This is Obama's idea of enforcing the nation's immigration laws: More than 68,000 illegals with criminal records were released back into the US population in 2013 by the Obama Administration.
ICE agents catch and release most illegal immigrants, new report shows - Washington Times
Monday, March 31, 2014
'God's Not Dead' A Surprise Box-Office Hit
While the big-budget Russell Crowe film "Noah" claimed the top spot at the weekend box-office with a $45 million debut, the film still has a long way to go to recover its $130 million production budget.
The real surprise at the box office is the Christian-friendly film, "God's Not Dead," which took in $8.7 million in its second week of release, bringing its box-office total to $21.7 million in just 1,100 theaters. Compared that to "Noah," which is playing in more than 3,500 theaters.
"Son of God," another religious-themed film, has also done well at the box office. It took in $1 million over the weekend to bring its five-week total to $$57.8 million.
Fewer woman hold political office in Pa. than in Afghanistan
The editorial in the ultra-liberal Philadelphia Daily News is the typical idiotic left-wing drivel about needing to elect more liberal women, but the editorial writer does raise an interesting point:
Philadelphia Daily News Editorial: WOMEN IN PA.-LITICS
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
The Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania 38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of legislative seats in Harrisburg. Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Center for American Women in Politics, at Rutgers, ranks Pennsylvania
38th among states in the U.S., with women holding 17 percent of
legislative seats in Harrisburg.
Women make up 28 percent of parliament in Afghanistan.
Philadelphia Daily News Editorial: WOMEN IN PA.-LITICS
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Philly Democrat wants Spanish designated the official language of Pa.
A Pennsylvania state legislator from Philadelphia has introduced a resolution in the state House of Representatives calling for "Spanish" to be declared the official language of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Let me check the calendar. Nope, it's not April Fool's Day.
The screwball state lawmaker is Rep. Angel Cruz, and of course, he's a Democrat. The resolution would require all local, county and state government agencies to use Spanish on all government documents.
It appears Cruz's resolution (House Resolution 666) is in response to a bill by Republican state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe to designate "English" as the official language of Pennsylvania. Metcalf's legislation is House Bill 2132.
For more information, check out this report from a Pittsburgh television station:
Pennsylvania's official language: English or Spanish? | Local News - WTAE Home
The screwball state lawmaker is Rep. Angel Cruz, and of course, he's a Democrat. The resolution would require all local, county and state government agencies to use Spanish on all government documents.
It appears Cruz's resolution (House Resolution 666) is in response to a bill by Republican state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe to designate "English" as the official language of Pennsylvania. Metcalf's legislation is House Bill 2132.
For more information, check out this report from a Pittsburgh television station:
Pennsylvania's official language: English or Spanish? | Local News - WTAE Home
What Obama Says Doesn't Jibe With What Pope Says
Who are you going to believe? Pope Francis or Barack Obama, the recipient of the "Lie of the Year" Award?
What Obama Says Happened Doesn’t Jibe With What Pope Says Happened – And It’s A Matter Of Public Record Who The Epic Liar Is « Pat Dollard
What Obama Says Happened Doesn’t Jibe With What Pope Says Happened – And It’s A Matter Of Public Record Who The Epic Liar Is « Pat Dollard
965,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 965,000 Page Views from 495,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again. I can see that 1,000,000 Page Views milestone just around the corner.
Richard Viguerie Blasts Boehner, GOP Congressional Leadership
In response to news that House Speaker John Boehner and the Republican Congressional
leadership will meet with the anti-tea party group, Mainstreet Advocacy, at the Ritz Carlton, ConservativeHQ founder Richard Viguerie
offered the following response:
"Since the purpose of the weekend meeting at
the Ritz Carlton on Amelia Island in Florida is to raise money and
strategizing as to how to defeat limited-government constitutional
conservatives in Republican primaries, this meeting is an act of war by
John Boehner, Eric Cantor and the Republican Congressional leadership."
"By fighting conservatives, Republican
congressional leaders are publicly acknowledging they do not share the
core values of conservatives and Tea Partyers, including
limited-government, fidelity to the constitution, lower taxes, balanced
budget, significantly reducing the size, scope and reach of the federal
Judicial Watch Warns of Voter Fraud in Iowa, Colorado, Washington, DC
The watchdog group says it has evidence there are more registered voters than eligible voters in Iowa, Colorado and Washington, D.C., opening the door for voter fraud.
