
Monday, June 23, 2008

10 reasons to blame Democrats for gas prices

HT to Page13News for directing me to a post at American Thinker by William Tate on why Democrats are the main reason for high gas prices in this country.

It's a Top 10 countdown similar to what David Letterman does, but in this case, there's nothing funny about the mess the Democrats have made.

Read 'Top 10 reasons to blame Democrats for soaring gasoline prices' here.


Anonymous said...

Great link Tony,

One of the things that really cracks me up is the obvious double standard in regards to food and starvation.

I'm sure you can remember after the Republicans took both houses of congress in 1994 we had all the Clinton cronies from James Carville to Leon Panetta on TV with Ketchup bottles telling everybody how the Republicans are going to starve our children, and have our seniors eating dog food mostly in regards to the funding and abuse of the school lunch program.

However we don't see the media telling us that Democrats are actually starving children and seniors. If I were a Republican candidate this year I would walk to every school, nursing home, etc. with an ear of corn and say that Democrats are starving children all over the world, and making seniors and poor people alike choosing between gas and dog food, and the funny part about it is it's true and not a smear.

I'm sure you could craft a great piece in the Mercury about this. We truly need to drill oil for food :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Matt avove. People better wise up or Obama and his socialist pals will be running this country.