
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

One word to describe Obama: 'Hubris'

Hubris -- excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance

Tony Blankley, the outstanding political columnist for The Washington Times, says Sen. Barack Obama is who he is: The most arrogant man to ever seek the White House.

Blankley writes:
All of us have our shortcomings, of course. But there is none so dangerous, both to a man and to those for whom he has responsibility, than the sin of pride. Pope Gregory the Great in the sixth century recognized that pride breeds all the other sins, and is therefore the most serious offense. St. Thomas Aquinas reaffirmed that pride is rebellion against the very authority of God.

For a man, his personality is his destiny. If he becomes president, his flaws become the nation's dangers. The voters must judge carefully both the personality and the ideas of those who would be president.
Read "Obama is who he is" at the newspaper's Web site.

HT to Gunservatively! for pointing out the column.

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