
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama book is No. 1 best seller

Don't look now, but "Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality" by Jerome R. Corsi is about to hit No. 1 on The New York Times Best Seller list.

Despite the almost total media blackout for the book, it has sold several hundred thousand copies. In addition to being No. 1 on the NYT's list, it's also No. 6 on, a more reliable indicator of how well the book is doing.

This, of course, has sent The New York Times in a tizzy. The newspaper, a subsidiary of the Barack Obama campaign, doesn't want anyone to read the book.

Writing at Times Watch, a Web site dedicated to exposing the liberal political bias at The New York Times, Clay Waters says:
For years, the Times has praised misleading books from liberal authors attacking President Bush and the war in Iraq: Tomes by Michael Moore, Seymour Hersh, Kitty Kelley, Richard Clarke, Jane Mayer, and Ron Suskind (who has also reported for the paper) -- too many to mention. Yet when a wildly successful book appears that attacks the Times' favorite candidate, Democrat nominee Barack Obama, the paper unloads a front-page pushback against the "unsubstantiated, misleading...inaccurate" book.
Check out this post at Times Watch about the newspaper's campaign to discredit the book.

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