
Thursday, July 03, 2008

'Congress = OPEC?'

Investor's Business Daily asks the question which group has done more to cause skyrocketing gas prices in the United States.

Is it OPEC or is it the Democratically-controlled U.S. Congress?

From the IBD editorial:
What do the Democratic-led Congress and OPEC have in common? Both sit on vast amounts of oil, and are content to leave it in the ground and let prices soar. Fortunately, Americans are catching on.

Americans today face spiraling costs for food and gasoline thanks to the Democrats' ideological nearsightedness. Higher energy costs are feeding into higher prices for everything, especially food.

Americans have to let politicians know they can't get away with ruining our economy, and that Congress' inaction is intolerable.

If you'd like more energy to fuel our economy and lower prices, we have a suggestion: Call your congressperson and tell him or her you want more energy — or you might vote for someone else. It might be the best expenditure of energy you make this year.
Read the full editorial, "Congress = OPEC?" by clicking here.

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