
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Why we must win for school choice

Why we must win for school choice: Mississippi mom Amanda Kibble is celebrating an important win for her family, and for school choice. Earlier this year, Governor Tate Reeves signed HB 1341 into law. This new law gives military families in Mississippi the right to transfer th...

EXPLAINED: How Kamala's DOJ is Cheating to Ensure Non-Citizens Vote

Bill Clinton Accidentally Makes an Ad for Trump in Disastrous Kamala Harris Campaign Speech

Bill Clinton Accidentally Makes an Ad for Trump in Disastrous Kamala Harris Campaign Speech: "Someone get this man a MAGA hat," one commenter said after Clinton's comments at an event for Harris on Sunday.

Kamala Harris Humiliated After ABC Debunks Her Dishonest Attack on Trump - 'Even More Pathetic'

Kamala Harris Humiliated After ABC Debunks Her Dishonest Attack on Trump - 'Even More Pathetic': ABC News set the record straight after Kamala Harris suggested Donald Trump was having some sort of incident on stage Monday.

Bill O'Reilly presents ‘Confronting the Presidents’ — the best and worst...

An appeal to non-voting Christians

An appeal to non-voting Christians: There have been several recent news stories about the low participation of Christians in elections. According to one, more than 100 million “people of faith” choose not to vote, including 40 million plus professed Christians.

There are multiple reasons cited for this low participation. Many say Christians are uninterested in politics. Others will say that they find all candidates unworthy of their vote. Since there was never any opportunity for early Christians to vote, the New Testament is silent on this issue.

The impenetrable arrogance of the left media

The impenetrable arrogance of the left media: As the 2024 presidential campaign edges to a close, the arrogance of the left, especially those in the media, is escalating to a fever pitch.  The best example of their tone-deaf hysteria is Martha Raddatz’s attempt to humiliate J.D.Vance over what she called lies about FEMA and Tren de Aragua.  People like Raddatz never learn from their egregious, foolish mistakes.  She tried to assert that the reports of FEMA failures were false when everyone with a pulse has heard the hundreds of horror stories from the victims on the ground.  She tried to stop Vance from speaking, so determined was she to push the government-promulgated lie that FEMA has been on the job.  She really stepped in it when she brought up the overtaking of “several apartment complexes” by the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua in Aurora, Colorado, cities in Texas, and Wisconsin.  Raddatz suggested that commandeering these “few apartment complexes” was just a minor annoyance.  

The Debate is Over!


The National Border Patrol Council publicly endorses Donald J. Trump for president

The National Border Patrol Council publicly endorses Donald J. Trump for presidentPublicly stating who really appreciates the valor of the border patrol agents protecting the U.S., the National Border Patrol Council, the union of border patrol agents, has come out and put it into words, endorsing Donald J. Trump for president.

Hollywood's hit-job film on Trump bombs at the box office

Hollywood's hit-job film on Trump bombs at the box office: When individuals bury themselves deeply in an echo chamber for a prolonged period of time, they begin to assume that not only their world but the entire world is the echo chamber. 

This is probably what happened to those who greenlit the hateful anti-Trump propaganda picture, The Apprentice.

Trump-hating studio executives were approached by Trump-hating filmmakers and the project was instantly approved. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson: The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris

The Strange, Mythological Campaign of Kamala Harris "The problem with all these canned, unauthentic commercials, altered biographies, complete political flip-flops, staged encounters, serial lies, and campaigning as a pseudo-change candidate against one’s own record and self is that it is hard to keep all the contradictions, hypocrisies, fables, and mythologies straight."

Jim Rickards: Shocking Election Update – Trump Takes The Lead (Here's WHY!)

Why Columbus Day Remains a Foundational American Holiday

Why Columbus Day Remains a Foundational American Holiday: Seen within the big picture, Columbus Day is worth keeping and honoring as a great American holiday because it remains foundational to the establishment of a new nation by people who largely shared his qualities of character: self-made, adventurous, and reverent toward God. In fact, he chose to call himself Christopher Columbus because he liked what this name meant. In Latin, Columbus means dove while Christopher means Christ-bearer.

Does God Have A Plan For Trump?

