Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Corbett: PA Schools In Line For $338M Funding Increase
New Website Details PA Governor Corbett's Proposed $338.1 Million Funding Increase for School Districts
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Economist: Obama has cost every American family $2,200 a year since taking office

Economist Ralph R. Reiland disects Obama's failed energy policies that have driven up the cost of gas by 90% since Obama took office, costing American families thousands of dollars.
From his latest column:
The U.S. Energy Information Administration says the average U.S. household purchases 1,100 gallons of gasoline per year. That means the $2 per gallon increase since Obama took office is costing the average family an extra $2,200 a year.Read the full column, Obama's unaffordable energy policy, here.
Study: Wealthy are more likely to cheat
People of higher status are more prone to cheating, taking candy from children and failing to wait their turn at four-way stops, a UC Berkeley experiment finds.Wealthy, motivated by greed, are more likely to cheat, study finds
'Annie' Coming To Mount Penn

The show, featuring students from Antietam Middle School/High School, will be presented Friday, March 30, and Saturday, March 31, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, April 1, at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 per person. On Sunday only, children 12 and under will be admitted for $5.
For ticket information, send an email to
Time is running out for Cyprus talks
Time is running out for Cyprus talks
Top 10 Obama budget travesties
Top 10 Obama budget travesties - HUMAN EVENTS
Congress closes 'strip club loophole' for welfare recipients
Supporters of the new requirements point to several news accounts as evidence that too many welfare recipients were accessing and using their welfare benefits at “questionable locations.” A 2010 Los Angeles Times investigation, for example, found that $1.8 million in TANF funds were withdrawn in casinos and $12,000 was accessed in strip clubs.Congress closes 'strip club loophole'
Democratic Pollster: Voters Don't Think America's Back
Dem Pollster: Voters Don't Think America's Back
Watchdog: Billions waste on duplicate federal programs under Obama
GAO report cites billions spent on duplicate federal programs –
Monday, February 27, 2012
Obama Hoses Working Americans
Barack Obama 2008 Ad on Gas Prices
Candidate Obama was concerned about gas prices in 2008. But in 2012, President Obama decides to hose the American worker. How's that hope and change working out for you?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Why isn't Obama's support of abortion a campaign issue?
Contraception vs. Infanticide
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Is serving in the Legislature a full-time job?
A California state lawmaker wants to turn the state legislature into a part-time gig. We have the same debate in Pennsylvania. State legislators earn a starting salary of $82,000 a year (up to $150,000 when you factor in benefits) for what many believe is a part-time job. And we have the largest full-time legislature in the country, so taxpayers pick up an annal tab of $300 million to fund the Legislature
It still should be a full-time job
Pa.'s public pension debacle raises fears of higher taxes
Pa.'s public pension debacle raises fears of higher taxes
335,000 visitors to Tony Phyrillas on Politics
Will Ideology Trump Artistry in Oscar Night Speeches?
Will Ideology Trump Artistry in Oscar Night Speeches?
Friday, February 24, 2012
Most Liberal, Most Conservative Members of Congress
Most Liberal, Most Conservative - -
Obama's Forrest Gump analysis of rising gas prices
Read the full article, 'Stupid' and Oil Prices, here.'The American people aren't stupid," thundered President Obama yesterday in Miami, ridiculing Republicans who are blaming him for rising gasoline prices. Let's hope he's right, because not even Forrest Gump could believe the logic of what Mr. Obama is trying to sell.
To wit, that a) gasoline prices are beyond his control, but b) to the extent oil and gas production is rising in America, his energy policies deserve all the credit, and c) higher prices are one more reason to raise taxes on oil and gas drillers while handing even more subsidies to his friends in green energy. Where to begin?
It's true enough that oil prices can't be commanded from the Oval Office, so in that sense Mr. Obama's disavowal of blame is a rare show of humility in the face of market forces. Would that he showed similar modesty in trying to command the tides of home prices, car sales ("cash for clunkers"), or the production of electric batteries.
A warning about Obama from the past
— Herbert Spencer, British philosopher (1820-1903)
Poll shows sharp division on Obama contraception order
Poll shows sharp division on Obama contraception order - Washington Times
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
White House typo has Biden headed to ‘Road Island’
White House typo has Biden headed to ‘Road Island’
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Obama counting on the stupid vote again

