Saturday, October 31, 2009
Scozzafava bows out of NY-23 race
A major victory for the conservative movement. Now all Doug Hoffman has to do is win the election on Nov. 3, which would be a blow to Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and RINOs everywhere.
Scozzafava bows out of NY-23 race - Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com
Scozzafava bows out of NY-23 race - Charles Mahtesian - POLITICO.com
Obama's pay to play: Putrid perks
Terrific editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review exposing more liberal hypocrisy on the part of The Chosen One. You wanted change in Washington? You picked the wrong candidate.
Obama's pay to play: Putrid perks - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Obama's pay to play: Putrid perks - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Democrat fibbing in Berks County race?
Charles Corbit has never held political office (although he worked for the John Kerry and Barack Obama campaigns in the last two presidential election cycles) but he wants to make all sorts of changes in the Berks County Prothonotary's Office.
Corbit wants to bring "hope and change" to the office by ousting four-term incumbent Marianne R. Sutton, the Republican seeking reelection. But as this new ad shows, Corbit may not know much about the office he is seeking.
H/T Bucks County Conservative Examiner
Libertarian Party: PA budget adds up to bankruptcy

By S. Douglas Leard
Gov. Ed Rendell has signed legislation to enact a 2009-10 budget of $27 billion for General Fund expenditures and $61.7 billion of total state operating expenditures.
Over the last 10 years, Pennsylvania's total operating expenditures have increased 65 percent. (Rendell has served as governor for seven of those years.) Though Rendell called this "a responsible budget," state government will spend more than $11,250 per Pennsylvania household. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in Pennsylvania was $48,562 in 2007 (latest available numbers). This means that Pennsylvania government is extracting and spending (on average) more than 23 percent of every dollar each household earns.
Of course, this does not count the money extracted and spent by federal and local government. Nor does it include government's debt and unfunded obligations which, according to the 2009 Fall Report from the General Accounting Office, exceed $480,000 per household.
Government is reaching deeper and deeper into our pockets, our children's pockets and our grand-children's pockets. This is a very dangerous trend.
Pennsylvania's budget depends on tax increases including $1.5 billion from a retroactive increase in the Capital Stock & Franchise tax, which Gov. Rendell said was the most harmful to Pennsylvania's business climate. The budget also relies on $2.6 billion in federal fiscal relief and $2.1 billion in onetime revenue including draining Pennsylvania's reserve fund by $375 million.
The budget does nothing to address looming fiscal crises in Medicaid and pension fund payments. According to the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania (HAP), Medicaid already accounts for 30 percent of the state budget and "in the midst of the economic downturn, Pennsylvania Medicaid spending and enrollment… is expected to grow faster." Meanwhile, pension fund payments are expected to increase from $550 million this year to over $4 billion in 2012-13.
Harrisburg bureaucrats, with help from Washington, are taxing and spending us to a point where we, and our children, will be slaves to the state. We must change direction.
The Commonwealth Foundation has offered a series of reforms and spending cuts that move Pennsylvania in a new direction. The reforms include eliminating corporate welfare, reforming Medicaid to give individuals more control over their health care spending, and repealing prevailing wage laws. Pennsylvanians must stand up and demand a new direction in our state government, a direction toward restoring fiscal control and limited government.
The Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in Pennsylvania and the United States. More than 200,000 people across the country are registered Libertarians, and Libertarians serve in hundreds of elected offices. Please visit www.LP.org or www.LPPA.org for more information.
S. Douglas Leard is chairman of media relations for the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Friday, October 30, 2009
Turns out Sarah Palin was right

Guess what? Sarah Palin was right. The House bill touted by Nancy Pelosi includes end-of-life counseling by government-sponsored "death panels."
From The Associated Press:
It's alive! End-of-life counseling in health bill
WASHINGTON (AP) — It's alive.
The Medicare end-of-life planning provision that 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said was tantamount to "death panels" for seniors is staying in the latest Democratic health care bill unveiled Thursday.
The provision allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex and painful decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death.
For years, federal laws and policies have encouraged Americans to think ahead about end-of-life decisions, and make their wishes known in advance through living wills and similar legal documents. But when House Democrats proposed this summer to pay doctors for end-of-life counseling, it touched off a wave of suspicion and anger.
Prominent Republicans singled it out as a glaring example of government overreach.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, at the time a lead negotiator on health care legislation, told constituents at a town hall meeting they had good reason to question the proposal.
"I don't have any problem with things like living wills, but they ought to be done within the family," he said. "We should not have a government program that determines you're going to pull the plug on grandma."
Health Care,
Nancy Pelosi,
Sarah Palin
Taxpayers Fund Research on Bugs, College Sex Lives, Facebook, and Rabbit Droppings with Stimulus Bill
If you're one of the 15 million Americans out of work, take a look at this article detailing where the Obama Administration is spending the "stimulus" money on.
CNSNews.com - Taxpayers Fund Research on Bugs, College Sex Lives, Facebook, and Rabbit Droppings with Stimulus Bill
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CNSNews.com - Taxpayers Fund Research on Bugs, College Sex Lives, Facebook, and Rabbit Droppings with Stimulus Bill
Posted using ShareThis
House health bill clocks in at 1,990 pages
You call this reform? The Pelosi health care bill is nearly 2,000 pages. Makes you wonder what the Democrats have hidden inside the bill.
POLITICO takes an inside look:
POLITICO takes an inside look:
It runs more pages than War and Peace, has nearly five times as many words as the Torah, and its tables of contents alone run far longer than this story.House health bill clocks in at 1,990 pages - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
The House health care bill unveiled Thursday clocks in at 1,990 pages and about 400,000 words. With an estimated 10-year cost of $894 billion, that comes out to about $2.24 million per word.
And for some members, that may not be enough.
A "robust" public option can’t be found in the bill. Neither can the word "doctor" – save for a few references to degrees. No "cost curve" is bent. No "blue pill" is dispensed.
"Death" and "taxes" are both in there, but "death panel" is not.
The text defines dozens of words and phrases, including “family” (“an individual and . . . the individual’s dependents”), "health insurance coverage," "exchange-eligible individual" and "Indian."
Newspaper endorses Brobson & Judson for PA Commonwealth Court
If you're looking for some guidance on Tuesday's election for Commonwealth Court judges, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has some recommendations.
For Commonwealth Court: Brobson & Judson - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
For Commonwealth Court: Brobson & Judson - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Newspaper backs Colville, McCarthy, Smith & Olson for PA Superior Court
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is recommending four candidates for Pennsylvania Superior Court in Tuesday's election.
