$7 for a gallon of gas, just like his socialist friends in Europe. Gas prices have risen 110 percent since Obama took office thanks to his failed energy policies.
It's Hard Out Here For A Pump - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
It's Hard Out Here For A Pump - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
Barack Obama,
High Gas Prices
A Petition for Equal Time On Facebook
Why is Facebook working so hard to get Barack Obama re-elected? Will Facebook give Republican challengers equal access to its users?
A Petition for Equal Time On Facebook - HUMAN EVENTS
A Petition for Equal Time On Facebook - HUMAN EVENTS
Barack Obama,
Liberal media bias
Corbett Signs Bill Repealing Sprinkler Mandate
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett has signed his first bill into law - the repeal of the Nanny State requirement for sprinklers in all new residential construction in Pennsylvania.
The repeal should help the state's struggling construction industry.
Corbett Signs Bill Repealing Sprinkler Mandate
The repeal should help the state's struggling construction industry.
Corbett Signs Bill Repealing Sprinkler Mandate
Monday, April 25, 2011
Obama White House Ignores Easter
Presidential Proclamations are issued for all sorts of events, so you'd think acknowledging the most important holiday on the Christian calendar would be a no-brainer.
But this is the Obama White House we're dealing with here.
Somewhere between issuing proclamations for "Cesar Chavez Day" and "Earth Day," the Obama White House failed to recognize Easter.
Easter | White House | Proclamation | The Daily Caller
But this is the Obama White House we're dealing with here.
Somewhere between issuing proclamations for "Cesar Chavez Day" and "Earth Day," the Obama White House failed to recognize Easter.
Easter | White House | Proclamation | The Daily Caller
Far Left
Fewer Americans, Europeans View Global Warming as a Threat
Despite the massive propaganda campaign by the far left and its media allies, fewer people believe global warming is a serious threat.
Fewer Americans, Europeans View Global Warming as a Threat
Fewer Americans, Europeans View Global Warming as a Threat
Liberals still playing the race card
Unable to defend Obama's failing presidency, liberals turn to the race card once again.
Obama's job approval numbers are sinking because he is incompetent, not because he's black.
Cokie Roberts: People Call Obama Muslim Because They Can't Say 'I Don't Like Him Cause He's Black'
Obama's job approval numbers are sinking because he is incompetent, not because he's black.
Cokie Roberts: People Call Obama Muslim Because They Can't Say 'I Don't Like Him Cause He's Black'
Newspaper: Big Labor's threat
It's us agains them - taxpayers vs. public sector unions - and the Big Labor will stop at nothing to continue fleecing taxpayers.
From an editorial in The Pittsburgh Tritube-Review:
From an editorial in The Pittsburgh Tritube-Review:
Big Labor's incessant bellyaching over having to give up anything -- while cash-strapped state governments have nothing left to give -- has reached a retching new low: a threat from a Michigan union honcho to weaponize government jobs.Read the full editorial - "Weaponizing' public service: Big labor's threat" - at the newspaper's website.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Christ Is Risen! Truly He Is Risen!

Beloved children in the Lord,Once again, in a spirit of joy and peace, we address you with the delightful and hopeful greeting: "Christ is Risen!"Read the full message here.
The occurrences and events of our time may not seem to justify the exultation of our greeting. The natural destruction caused by seismic tremors and oceanic swells, together with the lurking devastation from possible nuclear explosion, as well as the human sacrifices resulting from military conflict and terrorist action, reveal our world to be in horrible torment and anguish from the pressure of the natural and spiritual forces of evil.
Nevertheless, the Resurrection of Christ is indeed real and grants to faithful Christians the certainty – and to all humanity the possibility – of transcending the adverse consequences of natural calamity and spiritual perversity.
