
Monday, October 27, 2008

You might be a Pennsylvania redneck if ...

In response to recent comments by U.S. Congressman John Murtha that his constituents are racists and/or rednecks if they don't vote for Barack Obama, radio host and political commentator Doug Giles offers his own guide to Pennsylvania voters.

From Giles' column:
I have a question for my readers: Do you think Murtha works on being consistently ridiculous or does it come naturally? I think it's a natural gifting that's right up there with Gary Busey's brilliance.

Look, if not buying Barack's gobbledygook makes one a redneck then all I have to say is ... Yee-frickin'-haw! Slap some Charlie Daniels on the CD player, boil some crawdads and pass the moonshine, Jedediah, because I too ain't buying what he's a sellin'.
Here's a sampling from Giles designed to help Pennsylvania voters decided where they stand.

* If you think "socialism" when you hear Barack say "change," then you might be a redneck.

* If you think there's nothing about San Francisco that a rise in the ocean level could not cure, then you might be a redneck.

* If you think slick politicians who rise from a political dung heap like Chicago might not be the fresh breeze they purport to be, then you might be a redneck.

* If you think Michael Moore is John Murtha and Joy Behar's love child, then you might be a redneck.

* If you actually believe Obama's close buddy Bill Ayers when he says he's an anarchist, a Marxist and is unashamed of bombing the Pentagon and the Capitol building, then you might be a redneck.

* If you think Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for 20 years, is more unhinged than a spider monkey that just had turpentine poured on its butt, then you might be a redneck.

Read the full list, "Pennsylvanian Voters: You Might Be a Redneck If ..." at Gile's Web site,

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