Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Another Obamacare nightmare: Pa. hospital worker wrongly viewed 1,300 medical records
Think your medical records are safe? Not under Obamacare, they're not.
Pa. hospital: Worker wrongly viewed 1,300 records - abc27 WHTM
Pa. hospital: Worker wrongly viewed 1,300 records - abc27 WHTM
Obama Poll Numbers Plummet in Illinois
Even his home state of Illinois would like to disown Barack Obama.
Illinois Governor's race looks like a toss up - Public Policy Polling
Illinois Governor's race looks like a toss up - Public Policy Polling
Obama to Netanyahu: Tone down Iran trash talk, please
Israel is facing annihilation at the hands of a nuclear Iran ... Obama is out for another round of golf.
Obama to Netanyahu: Tone down Iran trash talk, please - Washington Times
Obama to Netanyahu: Tone down Iran trash talk, please - Washington Times
Despite video evidence, NY Times: 'So-Called Knockout Game' Could Be A 'Myth'
Despite dozens of videotaped incidents of young black thugs attacking white victims, the New York Times is saying the rash of "Knockout" attacks are not happening. In other words, don't believe your own eyes, just keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
NY Times: "So-Called Knockout Game" Could Be A "Myth"…
NY Times: "So-Called Knockout Game" Could Be A "Myth"…
Additional Roads Open to Pa. Hunters on State Forest Land
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 27, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- When a new season begins Monday for Pennsylvania deer hunters, new hunting grounds will be available to them through additional state forest roads in 18 of the 20 state forest districts. "When…
Free Shipping for Pa. Booze on Cyber Monday
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, PLCB, today announced it will offer free shipping on Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, to consumers who order from the PLCB e-commerce…
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Pa. lawmaker: State police shouldn't guard casinos
140 Pennsylvania state troopers are assigned to patrol the state's 12 casinos. Is this the best use of scarce law enforcement resources?
Midstate lawmaker: state police shouldn't guard casinos - abc27 WHTM
Midstate lawmaker: state police shouldn't guard casinos - abc27 WHTM
New Poll: Chris Christie tops Hillary Clinton in Pa.
Imagine it's 2016 and Chris Christie is the Republican nominee for president. His challenger is Hillary Clinton. A new poll of Pennsylvania voters says Christie would beat Cinton in the Keystone State. And that's no small feat. A Republican has not won Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush did it back in 1988.
Pennsylvania Miscellany - Public Policy Polling
Pennsylvania Miscellany - Public Policy Polling
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Pa. Insurance Commissioner Blames Obamacare for Canceled Health Policies
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine provided the following statement regarding health insurance coverage options for individual Pennsylvanians impacted by the failed launch of the federal…
Poll: 59% Oppose HHS Birth Control Mandate
Download image Family Research Council Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Family Research Council) WASHINGTON, Nov. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Family Research Council (FRC) and Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) released the results of a commissioned national…
Poll: Obama Approval in Pa. Sinks Into Negatives
Barack Obama carried Pennsylvania last November, but there's a lot of voter remorse on the part of Keystone State voters, according to a new poll. A new poll finds just 43% of Pennsylvania residents approve of the job Obama is doing as president.
PPP Poll: Obama Approval Slides Into Negatives
PPP Poll: Obama Approval Slides Into Negatives
Monday, November 25, 2013
870,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 870,000 Page Views from 471,000 Unique Visitors to TONY PHYRILLAS ON POLITICS. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Why Does Fox News insult viewers with Obama ass-kisser Juan Williams?
Bob Beckel can be entertaining as the token liberal idiot on Fox News and other Democrats such as Kirsten Powers, Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen have their moments, but why does Fox News insult viewers with Juan Williams, who parrots scripts handed to him by the Obama propaganda machine?
Delusional: Juan Williams slammed for spouting Obamacare talking points after meeting with POTUS
Delusional: Juan Williams slammed for spouting Obamacare talking points after meeting with POTUS
Pennsylvania transportation plan includes 40-cent hike in diesel tax
The political class in Harrisburg doesn't care about gas or diesel taxes. They get taxpayer-paid vehicles and reimbursement for fuel used in them. It's Pennsylvania taxpayers who will get hosed ... again.
