Saturday, June 30, 2012
Pa. Students At Worst Academic Schools 5 Times More Likely To Suffer Violence
And yet we continue to spend billions of dollars every year on a failed public education system while Big Labor blocks reform.
STUDY: Pennsylvania Students At Worst Academic Schools 5 Times More Likely To Suffer Violence « CBS Philly
STUDY: Pennsylvania Students At Worst Academic Schools 5 Times More Likely To Suffer Violence « CBS Philly
Gov. Christie Vetoes Planned Parenthood Funding Again
Kudos to NJ Gov. Chris Christie for refusing to send taxpayer dollars to abortion-on-demand Planned Parenthood.
Chris Christie Vetoes Planned Parenthood Funding Again |
Chris Christie Vetoes Planned Parenthood Funding Again |
PA House Approves Quigley Plan to Study Property Tax Reform
In the flurry of last-minute activity, the PA House approved State Rep. Tom Quigley's resolution calling for the creation of commission to study property tax reform. It's not the same as approving HB 1776, but at least it keeps the issue alive in Harrisburg.
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley - House Approves Quigley Plan to Study Property Tax Solution
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley - House Approves Quigley Plan to Study Property Tax Solution
Photo gives away liberal bias in newspaper
The ultra-liberal Reading Eagle has a story in its Saturday edition about a rally sponsored by a left-wing activist group called Keystone Progress. The news value of the "protest" is questionable. The newspaper ignores many rallies by conservative groups, but it's the photo next to the article that drew my attention.
The article says 40 people attended the rally. But the photo next to the story shows 1 woman holding a sign and part of a second woman standing near her. If you're going to take a photo of a rally, wouldn't you want to include as many people in it? Especially when only 40 people show up. Either the reporter wrote the story from a press release issued by the left-wing activists or the reporter can't count.
Dozens rally in Reading support of health care ruling
The article says 40 people attended the rally. But the photo next to the story shows 1 woman holding a sign and part of a second woman standing near her. If you're going to take a photo of a rally, wouldn't you want to include as many people in it? Especially when only 40 people show up. Either the reporter wrote the story from a press release issued by the left-wing activists or the reporter can't count.
Dozens rally in Reading support of health care ruling
Corbett budget plan retains school funding levels
What was all that huffing and puffing all about? Unions and special interest groups have been screeching for months about education cuts in Gov. Tom Corbett's budget. But when all is said and done, there were no cuts. The far left loses even more credibility.
Budget plan retains school funding levels
Budget plan retains school funding levels
Friday, June 29, 2012
Sharon Stone See-Through Outfit
She's 54 and her days as a Hollywood leading lady are long past, but there's something about Sharon Stone that still turns heads, especially when she shows up at a public event wearing this see-through sheer outfit. Did she look in the mirror before leaving her hotel room or is this a desperate plea for attention from an actress 20 years past her prime?
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Stop The Presses! Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Endorses All-Democratic Slate
Who could have predicted this one?
Big Labor is backing EVERY Democratic candidate for Congress from Pennsylvania this November as well as the three Democratic candidates seeking statewide races and all 13 Democrats seeking state Senate seats.
Before you get too flustered, there's only 5 Democratic members of the House of Representatives left in Pennsylvania after the shellacking the Dems took in 2010. And then there's Obama lapdog Bob Casey Jr. seeking re-election to the U.S. Senate. His opponent, Tom Smith, is a former Democrat, but I guess he wasn't liberal enough for the union endorsement.
There's a handful of Republican state House members on the AFL-CIO endorsement list, but there's more than 200 open House seats and I suspect most of the Republicans who are receiving Big Labor's backing are running unopposed. If they're not running unopposed, what does that say about their Democratic opponents?
Check out the full list of endorsements below:
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Endorsements in November General Election
Big Labor is backing EVERY Democratic candidate for Congress from Pennsylvania this November as well as the three Democratic candidates seeking statewide races and all 13 Democrats seeking state Senate seats.