"Dirty voter rolls can mean dirty elections," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Many states are shirking their legal responsibilities to maintain clean voter rolls. This undermines confidence in our election system. Outrageously, the Obama Justice Department simply refuses to enforce the federal law that requires states to take reasonable steps to clean voter rolls. Judicial Watch is now doing the job of the U.S. Justice Department."
Judicial Watch Warns Iowa, Colorado, DC of Potential Election Integrity Lawsuits | Judicial Watch
"Dirty voter rolls can mean dirty elections," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Many states are shirking their legal responsibilities to maintain clean voter rolls. This undermines confidence in our election system. Outrageously, the Obama Justice Department simply refuses to enforce the federal law that requires states to take reasonable steps to clean voter rolls. Judicial Watch is now doing the job of the U.S. Justice Department."
Judicial Watch Warns Iowa, Colorado, DC of Potential Election Integrity Lawsuits | Judicial Watch
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Obama's Latest Victim: MSNBC
It appears Obama's declining popularity is also sinking the far-left news channel that still devotes most of its air time to propping up the failed Obama presidency. MSNBC ratings are at the bottom of the ocean.
Obama's Latest Victim: MSNBC
Obama's Latest Victim: MSNBC
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Report: Big Three Networks Bury Obamacare Failure
Obamacare is a disaster, so how does the state-run media cover the story? Simple. Ignore it. (I hear there's a plane still missing somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Let's devote another 24 hours of reporting on no new developments.)
Report: Big Three Networks Bury Obamacare Failure | Truth Revolt
Report: Big Three Networks Bury Obamacare Failure | Truth Revolt
NYT reporter: Obama is this generation's 'greatest enemy of press freedom'
New York Times reporter James Risen, who is fighting an order
that he testify in the trial of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA officer
accused of leaking information to him, said the Obama administration is
"the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at
least a generation."
James Risen: Obama administration is this generation's 'greatest enemy of press freedom' | Poynter.
James Risen: Obama administration is this generation's 'greatest enemy of press freedom' | Poynter.
Pa. Gov. Corbett Meets With Pope Francis
Pennsylvania gifts presented from Doylestown, Glenshaw, Philadelphia, Camp Hill HARRISBURG, Pa., March 26, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In Rome for meetings on behalf of the World Meeting of Families, Governor and Mrs. Corbett today met with Pope…
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Dispatches from the war against vote fraud
Despite denials from Democrats, there's plenty of evidence of widespread and organized voter fraud on behalf of the Democratic Party.
John Hayward: Dispatches from the war against vote fraud | Human Events
John Hayward: Dispatches from the war against vote fraud | Human Events
Philly DA blasts fellow Democrat Kathleen Kane for failure to prosecute political corruption
You know something is up when Philadelphia's top law enforcement officer, District Attorney Seth Williams, publicly takes Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane to the woodshed for Kane's refusal to prosecute Democratic state lawmakers from Philadelphia who were caught on tape allegedly accepting bribes. Both Williams and Kane are Democrats, but it appears Williams puts the law ahead of politics.
Seth Williams: Kane's account of case doesn't add up
Seth Williams: Kane's account of case doesn't add up
Monday, March 24, 2014
PA GOP: 250,000 Pennsylvanians have lost their health care coverage due to Obamacare
Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason issued the following statement on the fourth anniversary of the disastrous Obamacare plan passed by Congressional Democrats:
"Four years ago, President Obama and the Democrats rammed through legislation which created health care insecurity for millions of Americans and caused 250,000 Pennsylvanians to lose their health care coverage," Gleason said. "Over the course of the past four years, Pennsylvanians have watched as Obamacare has hurt small businesses, costs jobs and separated families from their doctors. It seems like each time we pull back a layer of the Obamacare law, there is another disastrous consequence.
"Now, President Obama and the Democrats are ignoring the Constitution and delaying provisions of ObamaCare by fiat for blatant partisan political gain. No matter how hard the Democrats wish away their role in Obamacare, voters will hold them accountable for their role in this mess in November."
According to the Governor's Office, more than 250,000 Pennsylvanians have lost their health care coverage due to ObamaCare. (Office of the Governor, "Governor Corbett Calls on President Obama for Permanent Solutions to Affordable Care Act Issues and to Protect Pennsylvanians' Health Care," 11/14/13)
Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason released the
following statement regarding the fourth anniversary of Obamacare.
