1) "The disintegration of the Montgomery County Republican Party is now official, and Democrats have gotten their long sought after share of power in a suburban Philadelphia county court house. Democrats had high hopes of capturing a majority on the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners in last November's election, however incumbent Commissioner Jim Matthews eked out a narrow victory seemingly keeping the GOP in charge. But this week, the Democrats won by intrigue what they could not win at the ballot box. Matthews has entered into an unholy alliance with Democratic commissioner-elect Joe Hoeffel who will now share in power, decision-making, and patronage. Left out in the cold is Republican commissioner-elect Bruce Castor. The move by Matthews is treasonous. Last spring it was Castor who received the most votes in endorsement balloting by the Montgomery County Republican Committee. In the November election it was again Castor who received the most votes, with Hoeffel and Matthews trailing. Clearly it is Castor who has the most party and voter support to implement his reform agenda. He has now been marginalized." -- Political commentator Lowman Henry
2) "I have been a loyal Republican ever since I first voted for Ike by absentee ballot from Korea. Now I feel betrayed by idiot Jim Matthews. He is a traitor, a liar, a nincompoop, an imbecile, a senile old ignoramus who should be tarred and feathered and run out of the County on a rail. I did not vote for Joe Hoeffel and when I cast my ballot for a Republican ticket I certainly did not expect to be stabbed by a Republican who has the audacity to support a Democrat for vice chairman. If Hoeffel has any political sense at all, he will turn down the job. The voters of Montgomery County are not stupid, they chose a Republican majority and they deserve to have their wishes carried out. I sincerely hope that you can negotiate with the traitor and make him realize the folly of his actions."
3) "No real Republican and no reformer and no conservative can support Traitor Jim Matthews or Asher or Davis. Who supports them will demonstrate that he or she is as much a sellout as Traitor Jim. If you want to be a Democrat, register Democrat. If Bruce decides to lead,and if he changes political strategy, he can re unite. Meanwhile the Snake and the Socialist will be making decisions that affect 800,000 residents of Montgomery County, 1/2 billion budget. 1000s of workers…not good."
4) "Will Jim Matthews change his name to Benedict Arnold Matthews?"
5) "How does Matthews justify what he did to the folks who elected him? This is not a Castor thing, this is a Republican thing. People worked their butts off to elect the two Republicans. And Matthews betrayed THEM, not Castor. So, what is Matthew’s response? Bruce was in flexible? How about the written stuff giving lie to that statement? Matthews needs to learn that repeating a lie often enough does not make it true."
6) "The Montco party chairman should be removed immediately for allowing this to happen. Jim Matthews is a traitor and he owes every Republican who spent time working for Lynn Swann and him during the Governor’s race an apology. He owes me an apology for this action given that I volunteered my time for his campaign to help stop Rendell. Now he is linking arms with the most LIBERAL member of Congress PA had for quite some time before Schwartz took office. I will contact Mr. Matthews privately as well. It is clear to see why Republicans will continue to lose statewide elections when people like Jim Matthews continue to put their own financial interests above their constituents."
7) "There has and will always be some power struggles within the party. But, in the past these issues were settled by the County Chairman and never in public. That is where the problem starts and ends. Mr. Davis, in my opinion, as chairman has never demonstrated any leadership and has only won re-election by appointing new committee people at the 11th hour. This is despite his repeated promises to change the by-laws. He is and will always be a puppet for Mr. Asher, who by the way has lost all is sound political wisdom. Mr. Davis has led the Republican Party down the tube and now with his blessing Mr. Matthews will do the same to County Government. The Matthews/Hoeffel team was not chosen to lead our County, but I agree Mr. Matthews must never have passed Politics 101. Mr. Asher, at one time, was a sound thinking politician who served well as County Chairman. It is a known fact he does not like Bruce Castor for whatever reason. And, the look on his face when Bruce won the endorsement said it all. However, Mr. Asher has always found a way to get even and the Matthews/Hoeffel team is it. Thank goodness for the wisdom of the Montgomery County voters when they elected Bruce Castor. At least there will be one sound thinking voice on the Board.
8) "Matthews' enmity for Bruce must be stronger than his desire to succeed, and he's thrown away all his work over the last several years, and will never be elected to any office again. But more than that, if we think about the future dynamics for the next four years, what Republican will listen to him, or respect him as a leader? And what Democrat will care about an ineffective turncoat Republican. In effect, Matthews will doom himself to a position with no power -- indeed the emperor will have no clothes."
9) "Then again, there are some who think the new Matthews-Hoeffel alliance might merely be an example of politics at its pettiest. It's no secret that Matthews and Castor, although both Republicans, don't always agree, so it could be that Matthews is teaching the former county district attorney a lesson in power politics. At any rate, Matthews' action is sure to have consequences. Many county Republicans are more than displeased about his lying down with a Democrat, and there are already rumblings about making him pay for his perceived disloyalty. To some he has committed an act of political treason, tricking those who worked hard to place and keep him in office." -- Columnist Lou Sessinger
Read more comments at www.grassrootspa.com and www.pawatercooler.com
1 comment:
In your post titled "Talk back to Tony Phyrillas"..you say "Please note that I will not permit foul language to be posted or personal attacks."
But in this post, you reprint personal attacks from other websites:
"He is a traitor, a liar, a nincompoop,an imbecile, a senile old ignoramus who should be tarred and feathered and run out of the County on a rail."
How is that not a personal attack? Or does it only apply to you? Please clarify. Thanks.
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