For Superior Court: Elect Colville, McCarthy, Smith & Olson - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
For Superior Court: Elect Colville, McCarthy, Smith & Olson - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
PA Man Pleads Guilty to Illegal Wildlife Possession
Pennsylvania Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officers announced that Stephen Andrew Moore, 46, of Tannersville, Monroe Count, plead guilty to 30 counts of illegal possession of various species ranging from blue jays to raccoons, from chipping sparrows to gray squirrels, from groundhogs to purple finches.
As part of the plea agreement, charges against Moore for cruelty to animals were withdrawn. District Judge Thomas E. Olsen, of Tannersville, ordered Moore to pay $2,250 in fines, and $750 in reimbursement to the Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center for expenses incurred treating the wildlife that survived.
Read the full release below:
Monroe County Man Pleads Guilty to Illegal Wildlife Possession
As part of the plea agreement, charges against Moore for cruelty to animals were withdrawn. District Judge Thomas E. Olsen, of Tannersville, ordered Moore to pay $2,250 in fines, and $750 in reimbursement to the Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center for expenses incurred treating the wildlife that survived.
Read the full release below:
Monroe County Man Pleads Guilty to Illegal Wildlife Possession
Get ready to pay more for food
Another consequence of the uncontrolled federal spending by Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats.
U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture
U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture
Did Obama 'save' your job?
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts, who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District, wants to set the record straight about the latest bogus announcement by the Obama Administration that it has "created or saved" 650,000 jobs.
Earlier this week, The Associated Press reported that the official count of "created or saved" jobs from the $787 billion stimulus was 25,000. It's amazing what you can do with numbers.
Obama released figures from his economic team stating that more than 40,000 jobs have been "created or saved" in Pennsylvania by passage of the stimulus bill, according to Pitts.
Nationwide 650,000 jobs have been "created or saved" at the cost of approximately $1.2 million each, Pitts says. Economists agree that the figure of jobs "saved" is misleading and is not a legitimate economic measure, Pitts says.
Pennsylvania has lost nearly 200,000 jobs in just the past year alone. Nationwide, more than 15 million Americans are out of work. The unemployment rate in the U.S. stands at a 27-year high.
Rep. Pitts' statement follows:
Earlier this week, The Associated Press reported that the official count of "created or saved" jobs from the $787 billion stimulus was 25,000. It's amazing what you can do with numbers.
Obama released figures from his economic team stating that more than 40,000 jobs have been "created or saved" in Pennsylvania by passage of the stimulus bill, according to Pitts.
Nationwide 650,000 jobs have been "created or saved" at the cost of approximately $1.2 million each, Pitts says. Economists agree that the figure of jobs "saved" is misleading and is not a legitimate economic measure, Pitts says.
Pennsylvania has lost nearly 200,000 jobs in just the past year alone. Nationwide, more than 15 million Americans are out of work. The unemployment rate in the U.S. stands at a 27-year high.
Rep. Pitts' statement follows:
"Once again the administration is claiming that the wasteful $787 billion stimulus bill has 'saved' a distinct number of jobs. The White House has produced a number that is meaningless. There is no way to count jobs that weren't lost. I could just as easily come up with a formula to count the jobs that have been lost due this Administration’s policies on energy, health, and taxation.
"The truth is, unemployment is nearly two percent higher than the President projected. The administration’s website right now shows only one job saved in the entire 16th Congressional District. I understand that these numbers may be updated later today but they certainly won’t change very much. Right now this website shows that one job was created at the cost of $277,000 in government contracts.
"The government cannot create jobs, but it can make is easier or harder for employers to increase their payroll. With job-killing tax hikes in health care reform and the energy legislation being considered in Congress right now, how can we expect employers to invest in their business with confidence?"
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
Fact-checking the Pelosi bill
House Republicans have found all sorts of things wrong with the Nancy Pelosi government-run health care plan unveiled this week.
Read the litany of problems with the billhere.
Read the litany of problems with the billhere.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pennsylvanians Lose Employment-Based Health Care Faster Than the Nation
Employers provided health insurance to 694,471 fewer Pennsylvanians in 2007 and 2008 than at the start of the decade, according to a new report analyzing U.S. Census data.
The Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center in Harrisburg jointly released the study, which found that Pennsylvania outstripped every state in the nation except Michigan in the loss of employer-sponsored health care between 2000-01 and 2007-08.
Read more at the link below:
Pennsylvanians Lose Employment-Based Health Care Faster Than the Nation
The Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., and the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center in Harrisburg jointly released the study, which found that Pennsylvania outstripped every state in the nation except Michigan in the loss of employer-sponsored health care between 2000-01 and 2007-08.
Read more at the link below:
Pennsylvanians Lose Employment-Based Health Care Faster Than the Nation
Bald NJ governor: Don't vote for my fat opponent
Bald NJ governor Jon Corzine says don't vote for Republican opponent Chris Christie because he's fat. That's pretty much the entire Jon Corzine campaign ... plus the fact that Corzine is Obama's lap dog.
NJ needs to make a change. Christie is the man ... all 300 pounds of him.
Chris Christie: 'Man up and say I'm fat' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com
NJ needs to make a change. Christie is the man ... all 300 pounds of him.
Chris Christie: 'Man up and say I'm fat' - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com
Jack Panella flip-flops on abortion
Check out GrassrootsPA for an interesting revelation that Jack Panella, the Democratic Pennsylvania Supreme Court candidate, has changed his position on abortion.
This would be the same Panella attacking Republican candidate Joan Orie Melvin for being pro-life.
Is Panella pro-abortion or pro-life? Or will he change his position to appease voters?
This would be the same Panella attacking Republican candidate Joan Orie Melvin for being pro-life.
Is Panella pro-abortion or pro-life? Or will he change his position to appease voters?
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Group: Obama Abandons Small Businesses
The American Small Business League has issued the statement on the Obama Administration's broken promises:
Last week, President Obama announced his administration's plan for a, "New Small Business Lending Initiative." The new initiative is the next installment in a series of speeches by President Obama, which have yet to yield any results for the small business community.
In his speech President Obama stated, "This administration is going to stand behind small businesses. You are our highest priority because we are confident that when you are succeeding, America succeeds." (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-small-business-initiatives-landover-md) Over the past year, President Obama promised to restore the Small Business Administration's (SBA) budget, restore the SBA Administrator to a cabinet level position, implement the 5 percent set-aside goal for women owned firms, and stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants. To date, none of these promises have been honored. (http://www.barackobama.com/2008/02/26/the—american—small—business—le.php)
Since the recession began, the government has spent roughly $2.8 trillion to stimulate our nation's economy. (http://money.cnn.com/news/storysupplement/economy/bailouttracker/) President Obama stated that stimulus spending has led to small businesses receiving $13 billion in new loans and $4.3 billion in federal contracts, for a total of $17.3 billion. That means small businesses have received only 0.6 percent out of the $2.8 trillion in stimulus funds invested by the government. In comparison, AIG received $180 billion in taxpayer money, while America's 27 million small businesses have received $17.3 billion.