Pennsylvania approves transportation funds; diesel tax to top 65 cents: Land Line Magazine
Pennsylvania approves transportation funds; diesel tax to top 65 cents: Land Line Magazine
Former CIA Director: Obama Iran deal 'worst of all possible outcomes'
Considering everything Obama has screwed up over the past 5 years ... and that pretty much covers everything he's done ... why would anyone have confidence that he didn't just hand nuclear weapons to the terrorist state of Iran?
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden: Worst of all possible outcomes
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Pat Buchanan: The Great Obamacare Swindle
Patrick Buchanan on the death spiral of Obamacare: The brutal truth: Our president got his legacy program passed by deceiving the American people in a giant swindle.
Will Obamacare be the death of liberalism?
Will Obamacare be the death of liberalism?
Friday, November 22, 2013
USPS ad for 'holiday stamps' omits Christmas — includes Kwanzaa, Hanukkah
I asked for Christmas stamps at the post office the other day.
When the woman behind the counter at the post office asked me if I wanted any Kwanzaa or gingerbread house stamps, I just stared at her in silence until she turned over the Nativity stamps.
USPS ad for 'holiday stamps' omits Christmas — includes Kwanzaa, Hanukkah - Washington Times
When the woman behind the counter at the post office asked me if I wanted any Kwanzaa or gingerbread house stamps, I just stared at her in silence until she turned over the Nativity stamps.
USPS ad for 'holiday stamps' omits Christmas — includes Kwanzaa, Hanukkah - Washington Times
Newspaper blasts county officials for buying $970 chairs for 911 dispatchers
It's so much easier to spend other people's money, isn't it? Especially when you're an elected official.
Pricey purchase doesn't sit well - The Intelligencer: Editorials
Pricey purchase doesn't sit well - The Intelligencer: Editorials
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Next up for Obama: Bailing out the insurance companies
Obamacare sticks taxpayers for cleaning up the train wreck, writes The Washington Times.
EDITORIAL: Bailing out the insurance companies - Washington Times
FBI scrambles to find Iraqi terrorists living off U.S. welfare
Not only did Obama allow terrorists onto U.S. soil, but he's also signed them up for welfare benefits. Heckavu job, Barack.
FBI scrambles to find Iraqi terrorists living off U.S. welfare - Washington Times
FBI scrambles to find Iraqi terrorists living off U.S. welfare - Washington Times
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Pa. county buys $970 chairs for its 911 dispatchers
At nearly $1,000-a-pop for "comfortable" chairs, county officials could have saved money by hiring a private masseuse for the 911 dispatchers.
Bucks County buys $970 chairs for dispatchers - Bucks County Courier Times: Bucks County | Local news | Breaking News
Bucks County buys $970 chairs for dispatchers - Bucks County Courier Times: Bucks County | Local news | Breaking News
Tax Group Blasts PA Legislature For Massive Tax Hike
"The Pennsylvania House's 'Yes' vote on a two-billion-dollar gas tax is a direct assault on working families," said AFP-Pennsylvania State Director Jennifer Stefano. "The
Pennsylvania legislators who voted yes on this tax should hang their
head in shame. They are refusing to address the true cost drivers for
transportation, especially the unfair and burdensome Prevailing Wage. These lawmakers are shirking their duty to find responsible reforms.
Instead, they're taking the easy way out by pilfering more money from
hard working men and women in our Commonwealth. Pennsylvania currently
spends nearly $7 billion annually on transportation. While improvements
in efficiency have been made, there is much more that can be done to
prioritize. There is not one redeeming part of this legislation that
addresses the cost drivers.”