“Four years ago, President Obama and the Democrats rammed through legislation which created health care insecurity for millions of Americans and caused 250,000 Pennsylvanians to lose their health care coverage,” Gleason said. “Over the course of the past four years, Pennsylvanians have watched as Obamacare has hurt small businesses, costs jobs and separated families from their doctors. It seems like each time we pull back a layer of the Obamacare law, there is another disastrous consequence.
“Now, President Obama and the Democrats are ignoring the Constitution and delaying provisions of ObamaCare by fiat for blatant partisan political gain. No matter how hard the Democrats wish away their role in Obamacare, voters will hold them accountable for their role in this mess in November.”
According to the Governor’s Office, more than 250,000 Pennsylvanians have lost their health care coverage due to ObamaCare. (Office of the Governor, “Governor Corbett Calls on President Obama for Permanent Solutions to Affordable Care Act Issues and to Protect Pennsylvanians’ Health Care,” 11/14/13)
- See more at:
“Four years ago, President Obama and the Democrats rammed through legislation which created health care insecurity for millions of Americans and caused 250,000 Pennsylvanians to lose their health care coverage,” Gleason said. “Over the course of the past four years, Pennsylvanians have watched as Obamacare has hurt small businesses, costs jobs and separated families from their doctors. It seems like each time we pull back a layer of the Obamacare law, there is another disastrous consequence.
“Now, President Obama and the Democrats are ignoring the Constitution and delaying provisions of ObamaCare by fiat for blatant partisan political gain. No matter how hard the Democrats wish away their role in Obamacare, voters will hold them accountable for their role in this mess in November.”
According to the Governor’s Office, more than 250,000 Pennsylvanians have lost their health care coverage due to ObamaCare. (Office of the Governor, “Governor Corbett Calls on President Obama for Permanent Solutions to Affordable Care Act Issues and to Protect Pennsylvanians’ Health Care,” 11/14/13)
- See more at:
960,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 960,000 Page Views from 495,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
The cloudy case of Kathleen Kane and the Philly sting
A columnist for one of Pennsylvania's most liberal newspapers has a question involving the Pennsylvania Attorney
General pulling the plug on a corruption probe: "Was Democratic Attorney General Kathleen Kane politically driven to kill an investigation because it targeted only Democrats, mostly African-Americans?"
John Baer: The cloudy case of the Philly sting
John Baer: The cloudy case of the Philly sting
Report: Raising minimum wage in Pa. would kill 28,000 to 119,000 jobs
Democrats are behind efforts to raise the minimum wage, which like every other program Democrats back would end up hurting the economy.
From NFIB:
From NFIB:
A handful of bills have been introduced in the Pennsylvania legislature to raise the state’s current $7.25 minimum wage. Advocates claim that will help to bring people out of poverty. But a reliable economic model used in an NFIB study released today finds that minimum wage increases in Pennsylvania will actually hurt those they are intended to help by eliminating entry level jobs in the Commonwealth.NFIB Research Foundation Report on the effect of raising the minimum wage in Pennsylvania
The National Federation of Independent Business Research Foundation report projects the effect that three Pennsylvania minimum wage bills will have on jobs and economic activity in our state. The findings forecast the loss of as many as 28,000 to 119,000 jobs over a ten year period when the wage is increased to $8.75 or $9.00, as those increases are tied to cost-of-living adjustments. The report uses a widely accepted regional economic model that is also used by the federal government, local governments and universities created by REMI, Inc. (see Earlier this year a Congressional Budget Office report on raising the national minimum wage to $10.10 projected 500,000 job losses in the U.S.
“The NFIB study shows that more than half of the jobs would disappear from the small-business sector in Pennsylvania,” said Kevin Shivers executive state director of NFIB Pa., “While minimum wage hikes are intended to help those below the poverty level, they will do just the opposite.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Liberal Newspaper Editor Backs Voter ID Law in Pa.
Here's something you don't see every day. The editor of one of the most liberal newspapers in Pennsylvania actually supports a Voter ID law.
From a recent column by Reading Eagle Editor Harry Deitz:
From a recent column by Reading Eagle Editor Harry Deitz:
I don't understand why people shouldn't have to show identification to vote.
It's one of our most important responsibilities as citizens, and it must come with rules that assure it is secure.
The issue of voter ID in Pennsylvania has been a long-running battle in the courts. Proponents argue that it prevents fraud. Opponents claim there is no evidence of fraud and that providing an official ID is a burden on some citizens.