Does God Have A Plan For Trump?: After the Trump assassination attempt at Butler, I’m having an unexpected crisis of faith. What’s unusual is...I’m an atheist.  Not just an atheist, but you know, the insufferable kind, the kind that insists on being sworn in without that “so help me God” nonsense.

Enough ‘spring forward/fall back’

Enough ‘spring forward/fall back’ : Hey, guess what -- World War I is over! Get used to it! We no longer need to conserve that new-fangled stuff called electricity so we can defeat the Kaiser.

It just so happens that the semi-annual time-shift currently imposed on all but two of the United States is much more disruptive than the effects of jetlag. 

Desperate Kamala Digs Up Obama, Clintons


Past Presidential Polls Provide a Big Clue About November 5

Past Presidential Polls Provide a Big Clue About November 5: What do the polls of elections past tell us about the current presidential race?

Borrowing from Charles Dickens’s classic “A Christmas Carol,” miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by ghosts from Christmas past, present, and future, converting him into a kinder and gentler soul.

Political polling also creates scrooges, especially when we see our preferred candidate losing in the polls, or our disliked candidate given a false boost due to the polling sample composition and spin.

The ghost of election present is today, the first week or two of October, less than a month until election day. The Real Clear Politics average shows Harris up 1.8 points over Trump, with only Rasmussen Reports giving Trump a 2-point lead.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Why are Democrats so determined to keep non-citizens on the voter rolls?

Why are Democrats so determined to keep non-citizens on the voter rolls?: For years, we have been told there is no voter fraud and illegals don't vote. No matter how many states violated their own election laws in 2020, we were told that the election was pure as the driven snow. 

But, the U.S Justice Department is suing Virginia to not remove ineligible voters from their voter rolls, of which there are a lot. And, of course, we are told by the media that the Justice Department is absolutely impartial. If they were impartial and only concerned about having legal citizens vote, wouldn't they also encourage getting people who aren't citizens off the voter rolls?

Conservatives Must Preserve The Electoral College

Conservatives Must Preserve The Electoral College: Equality under the law is the bulwark of any free democratic nation that operates under the rule of law and values liberty and justice for all. This includes making the value of votes as equal as possible across a vast country. The U.S. Constitution’s Framers brought this concept as close to perfection as possible.

The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed

Gretchen Whitmer Accused of Mocking Billions of Christians with Pro-Kamala 'Communion'

Gretchen Whitmer Accused of Mocking Billions of Christians with Pro-Kamala 'Communion': Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's latest stunt has been called open mockery of the Catholic Church.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Desperate Obama Brings Back Identity Politics


Barack Obama’s racist, crude day appearing on Kamala’s behalf

Barack Obama’s racist, crude day appearing on Kamala’s behalf: In the lead-up to and during Barack Obama’s presidency, we were relentlessly told that Barack Obama was a racial healer and a man of unusual, almost James Bondian suave sophistication. Both were lies. Barack Obama has always been a race hustler and a crude, low-thinking person. Both traits appeared during campaign appearances he made yesterday on Kamala’s behalf, where he made a vulgar crack about Donald Trump and shamed young black men for voting for their interests rather than their skin color.

The Left owns our institutions, but we still own ourselves

The Left owns our institutions, but we still own ourselves: It is general knowledge that virtually all the major American institutions have been taken over by The Left. It is similarly widely known that most European countries are governed by left-leaning elites and left-leaning institutions. The same goes for Canada and Australia. It is disturbing to find out that even many of Israel’s institutions are now controlled by “progressives.”

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Democrats always reward incompetence


Who Raises Your Child — You or the ‘Village’?

Who Raises Your Child — You or the ‘Village’?: Deploying the power of federal, progressive-dominated Washington has taken over the responsibilities of parents, aka caregivers. The “village” has made the roles of mother and father irrelevant and obsolete, but only if we let them!

Biden-Harris Admin Hit with 1-2 Punch: Retirees and Homebuyers Won't Like This

Biden-Harris Admin Hit with 1-2 Punch: Retirees and Homebuyers Won't Like This: Retirees and potential homebuyers are struggling under the Biden/Harris administration as November's election looms large.

