Mort Kondracke, editor of Roll Call, a newspaper that covers Congress, and one of the most middle-of-the-road political commentators in the nation, says Democrats will lose big on Tuesday because they can't hide their record of failure over the past two years.
Democrats can't hide their record -
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Remember the broken promises as you go to vote Nov. 2 -
A terrific letter to the editor about what's at stake in Tuesday's election.
Remember the broken promises as you go to vote Nov. 2 -
Remember the broken promises as you go to vote Nov. 2 -
Two years later, GOP is phoenix rising
The Associated Press has a fascinating story about how quickly the Republican Party has rebounded - thanks in large part to the incompetence of Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats
Two years later, GOP is phoenix rising -
Two years later, GOP is phoenix rising -
Pottstown Mercury backs Jim Gerlach for Congress
The Mercury has endorsed Republican incumbent Jim Gerlach in Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District.
Endorsements for Congress: Dent, Gerlach, Meehan -
Endorsements for Congress: Dent, Gerlach, Meehan -
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wilkes-Barre newspaper backs Corbett for governor
A state ripe for change needs a candidate ready for reform, says The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre in announcing its endorsement for Pennsylvania governor. That candidate if Republican Tom Corbett.
Tom Corbett | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Tom Corbett | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Newspaper: Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
The Daily Item in Sunbury is the latest Pennsylvania newspaper to endorse Republican Tom Corbett for governor.
"Corbett is the best choice for governor in a time when Pennsylvanians demand change," the newspaper says.
Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
"Corbett is the best choice for governor in a time when Pennsylvanians demand change," the newspaper says.
Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
Endorsements: Reichley, Vereb, Kampf for Pa. House
The Pottstown Mercury has endorsed two incumbents, Doug Reichley and Mike Vereb, and a newcomer, Warren Kampf, for legislative seats in the newspaper's coverage area.
Endorsements: Reichley, Vereb, Kampf for Pa. House -
Endorsements: Reichley, Vereb, Kampf for Pa. House -
Newspaper: Toomey gets our nod over Sestak
From The Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: "We believe that Pat Toomey will join others in Congress who want to stop the nonsense in Washington and take our nation in another, more sensible direction."
Toomey gets our nod over Sestak
Toomey gets our nod over Sestak
Friday, October 29, 2010
From 'Yes We Can' to 'Shove It' in 2 Short Years
Terrific column by Terry H. Lee on the disastrous first two years of the Obama administration and how the nightmare can end on Nov. 2.
2008 – 2010: From "Yes We Can" to "Shove It" in Two Short Years
2008 – 2010: From "Yes We Can" to "Shove It" in Two Short Years
Toomey needed in Senate - Williamsport-Sun Gazette
In endorsing Republican Pat Toomey over liberal Joe Sestak, the Williamsport-Sun Gazette editorial board says: "Toomey would be an important addition in the Senate of one more voice for private business incentives and fiscal discipline in government. That's never been more needed than now."
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Toomey needed in Senate - | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - Williamsport-Sun Gazette
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Toomey needed in Senate - | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - Williamsport-Sun Gazette
Quote of the Day
"The amount of sleep required by the average person is just five minutes more." — Anonymous
Altoona Mirror backs Toomey for US Senate
From the Altoona Mirror:
Toomey can steer course - - Altoona, PA
Electing Toomey as Pennsylvania's senator will send an unmistakable message to the Washington establishment that change is needed.Read the full endorsement editorial at the link below:
It's a signal that cannot come too soon.
Toomey can steer course - - Altoona, PA
Lancaster New Era endorses Pat Toomey for Senate
From the Lancaster New Era:
Pat Toomey has solid conservative views - small government, low taxes, fiscal restraint, strong military - and he seeks high public office at a time when those views are desperately needed.Read the full endorsement editorial here.
Voters should respond by sending him to Washington as Pennsylvania's next U.S. senator.
Pat Toomey,
'The Lorax' starring Ed Rendell

See related editorial, "Rendell's drilling moratorium: Playing games," at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review website.
Ed Rendell,
Randy Bish Cartoons,
Dems linked to voter fraud scheme
From the Bucks County Courier Times: Residents cry foul over ballots
A trio of Bucks County residents backed by the county Republican committee say they have evidence linking Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy's campaign to a scheme to flood the county voter registration office with fraudulent applications for absentee ballots.Read the full story at the link below:
In a petition filed Tuesday, county Republicans say the name of Murphy's campaign manager appeared on a Bristol post office box where voters were urged in a series of letters paid for by the state Democratic Committee to send absentee ballot applications. Residents cry foul over ballots
Voter fraud
Bucks County newspaper backs Toomey for US Senate
The Bucks County Courier Times is the latest Pennsylvania newspaper to endorse Republican Pat Toomey for US Senate. Despite efforts by the far left to paint the former Lehigh Valley congressman as an "extremist," the newspaper says it found Toomey "to be clear, succinct and reasonable."