Nature rebels when the arrogant human mind endeavors to tame its boundless forces endowed by the Creator it its seemingly insignificant and inactive elements. In considering from a spiritual perspective the grievous natural phenomena that plague our planet repeatedly and successively in recent times, we appreciate and acknowledge the belief that these are inseparable from the spiritual and ethical deviation of humanity. The signs of this deviation – such as greed, avarice, and an insatiable desire for material wealth, alongside an indifference toward the poverty endured by so many as a result of the imbalanced affluence of the few – may not be clearly related to the natural occurrences in the eyes of scientists. Yet, for someone examining the matter spiritually, sin disturbs the harmony of spiritual and natural relations alike. For, there is a mystical connection between moral and natural evil; if we wish to be liberated from the latter, we must reject the former.
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Republican rips Obama for visiting Facebook but not the Gulf Coast
What did Barack Obama do on the one-year anniversary of his administration's biggest environmental disaster? Ignore it, of course.
Republican rips Obama for visiting Facebook but not the Gulf Coast - The Hill's Floor Action
Republican rips Obama for visiting Facebook but not the Gulf Coast - The Hill's Floor Action
Friday, April 22, 2011
Orthodox Christians to Observe Pascha (Easter) April 24
From the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America:
More than 250 million Orthodox Christians worldwide will celebrate Pascha (Easter) this Sunday April 24. Faithful in great numbers, crowd churches for Holy Week services and in preparation for the Feast of Feasts, the Resurrection of Christ.Read the full release at the Archdiocese website.
"Pascha is a feast for our hearts, a celebration for our souls. Today, repentance is embraced with grace and forgiveness. Hope overcomes despair. Heavenly joy replaces grief. Divine and assuring peace reigns over our inner struggles. Our hearts are renewed with the strength to continue the journey of liberation from sin and evil," says Archbishop Demetrios, spiritual leader of 1.5 million Greek Orthodox Christians in America in his Paschal Encyclical.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Rep. Maloney: 'Why We Were Elected'

By Rep. David M. Maloney
While I campaigned last summer and fall for the State House of Representative, by far the thing people told me about the most was their struggles with paying school property taxes. I went to thousands of homes personally, and I listened to people tell me their own stories or the story of a friend, co-worker or relative who was fighting to stay above water financially, pay mortgages, pay taxes, bills and just buying food. These are extraordinarily difficult economic times and I don't know anyone who is not somehow affected by either job reductions or layoffs. I know we all feel the pain of nearly $4.00 a gallon gasoline.
I am a believer in school property tax elimination. Berks County has long been the center of the struggle for change. I have great respect for the work former State Representative Dennis Leh did to advance the cause and recently former State Representative Sam Rohrer who kept the fight going. At the state capitol, I am part of several caucuses to do the same.
I am convinced that our public school funding formula is inequitable and outdated. This has created hot spots in Pennsylvania where some homeowners pay much higher school property taxes than in other parts of the state. The sooner the rest of the legislators in Harrisburg are convinced of the problem, the faster we move forward. The good news is there are more legislators now than in the last session from both sides in the State House, who ran on the commitment to eliminate school property taxes, and more Republicans like me who ran on a slate of conservative issues that we have made great progress on so far.
Last November, I was part of the new group of legislators who were elected to face Pennsylvania's problems and not kick issues down the road to deal with years from now. It's not popular work and some issues like education spending have many people concerned, but we have grabbed the bull by the horns for the sake of Pennsylvania's future.
State House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny County) said the House this session has "completed the most productive first four months in recent legislative sessions as the House Republican Caucus works to fulfill the agenda it was elected to complete." It's true and I was part of it.
Our agenda in the State House is to: rein in spending – enacting a $27.3 billion budget, on time with no tax increases. We are working to pass a jobs package which includes: Unemployment Compensation reform, welfare reform to eliminate fraud and to ensure that only those truly eligible will receive the help they need. Wine and spirit sales privatization is on the table. Sprinkler mandate elimination, House Bill 377 was already sent to the governor to sign. Part of our mission is to eliminate the barriers that keep businesses away from Pennsylvania.
This session, we Republicans led in the House with series of bills to deal with protecting children and rebuilding the people's trust in state government. During the first legislative week a package of bills was moved to close loopholes in the state's Megan's Law. Also considered and passed were Gaming reforms to ensure integrity throughout the gaming license and regulatory process. Last week, the House passed HB1, commonsense lawsuit abuse reform or the "fair share" act.