RAW VIDEO: Donald Trump speaks in Reading, Pennsylvania campaign event

NEW TRUMP POLL: Slow-motion Train Wreck as the World Accepts Harris is Losing

Kamala Harris' 'Blue Wall' Crumbling Before Her Eyes - New Battleground Poll Shows Incredible Trump Surge

Kamala Harris' 'Blue Wall' Crumbling Before Her Eyes - New Battleground Poll Shows Incredible Trump Surge: Donald Trump has taken the lead in Blue Wall states that Democrat Kamala Harris likely must win to prevail in the presidential race.

Tulsi Gabbard: Exposing Hillary Clinton And The Democrat Elite

The media pushes nonsensical migrant narratives

The media pushes nonsensical migrant narratives: Have you ever taken a serious look at how the mainstream media covers immigration? There isn’t a unitary narrative about migrants. There are actually multiple, contradictory storylines, and that’s deliberate.

Democrats don’t have a message that appeals to or resonates with voters

Democrats don’t have a message that appeals to or resonates with voters: Not that any research was needed to determine the Democrats are drowning in the shallow end, but a group of data scientists at Online Impact Group recently published the results of study that analyzed information from Facebook and Instagram, revealing a drastic disparity between user engagement when it came time to certain political agendas — Republicans beat Democrats by a significant margin.

Got any spare change, Kamala?

Hurricane facts vs. climate fiction

Hurricane facts vs. climate fiction: While many attempt to falsely connect hurricanes to anthropogenic climate change, the truth is these monster storms are a natural and necessary function of our planet’s atmosphere. But that didn’t prevent CNN from posting a piece wildly declaring, “Helene was supercharged by ultra-warm water made up to 500 times more likely by global warming.”

Ron DeSantis shows the country how it's done

Ron DeSantis shows the country how it's done: Amid all the shambles, disorganization, delays, and waste seen any time the federal or many state governments gets involved in something, we have Florida's Gov. Ron DeSantis to demonstrate what competent leadership looks like. 

Could the Hurricane Response be Election Interference?

Could the Hurricane Response be Election Interference?Rural western North Carolina is home to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables.” Why else would they be left to struggle and die with little government effort? Is this the latest Democrat ploy at election interference, not stuffing the ballot box but changing the voter mix, increasing Democrat voters via illegal immigration, and decreasing Republican voters by letting them die?

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Kamala Harris' Cringe Unpresidential Appearance on Colbert's Late Night ...

Kamala Harris is Hiding Her Extreme Abortion Stance

Kamala’s Blue Wall Is Collapsing!

Communists Out of the Closet

Communists Out of the Closet: Longtime Amertican Thinker readers will remember my viral 2008 article: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. That article described the Cloward-Piven Crisis strategy that Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two radical Columbia University professors, dreamed up. Their first target was the welfare system. They hoped that signing up every person eligible for every public service would overwhelm the system and cause its collapse. In the ashes, they would then suggest the solution: a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. (Note that such proposals have been added to Biden spending bills but were stripped out). They went on to target voting and were the authors of the National Voter Registration Act (i.e., Motor Voter). That law made voter roll maintenance much harder while making non-citizen voting much easier.

Four more years of this?


CBS News continues its decades-long decline into the leftist muck

CBS News continues its decades-long decline into the leftist muck: Until the day he retired, my parents revered CBS News’s Walter Cronkite. Combining dignity with a gentle flow of compassion and wisdom, and always with a warm twinkle in his eye, he informed Americans about events worldwide. Then he concluded the show by saying, “And that’s the way it is.” They told me how they wept with him when President Kennedy died, and they believed him when he lied about the U.S. victory in the Tet Offensive, a lie that effectively lost the Vietnam War for America. In those days, CBS News had gravitas, and no one knew understood was pushing propaganda along with its straight news reporting.

Is 2024 America’s Last Election?

Is 2024 America’s Last Election?: More Americans are awakening to the warnings of Elon Musk. In a speech at Trump’s triumphant return to Butler, Pennsylvania, Musk unequivocally stated: “President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution. He must win to preserve America.” Over the past month Musk has repeatedly posted: “If Trump is not elected, this will be the last election.” These statements are not hyperbole, but grim reality.