Before you get too flustered, there's only 5 Democratic members of the House of Representatives left in Pennsylvania after the shellacking the Dems took in 2010. And then there's Obama lapdog Bob Casey Jr. seeking re-election to the U.S. Senate. His opponent, Tom Smith, is a former Democrat, but I guess he wasn't liberal enough for the union endorsement.
There's a handful of Republican state House members on the AFL-CIO endorsement list, but there's more than 200 open House seats and I suspect most of the Republicans who are receiving Big Labor's backing are running unopposed. If they're not running unopposed, what does that say about their Democratic opponents?
Check out the full list of endorsements below:
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Endorsements in November General Election
Gov. Corbett: Obamacare raises health care costs for families, employers and PA
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Comments on U.S. Supreme Court Healthcare Decision (via PR Newswire)
HARRISBURG, Pa., June 28, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Governor Tom Corbett today said he was disappointed in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal healthcare law, known as Obamacare, but said he will work hard to limit the law's negative impact on Pennsylvanians. Corbett, when he…
Obamacare mandate ruled a tax despite Obama denials
Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, but Obamacare is a $1.7 trillion tax increase on the middle class. How can anyone support a habitual liar?
Obamacare mandate ruled a tax
Obamacare mandate ruled a tax
Sunday, June 24, 2012
361,000 Visitors To Tony Phyrillas On Politics
My site counter has recorded 461,000 page views from 361,000 unique visitors. Thanks for checking out the blog ... and come back again.
Beach Boys: They get around
George Will puts politics aside and gives tribute to The Beach Boys in his latest column.
Beach Boys: They get around
Beach Boys: They get around
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Obama, the bride at every wedding
Forget the bride and groom, send the wedding gift to Obama. Yes, that's the actual pitch for a new Obama fundraising campaign. Are these people insane?
Obama,the bride at every wedding
Obama,the bride at every wedding
Friday, June 22, 2012
Poll: Views shift little after Obama backs gay marriage
Obama tried pandering to women ... with little success.
Obama tried pandering to gays ... with little success.
Obama tried pandering to Latinos ... with little success.
What gimmick will he try next to avoid talking about his failed presidency?
Views shift little after Obama backs gay marriage
Obama tried pandering to gays ... with little success.
Obama tried pandering to Latinos ... with little success.
What gimmick will he try next to avoid talking about his failed presidency?
Views shift little after Obama backs gay marriage
Thorns to Ed Rendell for harassing Mitt Romney
From the editorial page of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS to former Gov. Ed Rendell for leading a busload of Democratic political activists in a protest rally last weekend at a Wawa in Quakertown where Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney was planning to stop on a bus tour of Pennsylvania. Romney then changed his route and stopped at another Wawa. We think a high-profile politician like Rendell would have better things to do with his time than chasing bus tours of opposing candidates. Why not work within the system to effect positive change in Pennsylvania? Or, stick with sports commentary.Thorns to Ed Rendell; roses to Tom Quigley
Thursday, June 21, 2012
West Chester teachers seek 18% pay hike
The union representing teachers in the West Chester Area School District in Chester County, Pa., wants an 18.3 percent increase in salaries for its members over the next three years.
The union is also asking for expanded health care benefits, additional pay for meetings and a reduction of two work days, according to The West Chester Daily Local News. The union also wants to limit teacher transfers and have limitations on on-line course development and delivery, the newspaper says.
And of course, the obligatory boilerplate comment from the union president about how it's all for the kids: "We are proud of our teachers whose top priority is to provide the best quality education to all students within the West Chester Area School District, which was recently recognized as having some of the top high schools in the country."
What world are these union members living in?
Do they read newspapers? Have they ever heard of Wisconsin?
The school board is offering a combined 9.75 percent in pay hikes over three years, which is more reasonable ... and a lot more generous than what workers in the private sector can expect to see.
