Friday, August 31, 2012
Republican Convention Winners and Losers
Commentary magazine's Jonathan Tobin picks winners: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Susana Martinez and Jeb Bush and losers: Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin,Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman and John Thune from this week's Republican National Convention.
Check out the rationale in the article below:
Republican Convention Winners and Losers
Check out the rationale in the article below:
Republican Convention Winners and Losers
Pa. ranks 2nd among states in number of local governments
From the US Census Bureau:
In 2012, 89,004 local governments existed in the United States, down from 89,476 in the last census of governments conducted in 2007. Local governments included 3,031 counties (down from 3,033 in 2007), 19,522 municipalities (up from 19,492 in 2007), 16,364 townships (down from 16,519 in 2007), 37,203 special districts (down from 37,381 in 2007) and 12,884 independent school districts (down from 13,051 in 2007).
Other Key Findings
Among the key findings in the 2012 Census of Governments preliminary counts:
* Illinois leads the nation with 6,968 local governments — approximately 2,000 more than second-place Pennsylvania.
* Hawaii has 21 local governments, the fewest of any state.
* Texas remains first in the nation with the most independent school districts at 1,079. Closely behind is California, with 1,025 independent school districts.
* Seventeen states had more special districts compared with 2007, and 29 had fewer. Five states (including the District of Columbia) had no change.
Ten states had fewer townships because of mergers and consolidations. Kansas decreased the most, moving from 1,353 in 2007 to 1,268 in 2012, a decrease of 85.
In 2012, 89,004 local governments existed in the United States, down from 89,476 in the last census of governments conducted in 2007. Local governments included 3,031 counties (down from 3,033 in 2007), 19,522 municipalities (up from 19,492 in 2007), 16,364 townships (down from 16,519 in 2007), 37,203 special districts (down from 37,381 in 2007) and 12,884 independent school districts (down from 13,051 in 2007).
Other Key Findings
Among the key findings in the 2012 Census of Governments preliminary counts:
* Illinois leads the nation with 6,968 local governments — approximately 2,000 more than second-place Pennsylvania.
* Hawaii has 21 local governments, the fewest of any state.
* Texas remains first in the nation with the most independent school districts at 1,079. Closely behind is California, with 1,025 independent school districts.
* Seventeen states had more special districts compared with 2007, and 29 had fewer. Five states (including the District of Columbia) had no change.
Ten states had fewer townships because of mergers and consolidations. Kansas decreased the most, moving from 1,353 in 2007 to 1,268 in 2012, a decrease of 85.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Romney offers vision of hope for America, sets himself apart from Obama
I did not vote for Mitt Romney in the 2008 primary. I did not vote for Mitt Romney in the 2012 primary. But after tonight's speech at the Republican National Convention, I'm sold.
Mitt Romney is the best hope for getting this country moving again. Two things that stood out from his terrific speech. Romney is a humble man. Romney deeply loves his country. I can't say that about the current occupant of the White House.
It's Romney-Ryan on Nov. 6. It's time to let the grown-ups run the country.
Romney offers vision of hope for America, sets himself apart from Obama - Conservative News
Mitt Romney is the best hope for getting this country moving again. Two things that stood out from his terrific speech. Romney is a humble man. Romney deeply loves his country. I can't say that about the current occupant of the White House.
It's Romney-Ryan on Nov. 6. It's time to let the grown-ups run the country.
Romney offers vision of hope for America, sets himself apart from Obama - Conservative News
Clint Eastwood is 'mystery guest' on Romney's big night
The Democrats have an out-of-work TV actress by the name of Eva Longoria as their marqee star. The Republicans have Clint Eastwood. No contest.
Clint Eastwood is 'mystery guest' on Romney's big night - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Clint Eastwood is 'mystery guest' on Romney's big night - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Ironic: Liberal Think Tank Laments 'Lost Decade' Mostly Under Democrat Ed Rendell
When you put out a report about how working Pennsylvanians have suffered over the past 10 years, maybe you should point out that the governor for eight of those 10 years was none other than Ed "Fast Eddie" Rendell, who left office with a $4.4 billion deficit and kicked the can down the road on most of the state's more pressing problems.