I see those as lame and unfounded excuses. Can they legally drive a car without a license?
Can they refuse to provide an ID if requested to cash a check? Can anyone go into a bar or liquor store and make a purchase without valid ID if requested? Can they get on a commercial airline without identification?
None of those come close to the importance of voting. If you go for medical tests, you need an ID. If you apply for a job, you need ID.
How do we assure that the person voting is who he says he is? No system is perfect. But there have to be checks. There must be rules.What are they afraid of? What are they trying to hide?Harry Deitz: Five things I don't understand and likely never will | NEWS
Friday, March 21, 2014
CNN's Latest Theory on Flight 370: Zombies
Is anyone still watching CNN? I mean, besides Obama supporters.
CNN's Latest Theory on Flight 370: Zombies
CNN's Latest Theory on Flight 370: Zombies
Tea Party group calls for impeachment of Pa. Attorney General Kathleen Kane
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has really stepped in it this time.
While Kane has been using her office for political grandstanding since she took office last year, her decision to pull the plug on a sting operation that caught prominent Philadelphia politicians allegedly accepting bribes has caused a political firestorm across the Keystone State.
Kane is now threatening to sue Pennsylvania's most liberal newspaper - The Philadelphia Inquirer - for exposing the botched sting operation, but the controversy is not going away. Watchdog groups and citizen activists are calling for investigations of her actions.
While Kane has been using her office for political grandstanding since she took office last year, her decision to pull the plug on a sting operation that caught prominent Philadelphia politicians allegedly accepting bribes has caused a political firestorm across the Keystone State.
Kane is now threatening to sue Pennsylvania's most liberal newspaper - The Philadelphia Inquirer - for exposing the botched sting operation, but the controversy is not going away. Watchdog groups and citizen activists are calling for investigations of her actions.
Today, the Independence Hall Tea Party Association is calling for Kane's impeachment.
From a press release issued by the group:
The Independence Hall Tea Party is calling on the Pennsylvania State Legislature to immediately remove Katherine Kane from her duties as Attorney General of Pennsylvania."In the recent past, Attorney General Kane has refused to enforce the PA Marriage Act and to indict Philadelphia area elected officials caught on tape accepting monetary bribes," said Association President, Teri Adams."Ms. Kane's refusal to do the right thing in order to protect her political allies and friends is even more frightening than the bribery itself."Corruption begets corruption."But we have held back our fire until Ms. Kane instigated her most chilling move to date - hiring Philadelphia's most feared attorney to intimidate the press - in particular the Philadelphia Inquirer - and others - from examining her record."What she hopes to achieve by hiring Dick Sprague is an end to the scrutiny of her very questionable - possibly even criminal behavior - and the silencing of her critics."This is a veiled assault on the First Amendment of the United States Constitution--on freedom of the press and freedom of speech," said Ms. Adams."This is not a partisan issue. It's one that should concern Pennsylvanians of all political persuasions and backgrounds.""As organization who is named for the building which gave birth to the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, we will not be silenced by Kathleen Kane or her Attorneys."
The Death of Journalism
Jeff Crouere on how the lapdog MSM enables Obama's imperial presidency: Unlike Richard Nixon, President Obama does not have to worry about a Woodward or Bernstein uncovering any of his Watergate type scandals.
The Death of Journalism
The Death of Journalism
Four-Year Anniversary Of Obamacare = Epic Failure
On March 23, 2010, Barack Barack signed a $938 billion health care overhaul passed by Congress with only Democratic votes, declaring "a new season in America." Eventually dubbed "Obamacare," the plan is now estimated by the CBO to cost at least $1.8 trillion over 10 years. While millions of Americans have already been kicked off their health insurance plans because of Obamacare, the program is failing to attract the young and healthy subscribers it needs to sustain what is essentially a government-run pyramid scheme. And more than 30 million Americans will remain without health care insurance despite Obamacare's promises. The results? An epic failure.
