Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The 'glitches and bumps' of ObamaCare
Did you see this video of Obama trying to defend the train wreck known as Obamacare?
The 'glitches and bumps' of ObamaCare | Human Events
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Sen. Bob Mensch among legislative per diem kings and queens for March
What is Pennsylvania State Sen. Bob Mensch, a Republican, doing on the list of the Top 10 per diem recipients in Harrisburg? The other 9 are Democrats.
Sen. Bob Mensch among legislative per diem kings and queens for March
Sen. Bob Mensch among legislative per diem kings and queens for March
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Archbishop Demetrios Offers Encyclical for the Support of the People of Cyprus
Archbishop Demetrios of America has offered an encyclical in anticipation of Greek Orthodox Palm Sunday asking all the faithful to keep the people of Cyprus in their prayers.
Encyclical for the Support of the People of Cyprus — Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Encyclical for the Support of the People of Cyprus — Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Economic crisis sets back peace in divided Cyprus
How ironic. For years, the Turks living in Turkish-occupied Cyprus wanted to reunite with the more prosperous Greeks in Cyprus, but after the country's economy collapsed this year, nobody is talking about reuniting the island, which has been under Turkish occupation since 1974.
Economic crisis sets back peace in divided Cyprus
Economic crisis sets back peace in divided Cyprus
Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Only in America: While abortionist Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murder, Barack Obama is praising Planned Parenthood and promising more taxpayer dollars to keep killing babies.
Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
Friday, April 26, 2013
AHI-backed Cyprus Resolution Introduced by Congressman Bilirakis
U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) has been one of the strongest proponents in Congress of the reunification of Cyprus, which has been occupied by Turkish troops since 1974.
AHI-backed Cyprus Resolution Introduced by Congressman Bilirakis
AHI-backed Cyprus Resolution Introduced by Congressman Bilirakis
Obama Fully Supports Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills
Obama lied while running for office stating NO public tax dollars would fund abortion.Safely re-elected, Obama now says he supports Planned Parenthood and giving them over $400 million in taxpayer dollars. Not only does Obama not have a problem with the death of 50 million babies since Roe v. Wade, but he also supports partial-birth abortion, the killing of a living, crying newborn outside the mothers womb. What a sad thing for this great country we call America.
Obama: Abortion foes want return to 1950s
Obama: Abortion foes want return to 1950s
10 U.S. banks fail so far in 2013
This is year five of the "Obama recovery" and U.S. are still going under.
FDIC closes banks in North Carolina, Georgia
FDIC closes banks in North Carolina, Georgia
Pennsylvania voters support Sen. Toomey on gun control
Despite angering his conservative base, Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey appears to have weathered the recent debate over gun control.
From a new Quinnipiac University poll:
From a new Quinnipiac University poll:
Pennsylvania voters approve 34 - 29 percent of the way U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey is handling gun control and give Sen. Toomey an overall 48 - 30 percent approval rating, his highest ever. By a 54 - 12 percent margin, voters think more favorably of Toomey because of his co-sponsorship of legislation to require expanded background checks.Pennsylvania (PA) Poll - April 26, 2013 - Pennsylvania Voters Say Run Pi | Quinnipiac University Connecticut
Obama's hubris problem
Definition of hubris: exaggerated pride or self-confidence. Yep, sounds like Obama.
Opinion: Obama's hubris problem - Keith Koffler -
Opinion: Obama's hubris problem - Keith Koffler -
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Dr. Benjamin Carson to speak in Pottstown, Pa.
Benjamin Carson, the acclaimed neurosurgeon who skyrocketed to
the national spotlight after a gutsy speech at the National Prayer
Breakfast, will be the keynote speaker at the 2013 Founders Dinner
sponsored by the Coventry Christian School.
"Faith of Our Fathers: The Role of Faith in American Schools," will be the topic of Dr. Carson's talk on Oct. 13 at Sunnybrook Ballroom in Pottstown, Pa.
Dr. Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon and the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore as well as a motivational speaker, philanthropist and best-selling author.
He catapulted to national prominence in February after delivering the keynote speech at the 61st Annual National Prayer Breakfast, which was attended by President Obama and Vice President Biden.
