Friday, April 30, 2010
What's In Your Wallet?

See related editorial, "Exposing Goldman Sachs: Where's the morality?" at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Web site.
Rep. Joe Pitts: Real Wall Street Reform

By Congressman Joe Pitts
In September 1997, two Stanford graduate students registered the name for their new search engine. Their innovative idea for searching the web was radically different from the most popular search engines of the day.
The pair received their first major funding from, Andy Bechtolsheim, a co-founder of Sun Microsystems — $100,000 that they used to prove to other investors that they had a serious product. Less than a year later they had $25 million from various investors and in just a few short years their product would be internationally known—Google.
What does Google have to do with reforming Wall Street? The current financial regulatory reform bill proposed by Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) would place new rules on so-called "angel" investors like Bechtolsheim. Such investors are typically wealthy entrepreneurs who see the promise of a new idea and invest substantial sums of their own money. "Angels" have not only been responsible for Google, but also other big name start-ups like Starbucks, Costco and Facebook.
Currently, there are few restrictions on this type of investment since it is private investors freely using their own money. Unfortunately, Sen. Dodd's bill would require a 120-day review and impose a morass of new regulations. If you want to invest your own funds in a company of your choice, the government won't let you spend it without triple-checking to make sure that it’s a good idea.
This is just one small problem with the legislation currently being considered in the Senate. A far bigger problem is the potential to create a permanent culture of bailouts on Wall Street.
Under the proposed new bill, federal regulators would be authorized to extend endless federal guarantees and loans to firms that are "too big to fail." Essentially, the law would create a separate class of large financial firms that would operate under different rules and regulations.
Firms with the implicit guarantee of the government could receive lower rates for lending and could appear to be a safer investment. This could distort the market in favor of the largest firms, perversely leading to new mergers and acquisitions that make the potential failure of one of these firms even more destructive.
Wall Street desperately needs reform that disentangles government, not reform that makes government an even bigger player in the market. We don't want Wall Street firms rising and falling because of their political connections, we want them to sink or swim based on their own merits.
I'm a cosponsor of Republican legislation, H.R. 3310, based on three principles: no more bailouts, ending government picking winners and losers, and restoring market discipline.
The bill would end bailouts by enhancing our nation's bankruptcy laws. One of the reasons that the government feared sending large firms into bankruptcy courts was the extremely complex nature of these firms. We need to update bankruptcy laws so that regulators and courts can work together to ensure that experts are dealing with complex organizations.
The bill would establish a Market Stability and Capital Adequacy Board that would monitor the financial system and identify risks that could threaten the stability of the system. It would also bring new transparency to the Federal Reserve and ensure that Congress can disapprove of emergency actions.
The Bernie Madoff scandal showed that federal regulators were asleep at the wheel. To protect consumers, this bill would strengthen anti-fraud enforcement, improve disclosure and streamline resolution of complaints.
Most importantly, the bill would reform government sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie and Freddie were directly responsible for trillions of dollars in bad home loans and yet the Dodd bill does nothing to fix these institutions. These failed firms have already cost the taxpayers nearly $400 billion.
My greatest concern with financial regulatory reform is the possible impact on job growth. Government has the potential to do lasting harm at a time when nearly 10 percent of Americans are unemployed. For instance, firms funded by angel investors represent less than 1 percent of all companies but account for 10 percent of new jobs.
Stopping the bailouts and eliminating "too big to fail" should be our first priority. I don’t think reform should let the big Wall Street firms get bigger while making it harder for small businesses and entrepreneurs to attract investment.
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District in parts of Berks, Chester and Lancaster counties.
Sands Casino Bethlehem cuts 80 jobs
Didn't Ed Rendell sell casino gambling as a way to bring jobs to Pennsylvania and "significantly" reduce property taxes.
We knew the property tax claim was bogus from the start, but now we have a casino cutting 80 jobs.
How is "Fast Eddie" going to explain this one?
Read more about the job cuts at the link below:
Sands Casino Bethlehem Layoffs: Sands Casino Bethlehem Layoffs -
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We knew the property tax claim was bogus from the start, but now we have a casino cutting 80 jobs.
How is "Fast Eddie" going to explain this one?
Read more about the job cuts at the link below:
Sands Casino Bethlehem Layoffs: Sands Casino Bethlehem Layoffs -
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Broken Promises,
Ed Rendell,
GOP candidates for 17th Congressional Dist. pledge to control spending
Four Republicans are battling for the GOP nomination to take on incumbent Democrat Tim Holden.
GOP candidates for area congressional seat pledge to control spending
GOP candidates for area congressional seat pledge to control spending
Greece Fire
Decades of socialism ruins the Greek economy, but America will end up paying for the failed experiment.
From Investor's Business Daily:
Greece's Lesson -
From Investor's Business Daily:
The financial crisis in the European Union may seem distant, but it's about to hit home. Not only will Greece's problems soon reach America's shores, but we're going to help pay for them.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Greece's Lesson -
Playing The Puerto Rico Card
Desperate times call for desperate measures by desperate Democrats.
From Investor's Business Daily:
Playing The Puerto Rico Card -
From Investor's Business Daily:
Faced with losing Congress, the Democrats want to make Puerto Rico a state whether the people want it or not. The Democrats would get two new senators, new congressmen and a campaign issue.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Playing The Puerto Rico Card -
Rohrer cheered on at forum of Berks County Patriots
More than 500 people attended a candidate's forum sponsored by Berks County Patriots. Sam Rohrer, Russ Diamond and Daryl Metcalfe were well received by the enthusiastic crowd.