Following Lost Decade, Pennsylvanians Earning Less Despite More Productive Economy
Following Lost Decade, Pennsylvanians Earning Less Despite More Productive Economy
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Pennsylvania Turnpike $7B in the red
Since former Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell signed the ill-fated Act 44 into law in 2007 to divert funds from the Pennsylvania Turnpike to pay for subsidized mass transit in Philadelphia, the Turnpike has run up a $7 billion deficit. Heckavu job, Fast Eddie.
Pennsylvania Turnpike $7 billion in the red
Pennsylvania Turnpike $7 billion in the red
Columnist: Vote fraud and its beneficiaries
Glenn Reynolds on Democrats' growing reliance on voter fraud to keep power: Many of America’s largest and worst-governed cities suffer from entrenched and corrupt political machines that maintain their position in no small part via voter fraud. Corrupt machines (like that of Detroit’s disgraced ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick) siphon off money that should go to essential services and instead divert it to political fatcats and their supporters. Efforts at reform are often defeated with fraudulent votes.
Vote fraud & its beneficiaries — Glenn Reynolds -
Vote fraud & its beneficiaries — Glenn Reynolds -
Monday, August 27, 2012
Republicans unveil 'national debt clock'
A brilliant idea on the part of the Republican Party to remind Americans that Barack Obama has piled up more than $5 trillion in new debt in less than four years.
Republicans unveil 'national debt clock'
Republicans unveil 'national debt clock'
Study: Pot use before 18 harms adult IQ, attention, memory
Does it also apply to liberals? It would explain a lot.
Study: Pot use before 18 harms adult IQ, attention, memory
Study: Pot use before 18 harms adult IQ, attention, memory
GM expected to suspend Chevy Volt production over slow sales
So much for Government Motors and its CEO Barack Obama.
GM expected to suspend Chevy Volt production over slow sales
GM expected to suspend Chevy Volt production over slow sales
View Photo Gallery of 80 Conservative Celebrities
They're out there ... you just don't hear about them thanks to the liberal media's love affair with far-left celebrities like George Clooney.
Conservative Celebrities « Photo Galleries « CBS Philly
Conservative Celebrities « Photo Galleries « CBS Philly
Democrat's residency status an issue in Congressional race
A Berks County, Pa., Democrat is challenging incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach in Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District even though the challenger doesn't live in the district and won't even be able to vote for himself come Nov. 6.
Democrat's residency status an issue in Congressional race
Democrat's residency status an issue in Congressional race
Sunday, August 26, 2012
'Expendables 2' hangs on to No. 1 spot at box office
Does this mean we can look forward to "Expendables 3"?
'Expendables 2' hangs on to top spot as summer fades –
'Expendables 2' hangs on to top spot as summer fades –
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Empire State victims hit by police gunfire
No more talk of gun control by Mayor Bloomberg? Maybe he should send the NYPD to the shooting range more often for target practice.
Empire State victims hit by police gunfire
Empire State victims hit by police gunfire
Friday, August 24, 2012
Real motives of Voter ID opponents exposed
Have you been following the debate over Pennsylvania's new Voter ID law? Democrats are challenging a common-sense law that requires a photo ID before casting a ballot, claiming it will prevent many Obama supporters from voting in November. The letter below was published in The West Chester Daily Local News and the writer does a great job of exposing Democrats' real reasons for blocking an attempt to prevent voter fraud.
Not really a surprise
I don’t know how many of you recall Gordon Bennett’s letter in the Daily Local a few weeks ago (“Voter ID Law part of GOP strategy”) complaining about those mean Republicans in Harrisburg depriving “more than 700,000 Pennsylvania voters” of their right to vote, most of them who would “normally vote Democratic.” And I’m thinking (with a bit of mischief), “What is it about Democrats that they don’t know how to obtain proper ID like most people?”; and, were I Mr. Bennett, perhaps I’d be a bit reluctant to raise the question in a public forum.
But then again, should we be surprised? For isn’t this in large part a constituency that has become so dependent on others for guidance and assistance that special laws and regulations and entitlements must be passed and instituted and fostered on the rest of us to accommodate them?