When you can't run on your dismal economic record after three disastrous years in the White House, you need something to distract voters.
So what has Obama come up with?
Gary Bauer: The Democrats intend to make birth control a major theme of the 2012 election, especially if Rick Santorum is the Republican presidential nominee.
'Contracepting' a campaign - HUMAN EVENTS
Girls With Guns
Research by the National Sporting Goods Association shows female participation in target shooting grew by 46.5% between 2001 and 2010. And an October 2011 Gallup Poll found 23% of women own a gun.Women, girls taking up guns, shooting in higher numbers –
Historic monastery in Turkish-occupied Cyprus near collapse
Historic monastery in Cyprus near collapse |
High fees could hamper Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law
Right-to-Know Law could get costly if new fees are added
Opinion: Obama's tyrannical tendencies revealed
Letter: Obama's tyrannical tendencies revealed -
Newspaper: Corbett raiding special funds
Corbett raiding special funds - News - Citizens Voice
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Editorial: Pa. property tax is root of evil in school funding
Gov. Tom Corbett is not the real culprit in the schools funding crisis, although his refusal to acknowledge the problem adds to the frustration. Even the current legislators are not wholly to blame, even though they hold the power to fix it.Read the full editorial at the link below:
The inequity in Pennsylvania public schools funding is rooted in a flawed system of taxation that predates anyone now in office. The need for property tax reform has been bandied about in Harrisburg for decades, but no governor or Legislature in our lifetime has touched it.
Pa. property tax is root of evil in school funding
Saturday, February 18, 2012
No competition in many Pa. legislative races
333,333 visitors to 'Tony Phyrillas On Politics'
Friday, February 17, 2012
PA GOP on Anniversary of Obama-Casey Stimulus Bill
“Three years hasn’t camouflaged the hard truth that President Obama and Bob Casey’s massive stimulus spending bill has been a complete failure,” said Chairman Gleason.
“Just three short years ago, President Obama and Senator Bob Casey promised that their $825 billion stimulus bill would save or create 3.5 million jobs and keep unemployment below 8% - but since then, we’ve lost more than one million jobs and unemployment has remained above 8% for a record period. What’s even worse is that while Americans are demanding a more responsible, efficient government, President Obama’s 2012 budget calls for even more spending and even more taxes.
“Pennsylvania voters have had enough of President Obama’s and Senator Casey’s failed promises and out of control spending. It’s time for new leadership in Washington that can keep spending under control and actually improve our economy, not another four years of economic hardship,” Chairman Gleason continued.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Convicted State Rep. Files Petitions To Run For Re-Election
Convicted State Rep. Files Petitions To Run For Re-Election « CBS Pittsburgh
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Difference Between Tea Party and Occupy Movement
While the vandals are on the street corners, the Tea Party conservatives they’re working state houses, the governorships, the mayorships, the Senate, the House. See, they understand, they’ve read the Constitution. If you want to make a difference, don't go break windows, okay? Break some phony arguments that things like austerity are going to put you in the hole. What put you in the hole is borrowing 38 cents of every dollar you spent. That’s what put you in the hole, pure and simple. Everything else is political spin.Rick Santelli in 60 Seconds Describes Difference Between Tea Party and Occupy Movement |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Is Obama incompetent or just a liar?

We're in the last year of his first (and hopefully last) term as president but the national debt has risen by $5 trillion under Obama.
The national debt was $10.2 trillion when George W. Bush left office. Today it stands at $15.2 trillion and rising every second. That's a 45 percent increase under Obama.
Was Obama lying about reducing the debt or is he incapable of doing the job of president?
Either way, he does not deserve re-election.
Will Ron Paul make the ballot in Pennsylvania?
Obama and 3 GOP candidates file for Pa. ballot
Pew study: 1 in 8 voter records flawed
Pew study: 1 in 8 voter records flawed –
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sen. Toomey: Obama budget: an 'abdication of leadership'

