Global warming alarmists won't give up their campaign to spread fear and backward thinking until an ice bridge stretches from New York to Paris. Science, though, says they should.The Data Show There's Been No Warming For More Than A Decade -
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
When Global Warming Freezes Over
Newspaper: Holder Must Resign or Be Impeached
For incompetence alone, Attorney General Eric Holder should resign in the wake of the illegal "Fast and Furious" gunrunning scandal. But fresh news that he knew of it and is covering it up warrants impeachment.Friday Night 'Document Dump' Shows Eric Holder Knew 'Fast And Furious' Gun Killed U.S. Agent -
The first rule of holes

A perfect example of the sad state of affairs in Washington, D.C. The Congressional Budget Office predicts the Obama Administration will run a $1.1 trillion deficit in the fiscal year that ends in September. It would be the third straight year Obama has run up deficits of more than $1 trillion but the $1.1 trillion is slightly lower than the last deficit Obama ran. You call this good news? For the record, Obama inherited a $10.6 trillion national debt from George W. Bush. The national debt today is $15.2 trillion ... and rising every second.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Pennsylvania's oldest state lawmaker, 84, won't seek re-election

George is the latest career politician to call it quits this year as the exodus from the Legislature continues.
George, 84, a Democrat, has represented Clearfield County in the state Legislature since Gerald Ford was in the White House.
George can now enjoy a lifetime pension (courtesy of Pennsylvania taxpayers) that could approach $100,000 a year.
Clearfield County lawmaker calling it quits after 19 terms
Columnist: Massive Layoffs At Another Obama Stimulus Company
Massive Layoffs At Another Obama Stimulus Company - HUMAN EVENTS
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Turns out the rich make good presidents
If Mitt Romney were elected president, he would rank No. 4 on the all-time list of richest presidents. He would also be in good company.
Here's is Forbes magazine's ranking of the 10 richest presidents:
George Washington
Herbert Hoover
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Zachary Taylor
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Lyndon Johnson
James Madison
The Mercury - How rich is Mitt Romney?
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Columnist: Newt Gingrich is the GOP's Bill Clinton
Read his full column at The American Spectator.
328,000 visitors to 'Tony Phyrillas on Politics'
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Poll: Obama job approval at 40% in Pa.
1. Most (47%) of the state’s voters believe Pennsylvania is headed in the wrong direction, a sentiment little changed during the past two years. The last time a majority of the state’s registered voters believed the state was headed in the right direction was September 2006.
2. More voters report they are worse off financially than are better off financially (26% and 15%, respectively) compared to one year ago, although most (60%) say their finances are the same as last year. Fewer voters expect to be worse off financially next year (13%) than they were last March (26%), the last time this question was asked. Most (51%) respondents report economic and financial issues are their most pressing personal problems.
3. President Obama has seen a minor improvement in his job performance ratings compared to the October 2011 Franklin and Marshall College Poll, rising from 37% positive to 40% positive. Voters’ rating of his handling of the economy, with only 29% providing a positive rating, is lower than his overall job performance rating. Generally speaking, more voters in Pennsylvania still believe it is time for a change (49%) than believe the president deserves re-election (44%).
4. Despite President Obama’s tepid job approval ratings, he continues to lead his Republican challengers in the state. Obama’s lead over both Romney and Santorum is still more than 10 points. The president is up two points on Romney from October; however, his lead over Santorum has remained stable at 13 points.
January 2012: Obama 41%, Romney 30%, other 8%, don’t know 24%
October 2012: Obama 35%, Romney 26%, other 10%, don’t know 30%
January 2012: Obama 43%, Santorum 30%, other 8%, don’t know 19%
October 2012: Obama 38%, Santorum 25%, other 11%, don’t know 26%
5. The explanation for the president’s current advantage may stem from several sources. First, less than half (46%) of voters are very interested in this year’s election; in January 2008, three in five (60%) voters were very interested in that year’s election. Second, President Obama is more personally appealing than either of the two Republican challengers tested with nearly half (45%) of voters having a “favorable” opinion of the president compared to around one-quarter who have a favorable opinion of Mitt Romney (25%) and Rick Santorum (29%). Importantly, this pattern holds true among independent voters.
Read the full poll results here.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Poll: Obama a nice guy, but a lousy president
While most respondents say Obama is a likeable person, he does not appear to be up the task of president.
From the Pew Survey:
Obama's job approval rating stands at 44%. George W. Bush began his reelection year with a 56% job approval rating; Bill Clinton's approval rating was 50% in January 1996. Obama's current mark is closer to George H. W. Bush's in January 1992 (46% approved).Read the full results here.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Longest-serving Pennsylvania lawmaker goes on trial
Longest-serving Pennsylvania lawmaker goes on trial
Monday, January 23, 2012
Rohrer to GOP party boss: Let voters pick nominee
Rohrer is asking GOP Chairman Rob Gleason not to allow party leaders to endorse a candidate before the April GOP primary.