Read about the event in the Reading Eagle at the link below:
Rohrer cheered on at forum of Berks County Patriots
Read about the event in the Reading Eagle at the link below:
Rohrer cheered on at forum of Berks County Patriots
Obama: 'I Do Think at a Certain Point You've Made Enough Money'
This is coming from a guy who made $5M last year. It's easy to tell other people how much they can earn if you're a multi-millionaire.
Obama: 'I Do Think at a Certain Point You've Made Enough Money' |
Obama: 'I Do Think at a Certain Point You've Made Enough Money' |
GOP Leader: 100 House seats in play

How many seats are in play for the Republican Party to pick up in November?Read the full story at the link below:
John Boehner says at least 100. You read that right: 100 seats — or 23 percent of the entire House — could be gobbled up by Republicans on Boehner's dream election day scenario.
The House minority leader, speaking on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" on Friday, said that the "playing field" for the 2010 elections is wider than "anything we’ve seen around here during my 20 years."
"At least 100 seats," Boehner told NPR's Steve Inskeep, when asked how many House districts are up for grabs. “You think there are 100 seats in the United States that could change hands?" Inskeep asked.
"I do," Boehner responded.
"Well typically, you are correct there would be some limited number of seats in play," Boehner said. "Let me remind you that Scott Brown won the Ted Kennedy Senate seat in Massachusetts. If Scott Brown can win in Massachusetts, there isn't a seat in America that Republicans can't win."
Republicans need 40 seats to win the majority — a number some pundits believe to be out of reach. If they win 100 seats, they would be deep in the majority and in commanding control of the lower chamber.
Boehner: 100 seats in play for GOP - Jake Sherman -
Sam Rohrer campaigns in Pottstown
State Rep. Sam Rohrer, one of two Republicans seeking the party's nomination to run for governor of Pennsylvania, made a campaign stop in Pottstown Thursday.
Check out video of Rohrer's visit at The Mercury's Web site.
Check out video of Rohrer's visit at The Mercury's Web site.
Pennsylvania politics,
Sam Rohrer
Thursday, April 29, 2010
PA needs a Chris Christie for governor

Pennsylvania needs a Christie in the governor's mansion to straighten out the mess Democrat Ed Rendell has made over the past eight years. Forget about the four Democratic candidates. Three of them are Rendell clones and the fourth, moderate Jack Wagner, doesn't have a chance of winning his party's nomination because liberals control the primary selection process.
That leaves the Republican contest between Tom Corbett and Sam Rohrer.
Can Corbett or Rohrer match Christie's ability to work with the legislature to push sweeping reform measures and clean up the culture of corruption left by their predecessor?
From the story by Inquirer staffer Adrienne Lu:
At its heart, Gov. Christie's guiding philosophy boils down to simple supply-side economics: reduce taxes and cut red tape to create more jobs and wealth.Read the Inquirer's story on Christie at the newspaper's Web site.
The Republican governor has spent his first 100 days in office doggedly hewing to that principle, come what may.
Since his inauguration on Jan. 19, Christie has brawled with one of the state's most powerful unions, temporarily suspended property-tax rebates, proposed a $29.3 billion budget while facing a projected shortfall of about $10.7 billion, chopped state aid to schools and municipalities by more than $1.2 billion, and worked with the Legislature to pass changes to public employees pension and benefits.
How Christie's approach will play out over the rest of his time as governor and whether it will be good for the state remains to be seen. But political observers and lawmakers of both parties say there is no question the former U.S. attorney has succeeded in setting the agenda in Trenton.
"I think it's been a staggering 100 days where the governor has begun a transformation of the public culture of the state," said Sen. Joseph Kyrillos (R., Monmouth), a friend of Christie's.
Conservatives around the country are paying close attention. Washington Post columnist George F. Will recently named Christie "the nation's most interesting governor." Rush Limbaugh declared he loved him. Opinion writers from the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, and the National Review have chimed in with praise.
Ed Rendell,
New Jersey,
Pennsylvania politics
PA GOP launches
From the Republican Party of Pennsylvania:
HARRISBURG – In order to commemorate Senator Arlen Specter's decision to embrace the Party of President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their out-of-control big government agenda, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania is proud to announce the launch of its latest initiative,
"Last year, Senator Specter made the decision to switch from Republican to Democrat, now our Party is committed to switching him from Democrat to ex-Senator," Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said. "Senator Specter exemplifies everything the public dislikes and distrusts with government and is the biggest political opportunist in our nation's history.
"Whether it's his support of the nearly one trillion dollar stimulus package or his flip-flop over the Obama-Pelosi government-run health care plan, is a place for everyone who's tired of Arlen Specter’s political games to come together and support our efforts to ensure that he will not be Pennsylvania’s Senator for much longer.
"It's certainly fitting that we're launching near the anniversary of his switch and at a time when Arlen Specter is expressing doubts over his decision to abandon Pennsylvania's voters for the Party of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Specter may be having second doubts about his decision, but the Republican Party is not. We are very honored that we are being represented by a candidate who actually stands for smaller government, lower taxes and less spending."
"Today marks the first day of our campaign, a campaign that will last all the way to November 2nd, the day Pennsylvanians officially hand Senator Specter a long overdue pink slip!"
Arlen Specter,
Tea Party Numbers Released: 2 Million, 2 Thousand
The Tea Party Patriots have announced a milestone in the movement: 2 million people attended the April 15 Tea Party events across the country, and 2,000 groups are now voluntarily affiliated with the Tea Party Patriots through its Web site
Read the rest of the group's release at the link below:
Tea Party Numbers Released: 2 Million, 2 Thousand
Read the rest of the group's release at the link below:
Tea Party Numbers Released: 2 Million, 2 Thousand
Poll: 51% favor Ariz. law
Once again, the liberal elite are on the wrong side of the issue. The majority of Americans want secure borders.
