
Friday, September 02, 2005

Exploiting human misery for political gain

It came as no surprise that Cindy Sheehan, the troubled woman who spent the summer camped near President Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, would find a way to blame the president for Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.

Judging from her previous rants ("The United States is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world" and "This country is not worth dying for" and "George Bush is a killer"), Sheehan followed the script of her left-wing puppet masters by blaming the president for the death and destruction left behind by the hurricane.

If you haven’t been following Sheehan’s meteoric rise in the left-wing media as a 21st century version of "Hanoi Jane," Sheehan believes her son’s death fighting in Iraq was caused by President Bush — not the Islamic terrorists who killed Army Spc. Casey Sheehan. Doesn’t matter that her son volunteered for the Army and never objected to serving his country in a time of war.

"Baghdad Cindy" Sheehan wants the United States to surrender from Iraq and Afghanistan and abandon Israel. She also wants President Bush, whom she has called "the biggest terrorist in the world," a "filth-spewer and warmonger," an "evil maniac," and a "war criminal" impeached and put in jail.
The apologists for the radical left say Sheehan is exercising her right to free speech. Any reasonable observer would conclude she crossed the line into treason a long time ago.

Cindy Sheehan can stand in the Texas sun all day and scream obscenities at the president’s motorcade, but do we need to see her face on television every night or read her tirades in newspapers every day? Sheehan offers no alternative to facing the Islamic fascists who want to kill every man, woman and child in the United States except to surrender.

The United States is not worth dying for? Tell that to the millions of Americans who gave their lives in World War I and World War II and Korea and Vietnam. Tell that to the brave men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan who took the fight to the enemy to protect their homeland from another attack.

Openly sympathizing with the fanatics who killed 3,000 innocent Americans on Sept. 11 — not to mention her own son — is the mark of a lunatic. When the puppetmasters behind Sheehan — Michael Moore and his Hollywood pals, Democratic Party strategists (including Howard Dean’s former campaign manager) and The New York Times — are done using her for their purposes, they’ll toss aside.

Speaking of The New York Times, the newspaper’s editorial writers are complaining that President Bush gave "the worst speech of his life" when he announced how the federal government would respond to the hurricane relief effort. Didn’t give a good speech? Give me a break. The people of New Orleans don’t need inspiring speeches or political harangue. They need water, food, medicine and shelter. But the New York Times couldn’t resist taking a pot-shot at President Bush in an editorial titled, "Waiting for a Leader."

No criticism of the Democratic governor of Louisiana, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic during the first 48 hours after the hurricane struck. No criticism of New Orleans’ Democratic mayor, who got the first lifeboat out of town and abandoned the city’s poorest people to fend for themselves.

Cindy Sheehan is a pawn of the radical left. But how do you explain a string of Democratic politicians — Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Al Sharpton, New York Sen. Charles Schumer, New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Illinois Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., New York Rep. Charles B. Rangel and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco — jumping on the "It’s all Bush’s fault" bandwagon?

All of them came out with absurd statements that the President’s environmental and economic policies somehow led to one of the greatest natural disasters in history. Last time I checked, New Orleans was settled 300 years ago. Bush wasn’t the president back then. He wasn’t the one who decided to build a city below sea level in one of the most active hurricane zones in the world.

And what kind of nitwit would hold a political leader responsible for floods, earthquakes, droughts or hurricanes? Criticizing the response to the natural disaster is one thing. But blaming the president for causing it?

Instead of working as one nation to rescue the people who are suffering and work to rebuild the devastated Gulf Coast, the Michael Moore/Cindy Sheehan crowd is trying to use the misery of the victims of Hurricane Katrina for political gain.

The left has already played the race card, calling the disaster a "Black Genocide," implying that a white president is intentionally killing black Americans.

Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. inexplicably compared the hurricane to the invasion of Iraq and questioned how a president who professes to be a Christian would allow the black residents of New Orleans to suffer? An NAACP spokesperson accused the administration of "disparate treatment" of the victims because most were black. An ACLU leader said the federal response would have been much different if white people were trapped in New Orleans. And the absurdity goes on.

"Baghdad Cindy" and the bottom feeders from the political left have done more harm to their cause than they realize. The floodwaters will recede. Homes, offices, churches and schools will be rebuilt. New Orleans, one of America’s great cities, will rise again. The left has lost what little credibility it had by using Hurricane Katrina for political grandstanding.

E-mail Tony Phyrillas at

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