
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Three Strikes: Is Sebelius Out?

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement responding to revelations that another Obama cabinet nominee cheated on her taxes and failed to disclose that she received $23,000 in campaign donations from late-term abortionist George R. Tiller:
"The revelation that Gov. Sebelius owed back taxes and now the additional disclosure of her deep financial ties to the abortion industry invite a serious question about her integrity. What else has she not told us? What else remains in Gov. Sebelius's closet? What other alliances are there? What other political contributions may have influenced her decisions as governor?

"She pocketed money from one of the most infamous abortion clinics in the nation then shortly there after vetoed legislation that would require abortion clinics to meet minimal safety standards. This appears to be a deadly political payback, one that compromises her ability to carry out her duty to run the federal government's largest agency.
Too bad the Senate has turned into a doormat for Barack Obama instead of following its constitutional duty to consent on cabinet picks.

Read the full statement at the link below:

Three Strikes: Is Sebelius Out?

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