Consequently, we are told that what is perfectly normal for the great majority of people ... obtaining photo ID ... is an “outrageous” suppression of their rights and a way to get Mitt Romney elected, and the governor’s office should be inundated with calls, express your outrage, blah, blah, blah. My goodness, such indignation!
In his shoes, seems to me I’d rally the party faithful and get these people down to the local county Democrat committee, or get some form out to them, sign ‘em up! How long have these people NOT had identification? Just a few days, or maybe ... a few YEARS!? How about a little less whining and showing some initiative? This sounds a little like New Orleans and Katrina, if you ask me, where people sat around waiting for help (unlike the victims of Mississippi flooding in the Midwest), rather than looking out for themselves which, if you’ll pardon the obvious, is pretty much what one of the major themes of this election is all about too.
East Fallowfield
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Voter fraud
Study Shows Girls as Young as 6 View Themselves as Sex Objects
Thanks liberal media for ruining childhood for American girls.
Study Shows Girls as Young as Six View Themselves as Sex Objects
Study Shows Girls as Young as Six View Themselves as Sex Objects
The only job Obama wants to save
How serious is Obama bout jobs?
Obama has attended 205 campaign fundraisers since announcing his re-election (including 131 fundraisers since his Jobs Council last met).
The only job Obama is interested in saving is his own.
Obama has attended 205 campaign fundraisers since announcing his re-election (including 131 fundraisers since his Jobs Council last met).
The only job Obama is interested in saving is his own.
GOP Convention Announces Entertainment Lineup
Some of the big-name musical entertainers lined up for the Republican
National Convention next week include: The Oak Ridge Boys, Lynyrd
Skynyrd, Randy Owen, 3 Doors Down, Ayla Brown, Taylor Hicks and BeBe Winans.

GOP Convention Announces Entertainment Lineup (via PR Newswire)
TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Besides the serious business of nominating the next president and vice president of the United States, there will also be plenty of quality entertainment at the 2012 Republican National Convention, organizers promised today. "We've booked outstanding…
GOP Convention Announces Entertainment Lineup (via PR Newswire)
TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Besides the serious business of nominating the next president and vice president of the United States, there will also be plenty of quality entertainment at the 2012 Republican National Convention, organizers promised today. "We've booked outstanding…
Obama Can't Move Needle Despite $120M Smear Campaign Against Romney
Despite spending $120 billion in mostly negative ads to smear Republican opponent Mitt Romney, Barack Obama has failed to move the presidential race beyond where it was in June - a virtual tie. And keep in mind that Romney has not unleashed his own political advertising yet.
No Wonder Obama Can't Move the Needle
No Wonder Obama Can't Move the Needle
Romney announces energy independence plans
We know the Obama energy plan has failed. Gas prices have doubled since Obama took office.
Romney announces energy independence plans - Conservative News
Romney announces energy independence plans - Conservative News
Star-Studded Lineup for Farm Aid Coming to Hershey, Pa., Sept. 22
Farm Aid is back and is coming to Hershey, Pa., for the first time on Sept. 22. Headliners include: Kenny Chesney, Neil Young, Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews.
Kenny Chesney Joins Star-Studded Lineup for Farm Aid's Food and Music Festival Coming to Pennsylvania
Kenny Chesney Joins Star-Studded Lineup for Farm Aid's Food and Music Festival Coming to Pennsylvania
Who hasn't seen Miranda Kerr naked?
From a USA Today article on a new rash of naked celebrity photos in upcoming magazines:
Are we getting tired of naked people? Even naked, gorgeous celebs? Maybe not. Australian model Miranda Kerr is the latest to pose in her birthday suit (and a pair of thigh-high boots) for Harper's Bazaar magazine's September issue, on newstands Aug. 21.Naked people glow from magazine pages in September
Columnist: Time for Obama to get serious about debt
Columnist Jay Ambrose:
Obama worked mightily to get us in this $16 trillion fix, producing record trillion-dollar deficits year after year, and now is working just as mightily to avoid specificity on the issue. About the closest he has come to moving beyond vague generalities is his plan to allow the expiration of a Bush tax cut on people making over $250,000 annually. That recovery-defeating move would provide roughly enough money to cover 20 days of our borrowing averaged over a year.
