
Monday, October 20, 2008

Reformer challenges Hennessey for 26th House seat

A political newcomer pushing a reform agenda wants to unseat Republican incumbent Rep. Tim Hennessey in Chester County's 26th House District.

Fern Kaufman, 42, sees her political inexperience as an advantage.

From an interview with The Mercury:
Calling Hennessy "one of the lifers who took the pay raise," Kaufman said her question for Hennessy is: "What have you done? If you don't want to do anything anymore, step aside for someone who does."

Hennessey has held the 26th District seat since 1993 and has won re-election several times without facing an opponent. Hennessey voted in favor of the infamous 2005 legislative pay raise and generally supports Republican leadership in the House.
Read the full story in The Mercury.

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