Read the full endorsement editorial at the link below: Endorsement 2010 - Toomey for Senate
Read the full endorsement editorial at the link below: Endorsement 2010 - Toomey for Senate
Pat Toomey,
Columnist: Tea partiers hope to have the last laugh
These tea partiers have been mocked and laughed at for more than a year," writes columnist Gil Spencer. "We'll see who's laughing Nov. 3."
Read the full column at the link below:
Columnist Gil Spencer: Tea partiers hope to have the last laugh -
Read the full column at the link below:
Columnist Gil Spencer: Tea partiers hope to have the last laugh -
No More Frankens website launches
Just in time for Halloween, the Republican National Committee has launched a new website to remind remind voters what is at stake on Nov. 2.
From RNC Chairman Michael Steele:
"With Democrat lawyers, liberal shadow groups, and labor unions organizing to challenge the Election Day results, it is more important than ever that the American people deliver a decisive victory for Republicans up and down the ballot in all 50 states. In order to protect our hard-fought victories, we must fund and operate a winning 72 hour ground game which puts the margin of victory out of reach. The election of Democrat Al Franken to the United States Senate serves as a glaring and painful reminder to voters as to why it is so important to support our Republican Victory program and show up on Election Day."The 'No More Frankens' website can be viewed at:
Voter fraud
Delco Times: Pat Meehan deserves a win in the PA 7th Congressional District
The Delaware County Daily Times has endorsed Republican Pat Meehan for PA's 7th Congressional District, which is made up primarily of Delaware County with a little bit of Chester and Montgomery counties thrown in.
EDITORIAL: Meehan deserves a win in the 7th District -
EDITORIAL: Meehan deserves a win in the 7th District -
The Enthusiasm Gap On Display
Less than 300 people showed up for a rally in Norristown featuring Bill Clinton, Ed Rendell and Dan Onorato. Most of them were union workers paid to show up and politicians. Another example of how dispirited the Democratic Party is these days.
Political luminaries lend hands in Pa. campaigns -
Political luminaries lend hands in Pa. campaigns -
Investigation finds mismanagement is rampant in public housing
Government-run public housing is a tool Democrats use to buy votes of fellow Democrats - using someone else's money, of course.
Investigation finds mismanagement is rampant in public housing -
Investigation finds mismanagement is rampant in public housing -
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ending the 'hot or not' factor for Nikki Haley and female candidates

Why isn't the liberal media concerned about the sexist attitudes within the media toward conservative female candidates?
From a new column by Swanee Hunt and Kerry Healey:
Many factors contribute to the gender gap in political leadership, but a recent study sponsored by the new "Name It. Change It." campaign highlights the key role of sexism in the media's treatment of female candidates. This sexism acts both to deter women from running for office and also decreases their chances of success when they do throw their hats in the ring.Read the full column at the link below:
Ending the 'hot or not' factor for Nikki Haley and female candidates -
Liberal Hypocrisy
We need a pay czar for colleges
How about a pay czar for professors and college administrators? The cost of a college education is out of control.
Tuition at public colleges jumps 8 percent, College Board reports
Tuition at public colleges jumps 8 percent, College Board reports
'I'm an enemy'
President Obama, the most divisive politician to ever occupy the White House, calls anyone who disagrees with his policies the enemy. Sign me up.
All The President's Enemies - HUMAN EVENTS
All The President's Enemies - HUMAN EVENTS
Columnist: It Looks Like a Republican Senate in 2010
John Gizzi, political editor of Human Events, offers a scenario where Republicans take control of the Senate after Nov. 2.
It Looks Like a Republican Senate in 2010 - HUMAN EVENTS
It Looks Like a Republican Senate in 2010 - HUMAN EVENTS
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
James Cameron plans 2 'Avatar' sequels

James Cameron has announced plans to make two sequels to his blockbuster hit "Avatar," which eclipsed Cameron's "Titanic" to become the biggest movie of all time.
The sequels, which will also be shot in 3-D, are scheduled for release in late 2014 and 2015.
From The Hollywood Reporter:
"We'll continue to follow the same people on the same planet," producer Jon Landau said Wednesday during Paul Kagan's 3D Media Markets conference in New York. But, he allowed, "We might go underwater."Read more about Cameron's plans here.
'You Don't Have to be Crazy to be a Democrat, But it Helps'
The latest from Ann Coulter, chronicling the many looney tunes who make up the Democratic Party these days.
