
Monday, September 15, 2008

Democrats have an abortion problem

Liberal columnist Nat Hentoff exposes the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party when it comes to abortion.

Citing Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr.'s speech to the Democratic National Convention, Hentoff says he's still waiting to hear how Obama, who holds extreme views on abortion, can find "common ground" with more moderate Democrats.

Hentoff writes:
I waited expectantly to hear how common ground would be found on the now widely known fact that while in a senator in the Illinois legislature, Obama voted several times against a bill with this language: "A live child born as a result of an abortion (a botched abortion) shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law."

Is Sen. Bob Casey going to tell us where and how he has found common ground with Obama on this death penalty to babies born alive? I reported on such a case when a nurse protested as she was ordered by the doctor to put one of those unexpected in a pail in an adjoining room, where it would be disposed of. The child was not considered "one of us."
Read the full column, "The Democrats Have An Abortion Problem," at The Mercury's Web site.

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