We know we have much more work to do with the Basic Education Funding formula. I have been listening to the concerns of student and teachers in my district. I admire school teacher unions and school administrators who thoughtfully agreed to take pay freezes. In the House we will work to ensure a fair expenditure, and provide mandate relief so school districts can make their own decisions to help them control their own spending.
An amazing statistic was brought to our attention in the State House. In the last session, 2009-10, only 10 bills were sent to the Senate during the same time period, and in the 2007-08 session, no bills were sent to the Senate for its consideration. So far this session we have moved over 50 bills with help from both sides of the political aisle.
My intent here is to let readers know that we are making progress in Harrisburg, and we know we have much more work to do. We also know we are accountable to the voters.
Rep. David M. Maloney is a Republican who represents the 130th State House District in Eastern Berks County.
Berks County,
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Poll: Obama at 46 percent to Romney's 45
Pretty bad for Democrats when someone as bland as Mitt Romney is tied with Obama going into the 2012 presidential election.
Poll: Obama at 46 percent to Romney's 45 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Poll: Obama at 46 percent to Romney's 45 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Planned Parenthood ads target lawmakers over defunding votes
I wonder if Planned Parenthood is using tax dollars to run its campaign to oust members of Congress who want to cut taxpayer funding for the nation's largest abortion provider.
Planned Parenthood ads target lawmakers over defunding votes - The Hill's Healthwatch
Planned Parenthood ads target lawmakers over defunding votes - The Hill's Healthwatch
Watchdog group: Obama lies about GOP debt reduction plan
The non-partisan says Barack Obama has been lying about the Republican plan to reduce the federal deficit.
FactChecking Obama's Budget Speech
FactChecking Obama's Budget Speech
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Few 'taxpayer friends' from PA in Congress

The National Taxpayers Union, a 362,000-member fiscal watchdog group, has released its annual report card on members of Congress.
For the past 32 years, the Washington, D.C.-based group has issued a scorecard for each member of Congress based on his or her voting record to determine how "friendly" or "unfriendly" they are to overburdened taxpayers.
In addition to handing out letter grades — A through F — the group divides lawmakers into two groups: "Taxpayers' Friends" and "Big Spenders."
The grades are for 2010 members of Congress, many of whom have already been tossed out of office by angry voters last November.
It's no surprise that so many incumbents lost in 2010 if you follow the NTU rankings over the past three decades.
"2010 saw some of the most polarizing fiscal issues in the history of Congress, and NTU's Rating depicted the trend in stark detail," said NTU President Duane Parde. "Although an increasing number of lawmakers voted with taxpayers' interests, more than three times as many sided with special interests instead. With this lopsided tug-of-war among Members of Congress, it is no wonder the nation’s finances were dragged into a quagmire last year."
Pennsylvania voters were particularly agitated with members of Congress, tossing out five incumbent Democrats who represented Pennsylvania Congressional seats, as well as Sen. Arlen Specter.
While other watchdog groups tabulate ratings based on selected votes, NTU considers every vote taken by every member of Congress during each session. For 2010, the NTU rankings are based on 165 House and 142 Senate votes.
Some 79 lawmakers attained an "A" grade (at least 90 percent in the House and a 95 percent the Senate), which makes them eligible for the NTU's "Taxpayers' Friend Award" — an increase from the 55 who earned top grades in 2009, Parde notes.
At least half the members of Congress flunked the NTU grading system, with 264 Senators and Representatives earning the title of "Big Spender" for posting "F" grades (20 percent or less in the House and 18 percent or less in the Senate), Parde says.
A familiar name finished at the head of the class among all members of Congress.
For the eighth consecutive year, Rep. Jeff Flake, a Republican from Arizona, earned top honors in the House with a 97 percent rating.
In the Senate, NTU recognized Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) who earned a 99.5 percent, breaking the 99 percent mark that Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) earned in 1983. Right behind McCain was Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS), whose score was rounded to 99.5 percent.