West Chester teachers and school board far apart on new contract
The union is also asking for expanded health care benefits, additional pay for meetings and a reduction of two work days, according to The West Chester Daily Local News. The union also wants to limit teacher transfers and have limitations on on-line course development and delivery, the newspaper says.
And of course, the obligatory boilerplate comment from the union president about how it's all for the kids: "We are proud of our teachers whose top priority is to provide the best quality education to all students within the West Chester Area School District, which was recently recognized as having some of the top high schools in the country."
What world are these union members living in?
Do they read newspapers? Have they ever heard of Wisconsin?
The school board is offering a combined 9.75 percent in pay hikes over three years, which is more reasonable ... and a lot more generous than what workers in the private sector can expect to see.
West Chester teachers and school board far apart on new contract
What is executive privilege?
Executive privilege is never mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. It's a power presidents have given themselves.
What is executive privilege?
What is executive privilege?
Rielle Hunter: 'Woman who fell in love with a married man'
In case anyone cares, Rielle Hunter has a new book about her affair with John Edwards.
Look for it soon at the discount bin at your local dollar store.
Rielle Hunter: 'Woman who fell in love'
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Gun ownership up, crime down
Bad news for the far-left, anti-gun crowd: FBI statistics show serious crime has declined in the U.S. at the same time gun ownership has increased.
MILLER: Gun ownership up, crime down - Washington Times
MILLER: Gun ownership up, crime down - Washington Times
Status Quo Wins Again in Pennsylvania
NEWS ITEM: Opposition by labor unions and
special interest groups derails plan to end Pennsylvania's government
liquor monopoly.
Congressional Panel Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt
The vote was 23-17 with every Democratic on the committee voting no.
Oversight Panel Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt: Roll Call News
Oversight Panel Votes to Hold Eric Holder in Contempt: Roll Call News
Discontent with Obama in coal country grows
Democrats in Pennsylvania and West Virginia are heading for the hills rather than attend the Democratic National Convention and be seen anywhere in the vicinity of Barack Obama.
Discontent with Obama in coal country grows - The Hill's Ballot Box
Discontent with Obama in coal country grows - The Hill's Ballot Box
Obama team: 'Fast and Furious' documents are privileged
The coverup continues. This is Obama's Watergate, so where is the liberal media?
Obama team: 'Fast and Furious' documents are privileged
Obama team: 'Fast and Furious' documents are privileged
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Obama Admin Claims Less Use of Limos
After last year's scathing report showing the use of government-owned limos skyrocketed under the Obama administration, the very same administration changes the definition of limos. The result? Fewer limos this year. Very Orwellian of President Obama and his regime.
Report: Federal government claims to own fewer limos
Report: Federal government claims to own fewer limos
Democrats Pay 'Protesters' To Heckle Romney
Don't you just love liberal hypocrisy? Obama is complaining about hecklers at his campaign stops but now we have confirmation that Democrats are paying people to heckle Romney at his campaign stops.
Democrats Pay 'Protesters' To Heckle Romney | Red Dog Report
Democrats Pay 'Protesters' To Heckle Romney | Red Dog Report
MSNBC mischaracterizes Romney remarks
The corrupt liberal media is so desperate to get Obama re-elected, they are now making fake video clips to try to discredit Mitt Romney.
MSNBC mischaracterizes Romney remarks
MSNBC mischaracterizes Romney remarks
Grim job prospects could scar college graduates
Young voters who put Obama in the White House in 2008 continue to suffer from his failed economic policies.
Grim job prospects could scar today's college graduates –
Grim job prospects could scar today's college graduates –
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Time for Turkey to leave Cyprus in peace
An excellent op-ed by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., about the long-running and illegal military occupation of Cyprus by Turkey.
Time for Turkey to leave Cyprus in peace - Washington Times
Time for Turkey to leave Cyprus in peace - Washington Times
Monday, June 18, 2012
Live by the property tax, die by the property tax
Opponents of efforts to reform Pennsylvania's antiquated school property tax system are running out of excuses.
a gun to property owners' heads to force them to pay property taxes may
work ... until the economy sours, which it has for the past 5 years,
and then
the property owners seek relief from the courts.