Regarding the new initiative, Keith Girard in Allbusiness.com stated, "Whether they 1/8Obama Administration3/8 will get desperately needed capital to small businesses in a meaningful way is problematic at best." (http://www.allbusiness.com/economy-economic-indicators/economic-conditions-depression/13271042-1.html) On the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington stated, "If this were really a high-priority for the administration, it could, you know, actually do something about it. Right now. The executive branch has plenty of weapons at its disposal to force banks still dependent on billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and guarantees to change behavior." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/arianna-huffington/barack-obama-is-doing-my—b—334631.html)
Last year President Obama stated that for every billion dollars spent, 40,000 new jobs would be created. (http://bit.ly/2eiyas) Based on the Obama Administration's estimates regarding job creation, stimulus spending to date should have created 640,000 jobs, however, a recent report has revealed that only 30,383 jobs have been created. (http://www.recovery.gov/Pages/home.aspx)
On August 18, President Obama announced a government-wide plan led by SBA Administrator Karen Mills and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke to increase contracting opportunities for small businesses. The plan included over 200 events nationwide within 90 days; over 70 days after the announcement no schedule of these events has been released. (http://www.sba.gov/idc/groups/public/documents/sba—homepage/news—release—09-58.pdf)
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
16 Million Dead People Still Registered To Vote
Aristotle International, a leading non-partisan provider of political technology and data, has released its annual "Deadwood" voter registration compilation, showing 16,331,707, or 8.9%, of all registered voters are no longer among the living but still eligible to vote.
This would help explain some of the current elected officials we have.
Aristotle International says the number of voters on its "Deadwood" rolls is up 3 percent over the estimate released in October 2008.
Way to go ACORN!
"Deadwood on voter rolls complicates the electoral process and can cause problems like fraud and vote miscounts. It always creates a perception of low voter turnout," said John Aristotle Phillips, CEO of Aristotle. "It gets down to this: by depressing turnout, dead voters make the rest of us look bad."
Read more at the link below:
Just in Time for Halloween: 'Deadwood' on Registered Voter Rolls
This would help explain some of the current elected officials we have.
Aristotle International says the number of voters on its "Deadwood" rolls is up 3 percent over the estimate released in October 2008.
Way to go ACORN!
"Deadwood on voter rolls complicates the electoral process and can cause problems like fraud and vote miscounts. It always creates a perception of low voter turnout," said John Aristotle Phillips, CEO of Aristotle. "It gets down to this: by depressing turnout, dead voters make the rest of us look bad."
Read more at the link below:
Just in Time for Halloween: 'Deadwood' on Registered Voter Rolls
Gov. Rendell Signs 99th Death Warrant
Gov. Ed Rendell signed two more death warrants this week, bringing the number signed during his tenure as governor to 99. And the number of death row inmates executed since Rendell became governor remains at 0.
In fairness, it's not Rendell's fault that nobody has been executed in Pennsylvania for decades. You can thank liberal judges who refuse to uphold the law and allow executions to take place.
Governor Rendell Signs Warrants for John Amos Small and Antoine Ligons
In fairness, it's not Rendell's fault that nobody has been executed in Pennsylvania for decades. You can thank liberal judges who refuse to uphold the law and allow executions to take place.
Governor Rendell Signs Warrants for John Amos Small and Antoine Ligons
PA Department of Health Responds to National Delays in H1N1 Flu Vaccine
The Obama Administration promised 100 million does of the H1N1 vaccine by October. To date, less than 22 million doses have been delivered. Another glaring example of how inept this administration is.
PA Department of Health: National Delays in H1N1 Flu Vaccine Distribution Highlight Need for Continued Prevention Efforts
PA Department of Health: National Delays in H1N1 Flu Vaccine Distribution Highlight Need for Continued Prevention Efforts
'Talking Politics' on the radio today
Tune in to "Talking Politics with Tony Phyrillas & Mike Pincus" today at 5 p.m. on WPAZ 1370 AM for a preview of the key races in the Nov. 3 General Election.
You can call the station with questions or comments at 610-326-4000.
If you can't receive the radio signal, you can listen to the broadcast online at www.pottsmerc.com or www.1370wpaz.com'
You can call the station with questions or comments at 610-326-4000.
If you can't receive the radio signal, you can listen to the broadcast online at www.pottsmerc.com or www.1370wpaz.com'
Rep. Rohrer Introduces Emergency Mandate Suspension Act

"Essentially, if there is no money, there will be no mandate," Rohrer said at a Harrisburg news conference, flanked by members of groups representing local governments and school boards. "Local authorities would be given the option to opt out of expensive unfunded mandates. This is the fastest and most direct way that we can help school districts, local governments and the taxpayers who must fund them."
Under Rohrer's measure, if the state mandates a program but then fails to provide adequate funding to implement it, counties, municipalities and school boards would be able to temporarily opt out of the spending initiative.
Rohrer was joined Wednesday by representatives from the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP), the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA), the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs and the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors, who all lent their support to Rohrer's legislation.
From a press release issued by Rohrer after the news conference:
According to the Pennsylvania Economy League, 45 of the 53 "third-class cities" in Pennsylvania can be categorized as "financially distressed." CCAP reports that an average of 60 percent of a county's budget is made up of directives from outside entities.
"The burden of unfunded mandates is real and it is something that must be addressed," Rohrer said. "The old ostrich-head-in-the-sand approach is no longer an option. The governor and state Legislature cannot sit by and watch as more and more local governments and school boards are pushed over the cliff of financial distress. The problem is unfunded mandates and the solution is the Emergency Mandate Suspension Act."
Rohrer's legislation would empower local authorities to temporarily - for a period of up to five years - opt out of unfunded state mandates. The local authority would be permitted to suspend local payments for the qualifying programs.
In addition, the bill provides for a similar temporary suspension of reimbursable mandates. If the state fails to reimburse local authorities for a mandated program, the local authority could suspend local payments for it. This would apply to programs for which the state ordinarily provides adequate funding to cover costs but, for whatever reason, has failed to provide that funding. This provision would apply if the Commonwealth missed two consecutive payments - as happened recently in many instances due to the state budget stalemate.
"Too often, leaders in Harrisburg have adopted a law and passed the costs on to local leaders," Rohrer said. "They take credit for the idea but pass responsibility for funding it on to our local governments and school boards. It is time for elected leaders at all levels of government to acknowledge the economic consequences facing taxpayers. This bill does more than talk about the problem. It identifies and proposes a solution. Now, it's time for lawmakers in Harrisburg to roll up our sleeves to make this policy a reality."