Dr. Carson used his time at the podium to talk about the great challenges facing America today - specifically moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility - comparing the U.S. to the decline of ancient Rome.
"I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading."
Dr. Carson criticized Obamacare as well as the growing dependency on government programs during the Obama administration.
The National Prayer Breakfast speech has been viewed more than 2.7 million times on YouTube.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for the Oct. 13 fundraiser. Dinner will begin at 5:15 p.m., followed by Dr. Carson's speech.
Reservations are being accepted for what is anticipated to be a sold-out event. Tickets are $150 per person, but can be reserved at the early-bird price of $100 per person until May 15.
Visit or call 610-326-3366 for ticket information.
"Faith of Our Fathers: The Role of Faith in American Schools," will be the topic of Dr. Carson's talk on Oct. 13 at Sunnybrook Ballroom in Pottstown, Pa.
Dr. Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon and the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore as well as a motivational speaker, philanthropist and best-selling author.
He catapulted to national prominence in February after delivering the keynote speech at the 61st Annual National Prayer Breakfast, which was attended by President Obama and Vice President Biden.
Dr. Carson used his time at the podium to talk about the great challenges facing America today - specifically moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility - comparing the U.S. to the decline of ancient Rome.
"I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading."
Dr. Carson criticized Obamacare as well as the growing dependency on government programs during the Obama administration.
The National Prayer Breakfast speech has been viewed more than 2.7 million times on YouTube.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for the Oct. 13 fundraiser. Dinner will begin at 5:15 p.m., followed by Dr. Carson's speech.
Reservations are being accepted for what is anticipated to be a sold-out event. Tickets are $150 per person, but can be reserved at the early-bird price of $100 per person until May 15.
Visit or call 610-326-3366 for ticket information.
Liberal Lunacy: Calif. bill would let non-citizens serve on juries
Whatever happened to a trial by a jury of your peers?
If Democrats get their way - and in California they usually do - defendants will face a jury of non-citizens.
It's all part of the far-left's continued assault on the U.S. Constitution.
Calif. bill would let non-citizens serve on juries
If Democrats get their way - and in California they usually do - defendants will face a jury of non-citizens.
It's all part of the far-left's continued assault on the U.S. Constitution.
Calif. bill would let non-citizens serve on juries
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Poll: Nancy Pelosi tops list of least-liked congressional leaders
Nancy Pelosi is the least liked and most polarizing member of Congress, according to a new Gallup poll.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi tops list of least-liked congressional leaders: poll - Washington Times
Annual cost of running the Pa. Legislature: $307 million
Are you getting your money's worth? When was the last time the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a bill that actually benefited you?
Does Pennsylvania really need 253 full-time state lawmakers with a staff of 3,000?
Pa. Legislature's spending rose, surplus fell
Does Pennsylvania really need 253 full-time state lawmakers with a staff of 3,000?
Pa. Legislature's spending rose, surplus fell
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Report: Richest 7% got richer under Obama
Remember when Obama had you low-information voters convinced that Mitt Romney only cared about the rich? He really put one over on you, didn't he? New Census figures show that the richest Americans grew even richer under Barack Obama.
From The Associated Press:
From The Associated Press:
The upper 7 percent of households owned 63 percent of the nation’s total household wealth in 2011, up from 56 percent in 2009, said the report from the Pew Research Center, which analyzed new Census Bureau data released last month.Report: Richest 7% got richer under Obama
Napolitano: Citizenship for 11M illegals would boost security
Following Janet Napolitano's twisted liberal logic, if we release every inmate currently held in the U.S., we would help ease prison overcrowding.
Napolitano: Citizenship for 11M illegals would boost security
Napolitano: Citizenship for 11M illegals would boost security
Sen. Toomey: Obama White House Wants Flight Delays
In remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) countered assertions from the White House and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that current flight delays and furloughs are the unavoidable result of the sequester's spending cuts.
Sen. Toomey reminded the chamber that he and Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) had previously introduced a bill to give the administration broad flexibility to reconfigure the spending cuts to avoid this kind of economic disruption, but President Obama threatened to veto it.
