
Friday, April 28, 2023

The Ruling Class's Stalinist Purge

The Ruling Class's Stalinist Purge: Like a hammer smashing anyone who seeks to "make America great," the ruling class pounds Trump, his supporters, and now even Tucker Carlson.  A "great America," you see, is antithetical to the technocratic police State that the Marxist globalists are busy building.  When individual rights and liberties are respected, self-sufficient Americans do not need government apparatchiks to fashion drab, one-size-fits-all, welfare-dependent, groupthink-dominated futures.  When American families are independent and strong, there are no psychologically unstable, lost, "woke" generations to crave parenting from the State.  When Americans choose God's truth over the government's lies, then man-made institutions look frail next to the divine.  Anybody who does not toe the Establishment line must go because totalitarianism cannot survive even a whisper of condemnation.  Lies built from sand can withstand no breeze.

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