Poll: 51% favor Ariz. law - Andy Barr -
Poll: 51% favor Ariz. law - Andy Barr -
Republican Liberty Caucus endorses 4 candidates in Pennsylvania

The candidates, referred to by the Caucus as "advocates for liberty" are Pat Toomey (running for U.S. Senate), Pat Sellers (seeking the 6th District Congressional seat), Doug Walters (running for 93rd state House District) and Sam Rohrer (seeking the GOP nomination for Pennsylvania governor).
(Doug Walters is one of four Republicans on the May 18 ballot for the York County House seat currently held by Republican state Rep. Ron Miller, who is seeking re-election.)
From a Republican Liberty Caucus press release:
Republican Liberty Caucus National Chairman Dave Nalle observed that “These candidates represent the best the Republican Party has to offer. They believe in the traditional GOP values of individual liberty and limited government and will bring desperately needed integrity back to our government. We urge voters to go to the polls in the primary and elect all of these candidates to send a clear message to Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama that we demand accountable government, protection of our rights and fiscal responsibility."Founded in 1991, the Republican Liberty Caucus exists to promote individual liberty, limited government, and free enterprise within the Republican Party. To find out more, visit
This is a year when Liberty Republicans are becoming a major force in elections all over the country. The goal of the Republican Liberty Caucus is to elect at least five Senators and at least 25 Congressmen who are truly dedicated to the principles of small government, free enterprise and individual liberty. With a core of newly elected, principled representatives in Washington we can swing the debate away from the big government status quo and towards putting the best interests of the people first.
In 1774 John Adams wrote that the revolution had been completed "in the minds of the people" before conflict ever broke out, and we believe that a similar revolution in attitude is taking place in the United States today. The people are no longer content to sit idly by and accept the dictates of out of control government. We are demanding better service and real accountability, and if we do not get it we will keep voting complacent and unresponsive office holders out until they get the message.
Pennsylvania politics
Throw this bum out of Congress!
Democratic U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, a four-term incumbent from Arizona's 7th Congressional District, has called for an economic boycott of his own state because he favors amnesty for illegal aliens and opposes the state's recent crackdown on illegals. Who does Grijalva represent? Certainly not the people of Arizona, who want to protect their borders. It's time to send Grijalva packing.
Boycotting Arizona -
Boycotting Arizona -
The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud
From Investor's Business Daily:
The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud -
While senators froth over Goldman Sachs and derivatives, a climate trading scheme being run out of the Chicago Climate Exchange would make Bernie Madoff blush. Its trail leads to the White House.Read the full editorial at the link below:
The $10 Trillion Climate Fraud -
Al Gore,
Global Warming Hoax
The Love Boat

See related editorial, "Another U.N. outrage: The Haiti debacle," at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Web site.
Randy Bish Cartoons,
United Nations
Poll: Most Americans think the stimulus didn't help
Further evidence the Obama Regime is out of touch with the American people.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans do not believe the $787 billion stimulus package the president passed last year has helped create jobs, according to a new Pew Research Center poll.Poll: Most Americans think the stimulus didn't help - Andy Barr -
Sixty-two percent of those polled said the stimulus hasn’t contributed to job creation, while 33 percent said the package has.
Only a slight majority, 51 percent, of Democrats think the stimulus helped create jobs; 42 percent said it has not. Seventy-nine percent of self-identified Republicans said the stimulus didn’t aid job growth, while 18 percent thought it did.
The survey also showed that voters are mixed on whether the Troubled Asset Relief Program was effective in staving off a deeper financial crisis.
Forty-nine percent said TARP did not prevent a more severe crisis, compared to 42 percent who said it did.
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
WaPo Creates Good Polling News For Obama By Counting More Democrats
Obama's poll numbers have dropped so much that the state-run media is now cooking the poll numbers to make The Chosen One look better.
As Noel Sheppard says at
WaPo Creates Good Polling News For Obama By Counting More Democrats |
As Noel Sheppard says at
The lengths liberal media outlets will go to assist the politicians they support is oftentimes sick-making.Read his full post about pollsters stacking surveys with more Democrats at the link below:
WaPo Creates Good Polling News For Obama By Counting More Democrats |
Stop the Presses! New Owners for Philly Newspapers!

Tierney himself announced Wednesday afternoon that creditors won auction for the Philadelphia newspapers, which are in bankruptcy.
NEW YORK - Brian P. Tierney, CEO of Philadelphia Newspapers L.L.C., announced Wednesday afternoon that the company that owns the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News has been sold to its senior lenders for $135 million.Read more about the sale at the newspapers' Web site.
That includes $105 million in cash, plus real estate, for the company that also owns
There's also an interesting column by Karen Heller about the chaos surrounding would-be suitors for the newspapers:
For the third time in four years, Philadelphia's two major daily newspapers are facing potential change in ownership. The lead-up to this week's auction included a whiplash switch of suitors and ulcer-inducing accusations, especially if you happen to earn your living from newspapers.Read the full column, "Amid the chaos, it's the work that matters," here.
California billionaire Ron Burkle, at the behest of Gov. Rendell, was in. He was out. Enter the Perelmans, Raymond G. and Ronald O., of the museum, theater, and Revlon. And Canadians descended from the north.
Video: Which Party is Arlen Specter?
From the National Republican Senatorial Committee
Happy Anniversary, Senator Specter!
