
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump's Inauguration

Gallup: Obama Had Lower Average Approval Rating Than Nixon or George W. Bush

47.9%: Obama Had Lower Average Approval Rating Than Nixon or Bush: ( - President Barack Obama had an average approval rating of 47.9 percent during his time in office ...

Anti-Trump AP Throwing a Temper Tantrum Over Losing Its Press Briefing Priority

Is AP Throwing a Temper Tantrum Over Losing Its Press Briefing Priority?: Since last decade, it's been White House tradition that the press secretary typically calls on an Associated Press reporter to ask the first question at briefings. Trump administration Press Secretary Sean Spicer has not selected AP for the first question at either of his first two briefings, and numerous press outlets have noted that avoidance. It's more than fair to ask, given the tone of the AP's Trump administration coverage so far this week, whether the wire service's reporters are now carrying a horribly unprofessional grudge, causing them to become even more hostile in their reporting than they were during the 2016 election campaign and the presidential transition.

Report: 'Substantial Evidence' Over 1 Million Illegal Aliens Voted in 2016

Report: 'Substantial Evidence' Over a Million Illegal Aliens Voted in 2016: Voter fraud in America is a bigger problem than many want to admit. Media figures, politicians, your average Democrat -- all say there’s nothing to worry about. And when someone brings up the concern that millions are voting illegally, they’re written off as paranoid.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Shortest Honeymoon Ever

Journalist: Media's Refusal To Vet Obama Cuts Credibility On Trump

Mollie Hemingway: Media's Refusal To Vet Obama Cuts Credibility On Trump: Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemmingway joined Fox News's 'Media Buzz' on Sunday to talk about the White House's war against the press.

After Decrying Fake News, Journalists Are Still Binging On Fake News

After Decrying Fake News, Journalists Are Still Binging On Fake News: After spending weeks bemoaning the rise of 'fake news,' journalists have chosen to double down with fake news of their own.

Friday, January 20, 2017

It's Official: Trump Nation

Day 1: All Mentions of Climate Change Deleted from White House Website

All Mentions of Climate Change Deleted from White House Website: Within hours of Donald Trump's presidency, all mentions of so-called 'climate change' have been deleted from the White House website. The era of Trump has officially arrived. Here's what the left has to say about all this:

NY Post Front Page: Don Of A New Day

INSPIRATIONAL: Jon Voight Donald Trump Inaugural Welcome Speech

The Community Organizer's Work Is Done

The Journey Begins ... Donald J. Trump

Poll: 28% of federal workers say they might quit or retire because of Trump

GovExec poll: 28 percent of fed workers say they might quit or retire because of Trump: According to a new poll conducted by and the independent Government Business Council, 28 percent of federal workers say they are or at least might be considering leaving the federal service because of Donald Trump's election. This is actually up from 25 percent who said the same in February when asked about the possibility that Trump might be elected. Fourteen percent said that yes, they are considering it, and the same share said maybe they are. Of this combined 28 percent, just over half said they are eligible for retirement and [might] retire earlier than planned, meaning they might be serious about this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kellyanne Conway to Speak at 'March for Life'

Kellyanne Conway to Speak at 'March for Life': The very pro-life and very Catholic Kellyanne Conway, who will also serve as Trump's counselor, will be speaking at the 43rd Annual March for Life this month. 'But women can't be pro-life,' feminists say. Mrs. Conway would very much like to disagree.

2.4 Million Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics

My site counter has recorded 2,400,000 Page Views from 505,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics. Thanks for checking out my blog ... and come back again.

Ted Cruz Awesomely Rebuts Democrat Smears Against Jeff Sessions

Memory of lost Cyprus home haunts 3 generations

Memory of lost Cyprus home haunts 3 generations: Turkish invasion was in response to Athens-inspired coup seeking union with Greece that had triggered concern among Turkish Cypriot minority

Friday, January 06, 2017

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009: The government collects payroll taxes from Americans who work, and some of that money is spent on government programs that support people who do not work.

Unity: 73% of Americans Want Trump to Succeed

Unity: 73% of Americans Want Trump to Succeed: Despite claims from Democrats like Michael Moore that 'Trump has no mandate,' a new Rasmussen Reports survey shows that a wide majority of Americans want Trump to succeed.