Four-Year Anniversary Of Obamacare: Failure | Truth Revolt
Four-Year Anniversary Of Obamacare: Failure | Truth Revolt
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Keystone XL Pipeline Retains 2-to-1 Support Among Public, Divides Democrats
From a new Pew Research Poll:
As the Obama administration deliberates over whether to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to be built, the proposed pipeline continues to draw broad support from the public. Currently, 61% favor building the pipeline while 27% are opposed. These views have changed little over the past year.Keystone XL Pipeline Divides Democrats
New Poll: 53% disapprove of Obamacare
From a new Pew Research Poll:
As the four-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act approaches, the law remains unpopular with the public. Currently, 53% disapprove of the 2010 health care law while 41% approve of the law. Opinion of the measure is virtually unchanged since last September.ACA at Age 4: More Disapproval than Approval
Pa. Democrat Tom Wolfe endorses Obamacare
Democrat Tom Wolfe, who is running for Pa. governor, is a supporter of Barack Obama and likes what he's seen of Obamacare so far.
From the Republican Party of Pennsylvania:
Wolf is also a multi-millionaire who doesn't have to worry about paying for his health care.
From the Republican Party of Pennsylvania:
Today, Tom Wolf stated that a law that cost 250,000 Pennsylvanians their health care coverage is “a step in the right direction.” Perhaps Tom Wolf was too busy calling for new taxes on energy to notice how ObamaCare is hurting small businesses, driving up health care costs for our local governments, and costing families their doctors. Tom Wolf’s statement that ObamaCare was a step in the right direction just proves that he would have voted for the law and he would rubberstamp its disastrous effects that would lead to more health care insecurity for Pennsylvanians.Pennsylvania voters should know what they're getting with this tax-and-spend, big-government liberal.
Wolf is also a multi-millionaire who doesn't have to worry about paying for his health care.
Pelosi mocks millions who lost insurance: We 'couldn't be prouder' of Obamacare
Is Nancy Pelosi stupid or is she mocking the millions of Americans who have lost their health coverage due to Obamacare?
Pelosi: We 'couldn't be prouder' of O-Care | TheHill
Pelosi: We 'couldn't be prouder' of O-Care | TheHill
Remember when NASA was about space exploration?
Remember when NASA was about space exploration? The Obama Administration has turned the agency into another propaganda tool for the far left.
NASA-Funded Study Says Income Inequality Causing Civilizational Collapse | Truth Revolt
NASA-Funded Study Says Income Inequality Causing Civilizational Collapse | Truth Revolt
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Probe demanded after Democratic Pa. prosecutor drops sting case against Democrats
Another case of the fox guarding the hen house? (And I'm not talking about Kathleen Kane's looks, either.)
Probe demanded after Pa. prosecutor drops sting case against Democrats - Washington Times
Probe demanded after Pa. prosecutor drops sting case against Democrats - Washington Times
Pelosi, Dems doubling down on ObamaCare
Make this November's election a referendum on Obamacare. Vote out every Democrat on the ballot.
Pelosi, Dems doubling down on ObamaCare | TheHill
Pelosi, Dems doubling down on ObamaCare | TheHill
After years of being played by Obama, Associated Press finally wakes up
You don't say. The Associated Press, which has been running biased stories on behalf of the Obama Administration for years, is now upset because Obama is playing the news service for fools. It's about time the AP woke up.
AP Seeks Broader Coverage Of White House
AP Seeks Broader Coverage Of White House
Tea Partier wins write-in race for Pennsylvania state Senate seat
The Republican establishment in Pennsylvania is still not sure what hit them on Tuesday.
Tea Partier wins write-in race for Pennsylvania state Senate seat |
Tea Partier wins write-in race for Pennsylvania state Senate seat |
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Pa. Attorney General Kane: No political agenda in killing Dems corruption case
Is it just me or is Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane sounding more and more like Barack Obama these days? EVERYTHING Kane does is political.
State Attorney General Kane: No political agenda in killing Dems case
State Attorney General Kane: No political agenda in killing Dems case
955,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 955,000 Page Views from 493,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics. The goal is to reach 1 million Page Views this year. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Report: 3 top Pa. liquor board executives violated ethics rules
Another reason Pennsylvania should get out of the liquor business.
Report: 3 LCB executives violated ethics rules
Report: 3 LCB executives violated ethics rules
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
Sen. Toomey to oppose Obama's radical Surgeon General nominee
U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) on Friday issued the following statement about Dr. Vivek Murthy, President Obama's nominee to be the Surgeon General.
"The Surgeon General is the most prominent government spokesperson on matters of public health and is responsible for overseeing more than 6,700 uniformed members of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.Toomey recently led a successful bipartisan effort in the Senate to block another controversial Obama nominee - a lawyer with ties to a convicted cop killer - for a key Justice Department position.