You Don't Have to be Crazy to be a Democrat, But it Helps - HUMAN EVENTS
You Don't Have to be Crazy to be a Democrat, But it Helps - HUMAN EVENTS
Businessman asks Gerlach to repeal provision of health care law
Obamacare is a job-killer, as if Obama and the Democrats haven't done enough to put millions of Americans out of work.
Businessman asks Gerlach to repeal provision of health care law
Businessman asks Gerlach to repeal provision of health care law
Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election
The Hill, a non-partisan newspapers that covers Congress, predicts Democrats will lose at least 50 seats (and the majority) in the Nov. 2 election.
Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election -
Midterm blowout: 50 or more Dem seats set to fall in the election -
Hey Undecideds: Pick A Side
Columnist Chris Freind: If you're still undecided about this election, you have no business showing up the polls on Nov. 2. Amen to that.
Hey Undecideds: Stop Being PC And Pick A Side
Hey Undecideds: Stop Being PC And Pick A Side
Harrisburg newspaper backs Corbett for governor
The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, which does more coverage of state government than any other newspaper in Pennsylvania, has endorsed Republican Tom Corbett for governor
"We take Corbett at his word that he will put what is best for Pennsylvania first, even if it costs him politically," the newspaper writes.
Read the endorsement editorial here.
"We take Corbett at his word that he will put what is best for Pennsylvania first, even if it costs him politically," the newspaper writes.
Read the endorsement editorial here.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Newspaper: Tom Corbett preferred choice for PA governor
The Altoona Mirror is the latest Pennsylvania newspaper to endorse Republican Tom Corbett for governor.
From the newspaper's endorsement:
Corbett preferred choice - - Altoona, PA | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - The Altoona Mirror
From the newspaper's endorsement:
The determination shown by the state attorney general in going after drug dealers and corrupt politicians is what Pennsylvania needs from its next top executive.Read the full editorial at the link below:
And that makes Republican Tom Corbett the best choice in the gubernatorial election next Tuesday.
Corbett preferred choice - - Altoona, PA | News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information - The Altoona Mirror
The Democrat Stimulus: An $814 Billion Flop
Columnist Deroy Murdock on how failure is an option for Democrats.
The Democrat Stimulus: An $814 Billion Flop - HUMAN EVENTS
The Democrat Stimulus: An $814 Billion Flop - HUMAN EVENTS
Newspaper: Todd Stephens for 151st state House
The Doylestown Intelligencer is urging voters to elect Republican challenger Todd Stephens for Pennsylvania's 151st state House District. Endorsement 2010 - 151st state House: Todd Stephens Endorsement 2010 - 151st state House: Todd Stephens
Newspaper: No Endorsement For Rep. Allyson Schwartz
The Doylestown Intelligencer is unable to endorse incumbent Democrat Rep. Allyson Schwartz for Pennsylvania's 13th Congressional District because Schwartz is too partisan and has voted wrong on key issues in the past two years. The newspaper says Republican challenger Dee Adcock is too inexperienced to back for the seat, but they cannot support Schwartz's re-election, either.
Read the full editorial at the link below: Endorsement 2010 - Conflict in the 13th Congressional
Read the full editorial at the link below: Endorsement 2010 - Conflict in the 13th Congressional
Sen. Bob Mensch endorsed for 24th state Senate District
State Sen. Bob Mensch deserves a full four-year term in the Pennsylvania Senate, according to The Doylestown Intelligencer. Endorsements 2010 - 24th state Senate: Bob Mensch Endorsements 2010 - 24th state Senate: Bob Mensch
Congress' Thirst For Spurious Spending: $200,000 for Bottled Water?!
Lifestyles of the rich and famous - with taxpayers picking up the tab, of course.
Congress' Thirst For Spurious Spending: $200,000 for Bottled Water?!
Congress' Thirst For Spurious Spending: $200,000 for Bottled Water?!
Newspaper backs Mike Fitzpatrick for PA's 8th Congressional Dist.
One of the leading newspapers in Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District is backing Republican Mike Fitzpatrick over incumbent Democrat Patrick Murphy. Endorsement 2010 - 8th Congressional: Mike Fitzpatrick Endorsement 2010 - 8th Congressional: Mike Fitzpatrick
Bucks County,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Newspaper endorses Jim Gerlach for Congress

While Gerlach is one of the best members of Congress from Pennsylvania, it's always dicey with The Inquirer, which is a very pro-Democratic Party newspapers. This endorsement could have gone either way but the newspaper clearly sees Gerlach as the better candidate.
