
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tea Party Rally in Phoenixville on April 15

The Valley Forge Patriots is sponsoring a Tax Day Tea Party Rally in Phoenixville, from 5 to 7 PM on Friday, April 15, at the corner of Bridge and Main Streets.

"We are urging folks to come out and join us," said Betty Dunkel of the Valley Forge Patriots. "We need to let our legislators know that we are Taxed Enough Already and they need to reduce taxes and cut spending."

The Valley Forge Patriots are a conservative political education and action group that meets the second Friday of every month at PJ Ryans in Phoenixville. The group welcomes new members who are interested in learning the Constitution, holding elected officials accountable, and believe in smaller government and personal responsibility.

Contact Betty Dunkel at 610 933-2015 or go to our MeetUp site at for more information.

A Tea Party Rally sponsored by the Chester County Liberty Alliance will take place on Saturday, April 16, at 3 PM on the Courthouse steps in West Chester.

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