Elon Musk, as do many naturalized legal immigrants, understands that the United States is unique among all nations past and present and that in 2024 America is sitting precariously on the edge of a precipice.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Laura Ingraham: Democrats are trapped

Kamala Harris Says There's 'Not a Thing' She Would Have Done Differently Than Joe Biden in the Last 4 Years

Kamala Harris Says There's 'Not a Thing' She Would Have Done Differently Than Joe Biden in the Last 4 Years: In an exchange tailor-made for a Trump campaign ad, Harris shockingly touted her central role in the catastrophic Biden administration.

The Shame of the Democratic Party


So I'm not the only man who doesn't get Kamala

So I'm not the only man who doesn't get Kamala: Harris is a shallow woman who can't answer deep questions.   
That's her problem, not her gender.
Will VP Harris start doing serious interviews? 
Probably not because she can't be serious.

Trump has a stellar economic record, Kamala Harris has an execrable one. So why are voters mixing them up?

Trump has a stellar economic record, Kamala Harris has an execrable one. So why are voters mixing them up?: President Trump has a stellar economic record. Taxes were down. Home ownership was up. Job participation rates were up. Wages were up. People made money, and had their choice of jobs. Retirement was a thing and 401(k)s were fat, credit card spending was down, gas was cheap, the stock market was up, oil was getting drilled, exports were going out the door, groceries were affordable, health care was decent, housing was available, vacations were taken, interest rates were low, and the economy was going up. Until COVID and all its falsely premised Fauci-ordained lockdowns came around, Trump was thought of as unbeatable for re-election in 2020 based on his Reaganesque economic record that out-Reaganed Reagan.

Recent Events Force Us To See The Reality Of Today’s Democrats

Recent Events Force Us To See The Reality Of Today’s Democrats: As millions of Americans picked themselves up and surveyed the extraordinary damage wrought by Hurricane Helene, they discovered, to their horror, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency specifically set up to help American citizens and communities recover from natural disasters exactly like Helene, was almost out of money.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Kamala Abandons Millions of Americans


FEMA an Even Bigger Disaster Than the Storms Themselves -- and How it Can Be Replaced

FEMA an Even Bigger Disaster Than the Storms Themselves -- and How it Can Be Replaced: This is more of a think piece than an article, so please stay with me here.  It’s based on decades of public health and disaster management work I’ve been involved with during my career. 

I first got involved in this while working as an executive at Lexington County Hospital, across the river from the state Capital of Columbia in South Carolina.  I’ve had similar positions at other county and city hospitals, including such disaster areas as Flint, Michigan’s city hospital.  In all cases, those hospitals were responsible for public health in the counties and cities they served.

At Lexington County Hospital, we were hit by Hurricane David – not just hit, but for roughly eight hours, the eye of the storm seemed to hover right on top of our hospital, which was in itself frightening. 

Kamala’s Katrina Catastrophe

Kamala’s Katrina Catastrophe: In 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina wrecking Louisiana and neighboring states, Democrats (and media allies) pounced on George W. Bush for his failures (real and fabricated) in Katrina’s aftermath. 

Hurricane Helene witnessed a predictable pattern.  Biden stayed at the beach; Kamala pretended to be on the phone; and Trump characteristically flew in with supplies, organized a charity drive, and convinced Elon Musk to rush in 500 Starlink internet terminals, followed by FEMA blocking Musk’s and everyone else’s efforts.  Blocking Starlink is essential to concealing FEMA’s perfidy.  Success will be measured by how many Republicans can be kept from voting.  The House, on break until November 12, should be recalled to begin hearings.

This is Evil: Is Biden-Harris Administration Blocking Rescue Efforts for Helene Victims?

How to abolish the US Department of Education

How to abolish the US Department of Education: If Trump is reelected, one goal is to abolish the US Department of Education (“DOE”). Why? Because it usurps the Constitution when the federal government takes over a state’s right and because its mere existence is outside of the federal government’s constitutional authority. Thus, nowhere in the Constitution does it say that an education agency can be implemented at the Federal level to control via mandates and the purse education within the states. Because the Constitution doesn’t authorize this control over education, the entire issue falls under the power of the states. Everybody knows this yet the federal government ignored this principle to create the DOE.

Every Republican is Hitler: A Complete History

October 7 Opened the Floodgates to Antisemitism from the Left, Bringing Back the 'Socialism of Fools'

October 7 Opened the Floodgates to Antisemitism from the Left, Bringing Back the 'Socialism of Fools': Since the Oct. 7, 2023 pogrom by Hamas, antisemitism has marched around the world with the Palestinian flag. The struggle for the rights of Palestinian Arabs comes at the expense of the rights of Israelis to live. 