Government Spending,
Sam Rohrer
Beware of Obamacare
Terrific Letter to the Editor originally published in The Pottstown Mercury from a Berks County resident who took the time to review the health care legislation beign proposed in Congress (unlike most of the members of Congress).
Beware of Obamacare
Since most members of Congress don't take the time to read what's in HB 3200 (the Obamacare Health Bill), I took the time to scrutinize this bill and found it loaded with detrimental elements aimed at American citizens, doctors and hospitals. I wanted to voice my opposition to HB 3200 and present my findings to the readers of The Mercury.
We all understand that our present health care insurance system should be reformed so that it is affordable and available to all citizens; HB 3200 doesn't even come close to accomplishing this objective.
First off, the promise “to reduce federal government intrusion into Americans' lives” is out the window. Not only has the federal government taken over the automotive industry, the student loan market, the investment and banking industry but now wants the health care market.
There are already 19,734,000 federal employees not counting 3,000,000 active and reserve personnel. If the HB 3200 passes, an additional 150,000 employees will be needed to administer the program (what a good job they have done with Medicare and Social Security).
Why not hire these 150,000 people to protect our borders, fight our massive drug problem and put more police and firefighters in our communities instead of laying off and closing?
An insight into HB 3200:
Page 50/Section 152: This bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.
Page 58 and 59: The federal government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from that account.
Page 65/Section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the federal government) for all union members, union retirees and for organizations such as ACORN.
Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the federal government will set the doctor's fees (why bother with advanced studies?).
Page 272/Section 1145: Cancer hospitals will ration care according to the patient's age.
Page 317 and 321: The federal government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.
Page 425, Line 4-12: The federal government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning' seminar every 5 years.
Page 429, Line 13-25: The federal government will specify which doctors can write an "end-of-life" order.
HB 3200 specifically states that this bill will not apply to members of Congress.
After all, these members of Congress are already exempt from Social Security and they all have their own well-funded private health care and retirement needs. Need I say more. God bless America.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Poll: 47% Pick Yankees to Win World Series, But More Want A Phillies Repeat

From Rasmussen Reports:
Forty-seven percent (47%) of baseball fans expect the New York Yankees to win their 27th World Series title this year. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of baseball fans finds that 32% believe the Philadelphia Phillies will defend their title this year while 21% are not sure.Read more poll results at Rasmussen Reports.
While the Yanks are favored to win, 49% are rooting for the Phillies to win it all for the second straight year. Only 31% will be cheering for the Yankees.
Once again, Yankees fans are the cockiest, with 79% who think their team will take the series. Only 55% of Phillies fans think their team will defend their title.
Among avid baseball fans, those who watch baseball at least once a week during the season, 48% expect the Yankees and 41% pick the Phillies.
Happy Anniversary, Arlen Specter!
Six months ago today, Arlen Specter left the Republican Party because polling data showed that he could not win against Pat Toomey. Today, the polls show Pennsylvanians of all political stripes are rejecting his rampant political opportunism and complete lack of principle.
This morning Team Toomey released the video above to commemorate Sen. Specter's six month anniversary as a Democrat.
Arlen Specter,
Pat Toomey,
Pennsylvania politics
News gets worse for the mainstream media
How many liberals does it take to destroy the mainstream media? Interesting story by POLITICO about the death of the mainstream media. Sounds like it was a self-inflicted wound.
News gets worse for the mainstream media - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com
News gets worse for the mainstream media - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com
Democratic donors rewarded with White House perks
FOR SALE sign posted outside the White House by the Obamas, who are giving access to the White House to top Democratic Party donors. You voted for change? You got more of the same. Read more about the latest Obama scandal at the link below:
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times
EXCLUSIVE: Democratic donors rewarded with W.H. perks - Washington Times
Investigate Valerie Jarrett
Visit http://stopjarrett.com/ to learn more about Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama's most radical advisers and her campaign to silence the media.
Charlize Theron: I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It
Charlize Theron kisses woman for $140,000 in charity auction
Bumsted: Blue Dogs de-barked
A good column by Brad Bumsted of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about how so-called conservative western Pennsylvania Democrats in the state House let down their constituents by supporting the deficit budget pushed by Gov. Ed Rendell and legislative leaders.
Instead of sticking with House Republicans to oppose the 2009-10 budget and higher taxes, the "Blue Dogs" turned into lap dogs, Bumsted writes.
From Bumsted's column:
Blue Dogs de-barked - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Instead of sticking with House Republicans to oppose the 2009-10 budget and higher taxes, the "Blue Dogs" turned into lap dogs, Bumsted writes.
From Bumsted's column:
On the final tax vote, only two Blue Dogs -- Rep. Joseph Petrarca, D-Vandergrift, and Rep. John Pallone, D-New Kensington -- barked. They were the only Democrats to vote against it.Read the full column at the link below:
Most of the Blue Dog Democrats showed in the end they were team players.
They could have rocked the Capitol on Aug. 3 but chose to take an obvious victory.
From their perspective, getting their leaders to declare that the income tax was dead was significant and it truly ended that debate.
It was a pivotal day in the historic budget battle. Some Democrats might think about it again next year when Republicans are campaigning against them, citing their votes for the "$1 billion state tax increase."
Blue Dogs de-barked - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Another sure sign the Obama recession continues
News Item: Costco to accept food stamps nationwide
From The Associated Press:
From The Associated Press:
Costco says it will start accepting food stamps at its warehouse clubs nationwide after testing them at stores in New York.
It's a big about-face for a retailer that has catered to the bargain-hunting affluent — and a sign of the grim reality facing retailers and their customers. Food-stamp users recently hit a record 36 million.
Costco Wholesale Corp. began accepting food stamps at its New York stores this year under political pressure. The company doubted many would use them but saw a strong response and will accept them in at least half its stores nationwide by Thanksgiving.
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Newspaper calls for constitutional convention to reform PA's broken government
"A constitutional convention might be the only way to achieve real reform in Harrisburg," argues The Philadelphia Inquirer in an editorial calling for a constitutional convention to reform one of the most dysfunctional and corrupt state governments in the country.
From the editorial:
From the editorial:
Harrisburg's 101-day budget delay was further proof that the legislature is incapable of reforming its unproductive ways.Read the full editorial, "Conventional wisdom," at the newspaper's Web site.
And it's all the more reason why the state needs to consider a constitutional convention.
After the pay-raise scandal in 2005, legislators promised to change their broken system of governing. Then-Speaker Dennis O'Brien (R., Phila.) even appointed a commission to recommend reforms in state government.
But the resulting changes were largely window-dressing to temporarily appease the public. The legislature agreed not to vote after 11 p.m., for example, but it dodged more meaningful reforms such as campaign-donor limits.