From a story by Michael Rellahan of the West Chester Daily Local News:
WEST CHESTER – Chester County Common Pleas Senior Judge Thomas Gavin has ruled in favor of the Exton Square Mall in its appeal of its 2010-2011 property tax assessment, meaning a possible long-term loss of revenue for the West Chester Area School District, among others, which had argued against the appeal.Gavin, in a ruling made Friday, agreed with the mall’s real estate appraiser that the assessed value of the 39-year-old regional mall was $52.6 million, far below either the Chester County Board of Assessment’s value of $62.5 million and the school district’s expert’s calculation of $62.3 million.
where is the West Chester School District going to make up the lost tax
Eliminating school property taxes and substituting a combination of sales taxes/income taxes is the only way to fund public education.
Eliminating school property taxes and substituting a combination of sales taxes/income taxes is the only way to fund public education.
That's why it's distressing that Pennsylvania legislators have tabled House Bill 1776.
Chester County,
Property Taxes
Gov. Walker: Lessons Learned From Recall Election
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker finds lessons in recall fight (via The Christian Science Monitor)
Earlier this month, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) became the first US governor to keep his seat in a recall election. The battle was triggered by Governor Walker's efforts to restrict public workers' collective bargaining rights, and his victory has made him a star in Republican circles. He was…
Obama plays 100th round of golf as president
The private sector may not be doing fine, but Obama's golf game sure is coming along.
Obama plays 100th round of golf as president
Obama plays 100th round of golf as president
What A Shocker! Sandra Fluke Endorses Obama
Any truth to the rumor Ms. Fluke is in line to be the next Secretary of Contraception if Obama is re-elected to a second term?
What A Shocker! Sandra Fluke Endorses Obama
What A Shocker! Sandra Fluke Endorses Obama
Census Bureau: Household Net Worth Declines By 35%
Feeling a little poorer these days? You're not imagining things. A new report by the Census Bureau says the net worth of U.S. households declined by 35 percent between 2005 and 2010. And before Barack Obama blames it all on George W. Bush, keep in mind he was president in 2009 and 2010. And Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.

New Census Bureau Estimates from 2005 to 2010 Show Changes in Household Net Worth (via PR Newswire)
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- U.S. median household net worth declined 35 percent between 2005 and 2010, from $102,844 to $66,740 (in 2010 constant dollars), according to a set of detailed tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. However, excluding home equity, median…
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- U.S. median household net worth declined 35 percent between 2005 and 2010, from $102,844 to $66,740 (in 2010 constant dollars), according to a set of detailed tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. However, excluding home equity, median household net worth increased by 8 percent between 2009 and 2010, from $13,859 to $15,000.
Source: PR Newswire (
New Census Bureau Estimates from 2005 to 2010 Show Changes in Household Net Worth (via PR Newswire)
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- U.S. median household net worth declined 35 percent between 2005 and 2010, from $102,844 to $66,740 (in 2010 constant dollars), according to a set of detailed tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. However, excluding home equity, median…
Sunday, June 17, 2012
One scenario for a Romney landslide
Michael Barone, one of the most knowledgeable political pundits alive today, offers a possible scenario for a Mitt Romney landslide this November.
Romney 338, Obama 200?
Romney 338, Obama 200?
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Editorial: Obama's Naked Pandering To Illegals
Investor's Business Daily:
In his most brazen act of pandering to date, President Obama has dangled de facto amnesty to 800,000 illegal immigrants in a shameless bid to win Latino votes. This is pure banana-republic electoral politics.
Read the full editorial, "Obama's Naked Pandering To Illegals," at the newspaper's website.
Who Is Neil Munro and Why Is He Interrupting the President?
Kudos to reporter Neil Munro of The Daily Caller for this brave question to Obama: "Why’d you favor foreigners over Americans?"