Bill Raises Maximum Speed Limit in Pennsylvania to 70
Today’s Senate passage of the transportation funding reform package is a tremendous achievement for Pennsylvania residents and will strengthen our transportation infrastructure. In addition to providing critical funding for transportation initiatives across the Commonwealth, House Bill 1060 will allow for increasing Pennsylvania’s maximum speed limit.The transportation package includes language taken from my Senate Bill 1170, and will allow an increase of the maximum speed limit on Pennsylvania interstate highways and the Pennsylvania Turnpike from 65 to 70 miles per hour. This is an important step forward for our Commonwealth and will let Pennsylvania join the 34 other states across the United States who already allow for speeds of 70 MPH and higher.The timing of the speed limit increase is both acceptable and necessary to include as a part of the transportation plan, in light of the significant amount of funding being invested in transportation infrastructure across the state. Our bridges and roads are going to be far more structurally sound and capable of allowing vehicles to travel safely at a slightly higher speed.Safety of our roads is a chief priority of the transportation package and raising of the speed limit will take place only after required engineering and traffic studies are conducted by PennDOT and the Turnpike Commission. This responsible approach to increasing Pennsylvania’s maximum speed limit on interstate highways and the PA Turnpike will allow for better traffic flow and provide for greater efficiency in the delivery of goods and services throughout the Commonwealth.
Survey: Majority of Doctors Want Obamacare Defunded or Repealed
Majority of Doctors Want Obamacare Defunded or Repealed ATLANTA, Nov. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Physicians say that the Affordable Care Act will increase healthcare costs and reduce access to care, according to a new survey released today by Jackson…
Is Obama rushing to Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett's rescue?
The eight Democrats who are running against Republican Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett are all big-time supporters of Obama and his government health-care scheme. Will voters punish them for Obamacare in 2014 by re-electing Corbett?
Is Obama rushing to Corbett's rescue?
Is Obama rushing to Corbett's rescue?
PA Table Games Revenues Rise Nearly 10%
HARRISBURG Pa., Nov. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Revenue from table games play at the 12 Pennsylvania casinos was $60.6 million in October 2013, according to a report released today by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. That represents…
3 Pa. casinos fined $290,000 for violations
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board on Wednesday levied fines totaling $290,000 against three casinos. The fines were the result of consent agreements between the PGCB's Office of Enforcement…
Real U.S. Jobless Rate Is 11.8%
Investor's Business Daily has calculated the real unemployment rate in this country and it's a lot higher than the numbers released by the Obama administration. One of the Labor Department's "dirty little secrets" is that the monthly jobless rate does not count people who have given up looking for work. When you factor in those folks, the real unemployment is in double-digits: 11.8 percent to be exact.
From Investor's Business Daily:
From Investor's Business Daily:
Census employees "faked" employment survey data, possibly accounting for an unemployment drop just before the 2012 election, claims the New York Post.Read the full story at the newspaper's website.
But even taking the government figures at face value, the jobless rate is radically distorted — and by far more than a short-term drop of a few tenths of a percentage point.
The unemployment rate was 7.3% as of October, still high but essentially at the lowest level since the end of 2008. However, almost all of the apparent improvement has come from a historic exodus from the labor force.
Excluding this dramatic shift, the jobless rate would be 11.8%, 4.5 percentage points above the official figure and virtually unchanged from peak levels.
Obama job approval ratings hit record lows in ABC News/Washington Post poll
ABC News and the Washington Post have been propping up Obama for 5 years, but even their own poll shows Americans have had enough of Obama's lies and incompetence.
President Obama's approval ratings hit record lows in ABC News/Washington Post poll |
President Obama's approval ratings hit record lows in ABC News/Washington Post poll |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Pointing Out Obama's Incompetence Is Not Racially Motivated
Attention liberals: Incompetence is color-blind. Obama is a failure. Period.
Liberal Blowhards, Race and Barack Obama | RedState
Liberal Blowhards, Race and Barack Obama | RedState
Any truth to the rumor Toronto Mayor Rob Ford will be named Obamacare czar?
Rumor has it Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is planning to defect to the United States and join the Obama Administration. Sounds like he would be a perfect fit. He could take over the Obamacare website rollout. I think the main requirement for the job is that you have to be on drugs.
Toronto council strips Mayor Rob Ford of most powers - Washington Times
Toronto council strips Mayor Rob Ford of most powers - Washington Times
Monday, November 18, 2013
Census: 36 Million Americans Moved Last Year
Download image U.S. Census Bureau Logo. (PRNewsFoto/U.S. Census Bureau) WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 35.9 million U.S. residents, or 11.7 percent of all Americans, moved between 2012 and 2013…
Facebook Tops Social Media In News Use
This helps explain how an imbicile like Barack Obama can be elected president:
Some 30 percent of U.S. adults get their news from Facebook, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center's Journalism Project. YouTube was second, with 10 percent of the population getting its news on the site, and Twitter followed with only 3 percent of the population using it for news.Comments: Facebook Tops Social Media In News Use |
Obamacare: So, what could go wrong next?