The top scorers from Pennsylvania are Rep. Joe Pitts, a Republican who represents the 16th District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties, and Rep. Bill Shuster, who represents the 9th District in Western Pennsylvania. Both earned a B+ in the report card.
Pennsylvania Reps. Paul Kanjorski, Allyson Schwartz and Joe Sestak earned the lowest House scores.
Unfortunately for Pennsylvania taxpayers, far too many of the lawmakers who represent the state earned "F" grades from the NTU, qualifying for the group's "Big Spender" category.
Here's a look at how Pennsylvania members of Congress did on the taxpayer report card:
Sen. Bob Casey Jr. — F; Sen. Arlen Specter — F; Rep. Jason Altmire — D; Rep. Bob Brady — F; Rep. Chris Carney — F; Rep. Mark Critz — F; Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper — F; Rep. Charlie Dent — C+; Rep. Mike Doyle — F; Rep. Chaka Fattah — F; Rep. Jim Gerlach — C+; Rep. Tim Holden — D; Rep. Paul Kanjorski — F; Rep. Patrick Murphy — F; Rep. Tim Murphy — C+; Rep. Joe Pitts — B+; Rep. Todd Platts — C+; Rep. Allyson Schwartz — F; Rep. Joe Sestak — F; Rep. Bill Shuster — B+; Rep. Glenn Thompson — B
In the Senate, Specter and Casey are both Democrats. In the House, all of the Democrats from Pennsylvania received "F" grades except Reps. Altmire and Holden, who each earned a "D" grade.
Carney, Dahlkemper, Kanjorski and Patrick Murphy were ousted by voters last November while Sestak gave up his House seat for an unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate. Sestak's seat was won by Republican Pat Meehan. Specter failed to win another term in the Senate, losing to Republican Pat Toomey.
What lesson should politicians have learned after the "shellacking" tax-and-spend Democrats took in the midterm elections?
"Given the multi-trillion-dollar surge in the national debt during 2009 and 2010, taxpayers are now hoping for a different kind of surge — one that will take scores for both parties on NTU's next Rating of Congress to new and fitting heights," Parde said. "Time will tell if lawmakers translate their words on behalf of limited government to deeds that will show up on our scorecard — and in taxpayers' wallets."
To review the process NTU uses to determine its grades or the actual votes taken on specific bills, visit the group's Web site at
Big Labor is killing U.S. jobs
Unions collected over $8.8 billion in dues last year. Most of it went to union bosses and Democratic politicians instead of helping workers.
Check out this post at - One Year's Worth Of Union Dues Could Support 265,447 U.S. Workers For A Year
Check out this post at - One Year's Worth Of Union Dues Could Support 265,447 U.S. Workers For A Year
This just in from the Ivory Tower
The chancellor of Pennsylvania's 14 state-owned universities is OK with pay raises for 1,500 nonunion administrators, including himself, despite threats by university presidents to raise tuition dramatically or cut back programs.
Let this be a lesson to you college kids: When it comes to lining their own pockets, the folks living in the Ivory Towers come first.
Daily Journal - Pa. university system chancellor defends administrators' raises, despite looming deficit
Let this be a lesson to you college kids: When it comes to lining their own pockets, the folks living in the Ivory Towers come first.
Daily Journal - Pa. university system chancellor defends administrators' raises, despite looming deficit
Higher Education,
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Monday, April 18, 2011
Bill Rusher, 1923 - 2011
William A. Rusher, a leading voice of the conservative movement for more than 50 years, has died at age 87.
Rusher spent 31 years as publisher of National Review, and wrote a syndicated column that was published in hundreds of newspapers, including The Mercury.
Statement by Richard Viguerie on the Death of Bill Rusher
Rusher spent 31 years as publisher of National Review, and wrote a syndicated column that was published in hundreds of newspapers, including The Mercury.
Statement by Richard Viguerie on the Death of Bill Rusher
Standard & Poor's lowers U.S. debt rating to negative
After three years of Obamanomics, the day of reckoning is approaching. There are consequences when you raise the national debt by $4 trillion in less than three years.