Who Is Neil Munro and Why Is He Interrupting the President? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
Who Is Neil Munro and Why Is He Interrupting the President? - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
The Day The Democrats Took Over Congress
The current economic collapse can be traced back to the day Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.
The Day The Democrats Took Over Senate and House D.....
The Day The Democrats Took Over Senate and House D.....
Newspaper blasts Pa. lawmakers who blocked property tax reform
From the Editorial Page of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS to the legislators who voted against moving House Bill 1776 out of committee. This property tax reform measure died without even getting to the full state House of Representatives for review. Legislators who voted against moving the bill forward were: Democrats Kevin Boyle, Tim Briggs, Margo Davidson, Madeleine Dean, and Republicans Kerry Benninghoff, Gordon Delinger, G. Dunbar, Eli Evankovich, Fred Keller, Duane Milne, Michael Peifer, Kathy Rapp, and Mario Scavello.Voters should send these 13 lawmakers a message in November.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Today's Highlights (and a lowlight) in History
On this day in history:
* In 1777, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.
* In 1943, the Supreme Court, in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, ruled that children in public schools could not be forced to salute the flag of the United States.
* In 1954, the words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance.
* In 1777, the Continental Congress in Philadelphia adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag.
* In 1943, the Supreme Court, in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, ruled that children in public schools could not be forced to salute the flag of the United States.
* In 1954, the words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Columnist: Pennsylvania has too many school districts
Here's a quick way to save a few million dollars. Trip the 500 school
superintendents in Pennsylvania making between $100,000 and $200,000 a
year down to about 40.
Columnist Paul Golias: We don't need 500 school systems. The administrative overkill is phenomenal. Luzerne County could function well as one school district. Public education in Pennsylvania likely could work with 40 districts. Smaller, rural-type counties could be tied together.
Trim down number of school districts - News - Citizens Voice
Columnist Paul Golias: We don't need 500 school systems. The administrative overkill is phenomenal. Luzerne County could function well as one school district. Public education in Pennsylvania likely could work with 40 districts. Smaller, rural-type counties could be tied together.
Trim down number of school districts - News - Citizens Voice
Newspaper: Paterno's will is a public matter
Penn State and the Paterno family fought for years to keep his
taxpayer-paid salary a secret until courts ruled it was a matter of
public record.
I don't understand why Paterno's will is being kept private. It's also a public document, especially since the Paterno estate is receiving more than $12 million in a pension settlement with Penn State University.
Paterno's will is a public matter - Opinion - Citizens Voice
I don't understand why Paterno's will is being kept private. It's also a public document, especially since the Paterno estate is receiving more than $12 million in a pension settlement with Penn State University.
Paterno's will is a public matter - Opinion - Citizens Voice
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Don Rickles' Obama joke to be cut from telecast
When it involves a joke at Obama's expense, liberals have no problem with censorship.
Rickles' Obama joke to be cut from telecast
Rickles' Obama joke to be cut from telecast
Iran Persecutes Christians
From The Weekly Standard: So far, major media outlets have ignored the closures of the Iranian churches. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran noted that the regime had shut down the Assembly Church in the southern city of Ahvaz on December 23, 2011, two days before Christmas.
Iran's Revolutionary Guards Cracks Down on Christians
Iran's Revolutionary Guards Cracks Down on Christians
Deadliest Driving Days for Teens
The start of summer — the time between Memorial Day and
Labor Day — marks the beginning
of the "100 Deadliest Days for Teens." Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens, and
more teens are killed on the road during summer than any other time of
Deadliest Driving Days for Teens: What Parents Can Do
Deadliest Driving Days for Teens: What Parents Can Do
Woman sues Phillie Phanatic for throwing her into NJ pool
A lawsuit claims the Phillie Phanatic mascot engaged in "intentional, willful, outrageous, reckless and wanton conduct" by pushing a woman into a swimming pool.
Will the jurors be able to keep a straight face with this case? Will the Phanatic sit in the defendant's chair in costume? This is what Court TV was made for.