From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
The four-term congressman learned that a standout state Senate career - with a progressive record on conservation issues, in particular - doesn't assure Washington success. With his politically divided district, including Chester, Montgomery, Berks, and Lehigh Counties, Gerlach, 55, has been reluctant to make waves.Read more endorsements at the newspaper's website.
His constituents can be confident that Gerlach is qualified to lead - certainly, if his party wins the House. Gerlach could bring a moderate's voice to discussions on health care, tax policy, military affairs, and growing the economy.
Jim Gerlach,
Newspaper backs Toomey for US Senate

Toomey would make a real difference in Congress, unlike Sestak, who has rubber-stamped the Obama-Pelosi agenda since he arrived in Washington.
From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
Toomey is so opposed to earmarks he says he wouldn't try to bring any back to Pennsylvania — he'd focus on eliminating them, a practice he began as a congressman.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website.
The best example of Toomey's tenaciousness came in 1998-99, when he got tired of arguing in the House about excessive spending and wrote his own budget. He then led a filibuster that forced Republican leaders to adopt some of his cuts.
That's the kind of restraint Congress needs to enshrine — and Toomey is the candidate who won’t brook any dissent in a war on wasteful spending.
Joe Sestak,
Pat Toomey
Another Unaffordable Entitlement
From Investor's Business Daily:
ObamaCare: Finding things we don't like in the Democrats' overhaul legislation is becoming an almost daily event. Add to the list the possibility that a provision in the bill could be almost six times more costly than the initial estimate.Another Unaffordable Entitlement -
Inquirer endorses Meehan over Lentz

From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
The heated contest for an open congressional seat in Delaware County could turn on an ethical controversy involving the Democratic nominee, who condoned helping a third-party candidate regarded as a spoiler.Read more endorsements at the newspaper's website.
Two-term Democratic state Rep. Bryan Lentz says he sees no harm in his volunteers' gathering thousands of petition signatures for a third-party challenger, Jim Schneller, who is far from being congressional material.
Lentz's dismissive explanation - "politics is politics" - for helping to get Schneller on the ballot is a jarring admission and character flaw for a former Philadelphia prosecutor.
If the matchup comes down to credibility and integrity, though, voters have an attractive alternative: Former U.S. Attorney PATRICK MEEHAN, who earns The Inquirer's endorsement.
The straitlaced Meehan, 55, was a solid district attorney in Delaware County. But it was his anticorruption probes as federal prosecutor for eight years - including nearly two dozen pay-to-play cases in Philadelphia, and developing the winning case against former State Sen. Vincent J. Fumo - that serve as his most important achievement.
Meehan may be to the right of Lentz in this campaign, but he has a record as a moderate Republican. Voters should give him the chance to follow those sound instincts in Washington.
Pat Meehan
Liberal newspaper endorses Tom Corbett for governor

I am shocked. The Post-Gazette hardly ever endroses Republicans.
From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
This no-nonsense politician also has his enlightened and progressive side. He recognizes the benefit of early education (as does Mr. Onorato) and sees the absurdity of that relic of Prohibition, the monopolistic Liquor Control Board system, and the crying need for its privatization (which Mr. Onorato does not). If done right, this would be a way of providing a great amount of budgetary relief without raising taxes. It also would send a message in the strongest way that Pennsylvania, despite its backward reputation, is not change averse.
The Post-Gazette endorses Tom Corbett, the candidate in a season of change who we believe can break with the past for the sake of a better future.
Read the full editorial here.
The city's other newspaper, the more conservative Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, also endorsed Corbett for governor. You can read that editorial here.
Dan Onorato,
Tom Corbett
Sunday, October 24, 2010
'Obama's downfall is his arrogance'
You know things are going bad when die-hard liberals Steve and Cokie Roberts turn on Obama, a man tney've supported for more than two years. The Kool Aid must have worn off for the Roberts family.
From their latest column:
Obama's downfall is his arrogance -
From their latest column:
"Some disillusionment was inevitable and unavoidable. But Team Obama also made a classic mistake. They decided that the rules of politics did not apply to them, that the popularity of their campaign slogans would somehow insulate them from the realities of Washington.Read the full column at the link below:
Arrogance probably is the right word. Obama ran hard against Washington, against the insiders and interest groups and influence traders, against capital careerists like John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Then, once elected, he tried to tell voters that Washington was actually the answer to practically every issue: rising job losses, insurance premiums and global temperatures.
At its core, the message was contradictory. How can Washington be the problem -- and the solution — at the same time."
Obama's downfall is his arrogance -
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
Liberal media bias
Berks County Patriots hold candidates night
550 people attended a candidates night sponsored by the Berks County Patrios. That's an amazing turnout. Most events sponsored by Democratic groups draw a few dozen people. This group is becoming a real force in Berks County politics.