"The flight delays, the furloughs among air traffic controllers, the shutting down of air traffic towers is entirely, utterly unnecessary," Sen. Toomey said. "This is a willful choice being made by this administration in order to inflict as disruptive a process as possible on the American public and on our economy all to further a political agenda. And the political agenda is to try to convince the American people that there are no circumstances under which we can ever cut spending at all."
A full transcript of Sen. Toomey's remarks:
"I would like to respond to the comments from the Leader about the sequester that has gone into effect. I want to be very clear about this: the flight delays that are occurring, the furloughs among air-traffic controllers, the shutting down of air-traffic towers is entirely, utterly unnecessary.
"This is a willful choice being made by this Administration in order to inflict as disruptive a process as possible on the American public and on our economy – all to further a political agenda and to try to convince the American people that there are no circumstances under which we can ever cut spending at all.
"Now, if you question why I say that this is a willful decision on the part of this Administration, I would refer you to legislation that Sen. Inhofe and I offered prior to the beginning of this sequestration. That legislation would have granted to the Administration complete flexibility in how they achieve the savings of the sequester.
"What did we hear from the Administration, Administration officials and White House spokespeople? What we heard was 'that this is terribly unfortunate but they have no choice, they have no alternative, the law requires that they make these cuts.' But when Sen. Inhofe and I introduce legislation to explicitly grant them all the flexibility they could ask for – complete flexibility – to find the most wasteful, the most redundant, the most unnecessary programs and to cut there instead of cutting essential services, what did the Administration say? They said 'if you send us that legislation we’ll veto it.'
"The White House put out a statement of administrative policy insisting that this was a terrible idea – a terrible idea to give them the flexibility to avoid exactly what they are doing.
"I don’t know how one can come to any conclusion other than this Administration wishes to impose this inconvenience, this disruption, and this cost on the American people and our economy, because they had it within their ability to accept the device we offered to avoid this entirely. I am extremely disappointed that the Administration would choose to inflict this kind of harm to our economy, this kind of inconvenience to our travelers, all for the purpose of furthering a political agenda. This is no way to run this government.
"I would suggest that what we do is revisit the legislation that Sen. Inhofe and I offered. Our bill would have allowed us to cut some of this waste, excess and duplication and would have avoided all of this inconvenience.
"This is entirely unnecessary and it is unacceptable. The proper function of any executive, including the President of the United States, is to look throughout the spending over which he or she has control to find the lowest priority, the least necessary, the least disruptive way to achieve the savings that we need.
"We are running unacceptable deficits. The very modest savings of the sequester could be achieved in a way that wouldn’t be disruptive at all. We have a federal budget that has more than doubled in size in the last 12 years. To suggest that it’s not possible to find two and a half percent savings is simply ridiculous. And it’s not true.
"So I would urge my colleagues: Let’s fix this. We know how to do it, we have the tools available. Sen. Inhofe and I offered an approach. But we need to achieve the savings of the sequester and we need to do it in a way that is not disruptive, and that can be done."
Monday, April 22, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Pennsylvania Officials Knew of Gosnell Abortion Horrors, Did Nothing
The state of Pennsylvania did not inspect abortionist Kermit Gosnell's 'House of Horrors' for 17 years.
Pennsylvania Officials Knew of Gosnell Abortion Horrors, Did Nothing
Pennsylvania Officials Knew of Gosnell Abortion Horrors, Did Nothing
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Poll: Public pessimism on Obama economy is increasing
Remember that recovery Obama promised in 2008? 2009? 2010? 2011? 2012? 2013? Hasn't happened yet.
A vote of 'no confidence' in Barack Obama in the latest AP poll: Only 1 in 4 Americans now expects his or her own financial situation to improve over the next year as Obama continues to double down on his failed economic policies.
Poll: Public pessimism on economy is increasing
A vote of 'no confidence' in Barack Obama in the latest AP poll: Only 1 in 4 Americans now expects his or her own financial situation to improve over the next year as Obama continues to double down on his failed economic policies.
Poll: Public pessimism on economy is increasing
Friday, April 19, 2013
Gosnell Staffer: Newborn Was Tossed in Shoe Box, Still Breathing
How can anyone defend abortion after the sickening details that emerged during the Gosnell trial in Philadelphia. What does it say about our society when we have no regard for the innocent?