Woman suing Phillie Phanatic for throwing her into Avalon pool - Cape May County News
Will the jurors be able to keep a straight face with this case? Will the Phanatic sit in the defendant's chair in costume? This is what Court TV was made for.
Woman suing Phillie Phanatic for throwing her into Avalon pool - Cape May County News
The Dirty Dozen + 1 who killed property tax reform
Here are the 13 state representatives who blocked a bill to eliminate school property taxes in Pennsylvania:
Rep. Kevin Boyle (D) - 717-783-4944
Rep. Tim Briggs (D) - 717-705-7011
Rep. Margo Davidson (D) - 717-783-4907
Rep. Madeleine Dean (D) - 717-783-7619
Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R- Chairman) - 717-783-1918
Rep. Gordon Delinger (R ) - 717-787-3531
Rep. G. Dunbar (R ) - 717-260-6132
Rep. Eli Evankovich (R ) - 717-260-6129
Rep. Fred Keller (R ) - 717-787-3443
Rep. Duane Milne (R ) - 717-787-8579
Rep. Michael Peifer (R ) - 717-783-2037
Rep. Kathy Rapp (R ) - 717-787-1367
Rep. Mario Scavello (R ) - 717-787-7732
Rep. Kevin Boyle (D) - 717-783-4944
Rep. Tim Briggs (D) - 717-705-7011
Rep. Margo Davidson (D) - 717-783-4907
Rep. Madeleine Dean (D) - 717-783-7619
Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R- Chairman) - 717-783-1918
Rep. Gordon Delinger (R ) - 717-787-3531
Rep. G. Dunbar (R ) - 717-260-6132
Rep. Eli Evankovich (R ) - 717-260-6129
Rep. Fred Keller (R ) - 717-787-3443
Rep. Duane Milne (R ) - 717-787-8579
Rep. Michael Peifer (R ) - 717-783-2037
Rep. Kathy Rapp (R ) - 717-787-1367
Rep. Mario Scavello (R ) - 717-787-7732
Property Tax Independence Act falls short of action
Pennsylvania voters must demand more from their elected officials. From an editorial in The Pottstown Mercury: What's lacking is for legislative leadership and Gov. Tom Corbett to champion the cause. Until that happens, property tax reform will remain a case of all talk and no action.
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Property Tax Independence Act falls short of action
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Property Tax Independence Act falls short of action
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Obama’s second-term agenda
John Hayward on why Obama is not talking about his plans for a second term:
Nervous voters watching the American economy teeter on the brink of a double-dip recession might wonder what, precisely, Barack Obama plans to do in his prospective second term. It’s interesting that the Obama campaign has spent very little time talking about this. Almost all of their efforts have been attacks on Mitt Romney. First they criticized his dog transportation policies from the 1980s. Then they declared war on stay-at-home moms like Ann Romney, portraying them as out-of-touch Rapunzels who don’t understand life in the brutal Obama economy well enough to offer informed opinions about anything.Obama’s second-term agenda | | Conservative News, Views & Books
Corbett signs bill to repay jobless benefits debt
Pennsylvania taxpayers will borrow $4 billion to repay the federal government for unemployment compensation. Unlike the feds, states pay their debt. And Obama has the nerve to call jobless benefits a stimulus? The economy will come back when Obama joins the unemployment line.
Corbett signs bill to repay jobless benefits debt
Corbett signs bill to repay jobless benefits debt
Obama's formula for more economic growth? More government
The first rule of holes: When you're in a hole, stop digging. Obama has been digging a deeper hole for the past four years.
Obama's formula for more economic growth? More government
Obama's formula for more economic growth? More government
Obama Amnesia
Forget 'Forward' - Obama has a new campaign slogan: 'Amnesia' - as in forget about Obamacare that crippled hiring and increased health care costs and forget about the failed $1 trillion stimulus that didn't create jobs but rewarded Obama's Big Labor pals.
Obama doesn't emphasize issues he fought hard for during first term
Obama doesn't emphasize issues he fought hard for during first term
Do you remember Hurricane Agnes?