Standar & Poor's lowers U.S. debt rating to negative
Standar & Poor's lowers U.S. debt rating to negative
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
You call this property tax relief?
Pennsylvania residents are still waiting to see the "substantial property tax relief" promised by former Gov. Ed Rendell when he signed the bill in 2005 to bring casino gambling to the Keystone State.
The average statewide property tax reduction for each Pennsylvania household in 2011 is expected to be about $200. You call that property tax relief?
Budget Secretary Certifies $776.2 Million for Statewide Property Tax Relief
The average statewide property tax reduction for each Pennsylvania household in 2011 is expected to be about $200. You call that property tax relief?
Budget Secretary Certifies $776.2 Million for Statewide Property Tax Relief
Property Taxes
Friday, April 15, 2011
America's Tax Cheating Politicians: Most Are Democrats
A new survey has found that Democratic politicians are far more likely to cheat on their taxes.
America's Tax Cheating Politicians
America's Tax Cheating Politicians
Bill O'Reilly: School Lunch Madness
The government will soon decide what your child eats.
It's starting in Chicago but will soon spread across the nation.
Michelle Obama is now the natiion's Lunch Lady.
Bill O'Reilly: School Lunch Madness
It's starting in Chicago but will soon spread across the nation.
Michelle Obama is now the natiion's Lunch Lady.
Bill O'Reilly: School Lunch Madness
Columnist: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
John Hayward is waiting for liberal elites to put their money where they mouths are:
The great attraction of liberalism is the sanctimony it supplies to true believers. It lets them feel like they're better people, by imposing their morality on lesser beings through compulsive force. This is built right into the name of the "Patriotic Millionaires," which implies that any wealthy person who opposes higher taxes is unpatriotic. Making other people struggle with higher taxes is worth whatever they would have to pay their accountants to dodge the tax increases they advocate. Of course, since a lot of these liberal millionaires have their wealth tucked into assets that would not be taxed, and report relatively little taxable income, they're automatically protected from the burdens they demand on high income.The Government Owns Your Prosperity - HUMAN EVENTS
Happy Birthday, Roy Clark
Country singer and guitar legen Roy Clark is 78 today. Happy Birthday, Roy!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Newly empowered GOP pushes voter ID
Unless you have something to hide - for example, you're not a legal resident of the United States or you've already voted somewhere else - why would anyone oppose a law requiring proper ID before entering a voting booth? Yet, Democrats oppose efforts to require voter ID cards.
Newly empowered GOP pushes voter ID
Newly empowered GOP pushes voter ID
Pennsylvania Unemployment Drops to 7.8%
You see what happens when you put Republicans in charge? Pennsylvania's economy is rebounding after eight disastrous years under Gov. Ed Rendell.
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: March 2011
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: March 2011
Newspaper: More Americans leaving workforce
A stunning revelation from USA Today: Only 45.4% of Americans had jobs in 2010, the lowest rate since 1983 and down from a peak of 49.3% in 2000. Last year, just 66.8% of men had jobs, the lowest on record.
More Americans leaving workforce -
More Americans leaving workforce -
See you Friday at Montgomery County Community College

Phyrillas, pictured here with state Rep. Tom Quigley, R-Montgomery, will be taking part in a Q-and-A from 11 a.m.-11.:45 a.m., followed immediately by a free lunch. (Get there early for a seat; last year, 570 lunches were served.)
The Expo, co-sponsored by state Rep. Quigley, Montgomery County Community College, the TriCounty Community Network and The Mercury, runs from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Other Expo highlights include caricatures by Alan MacBain, musical performances by the Pottstown Middle School Woodwinds Ensemble and Pottstown High School Show Choir, as well as five cash drawings for $100 each.
Dozens of vendors will have services and equipment on display. All programs, health screenings, demonstrations and entertainment are free to the public.
Poll: Obama losing ground in Pennsylvania
Laura Vecsey, writing in The Patriot-News, says Barack Obama's fortunes have changed in the Keystone State:
Pennsylvania's looking like it could be a very tough state for Obama in 2012, says Public Policy Polling. Obama's approval rating in PA is only 42 percent, with 52 percent of voters disapproving of him.Read the full story, "Obama's 2012 chances of winning Pennsylvania not so hot, new poll shows," at the newspaper's website.