Even an influx of new representatives in 2006 couldn't change what came next: indictments against a dozen House Democratic officials for allegedly using public money for campaign purposes, followed by the nation's longest budget fight. Similar indictments for the GOP are expected soon.
The legislature costs taxpayers about $300 million per year, and Pennsylvanians know they're not getting their money's worth.
It's clear that the time for the legislature to reform its broken ways has all but expired.
Pay Raise,
Pennsylvania Legislature,
Spiders Voted No. 1 Pest in 'Scariest Pest Halloween Poll'

According to Orkin experts, the pests people consider (and voted) the scariest are not necessarily the most dangerous.
The Atlanta-based pest control leader invited people to vote online at Halloween.Orkin.com for one of six spine-chilling pests.
Following are the scariest pest rankings and percentages from the online poll:
1. Spooky spiders (30 percent)
2. Hair-raising rodents (27 percent)
3. Creepy cockroaches (23 percent)
4. Terrifying ticks (10 percent)
5. Freaky flying/stinging insects (6 percent)
6. Menacing mosquitoes (4 percent)
The Votes Are In, Spiders Win
Pennsylvania 2010 Teacher of the Year Named
The winner is a math teacher from Allegheny County.
Education Secretary Zahorchak Announces Pennsylvania's '2010 Teacher of the Year'
Education Secretary Zahorchak Announces Pennsylvania's '2010 Teacher of the Year'
Alan Grayson's camp defends 'whore' remark
Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson, a left-wing loon from Florida, is at it again. He called a female government official a "whore" but that's OK with the liberal media, who are still harping on Republican Joe Wilson calling Obama a "liar," which is a fact.
Alan Grayson's camp defends 'whore' remark - Jake Sherman and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
Alan Grayson's camp defends 'whore' remark - Jake Sherman and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Liberal media bias
Cops: Woman offers sex for World Series tickets

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Bensalem police arrested 43-year-old Susan Finkelstein after she allegedly posted an ad on Craigslist that stated she would do anything for World Series tickets.
The ad stated in part that Finkelstein "was a die-hard Phillies fan and buxom blonde in desperate need of two World Series tickets."
Police say her posting went on to say the price was negotiable and that "I'm the creative type! Maybe we can help each other!"
An undercover officer responded to the ad. Police say Finkelstein offered to perform various sex acts in exchange for World Series tickets.
The woman is charged with prostitution and related offenses.
While I can't condone Ms. Finkelstein's alleged actions, this just goes to show that Phillies fans will go all the way to support their team. Take that, New York Yankes
New Poll Shows Americans Want Medical Liability Reform
Why won't Obama and the Democrats support tort reform even though most experts agree that reform would lower the cost of health care in the U.S.? Could it be because the Democratic Party is funded by trial lawyers?
New Poll Shows Americans Want Medical Liability Reform
New Poll Shows Americans Want Medical Liability Reform
Pew Analysis Shows Amtrak Lost $32 Per Passenger in 2008
This is what happens when government runs a railroad. It loses money. And Obama/Pelosi want the government to take over the health care system. Guess what's going to happen.
Pew Analysis Shows Amtrak Lost $32 Per Passenger in 2008
Pew Analysis Shows Amtrak Lost $32 Per Passenger in 2008
What if George W. Bush had done that?

Josh Gerstein of POLITICO recaps some of the outrageous behavior of Barack Obama that has gone "unnoticed" by the state-run liberal media.
A four-hour stop in New Orleans, on his way to a $3 million fundraiser.Read the full story at the link below:
Snubbing the Dalai Lama.
Signing off on a secret deal with drug makers.
Freezing out a TV network.
Doing more fundraisers than the last president. More golf, too.
President Barack Obama has done all of those things — and more.
What's remarkable is what hasn't happened. These episodes haven't become metaphors for Obama's personal and political character — or consuming controversies that sidetracked the rest of his agenda.
It's a sign that the media's echo chamber can be a funny thing, prone to the vagaries of news judgment, and an illustration that, in politics, context is everything.
Conservatives look on with a mix of indignation and amazement and ask: Imagine the fuss if George W. Bush had done these things?
What if George W. Bush had done that? - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
Barack Obama,
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Liberal media bias
The case for Chris Christie
Columnist Kevin Ferris makes a strong case for why New Jersey needs to elect Chris Christie as governor over Obama puppet Jon Corzine.
From Ferris' column:
Read Ferris' full column at The Philadelphia Inquirer's Web site.
From Ferris' column:
Christie had a sterling reputation as a corruption-fighting U.S. attorney, having put away 130 politicians, Republicans and Democrats, during his seven-year term. He certainly had positions on issues - lower taxes, leaner government, less spending - but mostly he just had to not be the increasingly unpopular Corzine.Ferris also chastises limousine liberal Jon Corzine for waging a negative campaign, including TV ads essentially calling Christie "fat." That's real professional for a governor who can't even spell his own first name.
Read Ferris' full column at The Philadelphia Inquirer's Web site.
Liberal Hypocrisy,
New Jersey
Monday, October 26, 2009
Newspapers back Jane Orie Melvin for PA Supreme Court

The candidates are reform candidate Jane Orie Melvin, a Republican, and Jack Panella, the Democratic Party machine candidate, who is running attack ads against Orie Melvin instead of giving voters a reason to support him.
Three of the state's leading newspapers (and among the most liberal newspapers at that) are urging voters to support Orie Melvin.
Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason congratulated Supreme Court candidate Judge Joan Orie Melvin on receiving the endorsement of The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and The Patriot News on Sunday.
From a Republican Party of Pennsylvania press release:
"Judge Joan Orie Melvin is an incredibly impressive candidate and I am pleased to read that The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and The Patriot News all agreed," Gleason said. "In their endorsement, The Philadelphia Inquirer noted Judge Joan Orie Melvin's 'outsider's viewpoint' and credited her call to create an independently appointed agency to monitor corrupt judges. Clearly, with the story of the Luzerne County judicial scandal still dominating headlines, Pennsylvania voters are looking to elect a Supreme Court justice that will seek to root out corruption, not stand idly by while it takes place."For more information about Orie Melvin, visit her campaign Web site, www.judgeoriemelvin.com
"The Philadelphia Inquirer's endorsement also criticizes Democrat candidate Jack Panella for his 'special interest campaign war chest' which has come through sizable donations from trial lawyers and big labor groups. We agree that the donations he has received raise serious questions about whether or not Jack Panella, if elected, will be beholden to these special interest groups who have donated so generously to his campaign."
"Judge Joan Orie Melvin's strong work ethic, distinguished record and judicial temperament make her the only choice for Supreme Court on November 3rd, and I am overjoyed that so many Pennsylvanians, including three of our state’s largest newspapers from the western, eastern and central Pennsylvania, are voicing their support for her campaign."