Berks County Patriots hold candidates night
Berks County Patriots hold candidates night
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Trade Ryan Howard!
How appropriate that Ryan Howard should be called out on strikes looking in the bottom of the 9th with two men on to end the Phillies 2010 season. It symbolizes Ryan's pathetic performance in the playoffs, where he did not have a single RBI. Howard deserves the lion's share of the blame for the Phillies disappointing playoff run. There's plenty of blame to go around, but Howard gets paid big bucks to knock in runs and he failed. This time is too old and too complacent. The Phils need a major shakeup for 2011. Start by trading Howard for a more consistent run producer.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Video: Whole Lotta Obama Kool Aid
With apologies to Led Zeppelin, check out this very funny song parody. (Song lyrics are available at the link below)
Whole Lotta Obama Kool Aid - HUMAN EVENTS
50 Ways Tom Corbett will Rebuild PA
Tom Corbett's plan for undoing the damage Ed Rendell has done to Pennsylvania over the past 8 years.
50 Ways Tom Corbett will Rebuild PA | Tom Corbett for Governor of Pennsylvania
50 Ways Tom Corbett will Rebuild PA | Tom Corbett for Governor of Pennsylvania
Newspaper: Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
From The Daily Item in Sunbury:
Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
Corbett has demonstrated that he understands the challenges ahead and offers the best plan to overcome those obstacles in a way that taxpayers will appreciate. Corbett is the best choice for governor in a time when Pennsylvanians demand change.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Tom Corbett is the best choice for governor
Tom Corbett
Columnist: Anti-business Obama strikes again
How can the economy recover when you have the president and Congress working to destroy it? Hope and change will come when veto-proof GOP majorities are elected to Congress on Nov. 2.
Anti-business Obama strikes again -
Anti-business Obama strikes again -
'Yes we can' turn mess around
Great letter to the editor. The choice on Nov. 2: More of the same failed Obama/Pelosi policies or real change?
'Yes we can' turn mess around -
'Yes we can' turn mess around -
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises
Columnist: Defund All Public Broadcasting Now
Why are taxpayers forking up $420 million a year to support left-wing propaganda outlets like NPR and PBS?
Defund All Public Broadcasting Now - HUMAN EVENTS
Defund All Public Broadcasting Now - HUMAN EVENTS
Government waste,
Liberal Hypocrisy
GOP Ready to Probe NPR's Federal Funding
Why are American taxpayers funding a left-wing propaganda operation like National Public Radio?
GOP Ready to Probe NPR’s Federal Funding - HUMAN EVENTS
GOP Ready to Probe NPR’s Federal Funding - HUMAN EVENTS
Government waste,
Liberal media bias
Bill O'Reilly: View to a Kill
Bill O'Reilly's latest column on how political correctness is getting in the way of fighting terrorism.
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Column - View to a Kill
Bill O'Reilly: Bill's Column - View to a Kill
288,000 Visitors
My site counter has recorded 288,000 unique visitors since I installed in 2007. Thanks for visiting and come back again.
The Imperial Presidency

His Majesty Barack Obama will not listen to the voice of the people when they repudiate his radical agenda on Nov. 2.
Instead, he will likely rule by decry, bypassing Congress - and the will of the American people.
From Asman's column at Fox Business:
(Obama's) vision of America is one in which a dwindling private sector becomes the lap dog of an ever growing, government managed economy. You can call it European statism or socialism, but it's definitely not the free market most of us were accustomed to. And while it may not be our vision of America, it is his vision. And he wants to pursue it. But how? Without a compliant Congress it won't be as easy as it was the first two years. That's why we think he's going to turn up the juice of his executive powers to a level we haven't seen for decades. And it's not just us saying it.Read the full column here.
The Los Angeles Times published a piece last week about how Obama is considering using executive orders to bypass the intentions of Congress:
"The best arena for Obama to execute his plans may be his own branch of government. That means more executive orders…and more deployment of his ample regulatory powers and the wide-ranging rulemaking authority of his Cabinet members."
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Time to de-fund NPR
American taxpayers should not be paying for a left-wing propaganda tool like NPR.
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Juan Williams Fired For Acknowledging Negative Stereotypes
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Juan Williams Fired For Acknowledging Negative Stereotypes
Liberal Fascism On The Rise At NPR
NPR, which is funded by taxpayers, fired political commentator Juan Williams because he expressed his opinion on the Muslim threat to the U.S. during an appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show.
Another example of liberal fascism.
There is no free speech when it comes to expressing views the far left doesn't like.
I'm no fan of Juan Williams, who is a liberal, but he has a right to express his opinion - except it seems on the ultra-left NPR.