Barack Obama,
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
For those who want to pay higher taxes

From the Treasury Department website:
How do I make a contribution to the U.S. government?
Citizens who wish to make a general donation to the U.S. government may send contributions to a specific account called "Gifts to the United States." This account was established in 1843 to accept gifts, such as bequests, from individuals wishing to express their patriotism to the United States. Money deposited into this account is for general use by the federal government and can be available for budget needs. These contributions are considered an unconditional gift to the government. Financial gifts can be made by check or money order payable to the United States Treasury and mailed to the address below.
Gifts to the United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Credit Accounting Branch
3700 East-West Highway, Room 622D
Hyattsville, MD 20782
Government Spending,
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Montco D.A. Risa Ferman Writes Children's Book on Online Safety

"The Mouse Who Went Surfing Alone" is designed to help educate children (and parents) about the dangers of browsing online.
All proceeds of the book will benefit Mission Kids, a local non-profit organization aimed at easing the criminal justice process for abused children.
The book will debut at Mission Kid's annual fundraising event, Mission Possible, held at the Merion Tribute House on April 14 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. People can purchase the book at the event or online at
Pennsylvania District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman Writes Children's Book To Help Parents Discuss Online Safety
PA GOP: Obama Wants a 'Budget Do-Over' to Raise Your Taxes

"Last year, Democrats controlled the White House, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House, and they still couldn't pass a budget on time. Now, President Obama wants a budget do-over, filled with tax hikes and more spending. It has become clear that what we really need is an election do-over to get a real, fiscally responsible leader in the White House. Pennsylvanians are not only fed up with government spending, we are tired of having a President who hides from tackling tough issues for months on end, and in the final hour swoops in with a pretty speech. We don't need rhetoric, we need leadership," Gleason said.
"It's clear to everyone except the President that our country doesn't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem. Republicans have stepped up to fill the leadership void by offering solutions to shrink the deficit without succumbing to tax hikes, which will only fuel our addiction to Washington's spending problem rather than helping curb it. In Gov. Tom Corbett, we now have this type of courageous leadership in Harrisburg, and we now need the same from Washington."
Barack Obama,
Columnist: Pennsylvania needs to put taxpayers first
Matthew J. Brouillette of the Commonwealth Foundation:
Pennsylvania needs to put taxpayers first -
"Public-sector unionization has effectively raised the cost of public services for taxpayers. In 1991, Pennsylvania's state and local tax burden was 24th in the nation. Today, it is the 10th highest. Granting unions a monopoly over the government workforce has given them significant leverage over budgets and taxes. Unions use the power of compulsory union dues to lobby for higher taxes, more government jobs, and increased compensation."Read the full column at the link below:
Pennsylvania needs to put taxpayers first -
No relief in sight for gas prices
The average price per gallon of regular gas when George W. Bush left office was $1.83. The average price per gallon of regular gas today under Barack Obama is $3.79.
No relief in sight for gas prices -
No relief in sight for gas prices -
Corbett nominates Eileen Behr for Montco Sheriff

Gov. Tom Corbett has nominated Eileen Whalon Behr, retired Whitemarsh Police Chief, to serve as Montgomery County Sheriff for the remainder of 2011.
If confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate, Behr will fill the office of the late Sheriff John P. Durante, who passed away in February of 2010.
Behr will also receive a tremendous boost toward a full four-year term as Sheriff. She is one of two Republicans seeking the party's nomination to run for Sheriff in November.
The other GOP candidate is Robert J. Durante, who is no relation to the late Sheriff Durante, but should receive a lot of support because of confusion of the name. The Democratic candidate, William A. Holt Jr., is running unopposed in the primary.
Behr is the endorsed candidate of the Montgomery County Republican Committee.
