
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Report card offers mixed news for PA schools

More bad news for Ed Rendell, who likes to bill himself as the "education governor."

Despite pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into public education over the past six years and pandering to the education establishment, Pennsylvania students still can't make the grade.

Even Rendell's education secretary admits the state is failing to properly education students.

"This is further evidence that too many of our high school students are not adequately prepared, even though they have been given diplomas that are supposed to indicate academic readiness," Education Secretary Gerald L. Zahorchak said in a written statement.

Zahorchak blames local school boards, not the state education bureaucracy for the failure.

"In too many cases, the high school graduation requirements set by local school boards are not serving students or taxpayers," Zahorchak said. "It is time to replace this patchwork system of local graduation requirements with a statewide system that will ensure every Pennsylvania high school student who receives a diploma is ready to succeed."

Explain to me again why Pennsylvania needs 501 school districts, with 501 school boards and 501 superintendents when the current system has failed us.

National Report Card Shows Gap Between PA Graduation Rates and Success After High School

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