One Year After Rushing Into The Arms Of Washington Democrats, Specter’s Lack Of Principle Catches Up With Him
WASHINGTON – One year after U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) displayed his shocking lack of principle by fleeing the Republican Party and rushing into the arms of President Barack Obama and Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), the politically-expedient Senator from Pennsylvania is facing one of the most challenging reelection battles of his career.Originally posted at THE CENTRIST
Specter's switch – which was driven by perceived political benefits in the face of a daunting challenge from fiscally-responsible former U.S. Representative Pat Toomey (R-PA) – has ironically resulted in a brutal Democrat primary against U.S. Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA).
In an effort to build his liberal credibility with his new party leaders, Specter eagerly embraced President Obama's unpopular economic agenda in Washington – including bragging that he was the critical 60th vote to pass the deeply unpopular and costly health spending bill.
"Unfortunately for Pennsylvanians, the only thing consistent about Arlen Specter is that he will always put his own political preservation before the people in his state," said National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokeswoman Amber Marchand. "If he makes it to the General Election, there's no doubt that Specter will be held accountable for his shocking lack of principle when voters elect Pat Toomey to the U.S. Senate."
Rep. Eric Cantor: Not the Same GOP
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor says the Republican Party learned its lessons after defeats in 2006 and 2008.
From an op-ed posted at Big Government:
It Is Not the Same GOP
From an op-ed posted at Big Government:
America is a nation at a crossroads, and it is up to each of us to determine what kind of country we want to be. We must not leave our children a country more in debt and worse off than we found it, and I believe it is one of the biggest moral obligations of our time to act now to put a stop to what is happening in Washington. That means listening to the American people. It means spending less and saving more. It means pushing common-sense solutions that serve the national interest, not the special interests. And it means ensuring that our children have the same opportunity to achieve that we were given.Read the full column at the link below:
I am under no illusions – both parties have helped to create a debt that everyone knows is dangerously high. But only one of them is going to keep going down that path and taking our country with it. The other has learned its lesson and has reformed itself.
It Is Not the Same GOP
Report: Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
Could the global warming scam get any more ridiculous?
From - Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
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A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen.Read the full story at the link below:
The report, A Human Health Perspective on Climate Change, was published by the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change and Health – a combination of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Agriculture, the EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
The report's overall thrust is for more federally funded research to investigate the alleged links between global warming and public health, including the potentially negative effects from warming and the potentially negative side-effect of green technologies.
While the report touches on, for example, the health effects of unclean water and respiratory ailments, it also deals with two other types of health issues not normally associated with global warming: cancer and mental illness. - Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
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Want Proof of Media Bias, Here It Is: A Tale of Two Cases
Try to find information about David Kernell on a left-wing Web site that claims to be a "media watchdog."
Want Proof of Media Bias, Here It Is: A Tale of Two Cases
Want Proof of Media Bias, Here It Is: A Tale of Two Cases
Newspaper: Dan Onorato is bad for business
Dan Onorato's hometown newspaper says don't buy those slick TV ads that depict the Democratic candidate for governor as "business friendly." The reality is far from what Onorato is selling.
Onorato & business - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Onorato & business - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Dan Onorato,
Pennsylvania politics
Sam Rohrer endorses Maloney in 130th State House Race

Two Republicans - Maloney and Tammy Gore - are seeking the GOP nomination on May 18 to run against two-term incumbent Democrat David Kessler, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary.
From the Maloney for State Representative campaign:
Gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer has endorsed David M. Maloney's run for the state house. Maloney's campaign made the announcement Wednesday. Maloney is a candidate for the 130th State Legislative Seat in Berks County.Former state Rep. Dennis Leh, who held the 130th House District seat for 20 years, is also backing Maloney and is serving as Maloney's campaign chairman.
Sam Rohrer said "David Maloney is a man I will be able to count on to help me in the state house when I am governor. We will have a tremendous amount of work to do, difficult decisions to make on many important issues. I will be very glad to have David in my corner in Harrisburg."
Maloney said "Sam's endorsement means a great deal to me. I have come to know and respect Sam Rohrer over the years and I truly believe Sam is the right man to be our next governor." Maloney is a self employed carpenter and home remodeler. He is a former Oley Valley School Board member living in Pike Township, Berks County. "Sam's agenda for Pennsylvania is exactly what we need. Sam Rohrer's defense of the family, life, and freedom will be my model as a legislator."
Maloney and Rohrer agree that the keys to economic recovery in Pennsylvania are removing government roadblocks to job creation, reducing the cost of state government and the elimination of school property taxes.
When asked about Republican chances of success in November, Maloney said "Right now, we have momentum on our side here in Pennsylvania. We have strong candidates led by Sam Rohrer. For me personally, I have the energy and the volunteers and the organization behind me to win back the 130th seat, and at the same time I will do whatever I can to help Sam Rohrer become the next governor of Pennsylvania."
For more information about Maloney, visit his campaign Web site,
Berks County,
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Sam Rohrer
Crowd at Kutztown University cheers Rohrer in bid for governor
Don't be surprised if Sam Rohrer beats party-backed Tom Corbett in Berks County in the Republican primary on May 18. Unfortunately, there are 66 other counties voting that day and Corbett should win the nomination. But Corbett can't match the enthusiasm Rohrer draws everywhere he speaks. Hint: Corbett needs to tap into Rohrer's base if he wants to be the next governor of Pennsylvania.
Crowd at Kutztown University cheers Rohrer in bid for governor
Crowd at Kutztown University cheers Rohrer in bid for governor
Pennsylvania politics,
Sam Rohrer,
Tom Corbett
Why reporters are down on Obama
You know things are bad when your own disciples start turning against you.
Why reporters are down on Obama - Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin -
Why reporters are down on Obama - Josh Gerstein and Patrick Gavin -
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Obama Lied! The Unbending Of The Cost Curve

From Investor's Business Daily:
An analysis from an objective source — Medicare's actuary — says ObamaCare will increase costs and relies on projected savings that may be unrealistic. Now isn't that a surprise?The Unbending Of The Cost Curve -
Anything to avoid complying with the law
Imagine the energy school districts are using to avoid complying with the law. It's your money they're spending. You have a right to know how the money is spent.