Jay Ambrose: Time for Obama to get serious about debt
Obama worked mightily to get us in this $16 trillion fix, producing record trillion-dollar deficits year after year, and now is working just as mightily to avoid specificity on the issue. About the closest he has come to moving beyond vague generalities is his plan to allow the expiration of a Bush tax cut on people making over $250,000 annually. That recovery-defeating move would provide roughly enough money to cover 20 days of our borrowing averaged over a year.
Jay Ambrose: Time for Obama to get serious about debt
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Obama's Epic Deficit Failure
Investor's Business Daily:
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website.
Remember when President Obama promised he'd cut the deficit in half in his first term? Well, the results are in, and red ink will once again top $1 trillion. Calling this an epic failure isn't enough.That's four trillion-dollar deficits in four years. Do you think anything would change in a second Obama term?
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website.
ABC’s Jake Tapper: Why is WH Ignoring the Economy?
If you'd screwed things up as much as Obama has, wouldn't you try your best to ignore the subject?
Tapper: Why is WH Ignoring the Economy?
Tapper: Why is WH Ignoring the Economy?
The Essence of Barack Obama
Reuters photographer Kevin Lamarque captures the essence of Barack Obama at a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio. The man is nothing without his Telemprompter.
Photo by Kevin Lamarque/ Reuters
Jobless Claims Revised Upward (Again)
Unemployment in the US is worse than what the government is telling you. Even with the high numbers, the Obama Labor Dept. manipulates the numbers to make the jobless rate appear better than it is. When nobody is looking (especially the liberal media), the department releases the real numbers.
Jobless Claims Revised Upward (Again)
Jobless Claims Revised Upward (Again)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Two Visions for Preserving Medicare

Guest columnist
Medicare is
broken and must be fixed. This isn’t my opinion or a political talking point.
The Medicare Trustees stated in their annual report that the trust fund will be
exhausted in twelve years.
This isn’t
because the trust fund was robbed or because of waste and fraud. If not one
dime were scammed from the program by criminals over the next decade, it would
still go bankrupt.
The way the
program currently runs is simply unsustainable. Just last year, Medicare took
in around $530 billion in taxes, but paid out nearly $550 billion in benefits.
With 10,000 seniors entering the program every day, that imbalance is quickly
Something has
to be done.
Some Democrats
claim that Republicans want to “end Medicare as we know it.” The truth is that
Republicans are working to save Medicare while Democratic leaders appear
content to fiddle while Medicare burns, hoping to score political points.
Even worse than doing nothing, “Obamacare” will cut $700 billion out of the
already struggling Medicare to pay for new entitlement programs.
attack the Republicans’ plan, because they don’t want to talk about their own:
the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Buried in the 2,700 page law is a new
board of fifteen unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats that will have the power
to cut spending on treatments and severely limit the health care services
available to Medicare beneficiaries. Only a Congressional supermajority could
overrule IPAB (including an unprecedented three-fifths majority in the Senate).
decisions won’t be debated in public and won’t be subject to court challenge.
It also won’t
save Medicare. Nevertheless, the President says he wants to give IPAB even more
power to make cuts.
The other
part of the Democrats’ plan is to start using general tax revenue to pay for
Medicare. Medicare runs on FICA taxes that workers contribute in each paycheck.
But now the president wants to raise income tax rates on small businesses and
high earners, fundamentally transforming Medicare from an insurance program
into a super-expensive welfare program.
You can’t
find the Democrats’ plan on a website. It doesn’t have a label or a name.
But it is obvious from their actions and rhetoric how they would combine tax
increases with bureaucratic cuts to keep the program running.
have a different vision. We will not change the program for those currently
retired or nearly retired. Those Americans have already planned for their
retirements, and we respect that. We will reform the program for future
generations of Americans.
Americans would have the option of participating in a new premium support
Medicare plan. These future retirees would be able to choose their health
care plan, similar to the way federal employees (including members of Congress)
do right now. These plans would not be paid for with a voucher, as some are
claiming. They would be supported by a direct payment from the government.
Medicare is a government monopoly and suffers from all the problems that come
from lack of accountability and lack of competition. Under our plan,
competition between plans would lower costs and increase efficiency. Even
so, future retirees who don’t want to elect one of these new plans could choose
to stay in traditional Medicare. Our plan wouldn’t require any additional taxes
and wouldn’t place health decisions in the hands of unelected bureaucrats.