Gosnell Staffer: Newborn Was Tossed in Shoe Box, Still Breathing
Gosnell Staffer: Newborn Was Tossed in Shoe Box, Still Breathing
Thorns to PA legislators for wasting time on frivolous resolutions
From the editorial page of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS for another of the state Legislature's trivial resolutions at a time when a state budget and pension crisis loom on Pennsylvania's legislative agenda. The state senate will act on a resolution declaring April 30 as "Hooters Music Appreciation Day" in honor of the Philadelphia-based band. The group will perform a noontime concert in the East Wing Rotunda of the Capitol in Harrisburg on that day.The resolution is being introduced by state Sen. Daylin Leach.Roses for police for stopping Route 422 speeders
Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest
The Obama Administration has failed us again.
Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest | Judicial Watch
Boston Bomber Could Have Been Deported After 2009 Arrest | Judicial Watch
Republican: Boston raises immigration questions
What could possibly go wrong with giving 11 million illegal immigrants overnight citizenship? It's not like these foreigners are here to blow people up.
Republican: Boston raises immigration questions
Republican: Boston raises immigration questions
Obama taking action on guns via executive orders
Here we go again. Barack Obama will not allow Congress or the courts to stop his dictatorial adminsitration.
Obama taking action on gun background check system
Obama taking action on gun background check system
Rep. Joe Pitts: Why Obamacare Just Won't Work

Guest columnist
This week, I
chaired a hearing with Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius
to discuss the President’s budget proposal. Of course, the most pressing issue
that needed to be discussed was implementation of the President’s health care
law, the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
I know that
there are some who say that Republicans should accept the law, move on and try
to make it better. I don’t agree. First of all, let’s remember just how we got
the law in the first place.
In 2009, when
the House of Representatives considered health reform, Republican objections
were pretty much ignored. The bill shepherded by Nancy Pelosi was so divisive,
that even with a strong Democratic majority it barely passed the House. There
was pretty much no talk about the importance of bipartisanship and no
Republican votes in support.
That bill
didn’t become law. Instead, the Senate passed a separate bill that never even
moved through the committee process. Democrats stopped working with
Republicans, and negotiated with themselves to push the bill through on
Christmas Eve.
When the
usually liberal state of Massachusetts elected Scott Brown with his promise to
fight the bill, the President decided to push the Senate bill through the House
without correcting the many flaws in that legislation. Again, not a single
Republican voted for that bill.
Now, despite
being completely shut out of the process that created the law, some of my
Democratic colleagues are calling on us to put all our support behind the
implementation. The thing is, the law isn’t at risk of failure because of
Republican opposition and it won’t work if we suddenly decided to support it.
This week,
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), one of the primary authors of the Senate bill told Sec.
Sebelius that implementation could be a “train wreck.” When even the law’s most
fervent supporters are expressing their doubts, you know it’s bad.
Everywhere I
go, I hear from constituents who are either seeing their premiums rise sharply
or having trouble finding a job because of the law.
For the
hearing this week, I invited Sam Stoltzfus to sit in the audience. Sam owns
Keystone Wood Specialties in Lancaster. For 40 years his company has been
making kitchen cabinets and accessories. For much of that time, he’s provided
quality health insurance. He recently wrote me to say that his premiums
increased by 25 percent this year. This week, he told me that they could go up
50 percent next year.
When I asked
Secretary Sebelius why the President’s budget contained no funding for a provision
that was supposed to help small businesses, she ducked my question. The problem
is that the law intentionally imposes billions of dollars in new costs on
businesses. Even those that already provided insurance, like Sam’s does.
Workers are
finding it tough too. Many are seeing their hours cut to part-time or finding
only part-time jobs available. I heard from one constituent, a recently retired
police officer, who was working four days a week. His employer had to cut him
down to three-and-a-half days because of how the law affected their budget.
Just this
week, a national movie theater chain with locations in our area announced that
some workers would see fewer hours because they are paying so much more to
insure their full-time workers. When I asked the Secretary about whether the
administration was trying to do anything for these workers, she said that
employers had no reason to cut hours due to the law since it wouldn’t be in
effect until next year.
What she
apparently didn’t know is that government bureaucrats in the administration are
using current payrolls and employee hours to determine how the law will affect
employers next year.
