U.S. Term Limits was founded in 1992 and has been working to enact term limit legislation at all government levels.
U.S. Term Limits "has seen term limits placed on 17 state legislatures, eight of the 10 largest cities in America adopted term limits for their city councils, and politicians continually failing at extending, or removing, their term limits," according to the Web site.
The group admits it is fighting an uphill battle:
American politicians, special interests and lobbyists continue to combat term limits, as they know term limits force out career politicians who are more concerned with their own gain than the interests of the American people.To support the effort to enact term limits, visit the group's Web site at http://www.termlimits.org/
USTL stands up against this practice. We are the voice of the American citizen. We want a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, not a tyrannical ruling class who care more about deals to benefit themselves, than their constituents.
Remember, every town councilman wants to be a congressman; every congressman wants to be a senator; and every Senator wants to be president.
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