In the coming
months, you probably won’t hear President Obama talk about his vision for the
future of Medicare. You certainly won’t hear him talk about the $716 billion
raided from Medicare to pay for new programs. Instead, you’ll hear misleading
Don’t fall for
the scare tactics. We can save Medicare for everyone, without taking more of
your money and without slashing benefits.
We have a
plan that works, and we want you to know about it. Please visit to read more.
U.S. Rep. Joe
Pitts, a Republican who represents Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional
District, is chairman of the Health
Subcommittee of the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House of
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Constitution Party abandons bid for Pa. ballot
Sorry folks, but the Constitution Party will not be offering a presidential ticket to Pennsylvania voters on Nov. 6 because it cannot gather enough signatures to make the ballot.
Third-party candidates needed to gather at least 20,601 signatures — 2 percent of the total ballots cast for the highest vote-getter in last year’s statewide elections — to qualify for this year’s statewide ballot, according to the Associated Press.
Constitution Party abandons bid for Pa. ballot
Third-party candidates needed to gather at least 20,601 signatures — 2 percent of the total ballots cast for the highest vote-getter in last year’s statewide elections — to qualify for this year’s statewide ballot, according to the Associated Press.
Constitution Party abandons bid for Pa. ballot
Obama weighs in on 'Call Me Maybe'
Can we put somebody in the White House is is serious about solving the nation's problems? From Politico: President Obama on Friday weighed in on a matter of pressing national concern: his thoughts on the smash hit single 'Call Me Maybe' by Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen.
Obama weighs in on 'Call Me Maybe'
Obama weighs in on 'Call Me Maybe'
Liberals can't count very well
Somebody can't count.
The liberal newspaper in Pittsburgh writes that 1,000 people attended an indoor rally for Paul Ryan. The city's conservative newspaper says the crowd was 2,000.
I would believe the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review over the liberal Post-Gazette.
It's a common tactic by the liberal media to underestimate conservative or Republican events. Remember the Tea Party rallies?
The liberal newspaper in Pittsburgh writes that 1,000 people attended an indoor rally for Paul Ryan. The city's conservative newspaper says the crowd was 2,000.
I would believe the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review over the liberal Post-Gazette.
It's a common tactic by the liberal media to underestimate conservative or Republican events. Remember the Tea Party rallies?
Monday, August 20, 2012
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley to Chair House Select Committee on Property Tax Reform
Rep. Tom Quigley, a Republican from Montgomery County, on Monday was unanimously elected chairman of the House Select Committee on Property Tax Reform during the committee’s first hearing.
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley - Quigley Unanimously Elected to Chair House Select Committee on Property Tax Reform
Quigley authored the resolution that established the committee, which will report its findings and recommendations to the House by Nov. 30.
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley - Quigley Unanimously Elected to Chair House Select Committee on Property Tax Reform
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Paul Ryan coming to Pennsylvania
Paul Ryan will make his first campaign stop in Pennsylvania in Chester County Tuesday. Follow the link below to find out how you can get tickets to the event.
Paul Ryan to attend 'victory rally' in West Goshen
Paul Ryan to attend 'victory rally' in West Goshen
Chester County,
Paul Ryan,
'Expendables 2' Muscles Way To No. 1 At Weekend Box Office
The Sylvester Stallone action film easily won the weekend box office, but the sequel only took in $28 million, compared to $34 million from the first 'Expendables' flick in 2010. It just goes to show that not everything gets better with age.
One other notable note: "The Dark Knight Rises" crossed the $400 million mark in the domestic box office, becoming only the 15th film ever to reach such heights, but the Christopher Nolan finale of the Batman series will not come to close to earning what "The Dark Knight" did.
Weekend Box Office: 'Expendables 2' Takes Number 1 -
See related article: 'Why Expendables 2 Shouldn't Have Included Women' at
One other notable note: "The Dark Knight Rises" crossed the $400 million mark in the domestic box office, becoming only the 15th film ever to reach such heights, but the Christopher Nolan finale of the Batman series will not come to close to earning what "The Dark Knight" did.