The 40th anniversary is coming up. The Pottstown Mercury is looking for photos of one of the worst natural disasters to ever hit Pennsylvania.
Pa. lawmakers scuttle property tax reform bill
Let's hope the thousands of citizen activists who have been pushing for the elimination of school property taxes in Pennsylvania will work to defeat the 13 incumbent state legislators who blocked House Bill 1776.
Pa. lawmakers scuttle property tax reform bill
Don Rickles stands by Obama joke
He's 86 years old and has never been regarded as politically correct, so why should Don Rickles apologize for a joke about Barack Obama? The Obama-lovers have already labeled Rickles a "racist" but Don insults people on an equal basis regardless of sex, race or creed, so get over it.
Don Rickles stands by Obama joke
Don Rickles stands by Obama joke
Committee Postpones Vote on PA Property Tax Independence Act
PA State Rep. Jim Cox makes lemonade out of the lemons handed to him by the House Finance Committee Monday.
Cox thanks his 10 colleagues who voted with taxpayers: "With this vote, these 10 state representatives joined me in supporting homeowners and opposing the special interests," Cox said. "It is nice to see that there are some patriots serving in Harrisburg who are willing to stand up for what is right. My hope is that their numbers will continue to increase in the future."
State Rep. Jim Cox - House Finance Committee Postpones Vote on Property Tax Independence Act
Cox thanks his 10 colleagues who voted with taxpayers: "With this vote, these 10 state representatives joined me in supporting homeowners and opposing the special interests," Cox said. "It is nice to see that there are some patriots serving in Harrisburg who are willing to stand up for what is right. My hope is that their numbers will continue to increase in the future."
State Rep. Jim Cox - House Finance Committee Postpones Vote on Property Tax Independence Act
Monday, June 11, 2012
13 lawmakers who killed Pa. property tax reform
The Pennsylvania House Finance Committee voted 13-11 on Monday to table a vote to send House Bill 1776 (the Property Tax Independence Act) to the full House for a vote to eliminate school property taxes in Pennsylvania.
The vote effectively ends any hope of getting property tax reform in Pennsylvania this year.
Here are the names of the 13 state legislators (9 Republicans and 4 Democrats) who voted for the status quo and denied relief from burdensome school taxes for Pennsylvania taxpayers, especially senior citizens:
The vote effectively ends any hope of getting property tax reform in Pennsylvania this year.
Here are the names of the 13 state legislators (9 Republicans and 4 Democrats) who voted for the status quo and denied relief from burdensome school taxes for Pennsylvania taxpayers, especially senior citizens:
Kerry A. Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin), Kevin J. Boyle (D-Philadelphia), Tim Briggs (D-Montgomery), Margo L. Davidson (D-Delaware), Madeleine Dean (D-Montgomery), Gordon Denlinger (R-Lancaster), George Dunbar (R-Westmoreland), Eli Evankovich (R-Armstrong/Westmoreland), Fred Keller (R-Snyder/Union), Duane Milne (R-Chester), Michael Peifer (R-Monroe/Pike/Wayne), Kathy L. Rapp (R-Forest/Mckean/Warren County) and Mario M. Scavello (R-Monroe).
All 13 of the lawmakers above are up for re-election this November. Make your voice heard and remove the professional politicians who continue to block property tax reform.
Rep. Jim Cox, R-Berks, the primary sponsor of House Bill 1776, says he's not giving up the fight, but chances of HB 1776 reaching the House floor are dwindling as the lawmakers prepare to take their annual 2-month vacation.
"I’m not going to let it rest," Cox told the PA Independent news service after the vote. "It’s not an issue that I can think can rest on any level. I think we’ve got to continue to move it forward."
Rep. Jim Cox, R-Berks, the primary sponsor of House Bill 1776, says he's not giving up the fight, but chances of HB 1776 reaching the House floor are dwindling as the lawmakers prepare to take their annual 2-month vacation.