Bill O'Reilly,
Liberal Fascism,
'No COLA again is outrageous'
Terrific letter to the editor: "Democrats always proclaim to be the champion of the underdog, but this Democrat-controlled Congress and administration has demonstrated that this is far from the truth."
No COLA again is outrageous (10/19/10)
No COLA again is outrageous (10/19/10)
Social Security
Berks County Patriots Sponsor Candidate Forum
State Rep. Sam Rohrer will serve as guest moderator of the Berks County Patriots Candidate Forum on Thursday, Oct. 21.
The event, which will feature federal and state candidates, will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Leesport Market Hall, Route 61, just north of Reading.
Rohrer, a Republican who ran for governor in the May primary, is retiring from the state House of Representatives this year.
For more information, call 610-926-3923 or go to
The event, which will feature federal and state candidates, will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Leesport Market Hall, Route 61, just north of Reading.
Rohrer, a Republican who ran for governor in the May primary, is retiring from the state House of Representatives this year.
For more information, call 610-926-3923 or go to
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Vote for Life | Americans United for Life Action
Find out which Congressional candidates support taxpayer-funded abortions on demand.
Vote for Life | Americans United for Life Action
Vote for Life | Americans United for Life Action
Poll: Only 1-in-4 see American Dream as still attainable
Where did the hope go? Two years of the disastrous Obama administration has crushed the hope in most Americans.
POLL: Only 1-in-4 see American Dream as still attainable for everyone in the U.S. -
POLL: Only 1-in-4 see American Dream as still attainable for everyone in the U.S. -
My interview with Congressman Charlie Dent
Check out my recent interview of Congressman Charlie Dent, a Republican seeking reelection to Pennsylvania's 15th Congressional District.
Video: Q&A with Charlie Dent -
Video: Q&A with Charlie Dent -
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PA Right to Work PAC Endorses Candidates

The following candidates are endorsed for Pennsylvania's State Senate:
Michael Brubaker (36th Dist.), Matt Connolly (14th Dist.), John Eichelberger (30th Dist.), Mike Folmer (48th Dist.), Rhashea Harmon (8th Dist.), Frank Scavo (22nd Dist.), Steve Urban (14th Dist.), and Michael Waugh (28th Dist.)The following candidates are endorsed for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives:
John Bear (97th Dist.), Steve Bloom (199th Dist.), Tom Bogar (153rd Dist.), Scott Boyd (43rd Dist.), Rob Ciervo (31st Dist.), Paul Clymer (145th Dist.), Jim Cox (129th Dist.), Tom Creighton (37th Dist.), Bryan Cutler (100th Dist.), Gordon Denlinger (99th Dist.), Alex Dubart (20th Dist.), Joe Emrick (137th Dist.), Garth Everett (84th Dist.), Mark Gillen (128th Dist.), Glen Grell (87th Dist.), Seth Grove (196th Dist.), Doyle Heffley (122nd Dist.), Sue Helm (104th Dist.), David Hickernell (98th Dist.), Dave Huffman (83rd Dist.), Rob Kauffman (89th Dist.), Fred Keller (85th Dist.), Mark Keller (86th Dist.), Daryl Metcalfe (12th Dist.), Ron Miller (93rd Dist.), Dan Moul (91st Dist.), Kathy Rapp (65th Dist.), Doug Reichley (134th Dist.), Todd Rock (90th Dist.), Curt Schroder (155th Dist.), Stan Saylor (94th Dist.), Justin Simmons (131st Dist.), RoseMarie Swanger (102nd Dist.), and Will Tallman (193rd Dist.)From a The Pennsylvania Right to Work PAC press release:
The Right to Work PAC supports incumbents and challengers, Democrats and Republicans — a diverse group of candidates who share a desire to help Pennsylvania's economy and individual citizens by passing legislation guaranteeing every wage earner's right to hold a job regardless of union membership or support.
It is the Unions and the union entitlement mentality which justifies taking from those who have built and created profitable, productive businesses and, in particular, the monopoly government unions, who are driving Pennsylvania to bankruptcy.
This election is critical to the future of Pennsylvania just as a Right to Work law is critical for economic growth in our Commonwealth. We believe these candidates provide the best hope for a better tomorrow in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Legislature
Pennsylvania Auditor General Backs Voluntary Retirement Incentive to Reduce State Payroll
PA Auditor General Jack Wagner would like to see a reduction in the state's 77,000 employees by offering incentives for early retirement.
Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner Says State Could Save Millions of Dollars by Offering Voluntary Retirement Incentive
Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner Says State Could Save Millions of Dollars by Offering Voluntary Retirement Incentive
Teamsters Withdraw Endorsement of Bryan Lentz
This is a first. I've never heard of a group withdrawing its endorsement to a political candidate, but the Pennsylvania Teamsters, representing 92,000 union workers, is telling its members NOT TO VOTE for Bryan Lentz, the Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District.
