
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The never-ending witch hunt against Trump

The never-ending witch hunt against Trump: As the legal saga surrounding former President Donald Trump trudges on, the Supreme Court’s recent decision affirming some level of presidential immunity for official acts is a refreshing moment of sanity in an otherwise farcical series of political attacks. Despite clear efforts by the left to weaponize the legal system, this ruling stands as a potential shield for Trump, highlighting the desperate lengths to which his opponents will go to keep him from the political arena.

In what can only be described as a much-needed dose of reality, the Supreme Court recognized the difference between official acts deserving of some immunity and private conduct, which remains subject to legal scrutiny. This nuanced decision throws a wrench into the plans of those who hoped to see Trump bogged down in endless legal battles, particularly for actions that any reasonable person would consider part of his duties as president.

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