
Friday, July 18, 2008

Obama is another Fred Astaire?

Interesting editorial in The Economist about Obama's ever-shifting stance on important issues.

From the editorial:
[T]here are some disquieting signs of a tendency on Mr Obama's part to tailor his message to whichever audience he is talking to. All politicians do this of course. But Mr Obama's two-steps have become Astaire-like. For instance, in his primary battle with Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama laid out a timetable for a virtually complete withdrawal from Iraq within 16 months of taking office, specifying a rate of one to two brigades a month. Since starting to campaign in the general election, he has fudged this clear line: he committed to withdrawal again this week (see article), but he has also been careful to give himself wriggle-room on its pace. Similarly, he once talked of negotiating with the Iranian leadership without preconditions: now he talks of the need for preparations". ...
Follow the link below to read the full editorial:

RNC: Welcome, Mr Would-Be President

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As time goes on Obama will move so far to the center he will find himself standing on the double yellow line on the highway.
I wonder how long it will be before we see him duck hunting.