Pennsylvania Conference Won't Support Lentz
Pennsylvania Conference Won't Support Lentz
Big Labor,
Pat Meehan,
WPAZ will return to the air waves
Local radio will be back soon in the Pottstown area.
WPAZ will return to the air waves -
WPAZ will return to the air waves -
Eight Steps to Rebuild America's Economy
If Chuck Norris has the answers, why don't the economic geniuses working for Obama?
Eight Steps to Rebuild America's Economy
Eight Steps to Rebuild America's Economy
Monday, October 18, 2010
Anti-gun group backs Onorato for governor
There's a clear distinction between Republican Tom Corbett and Democrat Dan Onorato when it comes to protecting Second Amendment rights.
Corbett, who is endorsed by the NRA, is a staunch defender of gun rights. Onorato backs gun-control measures.
That's why he has been endorsed by CeaseFirePA, a liberal advocacy group pushing for more gun-control measures against law-abiding Pennsylvania gun ownners.
From the CeaseFirePA press release endorsing Onorato:
Since May, Onorato has distinguished himself as the clear gubernatorial choice for Pennsylvanians concerned with the rising tide of gun violence in Commonwealth. Onorato has been one of the strongest voices in Pennsylvania for closing the Florida Gun Loophole. By contrast, Tom Corbett has refused to address the issue of gun violence – both as a candidate and as Pennsylvania's Attorney General. In a televised debate on October 16th, Corbett and Onorato sparred over how to address the Florida loophole. While Corbett once again dismissed the issue, "I don't believe there is a Florida loophole," Dan Onorato addressed it head on: "I don't need the Department of Agriculture in Florida telling me who should carry a gun in Pennsylvania."
Read more about CeaseFirePA efforts to punish gun owners for the failed liberal policies of Democratic mayors at the group's website.
Corbett, who is endorsed by the NRA, is a staunch defender of gun rights. Onorato backs gun-control measures.
That's why he has been endorsed by CeaseFirePA, a liberal advocacy group pushing for more gun-control measures against law-abiding Pennsylvania gun ownners.
From the CeaseFirePA press release endorsing Onorato:
Since May, Onorato has distinguished himself as the clear gubernatorial choice for Pennsylvanians concerned with the rising tide of gun violence in Commonwealth. Onorato has been one of the strongest voices in Pennsylvania for closing the Florida Gun Loophole. By contrast, Tom Corbett has refused to address the issue of gun violence – both as a candidate and as Pennsylvania's Attorney General. In a televised debate on October 16th, Corbett and Onorato sparred over how to address the Florida loophole. While Corbett once again dismissed the issue, "I don't believe there is a Florida loophole," Dan Onorato addressed it head on: "I don't need the Department of Agriculture in Florida telling me who should carry a gun in Pennsylvania."
Read more about CeaseFirePA efforts to punish gun owners for the failed liberal policies of Democratic mayors at the group's website.
Dan Onorato,
Gun control,
Tom Corbett
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
OPA! Greek festival marks 40th year in Reading, PA

Thousands of visitors are expected to attend the largest ethnic food festival in Berks County to enjoy Greek food and pastry, wine, dancing, arts and crafts and live music.
All the food is prepared and cooked on the premises by parishioners using traditional Greek recipes.
The most popular dish is Athenian-style chicken, which comes in a platter with a side of rice pilaf or pastitsio (layered Greek pasta, seasoned with chopped beef topped with béchamel) and Greek-style string beans cooked with tomatoes and seasonings, a Greek salad featuring feta cheese, and roll and butter for $10.
You can substitute Plaki (fresh fish fillet baked with vegetables, herbs and wine) for the platter meal.
There are also a la carte items such Gyro (marinated beef and lamb slices) and Souvlaki (pork shis-ke-bob) sandwiches; Calamari (squid) cooked in tomatoes and wine; Moussaka (eggplant casserole); and Arni Psito (roast lamb) with Greek spices.
All food items are available to eat-in or take-out.
A variety of imported Greek wines and the popular Ouzo, an anise-flavored liqueur, are also available. Beer and soda is also on sale for less adventurous visitors.
While enjoying a meal in the main dining hall, visitors will be treated to Greek and American music by Stavros & Maria, a brother-sister act who are also church members.
The church's youth dance group, Kefi, will perform traditional Greek dances wearing colorful costumes throughout the weekend.
After a hearty meal, there's plenty to see and do on the church grounds.
An Agora (Greek market) offers packaged Greek foods and prepared dishes to go.