Wyomissing School Board publishing names, costs in Right-to-Know requests
Wyomissing School Board publishing names, costs in Right-to-Know requests
Monday, April 26, 2010
Campaign for Working Families Targets Incumbents in 22 House, 3 Senate Seats
Arlen Specter's Senate seat from Pennsylvania and a Congressional seat held by a first-term Democrat from the Keystone State are on Gary Bauer's hit list.
"The American people did not get change they could believe in," said Bauer, the former presidential candidate, and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. "They got massive tax increases, gluttonous expansion of the federal government and unprecedented takeovers of business and industry. The Democrats' assault against the ideals of smaller government, free enterprise and traditional values must end. Campaign for Working Families is prepared to commit $2 million to restore balance and common sense to Congress."
Gary Bauer to Target 22 House and Three Senate Seats; 'The Assault On Free Enterprise and Traditional Values Must End'
"The American people did not get change they could believe in," said Bauer, the former presidential candidate, and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. "They got massive tax increases, gluttonous expansion of the federal government and unprecedented takeovers of business and industry. The Democrats' assault against the ideals of smaller government, free enterprise and traditional values must end. Campaign for Working Families is prepared to commit $2 million to restore balance and common sense to Congress."
Gary Bauer to Target 22 House and Three Senate Seats; 'The Assault On Free Enterprise and Traditional Values Must End'
USA TODAY Remains Number One in Total Daily Print Circulation
Glad to see somebody still reads newspapers.
USA TODAY Remains Number One in Total Daily Print Circulation
USA TODAY Remains Number One in Total Daily Print Circulation
Columnist: Race card overplayed by the left
From a terrific new column by Salena Zito on the constant use of the race card by liberals when anyone objects to Obama's policies:
Race card overplayed - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Racism also often is cited by Washington insiders as the reason for the downward trajectory of Obama's public approval.Read the full column at the link below:
Yet racism has nothing to do with Obama's falling numbers -- or, for that matter, those of Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, who also is black.
Both men were given the benefit of the doubt when elected to their positions. Only now, after having an opportunity to witness their behavior and performance, have people decided they don't approve of the jobs Obama and Steele are doing.
Racists never would have given either man an opportunity to begin with. Americans' dissatisfaction with both men and their performance has more to do with these individuals than with their skin color.
The real story for both Obama and Steele is the same as that for many high-profile (and usually white) politicians. They began with high expectations and then their approval ratings fell over time, as people got to know them.
Race card overplayed - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
GOP candidates for 130th state House District square off at forum
Two Republican challengers for the GOP nomination to run in the 130th state House District recently squared off in a League of Women Voters forum shown on Berks Community Television (BCTV).
If you missed the debate between Tammy Gore and David L. Maloney, you can watch a recording of the 30-minute program.
The winner of the May 18 primary will face Democratic incumbent Rep. David Kessler, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary.
The 130th District covers most of eastern Berks County.
Watch the forum at the BCTV Web site.
If you missed the debate between Tammy Gore and David L. Maloney, you can watch a recording of the 30-minute program.
The winner of the May 18 primary will face Democratic incumbent Rep. David Kessler, who is running unopposed in the Democratic primary.
The 130th District covers most of eastern Berks County.
Watch the forum at the BCTV Web site.
Berks County,
Pennsylvania Legislature
New post at The Real Tom Corbett blog
With the May 18 primary less than four weeks away, the anonymous Web site, The Real Tom Corbett, is stepping up its campaign to bring out "the facts" about GOP front-runner Tom Corbett.
The article, "Hypocrisy," was posted today.
Corbett's opponent is state Rep. Sam Rohrer.
The article, "Hypocrisy," was posted today.
Corbett's opponent is state Rep. Sam Rohrer.
Pennsylvania politics,
Tom Corbett
Rep. Quigley to host forum on special-ed policies

The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 29, at the Spring-Ford Area School District’s Ninth Grade Center, located at 400 Lewis Road in Royersford.
From a press release issued by Quigley:
"Special education is a vital service our public schools provide, and we have to be sure we are providing those services effectively," said Quigley. "During these difficult economic times, we must also continue to ensure that we are allocating every public dollar to its maximum potential."
The committee will hear testimony during this public hearing from:
· Dr. Marsha R. Hurda, superintendent of the Spring-Ford Area School District.For more information about the hearing, call Quigley's office at 610-326-9563 or visit
· Pam Bateson, director of special education and student services of the Pottstown School District.
· Linda Adams, business director of the Pottstown School District.
· Jerry Oleksiak, treasurer of the Pennsylvania State Education Association.
· Andrew E. Faust, Esq. of Sweet, Stevens, Williams and Katz LLP, representing the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Tom Quigley
Inquirer endorses Specter, Toomey in Senate primaries
Pennsylvania's largest newspaper is urging primary voters to elect Arlen Specter and Pat Toomey on May 18, setting up the same contest voters faced in 2004 when Specter narrowly defeated an unknown Toomey.
Things are different in 2010. Specter, a 30-year incumbent, fled the Republican Party last year when it became clear he would lose to Toomey in the primary. Now Democrats have to hold their nose and vote for a man willing to abandon his party if it prevents him from holding on to his office.
From the endorsement editorials in The Philadelphia Inquirer:
The case for Specter:
Things are different in 2010. Specter, a 30-year incumbent, fled the Republican Party last year when it became clear he would lose to Toomey in the primary. Now Democrats have to hold their nose and vote for a man willing to abandon his party if it prevents him from holding on to his office.