What FEMA Stands For ...


We Are Less Ready For A Global War Than America Was In 1941

We Are Less Ready For A Global War Than America Was In 1941: In 1941, America was asleep, only to be rudely awakened by Pearl Harbor. That attack galvanized the nation. Before then, FDR was doing what Democrats always do, a combination of wishful thinking, hubris, and reality denial. War does not allow that — or at least, winning a war does not.

Reality was even setting in before then. In 1939, after FDR and his cronies had meddled in the Depression economy for six years, leading to a depression within the Depression, Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau said that he and FDR wished they had not pumped so many dollars into the economy, for it ended up causing more problems than it cured, especially creating damaging inflation. In the end, they would have been wiser to follow the policies that Hoover started (and then abandoned under Democrat pressure) or, even better, to do what Coolidge did in 1920 when America experienced another financial crisis. Coolidge stayed the course so that the Depression of 1920 was short-lived. His campaign slogan was “Stay Cool with Coolidge.”

Sunday, October 06, 2024

It’s time to abolish FEMA

It’s time to abolish FEMA: When Hurricane Helene ravaged the Southeast recently, horror stories of ineptitude by federal government agencies abounded. Slow response, permission paperwork, turf battles, bureaucratic regulations, and shocking incompetence were evident (see, e.g., here, here, and here), especially by the Transportation Department and by FEMA. Repeats of Lahaina and East Palestine.

Rather than add to the chorus of criticism, here is a proposed solution for FEMA’s recurring history of incompetence: abolish FEMA and remove the federal government from the picture except as the funding authority. The practical effect would be to put the money where it helps (not into another federal agency).

As I sit here on day 10 of hurricane-ravaged western North Carolina with no power or water ...

As I sit here on day 10 of hurricane-ravaged western North Carolina with no power or water ...: As I sit here on day ten of no power/water in Hurricane Helene-ravaged Western North Carolina, it occurs to me: why did none of the trillions we’ve spent on “infrastructure” do something eminently sensible, like bury all the wires?

“Burying wires costs a fortune,” you say.

Well, if a trillion bucks ain’t a fortune, I’d sure like to know what is. 

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump will beat radical Kamala Harris

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Friday, October 04, 2024

An illegal alien crime wave is washing over the country

An illegal alien crime wave is washing over the country: Reports indicate that “the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently tracking more than 425,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes,” with over 15,000 of them for sexual assault.  And more than 13,000 for homicide.

But remember, NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL, right?  The U.S. has a responsibility to take anybody and everybody in who wishes to come here, correct?

Truth be told, we shouldn’t prevent murderers from being their authentic selves and living the life they choose, while acting on their truths.

Homicidal maniacs have been ostracized, marginalized, and othered in this country for far too long.  Where is the tolerance, where is the compassion, where is the inclusivity?!

An Honest Look at What Kamala Harris Did in California

Axelrod gloats that North Carolina's Hurricane Helene victims in pro-Trump areas may be unable to vote

Axelrod gloats that North Carolina's Hurricane Helene victims in pro-Trump areas may be unable to vote: In a surreal moment, Joe Biden told a reporter that everybody "across the board" in the Hurricane Helene disaster area spanning 800 miles of devastation are "getting what they need" and everyone "is happy." He had just toured the area yesterday by plane, but had to ask the reporter "what storm" he was talking about, raising questions about his sentience.

When Democrats Run The Government ...


Hundreds of National Security Officials Cite the Bible While Giving Trump a Crucial Endorsement

Hundreds of National Security Officials Cite the Bible While Giving Trump a Crucial Endorsement: Hundreds of national security and foreign policy professionals made clear that Trump stands for peace - and that he does not stand alone.

200+ Retired Generals and Admirals endorse Trump

The Secret Service and election interference

The Secret Service and election interference: What’s the venerable saying? Once is happenstance, twice, coincidence, but three times is enemy action? Where the Secret Service (SS) is concerned, once just might be enough to qualify as enemy action. The only real question is not the identity of the enemy, but which enemy is the worst and most dangerous threat not to “our democracy, but to our constitutional, representative republic.