
Monday, October 13, 2008

Web site for undecided voters

1 in 14 American voters is still undecided about the presidential race, according to a new Web site designed to help undecided voters make up their mind.

Web Site Empowers Undecided Voters


Wesley Matthews said...

After looking at the "unbiased" attempt at udecide to compare candidates, there is no way people would vote for McCain!

The web site even states that the creators plan to vote for Obama.

Check it out, what do you think?


I'm always suspicious of groups that claim to be non-partisan. Everyone has an ax to grind. And as we learned from the ACORN mess, most of these non-partisan groups are usually funded by one side or the other. If you haven't made up your mind by now, stay home. You'll only mess up the election for the rest of us.