From the endorsement editorials in The Philadelphia Inquirer:
The case for Specter:
Democratic voters must decide whether this 80-year-old newcomer to their party is worthy of their support. After all, over the years Specter has cast his share of votes they didn't like; he favored conservative judges and opposed same-sex marriage.The case for Toomey:
Yet, when you look at the sum of his career and what it has meant to Pennsylvania, you have to conclude he's a good choice for Democrats, which is why The Inquirer endorses ARLEN SPECTER for the Democratic nomination.
Toomey is clearly the strongest candidate in the May 18 Republican primary, and he will be tough for any Democrat to beat in November. That's why The Inquirer endorses PAT TOOMEY for the Republican Party nomination.
Toomey came so close to beating Specter in the 2004 primary that the possibility of a rematch led Specter to switch parties last year.
Arlen Specter,
Pat Toomey,
Pennsylvania politics,
'America: The Story of Us'
Did you catch "America: The Story of Us" on the History Channel Sunday night? It was the two-hour premiere, covering the arrival of the first settlers to American shores through the War of Independence. The series will run for 12 hours.
I'm a history buff, especially American history and I learned things I never knew before about the early days of the nation.
The premiere episode was fantastic and I highly recommend catching it in rerun and watching the rest of the series.
For more on the program, check out the History Channel Web site.
Radio and television,
United States
Max Baucus: A bank tax is coming
The people who brought you Obamacare are now working on all sorts of ways to raise taxes.
Max Baucus: A bank tax is coming - David Rogers -
Max Baucus: A bank tax is coming - David Rogers -
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Anthony Williams is running for the wrong office
State Sen. Anthony Williams, a Democrat from Philadelphia, missed his calling. He should have run for mayor of Philadelphia. His issues (gun violence, school choice) are targeted strictly toward Philly.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate puts gun violence, job creation at top of agenda
Democratic gubernatorial candidate puts gun violence, job creation at top of agenda
GOP Weekly Address: Dems set stage for future bailouts
In the Weekly Republican Address, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison warns about Democrats' financial regulation bill not stopping future bailouts.
Sen. Hutchison says, "Republicans are working to ensure the bill would forbid any future bailouts of Wall Street banks.... The Democrats pushed a bill through the Senate Banking Committee that does not stop future bailouts. Republicans have been attacked for speaking out against it and asking for bipartisan negotiations before allowing the bill to be debated on the Senate floor. But to be clear, we will stand firm against a partisan bill that exposes ordinary taxpayers to future bailouts or favors big companies over community banks across America. The tactics the Democratic leadership used to pass the health care bill must not be repeated."
She adds, "The fact is a growing number of experts on both sides of the ideological spectrum are coming to see what Republicans have been saying all along: the Financial Regulation Bill contains serious flaws. We believe this bill can be fixed, with a sincere bipartisan solution."
Friday, April 23, 2010
The $3,700 Dime
From Investor's Business Daily:
Candidate Obama repeatedly vowed that those earning under $250,000 "will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime." Will he veto the $3,700 tax hike Congress is considering for 30 million Americans?The $3,700 Dime -
Suicide note from Route 422 road-rage suspect blamed others
From a story by Carl Hessler Jr. in The Mercury:
NORRISTOWN -- The Gilbertsville man who died of an apparent drug overdose Thursday on the day he was to face charges for multiple road rage incidents left behind two notes, one in which he blamed other drivers for his troubles.Pick up Saturday's edition of The Mercury for the full story or check online at
When law enforcement authorities found John Andrew Yannarell's body in a second-floor bedroom of his Ruby Circle home, they found a gun near him, but found no apparent injuries to his body according to Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman.
"They did find on his possession some prescription narcotics believed to be OxyContin and Percocet along with what appeared to be a suicide note," Ferman revealed, adding there is no indication of foul play. "It certainly appears to us and to any reasonable person that he took his own life by overdosing on prescription medication."
Two notes, which appeared to be suicide notes were addressed, "To The D.A. And The People" and "To My Loved Ones," according to authorities.
Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue on Obamacare Costs
Incredible! Obama Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius admits she's clueless on how much Obamacare will cost! See for yourself on video at the link below. » ObamaCare: Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue How Much ‘High Risk Pools’ Will Cost » ObamaCare: Sebelius Admits Admin Has No Clue How Much ‘High Risk Pools’ Will Cost
Former state representative admits holding no-show state job
Does this surprise anyone?
The only way to end the culture of corruption in Harrisburg is to vote out the career politicians who do nothing except line their own pockets. When in doubt, vote the incumbent out.
Former state representative admits holding no-show state job - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The only way to end the culture of corruption in Harrisburg is to vote out the career politicians who do nothing except line their own pockets. When in doubt, vote the incumbent out.
Former state representative admits holding no-show state job - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Survey: 1 in 4 TV meteorologists say global warming is a scam
It's amazing how little coverage this study received by the corrupt mainstream media.
A George Mason University survey of 571 television meteorologists found that 1 in 4 (or 27%) agreed with the statement that "global warming is a scam." Another 21% say
they don't know yet if global warming is happening.
Only one third of TV weathercasters believe that there is a scientific consensus on climate change, the survey found.
These are people who earn their living studying weather patterns and climate.
Read the full 24-page survey here.
A George Mason University survey of 571 television meteorologists found that 1 in 4 (or 27%) agreed with the statement that "global warming is a scam." Another 21% say
they don't know yet if global warming is happening.
Only one third of TV weathercasters believe that there is a scientific consensus on climate change, the survey found.
These are people who earn their living studying weather patterns and climate.
Read the full 24-page survey here.