"I’m not going to let it rest," Cox told the PA Independent news service after the vote. "It’s not an issue that I can think can rest on any level. I think we’ve got to continue to move it forward."
Romney Coming To Pennsylvania June 16
From the Romney for President Campaign:
Mitt Romney will meet with America’s families and business owners in small towns in six states as part of his “Every Town Counts” five-day bus tour. The “Every Town Counts” bus tour will begin in New Hampshire on June 15 and will continue on to small towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Michigan."For three and a half years, President Obama has paid little attention to the everyday concerns of the American people,” Mitt Romney said. “President Obama has offered no hope for the future, and he has left American families to bear the burden of his failed policies. Too many American families have experienced a lost job, faced foreclosure, or been forced to spend their kids' college savings just to make ends meet. These are not statistics – these are our fellow Americans. In America’s small towns, you don't find despair -- you find boundless optimism. We know we can make America better, and that is why I am running for president."Believe In America: Every Town Counts Bus Tour Outline· Friday, June 15 – New Hampshire· Saturday, June 16 – Pennsylvania· Sunday, June 17 – Ohio· Monday, June 18 – Wisconsin and Iowa· Tuesday, June 19 – MichiganMore details will be announced in the coming days.
Obama campaign still in damage-control mode
Obama and his media allies have not been able to stem the damage from the president's idiotic comment that the private sector is 'doing fine.'
First Thoughts: The bleeding doesn’t stop
First Thoughts: The bleeding doesn’t stop
Widow of Atlanta cop who died during three-way sex is awarded $3M
I'm sure they had no trouble finding jurors for this trial.
Widow of Atlanta cop who died during three-way sex is awarded $3 million
Widow of Atlanta cop who died during three-way sex is awarded $3 million
Barack Obama's war on coal
Now that gas prices have doubled under Obama, his next goal is to make sure electricity rates skyrocket.
Barack Obama's war on coal — Liz Peek -
Barack Obama's war on coal — Liz Peek -
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Ed Rendell continues to screw PA taxpayers
He's been out of office for a year-and-a-half, but former Pa. Gov. Ed
Rendell continues to put the screws to Pennsylvania taxpayers with his
idiotic Act 1, which was suppose to curb school property tax increases.
Not only has it failed to do that, but it's handcuffed school boards,
actually forcing them to raise taxes more than they normally would.
Heckavu job, Fast Eddie.
Act 1 creates need for schools to raise taxes
Act 1 creates need for schools to raise taxes
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Berks County legislative delegation supports PA property tax reform
State Sen. David Argall: Maybe the property tax made sense in the 1830s, but it's forcing school districts to fund education based on what kind of windows a home has and what owners did on the back of the property.
Property tax topic at Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce & Industry event
Property tax topic at Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce & Industry event
Obama State Department Purges Religious Freedom Section from Its Human Rights Reports
Since most violations are directed toward Christians, Obama doesn't feel it's important enough to document.
State Department Purges Religious Freedom Section from Its Human Rights Reports |
State Department Purges Religious Freedom Section from Its Human Rights Reports |
Friday, June 08, 2012
Teachers reject pay raises, want even more
Teachers continue to lose the PR battle with taxpayers. From the editorial pages of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS to the Pottsgrove School District teachers for rejecting a fact-finders report that recommended two raises over the course of three years, but also called for increased teacher contributions to health care costs. The report, which was unanimously accepted by the Pottsgrove School Board a week earlier, was made public this week. Posted on the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry website, the report was authored by John Skonier, who was appointed a fact-finder for Pottsgrove on April 18 by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board. In making the salary recommendations Skonier’s report made particular note of the nation’s and region’s current economic conditions. “The country is in the grips of a major recession and revenue sources are dwindling. ... These challenges require innovative approaches to bargaining. There must be a balancing between ever increasing health care costs and the limited economic resources available in the foreseeable future,” the report said. That means compromise and acceptance of economic reality.Roses to 102-year-old valedictorian honored at Oley
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