
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What next for Tea Party movement?

Lowman S. Henry, chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute, ponders the future of the Tea Party movement in his latest commentary.

Henry writes:
Millions of Americans turned out, some in pouring rain, on April 15th - tax day - to protest the big spending ways of Washington. It was a legitimate, spontaneous grassroots uprising the likes of which the nation has seldom seen, except perhaps in opposition to a foreign war. The trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, rapid expansion of the government control into the private sector, and the massive piling up of debt have combined to shock the middle class into action.

The mainstream news media by and large tried to ignore the tax day tea parties. But conservative media, such as Fox News and talk radio along with a more sophisticated on-line presence revealed the breath, depth, and extent of the tea party movement. It was real America - the folks who actually work, produce and drive our economy - taking the first steps toward reclaiming control of a government that has fallen into the hands of a socialist regime.

And the Obama administration, at least publically, seemed to not care. Apart from the abiding arrogance that is the hallmark of the new presidency the administration need not care too much - at least not yet - because the protest is as much against Republicans as it is against them. The fact is both parties have broken the sacred trust we the people put in them to run our government and neither has done much to restore confidence in their ability to lead.
Henry believes the Republican Party can tap into the energy of the Tea Party protesters and build a winning coalition for the future.

From his column:
I spoke last week to a Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania who told me it was absolutely essential that the GOP harness the energy of the tea party movement to invigorate it at the grass roots level. But, not only was there no outreach from the party at the tea party events, party leaders like Cronyn and Gleason went out of their way to alienate the very people they need to rebuild their depleted grassroots ranks.

The Congressman was, of course, absolutely correct in his assessment of the situation. Let me add that as much as the Republican Party needs the tea party protestors, the tea party protesters need the Republican Party. The GOP is the only vehicle capable of channeling the outrage into political action that will result in real change in Congress.
Of course, there's still a possibility the current inept leadership of the Republican Party will blow it, Henry says.
The problem is the actions of party leaders like (Texas Sen. John) Cronyn and (Pennsylvannia GOP Chairman Rob) Gleason only serve to drive a wedge between the official party and millions of potential new members who could inject a much needed burst of energy and enthusiasm into the ailing elephant. Obama realizes this, which is why at least for now he really isn't all that concerned.
Read the full commentary at

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