The Kafenio (Greek coffee house) features fresh-brewed Greek-style coffee, rice pudding and pastries in a relaxed atmosphere.
Visitors can also shop for original artwork, gold jewelry and items imported from Greece in the figt rooms.
Festival-goers can also view one of the largest collections of Byzantine iconography in the United States. Free guided tours of the church interior are provided on the hour.
A popular stop for all visitors is the pastry room, where you can pick between popular treats like Baklava (almonds, butter, and honey layered in flaky pastry), Teelikta (walnuts, butter and honey rolled in flaky pastry); Kourabiethes (butter cookies topped with powdered sugar), Koulourakia (Greek twisted butter cookie) and Galaktobouriko (a filo pastry filled with custard and moistened with honey syrup).
Another Greek delicacy is Loukoumathes (puffed honey balls), a warm dough pastry topped with honey, cinnamon and chopped nuts.
Also try the Baklava Sundae for a unique taste treat.
Bazaar hours are noon to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. Sunday.
Admission and parking are free in the church lot. Additional parking is available at the adjacent Holy Name High School. The event is held rain or shine.
The church is located at 1001 E. Wyomissing Blvd., about one mile from Business Route 222 South (Lancaster Avenue), just turn onto Hancock Boulevard at the car dealership and follow the road to the church.
For more information, call the church office at 610-374-7511 or visit the church's web site,
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Candidates address Berks Tea Party
Interesting that only Republican candidates or their representatives attended a Candidates Night forum sponsored by a tea party group in Berks County.
I guess those snobbish Democratic candidates couldn't bring themselves down to the level of the voters. Or maybe all the Democratic candidates were busy attending a labor rally.
Candidates address Berks Tea Party
I guess those snobbish Democratic candidates couldn't bring themselves down to the level of the voters. Or maybe all the Democratic candidates were busy attending a labor rally.
Candidates address Berks Tea Party
Air Pelosi costs taxpayers $2.1M in 2 years

From an article in The Washington Examiner:
"Pelosi's abusive use of military aircraft demonstrates a shocking lack of regard for the American taxpayer and the men and women who serve in the U.S. Air Force. Speaker Pelosi may have a frequent flyer record for taxpayer-financed luxury jet travel," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.Read the full story at the newspaper's website.
Government Spending,
Government waste,
Nancy Pelosi
My interview with state Senate candidate Bill Wallace
Bill Wallace is the Democratic candidate for Pennsylvania's 24th state Senate District. A school teacher, Mr. Wallace says he would not touch the troubled public pension system that is running out of money and would force massive property tax hikes for homeowners.
Video: Q&A with Bill Wallace -
Video: Q&A with Bill Wallace -
Cry Babies: 'The View' Hosts Walk Out on O’Reilly During Heated Mosque Debate
Another pathetic display by liberals who can't argue their position so they take their ball and go home.
Cry Babies: 'The View' Hosts Walk Out on O’Reilly During Heated Mosque Debate
Cry Babies: 'The View' Hosts Walk Out on O’Reilly During Heated Mosque Debate
State Rep. Dave Reed: Big Decisions Ahead for Pennsylvania
An excellent op-ed from a Western Pennsylvania lawmaker outlining the critical issues facing Pennsylvania in 2011 and beyond.
State Rep. Dave Reed - Big Decisions Ahead for Pennsylvania
State Rep. Dave Reed - Big Decisions Ahead for Pennsylvania
Sen. Rafferty to salute veterans
State Sen. John C. Rafferty, Jr., R-44th, will salute veterans who live in the 44th Senatorial District (parts of Montgomery, Chester and Berks counties) during the third annual Veterans Appreciation Breakfast at Sunnybook Ballroom, 50 Sunnybrook Road, Pottstown.
The patriotic celebration, scheduled Oct. 30 from 8 to 10 a.m., will feature a keynote speaker and breakfast, and will honor the men and women who served and continue to serve in the armed forces.
For more information, or to register for the event, contact Sen. Rafferty's office at 610-831-8830.
Due to the capacity of the building seating is limited and only those veterans who have pre-registered will be admitted. (More than 350 attended last year's event.)
Deadline for registration is Oct. 26.
The patriotic celebration, scheduled Oct. 30 from 8 to 10 a.m., will feature a keynote speaker and breakfast, and will honor the men and women who served and continue to serve in the armed forces.
For more information, or to register for the event, contact Sen. Rafferty's office at 610-831-8830.
Due to the capacity of the building seating is limited and only those veterans who have pre-registered will be admitted. (More than 350 attended last year's event.)
Deadline for registration is Oct. 26.
Montgomery County,
Sen. John Rafferty,
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