I know that
the President and Secretary Sebelius think the law will help workers in the
long-run, but that is blinding them to the fact that it is hurting people right
now. The worst part is that there is no reason to think the law will ever work
as they intend it to. The President promised in 2008 that every American would
save $2,500 a year by the end of his first term. The non-partisan Politifact
already declared that as a “promise broken.”
Obama eyes raid on 401(k) accounts
As Cypriots watch helplessly as their life savings as pilfered by the government, Obama eyes a similar raid on 401(k) accounts in the U.S. to feed his insatiable appetite for spending other people's money.
EDITORIAL: Grand theft Cyprus - Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Grand theft Cyprus - Washington Times
Thursday, April 18, 2013
FBI seeks public's help to ID photos of Boston Marathon bombings suspects
Look for more still photographs of the suspects on the FBI's website:
FBI releases photos of 2 suspects in Boston Marathon bombings, seeks public's help to ID them
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
We Win. They Lose. The 2nd Amendment is Safe.
The Democratic-controlled Senate could not muster the 60 necessary votes to enact expanded background checks for gun buyers and a ban on assault weapons despite the full-court press by the Obama administration and its media minions.
Neither gun-control measure pushed by Democrats would have prevented the Newtown, Conn., massacre but they would have chipped away at the Second Amendment.
We Win. They Lose. The 2nd Amendment is Safe. | RedState
Neither gun-control measure pushed by Democrats would have prevented the Newtown, Conn., massacre but they would have chipped away at the Second Amendment.
We Win. They Lose. The 2nd Amendment is Safe. | RedState
Fox removes Boston Marathon episode of 'Family Guy' from websites
Talk about bad timing.
From The Associated Press: Fox has pulled from websites a recent episode of "Family Guy" that depicts mass deaths at the Boston Marathon, and has no immediate plans to air it again.
Fox removes Boston Marathon episode of 'Family Guy' from websites
From The Associated Press: Fox has pulled from websites a recent episode of "Family Guy" that depicts mass deaths at the Boston Marathon, and has no immediate plans to air it again.
Fox removes Boston Marathon episode of 'Family Guy' from websites
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Democrats link Boston bombing to sequestration
John Hayward: This is what it looks like when an entire political party becomes absolutely psychotic.
Democrats link Boston bombing to sequestration | Human Events
Democrats link Boston bombing to sequestration | Human Events
Newspaper: Obama's Official Snub Of Thatcher Funeral Shows How Small He Is
From the editorial pages of Investor's Business Daily:
President Obama declined to send a high-level delegation to Wednesday's funeral of Britain's Margaret Thatcher. It's a measure of how little he values the special relationship — and a sign of his own smallness.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website
Study Touts Newspaper Engagement
A new study commissioned by the Newspaper Association of America found that newspapers topped all other major media including TV, radio and social in its overall engagement ability and advertising efficacy.
Nielsen Study Touts Newspaper Engagement
Nielsen Study Touts Newspaper Engagement
Obamacare: Reading Health System lays off 210 employees
Obama's health care overhaul will mean fewer people working in the health care industry.
Reading Health System lays off 210 employees
Reading Health System lays off 210 employees
Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell says Gosnell abortion case not the result of politics
When it comes to accountability during the 8 years he was governor, Ed Rendell has adopted the Sgt. Schultz defense: I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing.
Rendell was governor from 2003 to 2011, a time period in which many of the horrific events at the Gosnell abortion clinic took place. (Also, let's not forget Rendell was mayor of Philadelphia before he became governor).
But Rendell claims he knew nothing of the conditions at the clinic, where 1,000 babies were butchered ever year in late-term abortions performed by Gosnell.
And even though Rendell ordered the state health department to stop inspecting abortion clinics to appease Rendell's liberal base, the guv claims it wasn't political.
Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell says Gosnell abortion case not the result of politics - Washington Times
Rendell was governor from 2003 to 2011, a time period in which many of the horrific events at the Gosnell abortion clinic took place. (Also, let's not forget Rendell was mayor of Philadelphia before he became governor).
But Rendell claims he knew nothing of the conditions at the clinic, where 1,000 babies were butchered ever year in late-term abortions performed by Gosnell.