The Philadelphia Inquirer endorsement of Judge Joan Orie Melvin for Supreme Court reads:
Of the two appellate judges vying for Supreme Court, Joan Orie Melvin of Pittsburgh edges out Jack A. Panella, her Easton colleague on the state Superior Court. Melvin, 53, earned the state bar's highest rating and was cited for being "genial and fair- minded" with a "solid record of performance" on the bench over a 24-year period. ("Editorial: Best judicial choices," The Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/25/09)
Click here to read the text of The Philadelphia Inquirer’s full endorsement.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorsement of Judge Joan Orie Melvin for Supreme Court reads:
The other consideration is one dear to our core principles. If Judge Panella wins this race, the court will be down to six men and one woman (Justice Debra McCloskey Todd). The other female justice, Jane Cutler Greenspan, agreed not to seek a full 10-year term after Chief Justice Ralph Cappy retired last year.
Advantage, Judge Melvin, who would strike a small but important blow for gender balance by keeping the number of female justices at two.
The Post-Gazette endorses Judge Joan Orie Melvin for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. ("Supreme Court: In a duel of two top jurists, it's Judge Melvin," The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Click here to read the text of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s full endorsement.
The Patriot News endorsement of Judge Joan Orie Melvin for Supreme Court reads:
But on Nov. 3, voters can choose only one, and after meeting with the candidates and reviewing their records, our choice is Judge Joan Orie Melvin.
She has experience at all levels of the judiciary, having served as a judge in the municipal courts in Pittsburgh, Court of Common Pleas in Allegheny County and has been on the Superior Court since 1997. ("Pennsylvania Supreme Court judge: Our choice is Orie Melvin," The Patriot News, 10/25/09)
Click here to read the text of The Patriot News' full endorsement.
Pennsylvania politics,
Something stinks

Excellent editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about the recent audit questioning how Gov. Ed Rendell hands out no-bid contracts.
The Wagner audit: More stink exposed
Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner didn't find evidence of crimes. But his conclusion that state officials who allowed $382 million in computer-services contracts to grow to $592 million over four years "fell down on the job" nevertheless deservedly indicts Harrisburg business-as-usual in the court of public opinion.
Deloitte Consulting -- whose PAC and employees have given Gov. Ed Rendell $29,000 in campaign contributions since 2001 -- received 42 of its 59 contracts without bidding competitively. Routine approval of change orders swelled costs. Yet General Services Secretary James Creedon, Deloitte and Mr. Rendell have the gall to defend all this.
Mr. Creedon denies any unethical behavior -- a matter that Mr. Wagner's leaving up to the state Ethics Commission. Deloitte -- which also received $2.25 million in grants to help it fulfill the contracts -- is "proud" of the "savings" it provided.
Rendell? He's "never been influenced by campaign contributions" and says no-bid contracts "reward superior performance."
So inured are they to back-scratching mismanagement of public funds that they ignore -- or can't detect -- this financial fiasco's stench. Thank goodness Wagner -- and taxpayers -- still recognize that Harrisburg "perfume" for the noxious cloud that it is.
Randy Bish Cartoons,
Crowded field for Montco judges
Fourteen candidates are seeking seven open seats on the Montgomery County Court of Common Please. Reporter Carl Hessler Jr. offers a roundup of all 14 candidates.
Crowded field for Montco judges - The Mercury News: Pottstown, PA and The Tri County areas of Montgomery, Berks and Chester Counties (pottsmerc.com)
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Also check out the Judges for Montgomery County Web site, http://www.judgesformontgomerycounty.com/
Crowded field for Montco judges - The Mercury News: Pottstown, PA and The Tri County areas of Montgomery, Berks and Chester Counties (pottsmerc.com)
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Also check out the Judges for Montgomery County Web site, http://www.judgesformontgomerycounty.com/
Sen. Bob Casey support for ACORN puzzling
At least one voter hasn't forgotten that Pennsylvania's Bob Casey Jr. is one of just seven senators who did not support cutting off taxpayer dollars to the corrupt ACORN organization. This letter to the editor was published in The Mercury.
Sen. Casey still hasn't explained his support for ACORN
Do the citizens of Pennsylvania realize that our U.S. Senator, Democrat Robert Casey Jr., was one of the only seven U.S. senators who voted not to stop funding to the political and criminal corrupt organization ACORN? There has been very little coverage on accountability of Casey's vote. When first questioned, Casey stated that he thought he was voting on something else. Good thing they weren't voting to stop the nuclear bombing of Pennsylvania.
How difficult is it to know what you are voting before you vote? When that excuse drew criticism, Casey released a statement that he did not feel it was right to deny funds to an organization that helps people. Bob, ACORN is under investigation for embezzlement of U.S. tax dollars, voter fraud, voter intimidation and fostering child prostitution and you feel they are helping people.
It is time to realize that Bob Casey Jr is not a man of principle, a true democrat that Bob Casey Sr. was. Junior has been glad handing and living off the Casey family name all his life. He is in so far over his head. He is fearful of offending his benefactors.
Democrats, remember this and his statements. Do not let him run uncontested when the primary comes up. Vote for his challenger. In a short time he will disgrace Pennsylvania and the Democratic Party again.
Bob Casey,
Far Left
101 bank closings since Obama took office
More evidence that the Obama recession continues ...
Bank closings top 100 for year; most since 1992, reports The Associated Press
From a story by Marcy Gordon:
Bank closings top 100 for year; most since 1992, reports The Associated Press
From a story by Marcy Gordon:
U.S. bank closings for the year surpassed 100 on Friday when regulators shut down small banks in Florida and Georgia. Financial institutions nationwide have collapsed under the weight of soured real estate loans and the Great Recession.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. took over Partners Bank, a small bank in Naples, with $68.7 million in assets and $63.4 million in deposits. Stonegate Bank, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, agreed to buy the deposits and assets of Partners Bank.
American United Bank in Lawrenceville, Georgia, with $111 million in assets and $101 million in deposits also failed. Ameris Bank, based in Moultrie, Georgia, is buying its deposits and assets.
The 101 failures are the most in a year since 1992 at the height of the savings-and-loan crisis. They have cost the federal deposit insurance fund about $25 billion so far this year, and hundreds more bank failures are expected to raise the cost to around $100 billion through 2013.
The 101 bank failures this year compare with 25 last year and three in 2007. It's the highest number in a year since 1992 during the savings-and-loan crisis, when 120 institutions collapsed. Closures peaked during that crisis in 1989, when 534 banks were shuttered.
The most severe financial crisis since the 1930s has hit banks large and small. With unemployment rising, consumer spending slack and businesses shuttered, experts say up to 400 more banks could fail in the next couple of years.
Banks have been especially hurt by failed real estate loans. Banks that had lent to seemingly solid businesses are suffering losses as buildings sit vacant. As development projects collapse, builders are defaulting on their loans.