This is what happens when you elect a community organizer as president.
From Obama-friendly Politico:
From Obama-friendly Politico:
Busted website, canceled policies, lousy early enrollment numbers. And that could be just the warmup. Because the lesson of the last six weeks is that when it comes to the Obamacare rollout, if it can go wrong, it probably will.Obamacare: So, what could go wrong next? - David Nather -
860,000 Page Views
My site counter has recorded 860,000 Page Views from 469,000 Unique Visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Editorial: Pa. cannot take step back on transparency
Pennsylvania politicians want to revise Pennsylvania's Right To Know law to make it more difficult to access public records. After the NSA and IRS scandals, we need more transparency in government, not less.
Editorial: Commonwealth cannot take step back on transparency
Editorial: Commonwealth cannot take step back on transparency
Pa. bill to change public notices keeps taxpayers in the dark
Pa. politicians want to change the law requiring legal notices to be published in newspapers. Instead they want notices to be posted on government websites. Government websites? Hmmm. You mean like That worked out well.
Peter Barbey: Pa. bill to change public notices is a threat to the republic
Peter Barbey: Pa. bill to change public notices is a threat to the republic
Repeal ObamaCare: Restitch America's fabric
At least three daily newspapers have called for the repeal of Obamacare. They include newspapers in Obama's hometown of Chicago, Harry Reid's home-state of Nevada and in Pittsburgh.
Check out the editorial below in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Editorial: Repeal ObamaCare: Restitch America's fabric
Check out the editorial below in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Editorial: Repeal ObamaCare: Restitch America's fabric
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Pa. insurance chief doubts Obama's health care plan
From The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
State insurance chief doubts Obama's health care planInsurance Commissioner Michael Consedine questioned whether Obama had the legal authority to allow insurers to reinstate or extend those policies. He also said the state has limited power to force insurers to comply with a scheme that he said "heightens confusion" surrounding the law's implementation."I think there are very fair questions being raised about the legal authority for the president to say we're going to ignore what's in the" Affordable Care Act, Consedine told the Tribune-Review.
Friday, November 15, 2013
AHEPA Deeply Concerned with Turkish PM's Statement on Cyprus
The following press released was issued by ahepa:
WASHINGTON - The American Hellenic Educational Progressive
Association (AHEPA), a leading grassroots membership-based association
for the nation’s millions of Greek Americans and Philhellenes, sent a
letter to Secretary of State John F. Kerry expressing “deep concern and
bewilderment” with a statement
made November 10, 2013 by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
with regard to the Republic of Cyprus, announced Supreme President
Anthony Kouzounis. Prime Minister Erdogan was quoted in the
Turkish-Cypriot daily Kibris, “There is no country named Cyprus. There is the local administration of south Cyprus.”
“It is our opinion that Prime Minister Erdogan’s statement is
inflammatory and offensive toward a staunch friend and ally in the
eastern Mediterranean, the Republic of Cyprus, and its citizens,”
Supreme President Kouzounis wrote. “Moreover, it certainly does not
bode well for the upcoming, renewed efforts by the United Nations to
bring the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot community together
in the search for a just and viable settlement to the near 40-year
division of Cyprus.”
Although the U.S. Department of State, through a spokesperson,
said it would look into the statement, AHEPA’s letter calls on the U.S.
government to address the issue with the Turkish government in future
bilateral meetings.
George Will's Libertarian Evolution
A terrific, in-depth interview with Pulitzer Prize-winning political columnist George F. Will in the new edition of Reason magazine. Check out the interview online at the link below:
George Will's Libertarian Evolution
George Will's Libertarian Evolution
House approves 'Keep Your Plan' ObamaCare bill; 39 Dems defect
The real news here is that 39 House Democrats jumped off Obama's sinking ship to save themselves.
House approves 'Keep Your Plan' ObamaCare bill; 39 Dems defect | TheHill
House approves 'Keep Your Plan' ObamaCare bill; 39 Dems defect | TheHill
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