
Thursday, September 18, 2008

'Will Democrats Ever Recover From Obama?'

Ernest Christian, an attorney and a former deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Ford administration, says the Democratic Party has proven (once again) that it is unfit to lead the nation by picking an inexperienced and unskilled candidate as its presidential nominee.

Writing in Investor's Business Daily, Christian argues:
The Barack Obama they are peddling is a media-created virtual person endowed by his creators with characteristics that do not represent the real Barack Obama. Millions of people are being duped.

The fictional Barack Obama may win the election in November, but if he does, it will be the real Barack Obama who will occupy the White House and exercise nearly untrammeled power over the lives and livelihoods of 300 million Americans. Therein lies the enormity of the trick the Democrats are playing on the American people.

Why should Americans of African heritage invest their hopes, dreams and identities in a Chicago pol with an unsavory past replete with radicals, racketeers and racists, a borderline Marxist agenda and a doubtful attitude toward America — and with whom they have nothing in common other than skin color?

How many Reagan Democrats want a left-wing collectivist in the White House, especially one who has no respect for them and their values? Even "liberals" do not actually like to pay high taxes or want the economic pie to be made smaller.

And nobody looks forward to a more authoritarian government. Who, for example, wants a government bureaucrat telling them which doctors to use, what medical care they can receive and when?
Read the full column at the newspaper's Web site.

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