
Friday, April 17, 2009

Target: Conservatives, Libertarians, Republicans

Robert Romano, senior editor for the Americans for Limited Government News Bureau, believes the Obama Administration is moving toward establishing a fascist regime in the United States. The leaked memo from the Obama Administration labeling conservatives as potential enemies of the state is the smoking gun. From his latest column:

“[W]e mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” — The Declaration of Independence.

As the shroud of fascism fell on Italy, Germany, and throughout Europe in the 1920's and '30's, it is often portrayed that it was without resistance that Hitler became master of that continent. But in fact, it was not with a whimper that liberty fell. Nor will there ever be a bloodless rise of tyranny in this country—no matter how ruthlessly Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security attempts to suppress and oppress “right-wing extremists."

And so it was before. The casual observer of history may forget, but there were actually very legitimate, forceful acts of resistance against the fascists of the past on their path to hegemonic, totalitarian control of society.

As the Nazis descended on the Warsaw ghetto, for example, the Poles met the enemy with stiff resistance. The patriots of the Warsaw Uprising there persisted for some 63 days, for love of country, their homeland, and their families. More than 200,000 perished, including some 16,000 insurgents who fought against the invading forces.

Long before the invasion of Poland, the fascists incrementally and systematically created the framework for totalitarianism using the instrumentalities of government.

As a political movement, the fascists concocted boogeymen, utilized scapegoats, and perfected the art of political theatre, to explain the dismal economic and political state of affairs after World War I. They routinely used political violence against the scapegoats.

When the fascists took power, those scapegoats were then labeled as subversives and enemies of the state. It was the natural extension of their ideology.

That is why the recent memo by the Department of Homeland Security is so remarkably chilling. It broadly labels as "rightwing extremists" about half of the population of America — or in laymen's terms: conservatives, libertarians, and Republicans.
Read the full column, "We're all wearing yellow stars," at

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