"President Obama's nominee for the position, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has had a relatively short career in medicine that is rather lacking on public health issues for a position of this stature. Instead, Dr. Murthy, as the president of a partisan political organization, has been an active promoter of ObamaCare - a law that I believe is fundamentally wrong in its approach to improving our nation’s health care system. Dr. Murthy also has advocated for policies that would erode our important Second Amendment rights. For these reasons, I will oppose Dr. Murthy's nomination for Surgeon General."
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Bipartisan Bill Would Eliminate Useless Government Reports
What would all those overpaid government bureaucrats do with all their free time?
Bipartisan Bill Would Eliminate Useless Government Reports
Bipartisan Bill Would Eliminate Useless Government Reports
Obama Admin Trots Out Angry Mom to Push Obamacare
With a March 31 deadline looming and 3 million short of its goal, the Obama Regime is getting desperate.
Obama Admin Trots Out Angry Mom to Push Obamacare | Truth Revolt
Obama Admin Trots Out Angry Mom to Push Obamacare | Truth Revolt
Democratic Spin Of Loss In Florida Given Three Pinocchios
I think Democrats should drop the donkey as their party mascot and start using Pinocchio instead.
Democratic Spin Of Loss In Florida Given Three Pinocchios | Truth Revolt
Democratic Spin Of Loss In Florida Given Three Pinocchios | Truth Revolt
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Republican wins first Congressional election of 2014
Today's special election in Florida was widely seen as a referendum on Obamacare. Judging from the results, it's not going to be a good year for Congressional Democrats who have to run with the Obamacare albatross around their necks in November.
Republican Jolly wins crucial Florida bellwether special election | TheHill
Republican Jolly wins crucial Florida bellwether special election | TheHill
Mississippi tops list of fattest states
Find out where your state ranks by clicking on the link below:
Mississippians Most Obese, Montanans Least Obese
Mississippians Most Obese, Montanans Least Obese
Monday, March 10, 2014
No Joke: Vladimir Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
If Barack Obama could win after serving just a few hours in the White House, why not Vlad?
Russia's Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize - Washington Times
Russia's Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize - Washington Times
ObamaCare for all illegals
Columnist Michelle Malkin:
When government expands entitlements, illegal aliens always end up with a piece of the pie. ObamaCare promoters relented to GOP pressure to include an illegal-alien ban on eligibility and vowed endlessly that no benefits would go to the "undocumented."
But denial is the Obama way.Michelle Malkin: ObamaCare for all illegals
950,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 950,000 Page Views from 491,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Sunday, March 09, 2014
Antietam MS/HS Presents 'Oklahoma!'
The classic Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Oklahoma!" is coming to Mount Penn, Pa. Tickets are on sale now at
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Friday, March 07, 2014
Guest column: If Obamacare is so great ...
By Congressman Joe Pitts
Guest columnist
This week at a town hall meeting, the President again reiterated that he is "very proud" of Obamacare. He and his administration have some very odd ways of showing that pride.
If Obamacare is so great, then why does the administration keep delaying its implementation in various ways? More than 30 times the administration has announced various delays to pieces of the law, some of them quite essential to its administration.
Just this week, the President announced a two-year delay in the elimination of certain insurance plans that don’t meet the requirements of Obamacare. According to the law, these plans are now illegal. Insurers aren't supposed to be able to sell plans that don't meet the essential minimum benefits requirement.
The problem is that the President was less than clear about what Obamacare would do to the insurance market. He told everyone that if they liked their plan, they would be able to keep it. Meanwhile, anyone who actually read the law could see that this wasn’t the case.
When cancellation notices went out across the nation last year, the deception became clear and the outcry led the President to proclaim that these plans could keep running for another year. This would have meant that people with these plans would have again received cancellation notices, and right before the November mid-term election. At-risk Senate Democrats have been quietly pushing the President to extend the exemption and they got their wish this week.
Just a few weeks ago, the administration announced further delays to the employer mandate to purchase insurance for employees. They created a new category of businesses with between 50 and 99 employees. These businesses won’t have to comply until 2016. There's no legal authority for further delay and no authority to create another category of employers. This just adds to the legal chaos that is making it hard for employers to grow their business and expand hiring.
If the law is so great, then why does the definition of success keep having to change? Before the health insurance exchanges opened, Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius was asked what success would look like. She said, "Well, I think success looks like at least seven million people having signed up by the end of March 2014."
