
Monday, June 02, 2008

'Liberals and Libertarians'

I've written in the past that libertarians can't be trusted on national security issues. That's one of the reasons Ron Paul's campaign for president didn't get as much traction as it could have.

While a lot of Republicans are attracted to Paul's message about limited government, most Republicans also understand that you can't have limited government if you can't defend your country from foreign attacks. Libertarians tend to be isolationists.

There's an interesting column by J.B. Williams posted at about the similarities between libertarians and liberals when it comes to national defense.

"Both liberals and libertarians seem to have missed their security 101 courses, even the basics learned by the average voter before they reach the 3rd grade," Williams writes. "Defense alone won't win anything. Winning anything requires an offense."

Read "Liberals & Libertarians 'Dead' Wrong on National Security" here.

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