
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When Bad Things Happen On Obama's Watch

A suicide car bomber struck a U.S. patrol in northern Iraq on Monday, killing 4 American soldiers in the deadliest single attack against U.S. forces in 9 months, according to The Associated Press.

The attack received little or no coverage from the American television networks.

Don't you think that's odd? If the attack had occurred a few months ago, it would have led the evening news, followed by analysis of the failed Bush policy in Iraq and more commentary on how John McCain planned to continue the Bush policy and how Barack Obama was going to end the war in Iraq.

Monday's attack received a 10-second mention halfway into the 30-minute evening news broadcast on NBC, the most anti-Bush network.

Why are the networks downplaying news from Iraq now that Barack Obama is commander-in-chief?

Where's the daily drumbeat from the mainstream to get the U.S. out of Iraq? What happened to the body count on the front page of major newspapers?

Do you see how corrupt the liberal media is?

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