
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama Selects 'Worst CEO of 2008' to Economic Advisory Panel

The Free Enterprise Action Fund is not thrilled with Obama's selection of GE CEO Jeff Immelt to his economic advisory panel, but at least Immelt paid his taxes.

GE is the parent company of NBC and MSNBC, the mainstays of the Obama medial. It sounds like payback time for helping get Obama elected.

Obama Selects 'Worst CEO of 2008' to Economic Advisory Panel, Says the Free Enterprise Action Fund (Ticker: FEAOX); How Does Running GE into the Ground Qualify CEO Jeff Immelt to Help Steer Nation in Time of Crisis, Mutual Fund Asks

1 comment:

Ted said...

Now, here's an example of chutzpah: The Republicans didn't get their act together enough to challenge Obama for not being constitutionally qualified to be President as an Article 2 "natural born citizen" so Obama's White House steals the census from the Commerce Department against the specific instructions of the constitution itself -- "actual enumeration" under Article 1