The 101 failures may not fully reflect the depth of banks' travails. Many more banks — perhaps hundreds — are so weak they could have been shut down already, experts say. Many vulnerable banks are in limbo. Regulators have threatened to close them unless they shore up their balance sheets, but the recession has made it difficult to raise capital or sell assets.
The number of banks on the FDIC's confidential "problem list" jumped to 416 at the end of June from 305 in the first quarter. That's the most since June 1994. About 13 percent of banks on the list generally end up failing, according to the FDIC.
Barack Obama,
Broken Promises,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Five-week-old film tops weekend box office

Five weeks after its release, the low-budget thriller "Paranormal Activity" topped the box office this weekend with an estimated $22.0 million, according to BoxOfficeMojo.com
Movies typically open to huge audiences and then tail off week by week (unless you're dealing with a phenomenon like "Titanic") but "Paranormal Activity" is re-writing the record books.
Despite a no-name cast and one of the lowest production budgets in history, "Paranormal" may end up being the most profitable film of all time.
Made for just $15,000, it has already grossed $62 million in the U.S. alone.
Here's this week's box-office estimates:
Rank. Movie Title (Distributor)
Weekend Gross | Theaters | Total Gross | Week #
1. Paranormal Activity (Paramount)
$22.0 million | 1,945 | $62.5 million | 5
2. Saw VI (Lionsgate)
$14.8 million | 3,036 | $14.8 million | 1
3. Where the Wild Things Are (Warner Bros.)
$14.4 million | 3,735 | $54.0 million | 2
4. Law Abiding Citizen (Overture Films)
$12.7 million | 2,890 | $40.3 million | 2
5. Couples Retreat (Universal)
$11.1 million | 3,074 | $78.2 million | 3
Joe Pitts: Obamacare will destroy small businesses

By Congressman Joe Pitts
Among the most important reasons we need to reform health care is to take pressure off of our nation's small businesses so that they can reinvigorate job growth. With unemployment at its highest in decades, we need to find ways to free small employers to invest in their business and grow our economy. Unfortunately, sharply rising health care premiums hold back both growth in wages and employment.
With premiums rising faster than inflation, employers are faced with difficult choices about where to get the money to pay for health insurance. Some must reduce benefits or hold off on raises while others have no other choice but to drop benefits all together.
Small businesses have created more than 72 percent of all jobs in the country in recent years. If we want to get these businesses growing again, we have to find ways to free them from spiraling costs.
Unfortunately, I don't believe that current health care reform bills in Congress will hold back costs. In fact, businesses will see more taxes and regulations under the new legislation with little hope that health care costs will level off.
The legislation in the House of Representatives, H.R. 3200, contains a new 5.4 percent surtax on individuals with more than $350,000 of income. Since many small business owners pay at the individual rate, they would have to take money out of their business to meet their tax bill. Since President Obama also supports a rollback of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts after next, some small business owners would see a net tax increase of 10 percent in the next two years.
The House bill also contains an employer mandate to provide health insurance for employees. If an employer is unable to purchase affordable insurance, they would face a government fine. Estimates indicate that businesses will pay some $208 billion in fines in just the first 10 years of the bill.
Government fines and taxes will do little to restrain costs or help businesses provide insurance. There are, however, actions that we can take in Washington to help small businesses and their employees.
I have worked with Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez (D-NY) to introduce the Small Business CHOICE Act. This bipartisan legislation allows small businesses to obtain coverage at bulk rates through purchasing pools. The bill would help small businesses offer health insurance through a refundable tax credit that minimizes risks for insurance companies by letting small firms pool their employees with those of other businesses in voluntary health cooperatives.
This would allow entrepreneurs to negotiate better rates for coverage for their employees and themselves. Additionally, self-employed individuals would save $5,000 per year on health coverage costs under this legislation.
There are other solutions that wouldn’t punish job creators with higher taxes or more regulation. We can work to enact genuine legal reform and institute policies that incentivize wellness programs. Expanded health savings accounts could provide additional flexibility to small businesses in how they contribute to employees' health.
Also, we can allow small businesses to shop across state lines for health insurance. State mandates raise costs and businesses located in a single state have no choice but to pay for the expensive plans forced on them by state government. Meanwhile, national competitors are able to purchase one plan to cover employees across the country without regard to state regulations.
Small business owners are justifiably skeptical of a comprehensive government plan and a survey by the City Business Journals Network indicates that more than half of them are concerned that changes to the system will increase their operating costs. Increased costs will hurt job growth when we need it most.
As we've already seen, there is some bipartisan agreement on how to help small businesses purchase health insurance. Unfortunately, these solutions are being ignored in favor of a plan that would give the government more authority over healthcare. Small employers are working hard to grow their business; government can’t help them do this by increasing their regulatory and tax burden.
U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts is a Republican who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District, which includes parts of Chester, Berks and Lancaster counties.
Health Care,
Rep. Joe Pitts
No Accountability for Obama Shadow Government
White House Counsel Greg Craig (yeah, that's his real name) has indicated that he will refuse to allow any of the 18 new "czar" positions created by President Obama to testify before Congress, according to CNSNews.com
Never elected, never confirmed by Congress but making decisions daily that impact your life. Is this the change you voted for?
CNSNews.com - White House to Keep Obama's 'Czars' from Testifying Before Congress
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Never elected, never confirmed by Congress but making decisions daily that impact your life. Is this the change you voted for?
CNSNews.com - White House to Keep Obama's 'Czars' from Testifying Before Congress
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Barack Obama,
Liberal Fascism
All Black Men Look Alike To Contessa Brewer
People make fun of the blondes on Fox News, but at least they can tell the difference between Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, unlike this liberal twit from MSNBC.
Liberal Hypocrisy,
Radio and television
'If Judicial Candidates Can't Follow Campaign Laws, How Can They Be a Judge?'

If Judicial Candidates Can't Follow Campaign Laws, How Can They Be a Judge?Originally posted at THE CENTRIST
Montgomery County Republican Committee Chairman Robert J. Kerns called on the seven Democratic candidates for the Court of Common Pleas to stop violating the laws governing judicial elections.
The Montgomery County Democratic Committee's candidates are running on a slogan "Judges We Can Believe In."
"The seven of them are attempting to convince voters that they are the best candidates to replace one-third of the entire trial bench in Montgomery County," Kerns said. "Before voters go to the polls on November 3, each of the candidates needs to answer this question: If they can't follow the rules that govern the conduct of judges and candidates for judge, how can voters ever trust them to uphold the laws and protect our citizens?"
The Pennsylvania Judicial Code of Conduct outlines acceptable conduct for candidates running for a judicial office.
