Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman and Delaware County Councilman Andy Lewis are backing Rogers over fellow GOP challenger Lisa Paolino.
The winner of the April 22 GOP primary will face state Rep. Daylin Leach in the contest to replace state Sen. Connie Williams, a Democrat who is retiring from the state Senate.
Rogers' campaign says the endorsements are just the beginning of a series set to be rolled out by the Rogers campaign over the coming days and weeks.
"Lance Rogers has demonstrated real commitment to his community and neighbors through his work as a Lower Merion Commissioner," Ferman said in a written statement. "As District Attorney, I appreciate his strong focus on public safety and his work with our emergency responders. His work and experience helping to keep our community safe, secure and strong will serve us well in the State Senate."
Ferman, who was the top vote-getter in Montgomery County last November, has also agreed to serve as honorary chairperson of the Rogers campaign.
Rogers was endorsed by both the Montgomery County and Delaware County Republican Committees last month. Party officials are optimistic about capturing Williams' Senate seat.
"After growing up in Montgomery County and now raising my own family in Delaware County, I have a unique perspective about who would be the best candidate to represent us in Harrisburg, and it's Lance Rogers," Lewis said in a written statement. "With an overwhelming endorsement of Lance last month by our Party, we have a rare opportunity to unite behind a bright, articulate candidate who is ready to control spending, make our communities better and work hard on behalf of the taxpayers, families and seniors of Montgomery and Delaware counties."
For more on the Rogers campaign, visit his Web site, www.ElectLanceRogers.com
Hmmm....Lisa had better work extra hard with that film crew she was seen with today and look extrie glam ....Lance seems to be the one with the real endorsements, eh?
Thanks for posting press release information that didn't have to do with silliness.
But then of course, if Ms. P is sucha divine independent Republican, she doesn't need endorsements, does she?
For the record, Lance DID NOT receive the endorsement of the Delaware County Republican Party!
Well, I'm not sure where the previous anonymous reader is getting his information, but I have a press release in front of me from the Lance Rogers campaign that says, "Last month, Rogers was endorsed by both the Montgomery and Delaware County Republican Committees in the 17th Senate District campaign. Currently a Commissioner in Lower Merion, Rogers was elected in one of the most Democratic wards two years ago. Lower Merion is the largest town in the 17th District.
Paid for and authorized by the Committee to Elect Lance Rogers. www.ElectLanceRogers.com
As the old saying goes, "Don't believe everything you read..." The Delaware County Republican committee members were barred from the meeting. Therefore, the Delaware County members never voted for Lance.
I believe the above comment was in reference to the fact that the Delaware Committeepeople were told that they were not allowed to attend the endorsement meeting... (the equivalent of @30% of the voting base)and would be asked to leave if they attended.
Hence, no one in Delaware County ever even had the chance to endorse Lance whether they wanted to or not.
But I find it hard to believe that you didn't know that....
Maybe you can't believe everything that you read, but what about what you hear when it's from the horses' own mouth.
Bill Shaw has the recording of Ken Davis' phone message proving what happened at:
Now my question, as I am sure is consuming the minds of many esteemed members of our community, is why so many of the voting base were barred from participation? Whos agenda is being pushed here? Certainly not a representation of the Delaware County Republican Party itself.
I think it's time to put this "was Rogers endorsed by Delaware County?" stuff behind us.
If you check the DelcoGOP Web site, Lance Rogers is endorsed candidate in District 17: http://www.delcogop.org/2008candprimarylist.pdf
If they were barred from the meeting to vote (Del Co people) How does he have endorsement? No vote=No endorsent
Hey Lisa Heads: if you think the endorsement process was so unfair, take it up with Tom Judge, State GOP, and the courts.
Otherwise shut up - you candidate professes to be a true independent. If she is, she shouldn't care, except she does, doesn't she?
"Lisa Heads"? "Shut up"? You can't write something a little more sophisticated than that? She must really have you upset. Wonder why.
You are Lisa Heads. What should you be called? Fans? Followers? Devotees? And What does sophistication have to do with it? Certainly not an adjective to apply to herself.
And yes, shut up, take helmet head Mimi and the others and march on over to Tom Judge's office and demand he do something, or yes, just shut up. You guys are like a broken record already. And why do you all say Lisa has won every election when she hasn't? Isn't it a bit of revisionist history to omit the fact that the first time she came to office she was appointed?
A new endorsement from a very angry emergency responder?
So Tony, is stuff like this a real big deal because the image was used, or the image came from a 9/11 ceremony? Do politicians have to get releases or permission to use an image, or if it was taken in a public place is it fair game?
How does this work?
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