And even though Rendell ordered the state health department to stop inspecting abortion clinics to appease Rendell's liberal base, the guv claims it wasn't political.
Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell says Gosnell abortion case not the result of politics - Washington Times
Monday, April 15, 2013
$200? You call this property tax relief?
HARRISBURG, Pa., April 15, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Budget Secretary Charles B. Zogby today certified that more than $778 million in gaming revenue will be available for property tax relief in 2013. The 2006 Taxpayer Relief Act established the Property Tax Relief Fund as a way to use gaming…
Gallup: Fewer people think their taxes are fair
And yet we are to believe so many of these same people voted to re-elect Barack Obama knowing he was going to raise their taxes even higher.
Gallup: Fewer people think their taxes are fair - The Hill's On The Money
Gallup: Fewer people think their taxes are fair - The Hill's On The Money
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Obama doubles cost estimate of building health insurance exchanges
Did you vote for Obama because you thought you were getting free health care? Are you really that stupid?
From The Associated Press: The state health exchanges that are central to the Affordable Care Act are costing the federal government more than twice its initial budget to complete.
Obama doubles cost estimate of building health insurance exchanges
From The Associated Press: The state health exchanges that are central to the Affordable Care Act are costing the federal government more than twice its initial budget to complete.
Obama doubles cost estimate of building health insurance exchanges
Friday, April 12, 2013
Obamas earned $608,000 in 2012, paid $112K in taxes
Even the Obamas are struggling under the Obama Economy. The president and his wife reported 2012 income of $608,000 - down significantly from the $1.73 million they reported on their 2011 tax returns.
Obamas earned $608,000 in 2012, paid $112K in taxes
Obamas earned $608,000 in 2012, paid $112K in taxes
Newspaper: Conn. Democrat uses Sandy Hook to raise campaign cash
You know you've crossed over the line when a liberal newspaper calls a Democrat out for "a disgusting political turn." The politician in question is U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.
EDITORIAL: Blumenthal uses Sandy Hook to raise campaign cash- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
EDITORIAL: Blumenthal uses Sandy Hook to raise campaign cash- The New Haven Register - Serving New Haven, Connecticut
The Gosnell embargo cracks
Liberal columnist Kirsten Powers calls out her fellow left-wingers for refusing to cover the "House of Horrors" trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.
The Gosnell embargo cracks | Human Events
The Gosnell embargo cracks | Human Events
Fox removes Coulter column with shooting Meghan McCain reference
It appears Ann Coulter may have crossed the line by saying she wouldn't mind if Meghan McCain was the victim of gun violence.
Fox removes Coulter column with shooting Meghan McCain reference
Fox removes Coulter column with shooting Meghan McCain reference
Thursday, April 11, 2013
5.2 million Pennsylvanians live in financially distressed municipalities
What this story doesn't say is that every distressed city in Pennsylvania is run by Democrats.
More than 5 million Pennsylvanians live in financially distressed municipalities
More than 5 million Pennsylvanians live in financially distressed municipalities
Revolving Door Continues at Berks County Republican Committee
The revolving door continues to spin at the Berks County Republican Committee as Chairman Royal Furer abruptly announced this week he was stepping down after just 10 months in the leadership post.
Keeping a chairman has been a problem for Berks County Republicans in recent years.
The tumult in party leadership has coincided with loses in countywide elections. Republicans lost the district attorney's office they held for decades and also lost a county row office.
Give Furer credit for reaching out to the growing Latino community in Berks County during his brief tenure as party chairman, but his reason for stepping down (work responsibilities) is pretty weak considering he's in the same job he had when he ran for the party chairman post.
Berks County Republican Committee Vice Chairwoman Christine Gordon told a local newspaper she has no interest in taking over the top post, so it will be interesting to see who emerges as the county leader in the coming month.
Furer defeated two other candidates in July 2012 to win the county leadership post: Reading entrepreneur Jim McHale, who ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2011, and John A. Fielding, an attorney in private practice and longtime member of the Antietam School Board.
Berks County Republican Committee chairman resigns
Keeping a chairman has been a problem for Berks County Republicans in recent years.