"During the course of the campaign, the Democrats have collectively and as individuals engaged in activity that raises serious questions about their ability to follow the rules governing their very candidacies," Kerns said. "In fact, they may be in violation of Canon 7, which would preclude them from serving as judges."
Action #1: Between February 2, 2009 and May 4, 2009, the seven endorsed candidates (Lois Murphy, Michael Shields, Richard Hazz, Cheryl Austin, Ann Thornburg Weiss, Joel Bernbaum and Jeff Lindy) contributed thousands of dollars either personally or through their campaign committee to a newly established Political Action Committee called Montgomery County Democratic Judicial Slate Committee. They then had the money refunded to them or their campaign committee, and the PAC was closed based on the termination report they filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State. While candidates are permitted to contribute to party organizations like the Montgomery County Democratic Committee, they are not permitted to contribute to candidates or other PACs according to Canon 7, Section A (2).
Action #2: As cited in Action #1 above, candidates are prohibited from contributing to other candidates. According to Jeff Lindy's 30-Day Post Primary Report filed with the Pennsylvania Department of State, he contributed a total of $350 to two candidate committees on June 8, 2009.
Action #3: Joel Bernbaum's campaign sent around an email invitation inviting people to a fundraiser for him. Part of the email explicitly asks for support of the other six Democratic candidates. Again, Canon 7, Section A (2) allows candidates to speak on behalf of their running mates but not campaign for them and identify information about them such as party affiliation, including in mass distributions like emails.
Action #4: Cheryl Austin, through her campaign committee, Cheryl Lynne Austin for Judge, distributed a flyer to voters' homes in the primary election that went beyond providing information beyond what appeared on the ballot about the candidates. The flyer listed all of the candidates in ballot order and then provided additional information about each candidate, including party affiliation, their bar association rating, political endorsements, and potentially negative information about one fellow Democrat. This flyer violates Canon 7, Section A (2) because she took the extra step to paint in a negative light to voters other candidates for the same office.
"The actions by all seven of the Democratic candidates call into question their personal judgment and integrity as candidates, and they leave voters wondering how they can be trusted to decide cases based on the law when the vagrantly violate the laws governing how they should conduct their campaigns," said Kerns. "The Democratic ticket has a lot of experience trying cases in Philadelphia yet they want to be judges in Montgomery County. Residents of the county deserve better than Philadelphia style politics and meaningless slogans in this election."
Montgomery County,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
The hazards of live television
Pay no attention to the attractive television reporter doing a live broadcast after the Phillies won the National League Pennant. All eyes are on the fan behind her simulating sex acts with the unsuspecting Cladia Rivero.
Radio and television
Sign Petition to Induct Hall and Oates into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

John Oates' mustache alone should qualify the duo for the Hall of Fame (although he shaved it off).
Rachael Ray Stunned Over Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Oversight; Launches Campaign to Induct Daryl Hall and John Oates
Venezuela or U.S.?
Obama Regime Orders Crackdown on Free Press.
Meehan Sighting
A couple of Montgomery County businessmen were spotted chatting with Congressional candidate Pat Meehan at a fundraising event on Wednesday, October 21, at The Café located at 2011 Walnut Street in Philadelphia. Meehan, former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is seeking the Republican nomination for Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District. Pictured from left to right: Geoffrey McKernan of Blue Bell, President and CEO, NSM Insurance (headquartered in Conshohocken); Pat Meehan; and Mark O'Connor of Haverford, Co-Proprietor of the Irish Pub and The Café in Philadelphia.
Delaware County,
Pat Meehan
Democrat judicial candidates scrutinized
From The Norristown Times Herald:
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Montgomery County GOP Chairman Bob Kerns' full press release is posted at THE CENTRIST
Democratic judicial candidates may have violated the Pennsylvania Judicial Code of Conduct by supporting candidates in other political races and contributing to a political action committee, according to Montgomery County Republican Committee chairman Robert Kerns.GOP chair alleges Democratic judicial candidates violated rules - The Times Herald News: Norristown, PA and Montgomery County (timesherald.com)
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Montgomery County GOP Chairman Bob Kerns' full press release is posted at THE CENTRIST
Montgomery County
Harris Poll: Support for Obamacare Drops
The latest Harris Poll offers more bad news for the White House as it makes a final push for government-run health care.
Support and opposition for the president's "proposals for health care reform" are now tied 45% to 45%, according to the poll. A month ago, a modest 49% to 41% plurality supported them.
More from results of The Harris Poll of 2,293 adults surveyed online between October 5 and 12, 2009:
Support and opposition for the president's "proposals for health care reform" are now tied 45% to 45%, according to the poll. A month ago, a modest 49% to 41% plurality supported them.
More from results of The Harris Poll of 2,293 adults surveyed online between October 5 and 12, 2009:
When President Obama was inaugurated, those who supported his "proposals for health care reform" outnumbered those who were opposed by more than two-to-one (50% to 20%). In Harris Polls in July and August, modest pluralities (of 42 and 49 percentage points respectively) supported his plans. Now for the first time as many people oppose as support them.Read more poll results at www.harrisinteractive.com
Health reform continues to be a deeply polarizing issue. Republicans oppose President Obama's "proposals" by 79% to 14% (quotation marks are used because he is not committed to any one of the bills working their way through the Congress). Democrats support them by 75% to 16%, and Independents are split with 48% opposed, 44% in favor.
Agreement with criticisms of President Obama's proposals
This Harris Poll asked people how strongly they agreed or disagreed with "eleven criticisms that have been made of the president's health care proposals." Majorities, from 51% to 68% agree with seven of them, and pluralities with another three. The results are striking, to say the least.
Approximately two-thirds of all adults agree that:
-- "We should reduce the cost of health care before trying to provide insurance to more people," by 68% to 23%.
-- "The proposed reforms would result in higher taxes," by 67% to 18%.
-- "The proposed reform would result in a government-run health care system" by 65% to 22%.
Smaller majorities agree that:
-- "The proposed reforms would reduce the choices many people now have," by 55% to 32%;
-- "Health insurance would be too expensive for many people to buy," by 52% to 31%;
-- "The proposed reforms would not be good for people like me," by 51% to 31%;
-- "The proposed reforms would make it harder for many people to get the care they need," by 51% to 35%.
Pluralities also agree with two criticisms, that:
-- "The proposed reforms would change the system too much when only minor changes are needed," by 48% to 37%.
-- "The proposed reforms would hurt Medicare," by 45% to 30%.
On one criticism the public is divided with 43% agreement and 42% disagreeing is that "the system we have now is better than what the president is proposing." A plurality disagreed with only one of the eleven criticisms, by 46% to 37%, that "the proposed reforms would create panels that would decide who should live and who should die." But the remarkable finding here is that fully 37% believe this to be true.
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