My life hasn't changed since I found out that Paterno earns $512,664 a year. I graduated from Penn State but I wasn't the least bit curious how much Paterno made when I attended school in State College or in the years since I left Happy Valley.
Paterno's salary was one of the best-kept secrets in Pennsylvania, a state where keeping the public in the dark is one of the primary missions of government. Pennsylvania ranks 49 out of 50 states for having the worst open-records law in the country.
The State Employees' Retirement System released Paterno's salary a week after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that his salary and those of other top Penn State officials are public information.
How much the 80-year-old coach makes isn't as important as the fact that so many government and university officials worked so hard for so long to keep the information out of public sight.
The revelation that Paterno makes $512,000 was almost anti-climatic. Most people were under the impression that Paterno was making more than $1 million a year based on his longevity at Penn State and the success he has brought to the school’s football program.
"I'm paid well. I'm not overpaid," Paterno told reporters. "I got all the money I need."
What a refreshing statement from a public figure in a state where greed has become the norm. Pennsylvania legislators, already among the highest paid in the country, voted themselves pay raises of 16 percent to 54 percent during a middle-of-the-night session on July 7, 2005. Gov. Ed Rendell signed the pay grab into law. It took a backlash from Pennsylvania residents to get the Legislature to rescind the pay raise.
And let's not compare Paterno's salary to that of some other coaches who run big-time football programs. Alabama's Nick Saban is the highest paid coach at $4 million a year. Oklahoma's Bob Stoops makes $3 million. Ohio State's Jim Tressel, Florida's Urban Meyer and South Carolina's Steve Spurrier each make $2 million annually.
Paterno, the second winningest college football coach ever, is "underpaid" compared to other coaches. Paterno is Penn State. His value to the school cannot be measured in dollars and cents. And it's common knowledge that Paterno and his wife have donated $4 million to Penn State over the years.
It's hard to argue that Paterno isn't worth every dollar Penn State pays him. The salary revelation should put renewed focus on the current debate in the Pennsylvania Legislature over open records.
The reason the Harrisburg Patriot-News had to fight so hard in the courts to get the salary information is because Pennsylvania law presumes that all government and quasi-government agencies are entitled to keep secrets.
The public, through newspapers and other media outlets, have to persuade courts that the information should be public. This presumption is backwards. The burden should be on the government to show why information associated with how it spends the public's money or conducts the public's business should be kept from the public.
Political commentator Lowman Henry has an interesting take on the Paterno salary disclosure:
"Why then would Penn State's power brokers fight so hard to keep such information confidential? In a word: arrogance. It has become apparent they simply believe, despite the fact PSU receives hundreds of millions of tax dollars each year, We The People have no right to know what they are doing with our money. Clearly the Paterno salary is not untoward, and the university is generally perceived as one of the finest in the nation. Why then the secrecy?"
The Paterno salary story, which made the front page of every newspaper in the state, should be a wake-up call to Pennsylvania residents. They need to be engaged in the current debate about revising the state's open-records laws. This is not about giving newspapers special access. This is about giving the people of Pennsylvania the right to know how their elected officials are conducting the people's business.
A vote on revisions to the open-records law could come any day now. Make sure your elected representatives know you’re paying attention and will not tolerate any more secrecy.
Penn State argues that his salary is not paid from tax dollars.
How do you distinguish what dollar came from taxes and what dollar came from elsewhere? But for sure none of Joe's salary came from the tax dollars sent to this public university.
Even though Penn State only recieves a small percentage from tax revenue, they still receive it and should abide by appropriate laws.
I only speed 2% of the time so I guess I'm exempt from paying that speeding fine.
Donating 4 million he mus tbe coaching for free. That's nearly 8 years worth of his salary.
I am a football fan and I appreciate the game...but I don't see how anyone can justify half a million salary for a football coach? He is a coach...what is he really doing to deserve that amount of money, what does coaching do that ultimately affects our everyday lives - for the better?
Why not compare his salary to the Governor's? He is making not double, not triple but 5 times of the Governor's salary? How can this be acceptable to you?
What else is JoePa making on top of this half a mil taxpayer-funded salary? Endorsements and his radio talk show? What is the true amount?
I just can't justify someone making that much money to coach football. Even when I enjoy the game.
JoePa deserves 10X more than OU coach!! You should be glad you have a good coach like JoePa. Stoops can't win a bowl game if his team's life depended on it.
Bob Stoops, University of Oklahoma, is getting a raise of more than $1 million to make him the highest paid coach in college football.
To deter Stoops from considering a $3.4 million offer from the University of Florida, Oklahoma has agreed to raise Stoops salary from $2.4 million per year to at least $3.5 million per year.
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