"Chief Behr has dedicated her life to public service. During her tenure as Chief of Police in the Whitemarsh Police Department, she has made it one of the premiere departments in the County," Montgomery County Republican Committee Chairman Bob Kerns said. "She has distinguished herself in the field of law enforcement, as well as in the community."
Behr has spent her entire career in law enforcement, starting as a police dispatcher with the Whitemarsh Police Department at age 19, and has held several positions within the department over the past 35 years – patrol, traffic safety and accident investigation, juvenile detective, detective sergeant, and chief of police, the first female chief in Montgomery County.
Law Enforcement,
Montgomery County,
Tom Corbett
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tea Party Rally in Phoenixville on April 15
The Valley Forge Patriots is sponsoring a Tax Day Tea Party Rally in Phoenixville, from 5 to 7 PM on Friday, April 15, at the corner of Bridge and Main Streets.
"We are urging folks to come out and join us," said Betty Dunkel of the Valley Forge Patriots. "We need to let our legislators know that we are Taxed Enough Already and they need to reduce taxes and cut spending."
The Valley Forge Patriots are a conservative political education and action group that meets the second Friday of every month at PJ Ryans in Phoenixville. The group welcomes new members who are interested in learning the Constitution, holding elected officials accountable, and believe in smaller government and personal responsibility.
Contact Betty Dunkel at 610 933-2015 or go to our MeetUp site at for more information.
A Tea Party Rally sponsored by the Chester County Liberty Alliance will take place on Saturday, April 16, at 3 PM on the Courthouse steps in West Chester.
"We are urging folks to come out and join us," said Betty Dunkel of the Valley Forge Patriots. "We need to let our legislators know that we are Taxed Enough Already and they need to reduce taxes and cut spending."
The Valley Forge Patriots are a conservative political education and action group that meets the second Friday of every month at PJ Ryans in Phoenixville. The group welcomes new members who are interested in learning the Constitution, holding elected officials accountable, and believe in smaller government and personal responsibility.
Contact Betty Dunkel at 610 933-2015 or go to our MeetUp site at for more information.
A Tea Party Rally sponsored by the Chester County Liberty Alliance will take place on Saturday, April 16, at 3 PM on the Courthouse steps in West Chester.
Chester County,
Tea Parties
'Shining A Light Into The Black Hole Of School Spending'
Check out this website - - to read actual teacher contracts from your school district.
The site breaks down the contracts by state.
For Pennsylvania school districts, click here.
The site breaks down the contracts by state.
For Pennsylvania school districts, click here.
School spending
Are welfare cuts next for Pennsylvania?
The biggest mystery in Harrisburg - Why won't Gov. Tom Corbett cut the $11 Billion spent each year by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare?
Are welfare cuts next for Pennsylvania? -
Are welfare cuts next for Pennsylvania? -
Rep. Quigley's Benefit Shopping Bill Passes House

The legislation would require the Department of Public Welfare to base benefit amounts on an applicant's county of permanent legal residence, according to Quigley.
From a Quigley press release:
"For the past eight years our welfare system has been a leaky faucet, but House Republicans are getting out the wrench and turning off the tap," said Quigley. "Our taxpayers could never afford this lack of oversight into state funds, but especially during this budget crisis, it is imperative that we account for every single dollar the hard-working citizens of this Commonwealth send to state government."More information about Quigley and the WelFAIR package are available at
Quigley's House Bill 1261 was introduced as part of the House Republican's WelFAIR package, which will restore fairness, accountability, integrity and responsibility to welfare programs. Other bills in the package include:· House Bill 1297, which would institute drug testing for applicants convicted of a drug felony within the past five years."Public funds should be held to the highest scrutiny and strictest standards – that is what our taxpayers deserve," said Quigley. "We must ensure that the people using Access cards are those for whom benefits are intended, that the people receiving assistance meet all eligibility requirements and that taxpayer dollars are not being spent to purchase drugs or tobacco. I am proud to be a part of this effort, and I am hopeful these bills will make their way to the governor's desk soon."
· House Bill 1251, which would increase penalties for welfare fraud.
· House Bill 1254, which would prohibit the purchase of tobacco products with Access cards.