“During the past year, I have focused on two vital priorities – restoring economic growth and private sector job creation, and putting our federal government on a sustainable fiscal path,” Sen. Toomey said. “Unfortunately, the president’s budget request fails on both counts.
“After three consecutive years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits, this budget request contains massive levels of spending and projects a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for this year – an even bigger deficit than last year. In addition to more wasteful stimulus programs, the president’s budget raises taxes on job creators at a time when we should be reforming our tax code with lower tax rates and a broader tax base to encourage more economic growth and job creation.
"Finally, the president fails to make the necessary reforms to truly fix our entitlement programs, which are, by his own admission, the main drivers of our deteriorating fiscal outlook. Medicare and Medicaid are both growing at unsustainable rates – much faster than our economy. The president knows it, and yet, he refuses to support the structural reforms to put these programs on a sustainable path. This is a tragic abdication of presidential responsibility.”
Rep. Joe Pitts critical of latest Obama deficit budget

Rep. Joe Pitts, a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District, issued the following statement today on President Obama budget:
“Three years ago, the President promised to cut annual deficits in half by the end of his first administration. Today’s budget shows that he is far from accomplishing that goal. This budget raises taxes by nearly $2 trillion and still fails to come even close to balancing within the next decade.
“While the President says his budget will create an ‘economy built to last,’ trillion dollar deficits are no foundation for the future. We cannot have a healthy economy when our debt outpaces growth.
“The American people deserve an honest debate on the best way to balance the budget. Unfortunately, the President’s budget is not a serious plan for debt reduction. Also, for a third year in a row, the Democratic-led Senate will not even attempt to pass a budget. By contrast, House Republicans will again put forward a budget that puts us back on the right track.”
Rep. Gerlach blasts Obama budget

"The President should have released this budget on Groundhog Day because it is a repeat of his previous three budget proposals: higher taxes, more debt and no real solutions for eliminating wasteful Washington spending. It is extremely disappointing that the President seems eager to accelerate America's descent down the same path as Greece and other European nations that have refused to confront their unsustainable spending habits. Four consecutive years of $1 trillion budget deficits, and raising taxes by $1.9 trillion, will not help the nearly 13 million Americans out of work find jobs or encourage greater investment and innovation needed to help businesses of all sizes grow. Furthermore, the President has once again abdicated his leadership responsibility to offer meaningful and constructive proposals for reforming Medicare and Medicaid so these programs are there for future generations.”
'The Vow' tops weekend box office
'The Vow' topped the domestic box office with an estimated $41.7 million, followed by "Safe House" at $39.3 million, and "Journey 2" grossing $27.5 million.
The re-release of "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace" in 3D made $23 million.
Rentrak Announces Official Box Office Numbers for Weekend of February 10, 2012
Obama Drowns In Red Ink
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Adele Sweeps 2012 Grammys
Adele went 6 for 6 at the 2012 Grammys, winning Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Record of the Year.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Start the Clock: Broken Budget Process Points to Systemic Dysfunction in Congress
Start the Clock: Broken Budget Process Points to Systemic Dysfunction in Congress
Consumer confidence drops as gas prices rise
Price of gas after 3 years of Barack Obama: $3.65/gallon.
That's a 90% increase!!! How's that for change?
Consumer confidence drops as gas prices rise - The Hill's On The Money
Friday, February 10, 2012
1,000 Days Without A Budget
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Budget? We ain't got no budget. We don't need no budgets! I don't have to show you any stinkin' budgets!"
Columnist: Obama fudging unemployment numbers
Cal Thomas: Fudging the numbers
Gas prices rise 90% under Obama
Thursday, February 09, 2012
Columnist: GOP must target young voters
Michael Barone: GOP must convince young people it's the party of options - HUMAN EVENTS
2 from Chester County to join Phillies ballgirls

Spring training can't be too far away.
Two county residents to take field as Phillies ballgirls -
First Global Warming - Now Global Sweetening!
From the same sort of academic busybodies who gave us the ever-popular global warming panic comes a new prediction of catastrophe. This newest ginned up rationale for enabling Liberal-Progressive-Democrats (L-P-Ds) to have more control over the behavior of ordinary citizens hasn't been given catchy name yet, so rather than wait for the mainstream media to compare notes on JournoList, let's all agree to call sweetening!First Global Warming - Now Global Sweetening!
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Mark Schweiker Cashes In As Lobbyist
Schweiker has landed a job as Senior Vice President and Chief Relationship Officer for Renmatix,
which bills itself as "a leading cellulosic sugar producer for global biochemical and biofuels markets.
The company's headquarters is in King of Prussia, a short commute from Schweiker's Bucks County home. The firm's main plant is in Georgia.
Former Pennsylvania Governor Joins Renmatix Executive Team