From Rohrer's letter/petition:
The Pennsylvania Republican Party has nothing to fear from having a fair, unbiased Primary. It will help build our Party, and grow our organization. As Party Chairman, I respectfully ask that you keep this primary as transparent and fair as possible, and let 3.2 million Republican primary voters decide whom their nominee should be.Read the petition at Rohrer's campaign website.
The truly dismal state of the union
From columnist Joseph Curl:
CURL: The truly dismal state of the union - Washington TimesThere is one person — one American among the 300 million of us — who is not to blame for the state of the union. Everyone else, each of you, in some small or large way, bears some share of the blame, but not this guy. Not one little bit.
This guy is Barack Obama. He is not the least bit to blame for the dismal state of the U.S. economy. George W. Bush is, for sure, and that evil Dick Cheney, oh, no doubt. House Speaker John A. Boehner — evil, too — is, of course, to blame. But guess what? So is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and every Democrat in the House and Senate.
Number of Registered Sex Offenders in the U.S. Nears Three-quarters of a Million
Number of Registered Sex Offenders in the U.S. Nears Three-quarters of a Million
Pa. archdiocese named 'unindicted co-conspirator' in child sex-abuse case
Pa. archdiocese named 'unindicted co-conspirator' |
Why Are Obama Critics So Dumb?
Santorum: 40 million babies murdered in the U.S.
This anniversary is both a day of sadness for the more than 40 million babies who have been killed since Roe v. Wade and a day of hope as more and more Americans embrace a culture of life and as more and more young people march in Washington and around the country in support of life.
Read the full column in The Wall Street Journal.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Record Bank Failures Under Obama
Three banks have already failed in 2012, following the 92 banks that went under in 2011 and the 157 banks that failed in 2010 and the 140 banks that failed in 2009, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Regulators Shut Bank In Pennsylvania, Georgia & Florida; First Failures Of 2012 -
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Pennsylvania Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.6%
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation for December 2011
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Obama's Failures: Rising Gas Prices
After three years of failed energy policies, gas is 3.42 per gallon and could hit $4 by summer.
The price of gas has risen more than 100% under Obama.
How's that for hope and change?
'Food Stamp President'
Read more about this national disgrace in The Wall Street Journal.
Obama Kills More Jobs
Obama Administration Rejects Keystone XL
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Which Governments Pay Their Public Employees the Most?
Which Governments Pay Their Public Employees the Most?
Obama kisses 20,000 jobs away
U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) denounced President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline permit on Wednesday:
“President Obama has been trying to campaign against a do-nothing Congress, but he is the one who is impeding job creation and economic growth in this country,” Sen. Toomey said. “The Keystone pipeline has the potential to create tens of thousands of American jobs, increase our access to oil from our friend in Canada, and diminish our dependence on less secure sources of energy. The pipeline has broad bipartisan support in Congress, and it does not require any taxpayer dollars to build it. I’m extremely disappointed that President Obama has chosen to sacrifice American jobs and our energy security to appease environmental special interests.”
The pipeline project would have created 20,000 new high-paying jobs and lower the cost of energy for Americans.
Pennsylvania Supreme Court to televise legislative redistricting arguments
From PCN:
The state's highest court, for the first time, agreed to LIVE coverage by PCN beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, January 23 in Harrisburg. The state Supreme Court is scheduled to hear appeals to the legislative redistricting plan as proposed by the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission.The justices will hear oral arguments of 11 prospective appeals filed in response to the redistricting plan that was approved in December of 2011. The state’s legislative districts were redrawn by a constitutionally-mandated commission to offset population shifts reflected in the 2010 census. A successful appeal will prevent the plan from becoming law.
PCN has been providing gavel-to-gavel coverage of the state’s Supreme Court proceedings since September of last year. The state’s highest court decision to allow PCN cameras into the courtroom is an historic first.
New procedures set forth by the high court regarding the broadcast of court proceedings now allows PCN to choose which session days to record, but all proceedings must be aired in their entirety. The January 23 session will be the first time LIVE coverage has been permitted during a state Supreme Court session.
PCN continues to record the En Banc coverage of the state’s Superior Court as well as the state’s Commonwealth Court. State Supreme Court proceedings are also recorded in their entirety.
Coverage of this session concerning the legislative redistricting plan is also tentatively slated to re-air on PCN at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, January 23.
State Supreme Court to televise legislative redistricting arguments -