· House Bill 392, which would require photo identification on welfare benefit cards.
· House Bill 960, which would create an Income Eligibility Verification System.
· House Bill 1301, which would implement new guidelines and restrictions on the existing Medical Assistance Transportation Program.
· House Bill 1312, which would assist people in moving from welfare to work with job transition loans, rather than the current grant program.
House Bill 1261 will now go to the Senate for consideration. The House also approved House Bills 960 and 1251.
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Tom Quigley,
If we could only give Obama more money to spend
The reason the national debt is $14 Trillion - and counting - is because you're not paying enough taxes, according to this liberal commentator.
CNBC's Erin Burnett on National Debt: 'The Problem is Our Revenue'
CNBC's Erin Burnett on National Debt: 'The Problem is Our Revenue'
305,000 Visitors to Tony Phyrillas Blog
My site counter has recorded 305,000 unique visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Poll: 65% Say Most Judges Should Be Elected, Political Class Disagrees
Another interesting poll from Rasmussen showing the disconnect between voters and the political class.
65% Say Most Judges Should Be Elected, Political Class Disagrees
65% Say Most Judges Should Be Elected, Political Class Disagrees
Monday, April 11, 2011
PA Houses Passes 'Fair Share Act'
A major reform to Pennsylvania's legal system has been approved by the state House by a 112-88 vote.
House Bill 1, also known as the "Fair Share Act," ensures that defendants in lawsuits pay their fair share of monetary damages instead of the entire award of damages. Pennsylvania is one of only nine states without a "Fair Share Act" on the books.
"This simple, reasonable and responsible lawsuit abuse reform will help put an end to deep pocket frivolous lawsuits and is a necessity if we want to improve Pennsylvania's economic and health care climate," said House Majority Leader Mike Turzai. "The current system is susceptible to abuse by plaintiff lawyers seeking co-defendants with deep pockets such as large employers, hospitals or state and local governments."
The Fair Share Act eliminates joint liability for defendants in civil cases found to be less than 60 percent liable and implements a system of comparative responsibility in which a defendant is responsible for paying only his fair share of the damages, according to Turzai.
"That means if a party is responsible for 10 percent of the fault, that party would be accountable for paying only 10 percent of the total award. Under current law, the doctrine of joint and several liability establishes that a defendant in a multi-defendant civil case may be required to pay damages associated with the actions of its co-defendants."
All but three of the 112 Republicans in the House voted yes on HB 1 and they were joined by three Democrats to pass it.
HB 1, sponsored by Rep. Curt Schroder of Chester County now goes to the Senate for approval. Gov. Tom Corbett promised while campaigning last year to sign a lawsuit abuse reform bill if the Legislature sends it to him.
PA State Rep. Curt Schroder - Schroder's Fair Share Act Wins House Approval
'Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations' runs through May 1 at Smithsonian

Until May 1, you can see objects from Cyprus' nearly 11,000-year history. Artifacts include sphinxes, an Aphrodite marble sculpture and one of the earliest known pet cats in the world. In fact, this is the first time many of the objects have ever been on view – ever.
As a part of the exhibit, the Smithsonian is hosting a lecture, "Aphrodite: Goddess of Cyprus," April 20, 6:45 p.m. – 9 p.m.
For more information go to:
Obama 'regrets' 2006 vote against raising debt ceiling
Sen. Obama voted against raising the debt limit in 2006. President Obama wants Congress to raise the debt limit so he can spend more money.
Barack Obama,
Liberal Hypocrisy
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Getting your money's worth?
From an Associated Press investigative report on the Pennsylvania Legislature, which costs taxpayers $300 million a year:
By any measure, it is one of the largest in the nation. A 2009 study by the National Conference of State Legislatures ranked Pennsylvania's legislative branch second in total spending (behind California), second in per capita spending (Alaska), and second in spending as a percentage of general government operations (Nevada).Pa. legislative staff size makes for budget target -
The NCSL said Pennsylvania employs about one of every 11 state legislative employees in the nation, with barely 4 percent of the country's population.
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