Global Warming Hoax,
Liberal media bias
Getting Out While the Getting's Good
As the clock winds down on the Rendell Administration, look for more of his top aides to bail on him.
Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak to Step Down as Pennsylvania Secretary of Education, Will Become Allentown School District
Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak to Step Down as Pennsylvania Secretary of Education, Will Become Allentown School District
Facebook generation: clicking 'like' won't solve America's problems
Interesting commentary on the times we live in.
Facebook generation: clicking 'like' won't solve America's problems / The Christian Science Monitor -
Facebook generation: clicking 'like' won't solve America's problems / The Christian Science Monitor -
Democrats divided on immigration
As if Obamacare didn't do enough damage to the Democratic Party, tone-deaf leaders are now pushing amnesty for illegals as a way to improve the party's chances in November. Good luck with that.
Democrats divided on immigration - Kasie Hunt -
Democrats divided on immigration - Kasie Hunt -
Networks reject plus-size lingerie ad
It's tough out there for a full-figured woman. Is it OK for skinny babes to parade half-naked on Victoria's Secret commercials, but a woman with a few curves is deemed too racy for prime-time? do these network censors watch some of the programs already on TV? What's up with that?
Read more here.
H/T The Bitter American
Poll: 52% of PA Residents Disapprove of Ed Rendell

Forty-seven percent (47%) of likely voters in Pennsylvania now approve of the job Ed Rendell is doing as governor.Read more poll results at the link below:
Slightly more than half (52%), however, disapprove of how the Democrat is doing his job, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state. These figures include 16% who strongly approve and 31% who strongly disapprove.
The latest findings show little change from last month, but the number of voters who approve of Rendell's job performance as governor is down six points from early June 2009 when 53% felt that way. At that time, 46% disapproved of his performance.
Perhaps it's no surprise that 70% of GOP voters disapprove of his job performance, while 66% like the job the governor is doing. But 65% of voters not affiliated with either party disapprove, too.
47% in Pennsylvania Approve of Governor, 52% Disapprove
Posted using ShareThis
Thursday, April 22, 2010
More Reasons Not To Trust Government
From "Staying Older Longer," a blog post at Caregiving by Richard Peck:
What is the impact on Social Security and Medicare now that people are living longer lives?Read the full post here.
It's common knowledge that people these days are living longer than ever, with life expectancy approaching 80 years of age (especially for women), and over-85-year-olds being the fastest growing segment of our population for some time now. Now a new study by the prestigious MacArthur Foundation says that we ain't seen nothing yet — that the mid-21st century is going to see men and women routinely living into their late 80s and early 90s, respectively, and 100-year-olds numbering nearly 2 million!
The MacArthur researchers, a blue-ribbon panel of well-known geriatricians and policy analysts, say that federal government agencies like the Social Security Administration and the Census Bureau, are underestimating Americans' longevity rates by some 3 to 8 years. The MacArthur panel maintains that advances in medical science and understanding of human health will develop more rapidly during the 21st century than they did in the latter half of the 20th century. Not only high-tech genetic manipulation and medical research, but increased emphasis on common sense calorie restriction and insulin control will pay off in longer, healthier lives, they predict.
Obviously a good thing, right? Yes, indeed, if you're among those likely to survive into this Golden Era. From the standpoint of society at-large, though, this might be a different story, and a scary one at that.
Also check out, "New Research Predicts Longer Life Expectancy for Americans, Higher Outlays for Medicare and Social Security," at The MacArthur Foundation Web site.
(H/T "Increased longevity has its price" by Kathleen Martin, posted at The Mercury)
Senior Citizens,
Social Security
Obama Lying About Jobs
It appears the 'You Lie!' comment by Rep. Joe Wilson fits Obama very well. He's been caught lying again.
From Investor's Business Daily: "It's bad enough having a jobless recovery with jobs "saved or created" in nonexistent congressional districts and ZIP codes. Now the administration is measuring stimulus progress by moving the starting point."
Check out the full editorial at the link below:
Lying About Jobs -
From Investor's Business Daily: "It's bad enough having a jobless recovery with jobs "saved or created" in nonexistent congressional districts and ZIP codes. Now the administration is measuring stimulus progress by moving the starting point."
Check out the full editorial at the link below:
Lying About Jobs -
Paying People Not To Work
Is it the strategy of the Democratic Party to keep the unemployment rate artificially high to keep people dependent on government?
One of the dirty little secrets about Ed Rendell that The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review wants you to know about.
From a recent editorial:
One of the dirty little secrets about Ed Rendell that The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review wants you to know about.
From a recent editorial:
Perverse payday
Pennsylvania's jobless rate -- with more than 200,000 residents out of work since 2007 -- isn't helped by a struggling unemployment compensation fund that gives the jobless less incentive to find work.
Rather than blindly providing handouts, the state should be doing more to encourage individual responsibility.
As detailed in an analysis by Elizabeth Bryan, a research associate with the Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania is second only to California -- with three times the population -- in what it pays in unemployment benefits. The percentage of unemployed Pennsylvanians receiving benefits (69 percent) is the highest of any state in the nation.
Which explains why Pennsylvania's unemployment compensation fund is in trouble: The state last year borrowed more than $2 billion from the feds to keep it solvent. It pays up to $75 million each week in benefits.
Continuing this cycle helps no one. But giving workers a stake in their unemployment compensation does. One way is through unemployment insurance savings accounts, which employees pay into. The less the worker uses, the more he has to roll into retirement savings.
Extending paydays for the jobless hinders both the unemployed and the state that gets stuck with the tab.
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
Ed Rendell,
Ed Rendell: Democrats not doing it for base
He may be a lousy governor, but Ed Rendell is a masterful politician.