Weekend Box Office: 'Expendables 2' Takes Number 1 -
See related article: 'Why Expendables 2 Shouldn't Have Included Women' at
Is government spending too much?
In 1920, the federal government spent $59.97 per American citizen, or $653.84 in today’s inflation-adjusted dollars, according to Face The Facts USA. Today, Washington spends $11,194 for every man, woman and child, the group says.
Is government spending too much? You decide.
Face the Facts USA: A government that keeps on giving
Is government spending too much? You decide.
Face the Facts USA: A government that keeps on giving
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Is Bob Casey Jr. the worst Senator in the U.S.?
Columnist JD Mullane on Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. Bob Casey Jr., "The Senate’s most ineffective legislator, maybe ever. He sponsored 199 bills in the 112th Congress, and none became law. A bad year of partisan gridlock, you say? Casey’s party controls the Senate and he still can’t get anything passed."
Bob Casey Jr., the Senate's strike out king - J.D. Mullane: bob casey jr., bob casey, pennsylvania, senate, patrick howley
Bob Casey Jr., the Senate's strike out king - J.D. Mullane: bob casey jr., bob casey, pennsylvania, senate, patrick howley
Newspaper: Biden should apologize for 'back in chains' remark
You know you've stepped in it when one of the nation's most liberal newspapers is demanding Democrat Joe Biden apologize for his racially-charged remarks.
Biden should apologize for “back in chains” remark
Biden should apologize for “back in chains” remark
Friday, August 17, 2012
Sen. Pat Toomey visits all 67 Pennsylvania counties
Sen. Toomey
talks with Dick Holcombe, chairman and chief executive officer
of The Holcombe
Group, during a visit to Sullivan County Tuesday.
From Sen. Pat Toomey's office:
With a visit to The Holcombe Group in Sullivan County Tuesday, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) has visited all 67 Pennsylvania counties since being sworn into office in January 2011.
“Since joining the Senate, I have traveled to every corner of the state listening to Pennsylvanians, and I’ve heard the same concerns again and again. Pennsylvanians are worried about our economy and paying their bills. They’re concerned about their jobs being threatened by excessive regulations and rising taxes,” Sen. Toomey said. “I’ll continue to travel across the commonwealth to hear what Pennsylvanians have to say and to inform my decisions in Washington.”
State Rep Cohen 'milks system' - claims $39,000 in per diems
Hello? Philly can you hear us? Voters in state Representative Mark Cohen's district (D-202) do you care? Your legislator is once again atop the list of lawmakers taking per diems. By a lot. Cohen claimed $39,333.75 in 2011, according to records released by the House Comptroller's office.
State Rep Cohen "milks system", claims $39,000 in per diems:
State Rep Cohen "milks system", claims $39,000 in per diems:
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Onetime Obama ally to tout Romney at GOP convention
Former Alabama Congressman Artur Davis, who was the first member of Congress not from Illinois
to endorse President Obama in 2008, will be a featured speaker at the Republican National Convention and will presumably endorse Mitt Romney for President.
A former co-chairman of the 2008 Obama campaign, Davis, then a Democrat, seconded the official nomination of Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
Davis, who is disappointed with the Obama presidency and radical policies, recently announced he is joining the Republican Party and supporting Mitt Romney.
"The perspectives and ideas (Davis and other headliner speakers) bring to the convention stage will show all Americans that Romney and Ryan are the ticket to a better future," GOP Chairman Reince Priebus said. "Former Congressman Davis especially will give voice to the frustration and disappointment felt among those who supported President Obama in 2008 and are now hungry for a new direction."
Former Obama ally to speak at GOP convention
A former co-chairman of the 2008 Obama campaign, Davis, then a Democrat, seconded the official nomination of Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
Davis, who is disappointed with the Obama presidency and radical policies, recently announced he is joining the Republican Party and supporting Mitt Romney.
"The perspectives and ideas (Davis and other headliner speakers) bring to the convention stage will show all Americans that Romney and Ryan are the ticket to a better future," GOP Chairman Reince Priebus said. "Former Congressman Davis especially will give voice to the frustration and disappointment felt among those who supported President Obama in 2008 and are now hungry for a new direction."
Former Obama ally to speak at GOP convention
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises
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