After the disastrous rollout of the website, it became apparent that that goal would not be met. Just recently she changed her tune: "First of all, seven million was not the administration. That was a CBO, Congressional Budget Office, prediction when the bill was first signed. I'm not sure where they even got their numbers."
If she wasn't sure how CBO arrived at that number, how was it ever considered the standard for success?
If Obamacare is so great, then why is approval of the law at an all-time low in many polls? Many Americans have been shocked by expensive new coverage, or know someone who had problems purchasing coverage through the exchanges.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently claimed that every Obamacare horror story was untrue. The New York Times, Washington Post, and every major news network have all featured stories of people who have had difficulty purchasing care or affording it. Apparently, Reid is skeptical of every single one of those reports.
I oppose Obamacare, but I recognize that the law created winners and losers. Some people are getting a better deal on health insurance, but that is because the law raises costs on tens of millions of Americans to pay for new subsidies. I think heath reform should have had benefits for every American, not just a few.
I understand that the President and supporters of the law are heavily invested in its success. But if the law was so great, then why is the implementation of it such a mess? In fact, this week the Government Accountability Office announced that it would investigate how more than $304 million dollars was wasted on Cover Oregon, the state-based health insurance exchange that doesn’t work. Not a single person was able to enroll through the website created by the program.
No one should be proud of the rolling disaster of Obamacare implementation. We can do better, but we have to start with getting rid of a bad law.
US Rep. Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties.
Guest columnist
This week at a town hall meeting, the President again reiterated that he is "very proud" of Obamacare. He and his administration have some very odd ways of showing that pride.
If Obamacare is so great, then why does the administration keep delaying its implementation in various ways? More than 30 times the administration has announced various delays to pieces of the law, some of them quite essential to its administration.
Just this week, the President announced a two-year delay in the elimination of certain insurance plans that don’t meet the requirements of Obamacare. According to the law, these plans are now illegal. Insurers aren't supposed to be able to sell plans that don't meet the essential minimum benefits requirement.
The problem is that the President was less than clear about what Obamacare would do to the insurance market. He told everyone that if they liked their plan, they would be able to keep it. Meanwhile, anyone who actually read the law could see that this wasn’t the case.
When cancellation notices went out across the nation last year, the deception became clear and the outcry led the President to proclaim that these plans could keep running for another year. This would have meant that people with these plans would have again received cancellation notices, and right before the November mid-term election. At-risk Senate Democrats have been quietly pushing the President to extend the exemption and they got their wish this week.
Just a few weeks ago, the administration announced further delays to the employer mandate to purchase insurance for employees. They created a new category of businesses with between 50 and 99 employees. These businesses won’t have to comply until 2016. There's no legal authority for further delay and no authority to create another category of employers. This just adds to the legal chaos that is making it hard for employers to grow their business and expand hiring.
If the law is so great, then why does the definition of success keep having to change? Before the health insurance exchanges opened, Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius was asked what success would look like. She said, "Well, I think success looks like at least seven million people having signed up by the end of March 2014."
After the disastrous rollout of the website, it became apparent that that goal would not be met. Just recently she changed her tune: "First of all, seven million was not the administration. That was a CBO, Congressional Budget Office, prediction when the bill was first signed. I'm not sure where they even got their numbers."
If she wasn't sure how CBO arrived at that number, how was it ever considered the standard for success?
If Obamacare is so great, then why is approval of the law at an all-time low in many polls? Many Americans have been shocked by expensive new coverage, or know someone who had problems purchasing coverage through the exchanges.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently claimed that every Obamacare horror story was untrue. The New York Times, Washington Post, and every major news network have all featured stories of people who have had difficulty purchasing care or affording it. Apparently, Reid is skeptical of every single one of those reports.
I oppose Obamacare, but I recognize that the law created winners and losers. Some people are getting a better deal on health insurance, but that is because the law raises costs on tens of millions of Americans to pay for new subsidies. I think heath reform should have had benefits for every American, not just a few.
I understand that the President and supporters of the law are heavily invested in its success. But if the law was so great, then why is the implementation of it such a mess? In fact, this week the Government Accountability Office announced that it would investigate how more than $304 million dollars was wasted on Cover Oregon, the state-based health insurance exchange that doesn’t work. Not a single person was able to enroll through the website created by the program.
No one should be proud of the rolling disaster of Obamacare implementation. We can do better, but we have to start with getting rid of a bad law.
US Rep. Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties.
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