The tumult in party leadership has coincided with loses in countywide elections. Republicans lost the district attorney's office they held for decades and also lost a county row office.
Give Furer credit for reaching out to the growing Latino community in Berks County during his brief tenure as party chairman, but his reason for stepping down (work responsibilities) is pretty weak considering he's in the same job he had when he ran for the party chairman post.
Berks County Republican Committee Vice Chairwoman Christine Gordon told a local newspaper she has no interest in taking over the top post, so it will be interesting to see who emerges as the county leader in the coming month.
Furer defeated two other candidates in July 2012 to win the county leadership post: Reading entrepreneur Jim McHale, who ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2011, and John A. Fielding, an attorney in private practice and longtime member of the Antietam School Board.
Berks County Republican Committee chairman resigns
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Kathleen Parker: Guns but no roses
Columnist Kathleen Parker on Obama's latest charade: The biggest obstacle to the Obama administration’s push for tighter gun control may be its own best argument: Newtown. This is because nothing proposed in the gun control debates would have prevented the mass killing of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and everybody knows it. At best, tighter gun laws will make us feel better.
Kathleen Parker: Guns but no roses
Kathleen Parker: Guns but no roses
Sens. Rafferty, Dinniman Honor State Champion Spring-Ford Girls' Basketball Team
State Sen. John Rafferty (R-Montgomery) and State Sen Andy Dinniman (D-Chester) honored the Spring-Ford Area High School Girls' Basketball team at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on Wednesday for the team's 60-45 win over Cumberland Valley in the 2013 PIAA Class AAAA state championship on March 22.
Chester County,
Montgomery County
Obama Fiscal Hole Won't Be As Deep This Year
At last something to cheer about: Through the first six months of the year, the Obama deficit has reached $600
billion. That's smaller than the $779 billion Obama racked up in the first six
months of the 2012 budget year.
If this trend keeps up, Obama will finish the current fiscal year without the usual $1 Trillion-plus deficit. He's still spending more than we're taking in, but the hole won't be as deep. Yea!
U.S. budget deficit for March grows by $107 billion
If this trend keeps up, Obama will finish the current fiscal year without the usual $1 Trillion-plus deficit. He's still spending more than we're taking in, but the hole won't be as deep. Yea!
U.S. budget deficit for March grows by $107 billion
Rep. Marcy Toepel hosts town hall meeting in Green Lane
State Rep. Marcy Toepel, R-147th District, will host a town hall meeting before the start of a Green Lane Borough Council meeting on Thursday, April 11.
"These types of meetings in municipalities across our district will give residents the opportunity to speak with me in person regarding any state-related questions or concerns they might have," Toepel said in a press release.
The meeting is scheduled to run from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Green Lane Municipal Building at 214 Main St.
A second town hall meeting is scheduled for May 9, also from 6 to 7 p.m., before a Schwenksville Borough Council meeting.
Those interested can find a list of Toepel’s planned town halls on her website,
"These types of meetings in municipalities across our district will give residents the opportunity to speak with me in person regarding any state-related questions or concerns they might have," Toepel said in a press release.
The meeting is scheduled to run from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Green Lane Municipal Building at 214 Main St.
A second town hall meeting is scheduled for May 9, also from 6 to 7 p.m., before a Schwenksville Borough Council meeting.
Those interested can find a list of Toepel’s planned town halls on her website,
Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettes
Remember when Obama promised he would never raise taxes on anyone making under $250,000 a year? I guess only rich people smoke cigarettes ... or Obama was just lying.
Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettes
Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettes
Obama's new middle class tax hike
Thanks again all you low-information voters for sticking it to the middle class by re-electing Barack Obama.
Barack Obama's new middle class tax hike | Human Events
Barack Obama's new middle class tax hike | Human Events
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Boston Globe puts death of Annette Funicello above the fold, Thatcher below
The experts always point to the Internet as the main cause of declining newspaper readership, but has anyone ever considered that newspapers cater more and more to the small liberal minority that the liberal editors at newspapers pander to? If you're wondering why newspapers are dying, look no further than the ultra-liberal Boston Globe.
Boston Globe puts death of Annette Funicello above the fold, Thatcher below
Boston Globe puts death of Annette Funicello above the fold, Thatcher below
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