Ed Rendell: Democrats not doing it for base - Andy Barr -
Ed Rendell: Democrats not doing it for base - Andy Barr -
This Day In History
Summing up Obama in 87 words

-- Pamela Geller
Atlas Shrugs
(H/T Warning Signs)
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Watchdog group releases 'Worst Governors' list

CREW's Worst Governors report provides in-depth analyses of "11 elected officials who have pushed their states' best interests aside in favor of their supporters, families, political parties and bank accounts," according to a CREW press release.
CREW also launched a Web site,, which offers concise summaries of each governor's offenses and links to their full profiles and exhibits.
I just have one question: Why isn't Ed Rendell's name on the list of the 11 worst governors in the U.S.?
Here is CREW's list of the 11 worst governors in alphabetical order:
-- Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS);More from CREW:
-- Gov. Donald Carcieri (R-RI);
-- Gov. Jim Gibbons (R-NV);
-- Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA);
-- Gov. David Paterson (D-NY);
-- Gov. Sonny Perdue (R-GA);
-- Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX);
-- Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM);
-- Gov. Mike Rounds (R-SD);
-- Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC); and
-- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA)
CREW's report also includes the Worst Governors Index, a Harper's Index-style compendium of statistics from the report.Click here to visit
Highlights include Gov. Perdue's $2,400 private plane ride to a NASCAR race 30 miles away, Gov. Gibbons' 867 state-billed text messages sent to his "alleged" mistress over six weeks in 2007, and Gov. Perry's minimum 17 former aides-turned-lobbyists.
CREW's executive director, Melanie Sloan, said today, "From Gov. Jindal's hundreds of campaign-contributing state appointees to Gov. Paterson's efforts to pressure a domestic violence victim to stay silent - CREW's Worst Governors report leaves you wondering if these really are the people best equipped to handle the complicated problems faced across the nation."
Sloan continued, "There has been a great deal of focus on the ethics of Congress over the past few years, but CREW's report shows that state governments are not immune to ethics problems. Too often -- whether in Washington, D.C. or in South Dakota -- our country's political leaders are more focused on what's best for the favored few, rather than on improving the lives of Americans."
Click here to read CREW's full 40-page Worst Governors report in PDF Format
Click here to read CREW's Worst Governors Index in PDF Format
For more information about CREW, visit
Congressional Pay Grows 15 Times Faster Than Social Security Checks
Seniors who retired in 1990 with the average Social Security benefit have seen their annual payments increase by just $4,967 over the past 20 years. During the same time period, members of Congress have awarded themselves pay raises totaling $77,400 per year – a whopping 1,458 percent more than seniors, according to a new analysis by The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan seniors advocacy groups with 1.2 million supporters.
Read the full press release at the link below:
Congressional Pay Grows 15 Times Faster Than Social Security Checks
Read the full press release at the link below:
Congressional Pay Grows 15 Times Faster Than Social Security Checks
Pay Raise,
Social Security
House members blast Day of Prayer ruling
Amazing how much trouble a liberal judge appointed by Jimmy Carter can cause. This is why confirming judges is so important. They can continue to debase the constitution decades after the president who appointed them has left office. Beware of the far-left loons Obama is planning to appoint to the federal judiciary.
House members blast prayer ruling - James Hohmann -
House members blast prayer ruling - James Hohmann -
Is Facebook creating a temptation generation?
From a fascinating new column by Mel Layos in The Christian Science Monitor on the appeal of Facebook:
Is Facebook creating a temptation generation? / The Christian Science Monitor -
The temptation to let others know how happy or sad we feel, and more important, the numerous supportive messages we'll receive from our "friends," is an exercise in deferred gratification that we all lose on a daily basis. And who's to blame us? With its complicated algorithms and formulas, Facebook takes the legwork out of friendship. Do you know Bob? Why not send a friend request to his girlfriend Jane? You haven't talked to Lee in a while. Maybe you should send him a message.Read the full column at the link below:
Why go through the trouble of going out and cultivating one new friendship when Facebook lets you meet and befriend hundreds in less time than it takes to watch an episode of "Jersey Shore"?
Every day many people do choose the hundreds of online friends over that one real friend. And what's truly sad is what we're teaching our nation's younger, more impressionable generation. Those born after 1990 have never known a world without the Internet, and it's clear they're fully ingrained in the culture of "right now."
Is Facebook creating a temptation generation? / The Christian Science Monitor -
Sam Rohrer stumps on 3 E's: economy, education, ethics
Nice profile by Mary Young in the Reading Eagle of state Rep. Sam Rohrer, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Pennsylvania governor.
Rohrer stumps on 3 E's: economy, education, ethics
Rohrer stumps on 3 E's: economy, education, ethics
CQ Politics: Gerlach, Dent opponents loaded with cash
Greg Giroux, writing at CQ Politics, compiles a Top 10 List of Best-Funded House Challengers, including the Democratic challengers to Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th) and Rep. Charlie Dent (PA-15th).
Here's what Giroux has to say about the well-funded challengers:
Here's what Giroux has to say about the well-funded challengers:
Doug Pike (D-Pa.), $1.2 million. Pike, a former editorial writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer, has put in nearly $1.1 million of his own money. He'll square off against Rep. Jim Gerlach in the fall, provided he first beats physician Manan Trivedi in a Democratic primary. Gerlach has a relatively low cash-on-hand total ($336,000) because he announced only in January that he would seek re-election after waging a months-long campaign for governor that stalled.Check out the full list at CQ Politics
John Callahan (D-Pa.), $831,000. Callahan is the mayor of Bethlehem, one of the population centers of Pennsylvania's 15th district, where Rep. Charlie Dent ($825,000) is seeking a fourth term.
Pennsylvania politics,
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